DiscoverLogos of Experience and Truth
Logos of Experience and Truth

Logos of Experience and Truth

Author: Jonathan Enderica

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This podcast is for the curious Catholic interested in understanding Gnostic, Occult, Hermetic, New Age, and Ancient World mystery school teachings to strengthen their faith through knowledge, as well as for practitioners of those mystery schools interested in Catholic mystical traditions to see the internal Church alongside the external. I find myself somewhere in between these divergent trains of thought and have determined that when the layers of external meaning are peeled away, there's a harmony when it has to do with the mystical vision and experience. This podcast reflects my lifelong curiosity to uncover the allegorical symbols in the languages of different mystical schools, exploring the similarities and differences that exist specifically when it comes to the mystical vision and experience, and systematizing the path and the steps that lead one to the experience drug free. Join me on the Logos of Experience and Truth as I navigate these dark hallways of the ancient mysteries and mysticism with the light of illumination I've received from my own mystical visions and experiences.
49 Episodes
The end goal of all religion and spiritual practice is to have or receive some type of vision.  In Catholic Christianity this is called the Beatific Vision, but it is also known as Gnosis, Enlightenment and in general, the mystical union. The core to understanding what mystical vision is and how it comes about begins with the Knowledge of the Self.  Who, what and why are we? The quest for answers to these questions, to these enigmas of human experience, begins or continues further, now. Welcome to the Logos of Experience and Truth. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Season One Trailer

