Living one day at a time, it’s “5:00 somewhere” isn’t a time

I’m stating this podcast because I feel like I’ve lived a lot of my life on excuses. Excuses of why or why not I’d allow myself to do or act a certain way. Excuses of “can’t” or “it’s not for me” “not the right time, place, or people.” Oh and my favorite excuse, “it’s 5:00 🕔 somewhere” and reason to validate in my own head, let’s grab a drink! I’m learning daily who i really am and what i want out of life, with allowing excuses to quit literally run my life, it’s time to get out of my own way.

25, figuring out life, one day at a time.

Specifics on spiritual awakening I am currently having in my life. Chasing sobriety so desperately, realization. This is how distorted my perception has been for 10 years; finally coming to realize everything was not as “I” saw it


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