Long Story Short

Oklahoma Watch is a nonprofit news organization specializing in investigative journalism. Long Story Short, a weekly podcast sponsored by the Kirkpatrick Foundation, lets you hear directly from our journalists as they provide deeper insight into their recently published stories.

Memorial Day Weekend Mass Evictions

Heather Warlick discusses an unusually heavy eviction docket at the OKCounty District Courthouse. Paul Monies on how he found that GOP lawmakers had funded a new incentive for the oil and gas industry. Paul and Ted Streuli discuss the OSDE PR contract. Ted Streuli hosts.


House Committee Approves Most of Walters’ Controversial Rule Changes

Jennifer Palmer has been following the rare opposition to an agency’s proposed rule changes happening between lawmakers and the DoE. Paul Monies on the fallout from a 2022 law that forbids state pension funds, agencies and local governments from doing business with big banks thought to be boycotting the energy industry. Heather Warlick reported on an eviction case in which a man was evicted from his home for the alleged actions of another person. Ted Streuli hosts.


Millions More Go To Oklahoma Hospitals As Managed Care Begins

Paul Monies looks into how hospitals across Oklahoma are getting extra payments as part of the state’s move to a managed care payment model for its Medicaid program. Keaton Ross on several consequential bills affecting Oklahoma’s courts, prisons and jails. Jennifer Palmer talks about the education bills she’s watching in the final weeks of this year’s legislative session.


How Oklahoma Zoning Laws Contribute to the Housing Crisis

Heather Warlick recently wrote about how Oklahoma’s restrictive zoning ordinances may stand in the way of solving the state’s affordable housing shortage. Paul Monies discusses the latest developments at the Capitol, where lawmakers are in the last month of the regular session. Keaton Ross' latest story reported that staff at the Lawton Correctional Facility were negligent as a prisoner was brutally murdered. Ted Streuli hosts.


Sick to Death: The Unique Challenges of Heath Care for The Unhoused

Reporter Jennifer Palmer discusses her story about the high rate of teacher turnover in Oklahoma, Paul Monies reports on the state's Free Speech Committee, and Heather Warlick talks about the health care challenges unique to those experiencing homelessness. Ted Streuli hosts.


House Rejects Resolution to Change Oklahoma’s Judicial Selection Process

Keaton Ross reports on a legislative attempt to eliminate the state's Judicial Nominating Committee and a lawsuit brought by state prisoners who were locked in a shower stall instead of a cell. Paul Monies talks about teacher confusion over certification tests. Ted Streuli hosts.


Family Member’s Eviction Attempt Ends In Flames

Heather Warlick recently covered a tragic eviction case in Oklahoma City that made nationwide news. Paul Monies on developments involving the Oklahoma attorney general suit regarding Winter Storm Uri. Keaton Ross on why most state legislative races won’t appear on November’s general election ballot.


State Supreme Court Hears St. Isidore Arguments

Jennifer Palmer reports on the oral arguments in front of the Oklahoma Supreme Court that will shape the next step for what could be the nation's first religious public school. Keaton Ross talks about a gubernatorial task force's report on dark money campaign contributions and Paul Monies discusses the Legislature's budgetary impasse. Ted Streuli hosts.


Preliminary Hearing Continues for Epic Charter Schools Founders

Jennifer Palmer on the preliminary hearing that ran all of last week for the founders of Epic Charter Schools. Keaton Ross discusses several developments regarding capital punishment in Oklahoma. Heather Warlick on her story that looks into the Right to Counsel for tenants in eviction lawsuits. Shaun Witt hosts.


Legislature Focuses on Budget, Policy at Halfway Point

Paul Monies discusses the first half of the legislative session, which saw a new budget process used by the Senate and leadership elections on the GOP side. Keaton Ross breaks down where criminal justice legislation stands at the Legislature’s unofficial halfway point. Both join for a roundtable to close. Shaun Witt hosts.


State Dollars Prop Walters’ National Media Blitz

Jennifer Palmer talks about a state Education Department contract to get more national press for state superintendent Ryan Walters. Paul Monies has continued to follow the fallout from the huge run-up in natural gas costs from a winter storm in early 2021. Keaton Ross talks about two legislative proposals that would make it more difficult to get a state question on the ballot.


Stillwater Schools Settle Sexual Misconduct Suit

Jennifer Palmer reports on the settlement of a lawsuit brought by a former Stillwater middle school student over the sexual misconduct of one of her teachers, Alberto Morejon, who played a high-profile role in 2018's teacher walkout before he was convicted of Engaging in Sexual Communication with a Minor by Use of Technology. Paul Monies and Ted Streuli discuss Sunshine Week and government transparency.


Federal lawsuit filed in the death of Shannon Hanchett.

Paul Monies talks about the latest on Gov. Kevin Stitt’s cabinet moves after the attorney general questioned some of his appointments. Keaton Ross discusses a federal lawsuit that claims the Cleveland County Detention Center is culpable in the death of Shannon Hanchett. Shaun Witt hosts.


Eviction Crisis Prompts Calls for Sealing, Expunging Records

Heather Warlick reports on the push to follow 10 other jurisdictions that make it possible to seal or expunge eviction records. Keaton delves into the end of the state sales tax on groceries and Paul Monies discusses proposed changes to medical debt collections practices. Ted Streul hosts.


Bill Would Ban Ranked Choice Voting in Oklahoma

Keaton Ross reports on a bill that would ban ranked choice voting throughout Oklahoma, Jennifer Palmer discusses Gov. Kevin Stitt's second failed attempt to sue ClassWallet, and Paul Monies explains how much money the Legislature has to spend this year. Ted Streuli hosts.


Man's Body Found in Trash Can Under Milk Cartons

Keaton Ross reports on a homicide victim at the Lawton Correctional Center whose body went undiscovered for more than three hours. Keaton also discusses proposed changes to Oklahoma's commutation rules and Jennifer Palmer reports that independent inspections of the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics will resume after a hiatus of more than 15 years. Ted Streuli hosts.


Analyzing the State of the State Speech

Paul Monies discusses what Gov. Kevin Stitt did -- and didn't -- say in this sixth State of the State speech, Jennifer Palmer talks about the firestorm wake of our reporting that the Department of Education asked nine teachers to return all or part of their bonuses, and Paul Monies explains why two Republican election officials were given the boot. Ted Streuli hosts.


Proposed Law Could Mean More Involuntary Commitments

Whitney Bryen reports on a new law that could make it easier for judges, mental health providers and police to commit a person for psychiatric treatment. She also reports on Oklahoma Watch's lawsuit against Ponca City. Jennifer Palmer reports on the response to the state Department of Education's attempt to recover $290,000 in teacher bonuses. Ted Streuli hosts.


Bill Would Make it Harder to get an Initiative on the Ballot

Keaton Ross reports on a democracy bill facing the Legislature this session, including one that would make it harder for Oklahomans to propose their own laws. Keaton also reports on criminal justice bills, one of which would increase the possible penalty for strangulation during a domestic violence event. Paul Monies surveys the effect of expanded gubernatorial powers five years after their passage. Ted Streuli hosts.


Oklahoma Crisis: Mental Health and Detention

Reporter Whitney Bryen and Payne County Jail Director Capt. Reese Lane examine the challenges at the intersection of mental health and detention in Oklahoma in this special 55-minute episode. Ted Streuli hosts.


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