Season One Trailer


Know thyself.  This concept is what permeates every episode in the first season of this podcast.  I talk about many things during these ten episodes, but I speak constantly on the self, the false self and what the Self of God is.  The true mystic uncovers answers to these questions during their experiences.  It takes time to fully grasp the concepts but once grasped, they can be shared.  I am sharing what I have discerned with you now. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Introduction to the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision of God and an explanation of one such ascension experience I've witnessed. This was my first recorded podcast and is exceptionally dense as an introductory episode. Introductions to mystical religious visionary experiences The question that needed answering that has propelled me towards this podcast Re-telling of the mystical visionary experience I had of Ascending to the Temple of the Father on March 25, 2018. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
This episode follows the immediate events of the mystical ascension described in the previous episode.  Having never taken astrology in any meaningful way, the mystical vision seen, and the accompanying eye-opening dream forced me to question further. I dive into astrology and its relevance to a mystical experience Speak on my prior detestation to anything having to do with astrology as I explain the astronomical and astrological phenomena witnessed on the night of Mystical Ascension Interpretation of three different dreams in one night all centered around the concept of union Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
What is the Beatific Vision of God?  The first half of this episode will be technical definitions so we're on the same page.  The second half is an overview of the life-altering, mind and habit destroying mystical experiences that the host believes he's had over the past twenty years. Deep dive into Beatific Vision; what it is and the traditional definitions surrounding it Struggles within the Christian religion and various theological ideas that are part of it Overview of the experiences the host has had that have either confirmed the invisible Kingdom of Heaven or confirmed his deep mental disorder. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Pierce through the illusion of maya, the illusion of the Matrix in your own mind with Christian, Gnostic, Buddhist, and neurological understandings to see the truth of the human condition of thinking and consciousness.  Regain control of your mind by learning what is and is not your mind. Getting tongue-tied at the impossibility of describing that which is beyond being described (God), and what that means exactly. Use of neurological, Christian, Hindu and Buddhist terms to describe the difference between the mind and world of form and the mind and Kingdom of Heaven. Why does Jesus repeatedly say the Kingdom of Heaven is all around us but is not seen? Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Ever had a dream come true in some way when you woke up?  That’s called synchronicity.  Was String Theory a modern interpretation of the occult principle of vibration?  That’s why science got rid of the theory?  How is Christ the Logos, the Word of God, yet also the Son of God, separate from God, yet begotten not made by God and somehow the same as God, yet still separate and subject to the Will of God?  Yes.  I answer this. An example of a synchronous event having just occurred and many of the questions that surround such events Explorations into the occult principles of vibration, gender, and polarity alongside discussions of Hermes Trismegistus, The Hermetica, The Kybalion, Ancient Mysteries, Moses and Pharaoh Akhenaten and the legendary Bible versus the historical and scholarly Bible The Logos, the Word, the Second Person of the Trinity, the Mind of God spoken of in detail with the finer points within the Nicene Creed illuminated Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
With what is our Self and the Self of God in the Logos or Christ analyzed and identified, the next logical question is asked: How is our self like the Self of God if we are made in the image of God? Dense material that spans across the gender of mind, against Sola Scriptura, what a mystic seeks and answering an especially important question to any listener of these types of subjects: Why should I care about prayer or meditation?  What do I get out of it? I make pains to explain how and why I’m not a heretic even if I speak of very esoteric ideas and concepts that make me sound like a heretic. Second attempt at a guided meditation with the goal of showing a listener how they are like God in a particular way. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
When is the Self not the Self?  How are the Gnostic and Buddhist paths of self-negation capable of leading one to truth of no Self just as the Christian and Hindu paths of self-affirmation lead to truth of a Self?  It is a paradoxical mystery that I aim to answer in this episode. Reflections on the discussion and meditation on Self found in episode six along with deeper elucidations from the first-person point of view Deep dive discourse on Gnostic, Buddhist and Christian ideas surrounding self and no self. How the Apostles were confronted with the paths of self-negation and self-affirmation through Jesus Christ Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Belief shapes the reality we see and experience.  I’ve spoken of it religiously, through the occult Gnostic texts and dive deeper into it with science and neurology here.  It’s what determines what side we are on in all things, the polarity, the scale, the left or the right.  How do we gain control over our beliefs especially if we already believe in something as simple as the news reports the news because what else would it report but the news; and the news must be factual because it wouldn’t then be the news if it didn’t tell the truth, now would it? The nature of belief shaping physical reality is explored through neurology and science with why light is sometimes a particle or a wave, along with Jesus showing up on toast and how the mystic can see truth because they’ve already seen and identified the fiction. November 6th, 2020, revisited in a rare political outburst in these podcasts.  This rant isn’t about what you’re thinking but is entirely about mind control and manipulation via the multitude of media outlets, especially social media, which has enslaved the mind of the world. The secret of the gospels for those that have listened to the previous three episodes and what the Lord Jesus Christ is asking each of us to do when He speaks to us across the centuries. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
What if God was an idea created to teach people how to reach their most inner and true Self?  Our thoughts and beliefs about this would put our faith to the test and yet strengthen that same faith as well.  If thoughts and beliefs shape our perception of reality, what happens if we pause belief in God and exchange it for belief in the Self using Pascal’s wager? I wrote something in 2009.  I read that something in 2020.  Later that day what I’d read appeared in another form of media.  I was aware of the connections.  Chance or synchronicity?  Let’s explore the topic of thoughts and beliefs shaping reality further. The belief in God is stripped away and the idea of Self replaced to bring us deeper into the mystery of the mind. Pascal’s wager is reimagined with the belief in Self instead of God. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
If one has never asked if they are their true and authentic self, how can one seek to find it within the maelstrom of the mind?  I discuss this difficult concept with my wife and share some of the findings along with ranting a bit on the various obsessions along the path that stood in my way of spiritual rebirth in the true self.  These discussions center around something everyone knows they’re dealing with, the combat within the mind of what the heart says to do and what the mind winds up doing instead.  The submission of the will to the God, or the lack thereof. Personal story of conversation with the wife on Pascal’s wager and the search for the self that is put through her medical degree and overworked womanhood and the comparison of each of us to the Biblical characters of Martha and Mary. Several rants on finding the fertile soil for the seeds of ideas to be planted in my mind and my personal path towards breaking the old to find the new. The battle within the mind and heart is the one of submission to the will of God and finding and listening to the inner voice of conscience or the spirit that leads us to the state of grace. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Season One Summary

Season One Summary


This summary of the first season of the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast serves several purposes.  It is meant to make it easier to understand the contents of an entire seven hours of audio material and to give listeners a way to sift through the many parts where I wander in and out of tangents and subjects from one paragraph to the next.  Here is an outline to make the process of understanding each episode better. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Season Two Trailer

