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Lizard Tracks

Author: Wayne Patton

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The Story Of God is a daily devotional from the Bible featuring Wayne our Storyteller. He gives you a fresh perspective on the Bible told as an exciting story as it was meant to be shared. New episodes are posted M-F. Subscribe today.
1100 Episodes
Sing of Deliverance – This story is crafted from Judges 6:30-40 where The timid man, Gideon, who just yesterday was hiding in a wine press pit while he winnowed his wheat crop. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast, App, or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Altar Burned – This story is crafted from Judges 6:25-33 where God had spoken to Gideon, his Valiant Warrior, in a dream. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast, App, or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Gideon’s Offering – This story is crafted from Judges 6:19-25 where Only the Angle who is visiting him makes it clear that he is the Valiant Warrior who will fight and remove the Midianite Army by himself, with the help of the Lord God. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast, App, or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Gideon Visited– This story is crafted from Judges 6: 11- 27 where Gideon, a man of no importance, was hiding down in the wine press where they prepare the grapes winnowing his wheat harvest. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast, App, or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Oppression of Israel – This story is crafted from Judges 6:1-10 where the people of God did not follow his teachings or commandments but did evil in the sight of the Lord. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast, App, or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
This Is How It Ends - This story is crafted from Judges 16 where The Philistine Lords gathered in the temple of Dagon their god to celebrate the demise of Samson. It was a great gartering with Lords from all over the country to come to see the Great Samson now a blind beggar in chains. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Delilah Wins - This story is crafted from Judges 16 where Delilah is not happy with Samson. She has tried and tried to get him to share his secret to his power with her but as of yet he has only toyed with her. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Delilah - This story is crafted from Judges 16 where Samson plagued the Philistines for twenty years as a judge over Israel. A woman caught the eye of Samson, her name of Delilah. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Blind Rage - This story is crafted from Judges 15 where the Philistines burned Samson’s wife at the stake thus enraging Samson. He stood before his enemies and shouted these words. “Since you act like this, I will surely take revenge on you, but after that I will quit”. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Foxes Have Tales - This story is crafted from Judges 15 where Samson returned back to the family of his wife. He was joyful because it was the time of the wheat harvest so he brought a young goat to celebrate with his wife. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
The Answer - This story is crafted from Judges 14 where Samson was a wagering man and he wagered that in seven days the friends of his wife, who were his enemies, could not guess a riddled he had pondered. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
The Wedding - This story is crafted from Judges 14 where Samson’s wedding day was a great feast with new friends but these friends were the enemies of the sons of Israel. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
The Lion - This story is crafted from Judges14 where Samson now a grown man, walked over to the town of Timnah in Philistine territory and found a girl that caught his eye. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Manoah Sees An Angel - This story is crafted from Judges 13 where Manoah was surprised when his wife came running out of the field;”Manoah he is back, that man, hurry come see, I told him to wait. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
The Cry - This story is crafted from Judges 13 where the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of God, so he gave them into the hands of the Philistines for forty years. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Podcast Lizard Tracks.
Elijah Taken Up Into Heaven - This story is crafted from 1 Kings 18. If you have not heard Elijah did not die but went directly to heaven. The story is a bit strange but it comes right out of the Bible. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Lizard Tracks.
Elijah’s New Disciple - This story is crafted from 1 Kings 19. God has his eyes on Elijah's replacement. He has given Elijah his marching order to find a man to fill his shoes. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Lizard Tracks.
The Mountain of God - This story is crafted from 1 Kings 19. It is here we find Elijah seeking a personal audience with the Great High God Himself. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Lizard Tracks.
Jezebel’s Scorn - This story is crafted from the book of 1 Kings chapter 19. Jezebel is made and has only one thing on her mind. The death of Elijah who is responsible for killing her 450 prophets of Baal. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Lizard Tracks.
Elijah Calls of God - This story is crafted from 1 Kings 18. It is the second part of the story on Mt. Carmel. It is here we see God respond to Elijah’s prayer. To find out how you can support this ministry by visiting our website at My stories can be found on your favorite podcast App or Alexa, search for Lizard Tracks.