DiscoverLiving the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith
Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith
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Living the Abundant Life Christian Center Dr. Samuel Meredith

Author: Dr. Samuel Meredith

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Living the Abundant Life Christian Center (LALCC) is a church that is dedicated to teaching people how to live the abundant life God’s way. This is achieved through practical examples from the Word of God and individual guidance by the Holy Spirit. When people walk in the integrity of God’s Word and obedience to the Holy Spirit, they will begin to experience the abundant life God has already planned for them (Ephesians 1:17-19).
333 Episodes

Being Planted


Sometimes while we are passing through, God will plant us before we arrive at our destination. In other words, God has a completely different plan for our lives. During this transitional time we must stay focus on what God is saying. If we cooperate with Him, we will fulfill the plans that He has for us and enjoy the blessings.

The Mental Loop


The mental loop is a device used by the enemy to keep you from focusing on the rhema word that was delivered to you. It is a distraction at its root. When one falls prey to this mental loop, God will anoint someone to shake them out of this mental stupor to point them back to the rhema word that was given by God.

Faith for Children


Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. If you and your spouse desire a child, it is God's desire that you have a child. The determining factor is not, if it is God's will but your faith to believe.

A Faithful Servant


God requires us to be faithful in our home, place of employment and the church. One of the ways God requires us to be faithful, is by letting the leaders know when something is threatening the establishment. We must be able to faithfully inform the leadership of serious threats, before God can trust us to be leaders of our own establishment.



God desires mercy not sacrifice. Many churches will sacrifice those who are marginalized or the outcast of society. Those individuals are not welcomed in their church. However, God loves those individuals who are deemed unworthy. Learn about the mercies of God and His plan for you to live the abundant life.



What do you do when you have to work with someone who is attractive and they are attracted to you. Like Joseph and Potipher's wife, there are some situations you can't avoid. In those times we must trust in God. Now unto Him is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. Jude 24.

God's Honor


God requires us to honor our parents because of their position; not because we agree with them or that they do every thing right. When we can learn to honor God's way, everything else in life will flow correctly. If we do not honor God's way, we will not have a good life.

Obedience or Sacrifice


We should give our tithes and free will offering as the Lord commanded us. The rest is ours to take care of our family and the things we need. We should not feel obligated to give more if we do not have it. However, God will at times challenge us to give during our lean times and when we obey, God will bless us in such a way that we will know it was from God.



As children of God, we must judge the sin not the person (we must be careful unless we fall). This also includes judging people in our hearts, although we may never say a word to anyone. Remember God looks at our heart and He knows our thoughts.

Running Out or Over


Opportunity comes when we least expect it. However, what we meditate on, do and say on a daily basis will determine how we respond to opportunity which reveals the mindset of running out or running over.
To trust in the Lord is to obey Him. Jesus said if we love Him we will keep His commandments. Sometimes our love, respect, and fear will keep us from obeying God. If we do not obey, we do not trust.

The Author


We will experience faith failures if Jesus did not author what we are trying to accomplish. Many times we are guilty of assuming God is going to bless our works. However, if he did not author it; He is not obligated to back it. We must always ask ourselves this question, "Who authored this".

Live In The Moment


God wants us to live in the moment, "It is in Him that we live and move and have our being". He wants us to minister to people while we are on our assignment or on our way to our assignment. Jesus healed many individuals while traveling to a nearby town. He was always ready to do the will of the Father and so we must be ready to do the Father's will.

The Culture


God will send us to a place where His light is dim however, before we can impact the culture we must first learn the culture. While we are learning the culture, it can seem as if we are going backwards. We may question if we heard from God correctly. But if we stay with the assignment, God will use us in an impactful way to help change the culture.

Praise and Worship


When we worship God corporately with a sincere heart and we seek to live a lifestyle of obedience, the songs that we sing will manifest in our lives. We must make sure that we sing songs of life because the scripture says "All things are upheld by the word of His power." Obey and allow the word of life to manifest in your life.

See and Do


Looking unto Jesus who is the author and developer of our faith. If we have questions in our walk in life we can always look to Jesus for the answer. He will always show/teach us and then He will give us the opportunity to demonstrate what we have been taught.

