Living IN Jesus Podcast

Living IN Jesus is a podcast designed to explore the depths of what it means to live a grace-filled life with Jesus as the focus. Be encouraged by listening to Spirit-filled conversations with a rotating panel of counselors and teachers from the counseling and training ministry of Christian Families Today.

Receiving the Gift of Righteousness

Righteousness is the currency needed to access a close relationship with God. However, it is impossible to earn His approval through our own efforts. Fortunately, God offers his righteousness as a gift in Jesus Christ. In this episode, Ross O'Hair and Beau Brezina engage in a transparent discussion, offering valuable insights into the struggles and triumphs of embracing God's divine gift of righteousness in Christ. Their conversation provides a fresh perspective on moving away from a performance-driven mindset, guiding us toward a more authentic and restful walk with God. Through personal anecdotes and thoughtful reflections, this episode inspires a deeper understanding of how righteousness transforms our lives, offering freedom from the pressures of perfectionism. As you listen, you will gain practical wisdom on living authentically and experiencing a genuine connection with God through the lens of His incredible gift of righteousness. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Who Are You? The Importance of Knowing Your Identity in Christ

Who are you? This is an important question because it relates to your worth, your belonging, and your purpose and actions. People often derive their identity from various sources such as their job, family ties, physical appearance, abilities, race, gender, nationality, or personal preferences. The possibilities are vast. Yet, all these sources of identity are unstable and ultimately incomplete. In this episode, Ross O'Hair and Ben Brezina dive into this critical topic of identity, emphasizing the importance of knowing and believing our identity in Christ. Seeing ourselves the way God sees us leads to a stable sense of worth, belonging, and purpose. Join the discussion as they explore how adopting God's perspective on our identity can transform our reactions, relationships, and overall life. You will gain practical insights on cultivating a lasting, Christ-centered identity. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


The Cost of Believing Lies

In this episode of the Living in Jesus podcast, Ross O'Hair and guest Greg Cleland discuss the high cost of believing lies. Greg transparently shares his personal journey, highlighting how he initially sought acceptance and self-worth through achievements, particularly in athletics. However, upon facing challenges and the loss of his football career, he spiraled into self-destructive behaviors, struggling with self-hatred, addiction, and feelings of inadequacy. The turning point came when Greg reached out to God, leading him to pursue a graduate degree in biblical counseling and eventually finding his freedom by embracing the truth of God's grace and his identity in the life of Jesus Christ. This conversation touches on the profound effect of lies on mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Greg also shares how his current challenge of end-stage kidney failure has further strengthened his reliance on God's sustaining grace, emphasizing the importance of surrendering to God's control and recognizing our vulnerability. The episode encourages us all to embrace the reality that true freedom comes from acknowledging our dependence on the life of Christ rather than striving for self-sufficiency. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


God’s Will For You

When we discuss God's will, we often think about decisions like choosing a job or a partner or figuring out how sickness or accidents fit into God's plan. But the Bible purposely connects God's will to specific things related to our relationships—with God, ourselves, and others. In this episode, Ross O'Hair speaks with Mark Fields, CFT’s life coach, about what the Bible states regarding God's will for people on this earth. Mark shares his insights, revealing a significant shift he has had in how he understands God's will. This episode goes beyond typical debates, urging us to explore the joy of an intimate relationship with Jesus. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God: God is Much More

God is way bigger and more amazing than we can fully understand. Nonetheless, He has graciously revealed many aspects of Himself in His Word, providing us with an opportunity to deepen our understanding of who He is. In this final installment of the "Knowing God" mini-series on the "Living in Jesus" podcast, hosts Ross O'Hair and Ben Brezina begin by revisiting previous conversations that delved into God's immediacy, power, kindness, friendship, and protective nature. Building upon these discussions, Ross and Ben expand into a large list of God's character and attributes. They aim to inspire us to actively pursue a deeper knowledge of God, fostering a more intimate connection with Him. Understanding God goes beyond mere information; it serves as a foundation for transformation when applied to developing a meaningful relationship with Him. Don't miss out on this chance to grow your relationship with God in the final episode of the "Knowing God" series! --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. Download Mentioned in the Episode: The Attributes of God Poster In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God: God is Our Defender

In this insightful episode, host Ross O’Hair and special guest Sabrina Frazier take you on a journey of understanding and confidence as they explore the concept of God as our defender. They delve into the challenges faced by the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, discussing hidden issues, misconceptions, and temptations that arise from being falsely judged and misunderstood. Discover how Sabrina's personal journey led her to find confidence in God and rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance. Through real-life examples and heartfelt conversations, you'll learn how God can inspire you to handle being judged and misunderstood with grace and kindness. Whether you have a disability or not, this episode's final takeaway - "God is Our Defender" - offers a powerful message of trust in God's promises, the importance of submitting to Him, and finding peace in life's battles. Tune in for a heartfelt discussion that offers valuable insights and a fresh perspective on how God can be your ultimate defender, no matter the circumstances. Don't miss this episode of the "Living in Jesus" podcast! --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God: God is a Friend