Season Two Trailer


Season 2 of the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast begins with Hell and Death.  Seems a strange way to start something since both concepts have more of a final/ending connotation to them but that is the nature of the Mysteries: life after death.  This is a brief overview of what the next ten episodes will contain. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
Is Hell a place one goes to after death or is it something here, now, all around us?  This was a question I'd never once asked myself truly until I dabbled with a new drug that uncorked my mind into a hellscape of subliminal desecration.  Whether a physical place or not in some afterlife matters not for it most definitely exists within the mind and the experience of and within the mind.  This was the experience that opened my eyes to the dangers of mental manipulation and subliminal conditioning. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
An NDE or near-death experience is somewhat of an interesting definition considering many that have the experience say it is life-changing, me included.  Being so near to death brings life, rebirth, or renewal.  It is a fact within nature all around and within us. I cannot say this experience was a pure mystical experience for it was drug induced, though not intentionally.  The psychedelic quality of the experience existed and/or was the medium to the Visionary experience yet considering the death aspect I’ve never been fully convinced it was solely psychedelic drug mysticism of some sort, again, especially because I had zero intention or motivation or training for such an experience. Either way, I saw what I saw and will detail what was seen and how it was seen and much as I stated in the first episode, hopefully by providing such details the listener or reader will know that this experience was not made up in the creative sense but witnessed or endured as the ordeal found in the ancient mysteries. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
The skeptic mind is a powerful one.  Give me facts and make sure they are only based upon the scientific paradigm of rules I want to follow and trust in, or I will label whatever you give me as false and untrue.  I came across many things leading up to what was described in the Descent into Hell and Near-Death Experience episodes.  I thought about these experiences as strange and weird but utter nonsense even as the evidence was staring me in the face.  Why?  I answer this in the podcast, but it was because if I truly did believe in God, which is what these experiences were pointing towards, then it would mean needing to change the life that I was living.  And who truly wishes to do that, especially at age 19? Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
The royal art as it was called in the ancient world included many different areas of expertise ranging from astrology to memorization of prayers or incantations to the alchemical art of transforming one substance into another.  The true transmutation occurs in the mind versus the traditional lead into gold external idea and this episode focuses on this underlying and explicit concept and the actions taken that helped to formulate the new internal spiritual gold as I transitioned from the state of mind and being that I lived and existed in and through prior to the near-death mystical experience, and then by the process of mental transmutation transitioned into the mental state after having the experience that was one of being one in and through a spiritually minded lens and life. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
In this episode I provide five different experiences of the mystery of the ensouled human, each entirely removed from any drug use from the past that may have still been circulating within my mind and body.  None of these experiences of the mystery are as grandiose as the near-death experience spoken of in the first and second episodes of this season, but each of them conveys the deepening or widening of the mental faculties in understanding that which is called spiritual or mystical and being observant of all that is occurring within and without.  Topics range from the Christian and Protestant confusion, Native American sweat lodge, Masonic meditation lodge and trust walking in West LA.  Join me in this episode as we dive deeper into the mystery. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit:
The Bible is littered with dreams of a high spiritual nature, dreams interpreted by those with a high spiritual acumen, dreams of portent, dreams to come and dream experiences of a high prophetic or mystical nature.  To dream during sleep is human and to seek meaning from an activity we do for one third of our entire life is natural.  Not everybody does so anymore currently, but I’ve taken the effort to keep track of my dreams and have found them, occasionally, to be profoundly spiritual and mystical.  Let’s explore some of these dreams I’ve had and hopefully spur you to do the same if you don’t keep a dream journal already. Click the Link for more detailed episode notes: Explore the mysteries of the mystical Beatific Vision at Logos of Experience and Truth! "Lucifer Revealed": A fictional work about Etherius, the angel guarding the gates into Eden who has lost his memory and knowledge of himself and his home in Heaven.  He journeys to find Lucifer and learn about the worth of humanity. Throughout his journey, Etherius questions the justice or punishment of God and struggles to understand the symbiotic relationship between angels and humans. "The Vision Explained Deeper": An exclusive 18-part podcast series that focuses on the image and pattern of what has been seen and documented throughout the history of the world during the mystical experience. Tip to Support the Logos of Experience and Truth Podcast. Facebook: Twitter: Reddit: