#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Solonia Wade-Baskins - Co-owner | Progressive Business and Finance, LLC | www.progressivebusinessfinance.comGuest - Gary Laney, Speaker, Author, and Coach, Founder and CEO of Success Masters and author of Become a Super Leader and The Power of Strategic Influence | 2X #1 Bestselling Author | 3X Award Winning Sales Leader | Mastery Keynote Speaker | Serial Entrepreneur | Co-Founder, Former CEO Trustegrity | All American High School Athlete | CEO SBL Mastermind | Kellogg MBA | www.garyclaney.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Solonia Wade-Baskins - Co-owner | Progressive Business and Finance, LLC | www.progressivebusinessfinance.comGuests - Richard Evans - Owner | Reaction Plastic Solution, LLC, Statesville, NC | www.reactionplastics.com - Sam Baskin - Co-Owner | Progressive Business Finance, LLCLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Solonia Wade-Baskins - Co-owner | Progressive Business and Finance, LLC | www.progressivebusinessfinance.comGuest- - Cassidy Smith, MD - Owner | Skyn Elegant Aesthetics | Huntersville, NC | www.skynelegantaesthetic.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Matthew Rand - Business Coach, Personal Development Guru, Real Estate Investor, Public Speaker, T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor, Author, SiddhaGuest- - Katie Florian - Cybersecurity & Financial Strategist of Ciprian IT | Co-Owner | www.ciprianit.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Matthew Rand - Business Coach, Personal Development Guru, Real Estate Investor, Public Speaker, T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor, Author, SiddhaGuest- - Tom Baker - Founder / CEO of Steering Wheel Nation | www.steeringwheelnation.com/homeLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Matthew Rand, Business Coach, Personal Development Guru, Real Estate Investor; Public Speaker; T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor, Author, SiddhaGuest- - Stacy Garcia, Owner of Stacy Garcia Design Studio | Website: https://stacygarciainc.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Matthew Rand - Business Coach, Personal Development Guru, Real Estate Investor, Public Speaker, T'ai Chi Ch'uan Instructor, Author, SiddhaGuest- - Don Clayton - Owner of 360 Consulting Group, LLC | Chief Talent Officer at FranServe Inc.Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Michael Clegg - CEO/Managing Partner of Q Works Group, Leadership Coach / Keynote Speaker at Leadership SquaredGuest- - Chuck Cooper - Author, President & Founder of White Water Consulting LLC, www.whitewaterconsulting.netLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Michael Clegg, CEO/Managing Partner of Q Works Group, Leadership Coach / Keynote Speaker at Leadership SquaredGuest- - Harm Stratman, Owner / CEO of Core 4 Business Coaching, www.core4businesscoaching.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
LIVE | Local Biz Now | Hosted by Joe Vagnone | Small Business Broker#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Brian Kennedy, Chief Catalyst & Encourager at Brian Kennedy Global | Website: briankennedyglobal.comGuest- - Andy Juhasz, Owner of The Sign Post in Mooresville, NC | Website: https://thesignpostonline.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC ! Over 10 years strong… Over 825 interviews…. · 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers now Are you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Host- - Brian Kennedy, Chief Catalyst & Encourager at Brian Kennedy Global | Website: briankennedyglobal.com Guest- - Mary Brouillette, CEO of Project Rent No More LLC. | Website: projectrentnomore.com Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News App Phone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Hosts- - Danny Decker, CEO @ The Automatic Marketing Agency. - Tracy White,PHR, SHRM-CP, Operations focused global Human Resources leader at Davidson Group HR Solutions. Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Hosts- - Sherre’ DeMao | BizGrowth Maestro | COO On-Call | Creating High-Performance Strategies for Exponential Growth in Business Value, Preference, and Worth (Virtual & In-Person) - Chris Villani, Creator of Rise of the Super Athlete: Ground up design of Mental Toughness, Focus and Unstoppable Confidence | Owner of Performance Coaching Unleashed, LLC Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. Co-Hosts- - James Sanders | President of Shared Resources Technology Solutions of NC, LLC - Chuck Cooper | Author and President & Founder of Whitewater Consulting LLCLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. November Co-Host- - Patrick Reynolds, Professional speaker at PRemcee.com, emcee at Waves Entertainment, on-air host at WSIC RadioToday's Guest- - Ahron Oddman, Owner CEO of PSS, and Founder / CEO of FolioLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. November Co-Host- - Patrick Reynolds | Professional Speaker at PRemcee.com, Emcee at Waves Entertainment, on-air host at WSIC RadioToday's Guest- - Robert Archer, Owner of Charlotte Balloon Experts, theamazingmrarcher.com Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC ! Over 10 years strong… Over 825 interviews…. · 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers now Are you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. October Co-Host- - Patrick Reynolds, Professional Speaker at PRemcee.com | Emcee at Waves Entertainment | WSIC Radio Host | Author Today's Guests- - Mark Lancaster, President of Lancaster Custom Dock and Lift System, Inc. - Dave Wigfield, Former Owner of Ace Handyman LKN Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News App Phone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities.October Co-Host- - Michael Clegg, is CEO/Managing Partner of Q Works Group and is Leadership Coach / Keynote Speaker at Leadership SquaredToday's Guest- - Kevin Bray - President of Archangels Shield, LLC - archangelsshield.com Local Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. September Co-Host- Austin Helms - Founding Partner at NuBlue Service Group / Halftime Rentals / Licensed AuctioneerToday's Guest- - Tommy Tham and Tyler Elliott - Owners / Partners of Ace Handyman Services of Lake NormanLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4
#1 Live Business Talk Radio Show in NC !Over 10 years strong…Over 825 interviews….· 582 videos on the tubes….111 subscribers nowAre you curious about the inspiring stories behind successful local businesses? Do you want to learn about the challenges they faced and the triumphs they celebrated? Look no further than “Local Biz Now,” the radio show that brings you up close and personal with the entrepreneurs who are shaping their communities. September Co-Host- Austin Helms - Founding Partner at NuBlue Service Group / Halftime Rentals / Licensed AuctioneerToday's Guest- - Michael Clegg, is CEO/Managing Partner of Q Works Group and is Leadership Coach / Keynote Speaker at Leadership Squared -Website - leadership-squared.com qworksgroup.comLocal Biz Now | Mondays | 4pm to 5pm | WSIC News AppPhone Lines are OPEN | Call 844-STUDIO-4