Friendship is a close and enduring bond based on trust, compassion, and mutual respect. True friendship is a special blessing in life. It is a gift God designed for all of us to experience. The good news is that God offers us his friendship. He has named us His friends. Proverbs speaks of a friend who sticks even closer than a brother, and thankfully, Jesus both calls us His friend and treats each of his followers as His brother. But what does it truly mean to be a friend of God? Many of us may have overlooked or not even thought about the concept of being friends with God. However, when we understand and accept that God is our close friend, it significantly alters the way we interact with Him in our daily lives. In this week's episode, Ross O'Hair and Tom Price explore the friendship God extends to us through Christ and how God is the wonderful, close friend with whom we are meant to share our lives. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God: God is Kind

Kindness is often an underrated word, but it represents a range of qualities we all desire more of in our lives. It embodies compassion, care, love, concern, and sympathy. When we understand and value the power of kindness, we begin to appreciate God and his incredible nature of kindness. In this week's episode, Ross O'Hair and Beau Brezina discuss how God's kindness is unparalleled and unreserved. When we make it a habit to recognize God’s daily kindnesses, it will transform our perception of Him, and in turn, how we treat ourselves and others. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God: God is Our Power

God possesses immense and unmatched power. His power is not just a distant force but a dynamic and ever-present reality in our lives. When we think about God's power, we're drawn to the enormity of His creative abilities. However, God's power isn't limited to creation alone; it's an active force that continues to sustain and interact with His creation. His power is deeply personal, as he desires to be intimately involved in the details of our individual journeys. In this episode, Ross O'Hair and Jamie Pyles discuss the significance of God's power and emphasize the importance of believers relying on God as their power source. As we depend on His power, our lives become a canvas for His glory to shine through, and our actions, no matter how seemingly insignificant, become vessels through which His extraordinary power is revealed to the world. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God: God is Immediate

At times, God may seem stern, distant, indifferent, or even uninvolved in our lives. This perception often arises when we compartmentalize our activities into sacred and secular realms. However, the undeniable truth is that God is always intimately close, compassionate, and deeply engaged with us. His heart brims with love for us, and His benevolent gaze never wavers. The Bible abounds with verses that affirm God's constant presence alongside us. Moreover, the gospel of Jesus Christ vividly illustrates God's desire to reside within us and work through us. As believers, we share a profound unity with God. In today's episode, Ross O'Hair and Mark Fields discuss the concept of God's immediacy – His presence in every circumstance and every moment. They explore how embracing this truth can open up daily opportunities for us to foster a deeper relationship with God in our everyday actions. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Knowing God

The pursuit of knowing God is an incredible, inspirational, and at times, daunting journey. What will we discover? How will it reshape our current understanding? Is God characterized by anger, boundless love, or some combination of the two? No matter what our current thoughts about God we may hold, the reality is that God is way bigger and better than we could ever imagine.  He is more loving, caring, and perfect than our minds can grasp.  Ultimately, He is inherently good. This truth forms the cornerstone for embarking on a deeper, more personal journey of knowing God. In today’s episode, Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina begin a mini-series on knowing God. In their discussion, they delve into the significance of deepening our understanding of God and offer insights into how we can achieve it. Their answers to the 'why' and 'how' emphasize that truth can indeed set us free and help us grow in our knowledge of God and love for him. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


How God Uses Disabilities

Having a disability often involves facing challenges and obstacles that individuals without disabilities might not encounter in their daily lives. These limitations can affect people physically, socially, and emotionally in a profound way. On top of the struggle, Satan sometimes uses these limitations to feed us lies about God, ourselves, and others. Many who struggle with disabilities struggle with believing that God has a plan for them. In this episode, Ross O’Hair talks with Sabrina Frazier about her hearing disability and her journey from believing lies about herself and God to embracing God in the middle of her struggle and glorifying God in and through her hearing impairment. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Confident Parenting

Parenting can be very challenging. Taking care of another human being's physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being comes with significant responsibility. Each child has unique needs, and every stage of life presents fresh challenges and a multitude of decisions to make. Amid the complexities of our world, our own personal struggles, and the difficulties we encounter with our children, we can be easily overwhelmed. Maintaining a sense of confidence in our parenting abilities might appear unattainable. Instead of being confident, we can find ourselves doubting our competence and wondering whether we possess the necessary qualities to effectively parent our children. However, God has some encouraging news for uncertain parents. God has not left us to navigate the parenting challenges alone. As Christians, we have what it takes because Jesus lives in us! In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Connie Brezina share how to parent confidently by depending on God’s indwelling, empowering, and guiding presence. By choosing to rely on Him in our roles as parents, we discover the secret to Godly, confident parenting. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Living IN Jesus

The New Testament frequently mentions the concept of Jesus residing within us. However, we also encounter the idea that we live in Jesus. This apparent paradox can prove challenging to grasp and even harder to observe in our daily lives. Nevertheless, Jesus assures us of our unity with Him. So, how can we tangibly experience this connection, comprehend it, and embrace its validity? What difference will this understanding make in our daily lives? In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina delve into what it means to live IN Jesus, shedding light on the profound transformation this understanding brings to our lives and the encouragement it provides in the midst of life’s difficulties and trials. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.  


Help for the Struggles of Life

We all encounter hardship and struggle in our lives. It is a fact of life. When we encounter life's pains, heartaches, and doubts, many of us instinctively seek to escape the struggle by any means possible. However, it is precisely these struggles and difficulties that often provide the most valuable and growth-inducing experiences. In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Tom Price talk about how God works in and through our hardships and struggles. As we turn to Him with our struggles, God’s Spirit acts as our unwavering anchor within us, providing strength, guidance, solace, and comfort so that we will endure and overcome. --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.  


Deepening Relationships by Asking Questions

God designed us to thrive in meaningful relationships with others, but nurturing and strengthening these connections requires a genuine understanding of one another. Many may wonder, how can we truly get to know someone else and deepen our bonds with those God brings into our lives? The answer lies in the power of asking questions. In this enlightening episode, Ross O’Hair and Mark Fields explore how the simple act of asking thoughtful questions can unlock doors to deeper, more meaningful relationships.  As we depend on God to lead us in asking good questions, others will experience the love of God, and our relationships will flourish and grow.  --- Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.  


Giving Our Burdens to God

We all care about our lives and cherish the moments of pleasure.  However, life is often filled with challenges and complexities, characterized by both highs and lows, burdens, and tribulations.  So how do we navigate through life’s difficulties and persevere?  The answer lies in relying on God. It may sound simple, but in reality, the God of the universe cares deeply about you and your life, more than you could ever comprehend. Even more remarkable is His loving desire to be with us and support us through every single moment.  Embracing this truth empowers us to cast our burdens and worries upon Him, trusting in His unfailing love and abundant provision. In today’s episode, Ross O’Hair and Ben Brezina talk about how to give our cares and burdens to God, emphasizing the importance of trust and intimacy in this process. Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


The Greatest Commandment

In Mark 12, Jesus reveals God’s greatest commandment given to humanity – to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Because this is what God most desires from people, this command should permeate every aspect of our lives. Yet it is all too easy to just get busy doing loving things for God and our neighbor without first understanding the how and the why. In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Connie Brezina discuss how the greatest commandment is rooted both in God’s nature and the necessity for us to have a deep and meaningful relationship with our Creator.  When we fully understand God’s loving nature and how we are connected to God in Christ, we are set free…Free to love God and others the way God intended.  Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Fear and Anxiety

Living with fear and anxiety can be incredibly challenging and debilitating. Our fears and chronic anxious thoughts can cast a dark shadow over every aspect of life, constantly weighing us down and restricting our ability to experience joy and fulfillment. Living with chronic anxiety not only erodes our mental well-being but also takes a toll on our physical and relational health. While many of us struggle with fear and anxiety today, these struggles are not new to our time. Since the fall of mankind, fear and anxiety have plagued us all.  But should we just resign ourselves to having to live with them forever? The answer is no!  In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Beau Brezina define fear and anxiety, share their personal experiences with anxious thoughts, and talk about how God empowers us to experience freedom by depending on Him and his truth. Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


Seeing Ourselves the Way God Sees Us

How does God see you? Does he like what he sees when he looks at you or is he always upset and frustrated with you? These are good questions, and understanding the correct answers to these questions is crucial for comprehending both ourselves and also the status of our relationship with God. Knowing God's real perspective of us in Christ and embracing it as our own self-perception will significantly impact our thoughts, choices, and behaviors. In other words, we often think and behave out of how we perceive ourselves. In this episode, Ross O’Hair and Tom Price discuss the transformative work of God in our lives through Christ, how God presently views us based on his work in Christ, and how we can begin to see ourselves the way God sees us.   Have a question or comment about this podcast? We want to hear from you. Email us at Interested in more?  Get the Living IN Jesus study. In need of individual counseling? Visit our website to schedule an online or in-person appointment.


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