A Separation


When people are hurt, separation is sometimes necessary before healing can take place. Consequently, we don't like to separate because we feel that it is a sign of defeat. However, God can use this time of separation to help us heal properly and in doing so, we can complete the race that is set before us.
Sometimes God will prompt us to advise someone who is going down the wrong path and we may struggle within to obey. The word says to him who knows to do good and doesn't, it is sin. When we have that knowing from the Holy Spirit, we must advise in love to please the father. In doing so we will become a preacher of righteousness.



When we fellowship with one another many times we become unified. The word says it is good for us to dwell together in unity. When we stay in fellowship or honor those who were/are in authority over us. we will receive the commanded blessing.



God will give us a gift or talent to help us to prosper. He will also place us in situations to turn our weaknessess into strength ( Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith). If we want our weaknesses to become strength, we must be willing to change.
The Word tells us that there are two wisdoms available to us. One the comes from above and the one that is of this world. God will send spiritual and natural mentors our way to help us fulfill our destiny.



Supposition is the practice of listening to the enemies scenarios that are based on if. "If a person says or. does this, I will do that." After meditating on the scenario for a while, the enemy will bring an opportunity to carry out the scenario you have been meditating on. Supposition is a device used by the enemy to ensnare you.



Jesus was moved with compassion. When He was moved with compassion, He took action. Compassion is love in action, it causes you to do something. Sometimes compassion can change the trajectory of your life. It will motivate you to make a difference in others lives.

Worthy of His Calling


God wants to make us worthy of His calling. Embedded in the calling is the desire to communicate with God. We can't do the task without His assistance. As we communicate with Him a relationship will began to form. Eventually, we will began talking to Him through the day. It will become our custom.



Hope is an example of Love in Action. We may recognize this as a testimony where it will inspire hope. Sometimes God will prepare us and send us out to be an example or inspire hope to individuals. These individuals become beacons of hope for others.

Great Opposition


The enemy will use offense as a method to keep believers from developing their christian walk. Believers are destined to do something great however, this will only be achieved if we are serving and serving at the right church.

The Defensive Player


When we first began playing basketball our greatest contribution will be defense until we develop our offensive game. God operates the same, in that He will send us somewhere to help someone else achieve their goals before His ultimate plan for our lives are reached.

Agape Love


God loved us so much that He gave His son. He was willing to give His all for us. At times we must be willing to demonstrate this agape love before we receive our request from God.

The Appointed Time


The appointed time is a set time when God will introduce Himself to you or reveal His plans for you. Sometimes, He reveals His plans later in life and other times He will reveal His plans at an early age. Sometimes, when He reveals His plans, He must enroll you into His accelerated program to prepare you for the appointed time in which you will start your ministry/assignment.

God's Will


We don't have to plead with God for Him to reveal His will for our lives. He wants to reveal Himself more than we desire. To know His will, we must start doing whatever He tells us. Soon, He will reveal to us what He ultimately wants us to do in life.

Confirming His Word II


God will send us to our place of employment so He can work with us and confirm His word in us. His goal is to use us to make that place prosper. He wants to distinguish us from the other employees. He wants us to live a life of power, meaning He will confirm His word in us through signs.

The God Of All Comfort


In life we all have to go through things. What we do while we are going through will be revealed at the end. If we allow God to help us, we won't look like what we have been through. If we focus on the negative while enduring, we may become a negative person. Allow God to comfort you while you are going through the hardships of life.
The enemy will use our desire to please God against us through deception. Many times the enemy will give us an idea or thought behind a move of God and spiritualize this idea. Can this idea stand alone? if not, it is not from God. Our ability to distinguish between an instruction from God followed by an instruction from the enemy will be vital to us reaching our destiny.
When we are serving, are we ministering from our soul or the Spirit? Ministering from the soul or flesh looks like the Spirit. When playing, singing, teaching or preaching from the soul it always connects to a person's intellect and emotions. This makes them feel good but it has no power. When one minister's by the Spirit, they are uplifted and they see their issues from God's point of view resulting in deliverance, salvation and healing.

Divine Connections


Divine connections are made by God when He joins two individuals together. Sometimes the relationship will be father-son (mother-daughter), brothers or sisters, and husbands and wives. Divine connections are always a two way street, meaning it will be beneficial for both parties. However, the enemy will try to strategically influence us to sever these connections.



We must discern when God is moving in our everyday lives. We learn how to discern when we are in His presence and when we read His word. When we are in His presence we experience Him. When we are at a fork in the road, we will sense this divine fingerprint and we will know what to do. Other times when we are at a fork, His word will come to us guiding us to the right choice.



The enemy will use negative outcomes from premarital sex to negatively impact our intimacy with our spouse. Because of this, sometimes it can be difficult to connect with our spouse during intimacy. The scriptures says, "When we engage in sexual immorality, we sin against our own body." In this sermon we will uncover some of theses attacks and discover God's remedy for this problem.

Telling Them Off


Everything we do in word or deed should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus or in love. When we practice love we can receive the benefits. But if we practice operating in the flesh, we will give an opportunity for the enemy to attack us. A step out of love is a step into sin. Faith operates by love.

Signs and Wonders


Signs and Wonders will follow them that believe. Signs and wonders are always indicative to your God given assignment. In other words, what ever miracle you need on your God given journey, God will provide.
God has given us power over sickness. We were told to lay hands on the sick and they will recover. To see this manifestation we must walk in our authority. To walk in our authority we must be vertically aligned with the father, in other words we must be on our God given assignment and walk in obedience. We must also be horizontally aligned with our brothers and sisters, meaning we must walk in love with everyone.

Doing a New Thing


God is doing a new thing in you. Your training/preparation looks a little different from others in the faith and you at times, may question if you have missed God. Stay encourage and follow Jesus. Your preparation is different because you have to reach this new generation, so your preparation must be different. Trust God!

An Expected End


The Lord wants to give us long life with an expected end. In other words, God wants to be involved with how we leave. Do not entertain doubtful statements such as, "You never know where death is." That has nothing to do with your covenant with God. He said in His word, He will satisfy you with long life and show you His salvation or His goodness.
The enemy will try to put pressure on you to conform through social pressure. Social pressure is the way of life or expectations of the world. This is also called the wisdom of this age. The wisdom of this age will put pressure on you to disobey God.
The Lord will often tell us of major events regarding the organizations we belong to, such as our job, church and family. He informs us because He loves us and we are His friends. It is important that we obey His word and His promptings to live the abundant life that He has for us.

More Than A Conqueror


Many people in the world will get through difficulties in life. However, God wants us to be more than a conqueror and not just get through life challenges. To be more than a conqueror, we must allow the word to heal our hearts when we face painful difficulties. When we heal God's way, God will not only heal out hearts but bless us for going through the difficulties, His way.
God will always let you know when it is time to transition into your calling/assignment. Many times people will know because that anointing to step into that calling is on you. No one can stop you from walking into the calling except you. Don't allow the traps of life or unforgiveness to stop you from transitioning.



The kingdom does not come with observation. You can't see it in the natural because it is a function of the spirit realm. Jesus said, it is in you. So you can't check in the natural for evidence to see if the kingdom is working. When the lepers came to Jesus they were healed in the spirit the moment Jesus prayed for them but there was no evidence in the natural. They were healed as they went. So, live your life, believe God and your prayer will become a reality, if you continue to believe.



We all have thorns and we must use the Word of God to uproot all the thorns out of our heart. The enemy uses thorns (cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches and lust) to try choke the word out of us so we can become unfruitful. However, meditation on the Word of God and obedience to the Spirit, will cause us to become fruitful and we will reach our God ordained destiny.



Sin has pleasure for a season however, when it has matured death will always come. The enemy loves to use adultery to ensnare people because it destroys and negatively impact many lives. If you have not committed adultery but you are in a fog or you have committed and are in the pleasure season; God wants to give you a way to escape.

Receiving the Promise


All the promises of God are yes and in Him, amen. In other words all the promises that God made are for us and we must agree with it before it comes to past. This includes the promises that God has revealed to us through visions, dreams or what He has spoken to our hearts as well as the promises written in His word.
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