Lotus Flower Dojo

Official Podcast of Lotus Flower Dojo. LFD is a virtual self-mastery academy that combines Mind Mastery, Meditation and Martial Arts Movements to achieve its goals. This podcast supports the Dojo's efforts by providing powerful and insightful content for your personal growth. Please subscribe. It's available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Anchor, Spotify and several other platforms.

What Is Co-Presence?

In this brief talk, Sensei introduces a concept that he began developing several years ago and eventually implemented into his spiritual counseling sessions. This tool is an integral part of the methodology of Lotus Flower Dojo’s approach to healing racial trauma. There are several complimentary practices that help one along the way to effectively use Co-Presence that are taught through the Dojo’s offerings. Please listen to this discourse and leave comments or questions after you’ve had a moment to reflect on it. Feel free to share this with anyone you think may benefit from it. #mentalhealth #racialtrauma #consciousness #buddhism


Breaking The Grip of Self Identity

What or who we believe we are directly impacts our moment to moment experience. The challenge is that our senses, habitual patterns and confusion about our "original face" make attachment to personhood and self identity an obsessive preoccupation. Here, Sensei Derek, leads a group through his Green Apple consciousness exercise to help reveal deeper insights and ways in which to undo the grip of ego and self absorption. #buddhism #consciousness #spirituality #racism


Welcome To Lotus Flower Dojo Podcast

Founder Sensei Derek introduces Lotus Flower Dojo podcast and explains its unique approach to the problem of racial conflicts and the nonprofit's ultimate goal. Please subscribe to and follow @LotusFlower dojo on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.


Green Apple Consciousness Exercise

Sensei employs mental exercises (thought experiments and contemplations) to help make deepening of one's consciousness an experiential phenomenon. Here he uses his green apple mental exercise to help you strip away false senses of identity and personhood that routinely lead to suffering. #satsang #spirituality #consciousness #meditation #buddhism #meditate #selfhelp #selfcare


How To Have An Awakening Right Now

Sensei often speaks about what he calls Co-Presence. True to form, rather than merely giving definitions he prefers to give the experience of what he teaches. During this satsang, Sensei takes attendees through an exercise to put them in direct contact with that which does not suffer, feels no pain and is always Co-present no matter what we are presently experiencing. Listen and be changed...right now. #satsang #consciousness #spirituality #meditation #selfhelp #selfcare


Spiritual vs Clinical Trauma Treatment

During this satsang exchange, the questioner asks Sensei if there is a “contradiction” between treatment of childhood trauma that she is learning in sessions with a counselor and what she had just heard described during this satsang regarding “eliminating the I.” Sensei makes some important clarifications and distinctions that were quite insightful… #satsang #consciousness #spirituality #trauma #health


Guided Singing Bowl Meditation with Sensei

Here Sensei uses his singing bowl along with his guided meditation on the light within us. Many have said they’ve had an “out-of-body” experience during his meditation sessions or the feeling of “no body” as the vibration and guidance resonated inside. Try it for yourself and share your experience.


When Consciousness Meets Harassment

In this satsang exchange, Sensei shares how he was able to overcome his deep disbelief and lack of understanding about the Buddha’s teaching that we literally do not have a “self.” Once understood on a experiential level, Sensei was able to see this deep teaching shift his consciousness so drastically that it transformed recurring encounters involving some police officers into entirely different experiences. This is real spiritual practice applied to actual living. #consciousness #spirituality #buddhism


Courageous Compassion vs Racism

In this excerpt from a recent Satsang With Sensei the issue of racism within our own social circles is addressed. The questioner dialogues with Sensei about this question: How do we address the subtle and unconscious continuance of racism with others who are well meaning and not racist without accusing them of ill intent or offending them? Sensei gives a real response and example of how to do it. #consciousness #spirituality #satsang #meditate #meditation #selfhelp #buddhism


Why You Suffer From Sensory Data

In this excerpt from Satsang with Sensei we learn why we suffer from sensory data. Sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch present a lot of information to the mind, but that is not why we suffer. Listen now and take a major step towards real healing...forever.


Thought Experiment On Emotions

If you are like most people, you have not actually completed a single thought from "A to Z." Opinions, projections and flimsy reasoning often masquerade as wisdom or depth because so many others have said the same thing. If you want to master your mind, this type of casual thinking will not suffice. When it comes to emotions it's much easier to speak about how one feels but to articulate and understand how emotions arise in your being is an entirely different matter. Take the first step by listening to this...


Friendship With Your Mind

You've no doubt heard many things about what your mind "does" to you. However, there is something else you should know about your mind that could change your life as it did mine. #mindmaster #mindmastery #consciousness


You're One Thought Away

The mind is beautiful. However, most don't experience it as such. In fact, most are troubled by their minds if not entirely conflicted by it. It does not have to be that way. Mastering our minds begins with an important single thought...


The Truth About Your Negative Thoughts

You’ve heard and learned many things about your negative thoughts. But, you’ve never heard what I’m about to say about them. Truly understand it then apply it. You’ll be forever changed. Listen closely…


Moving From The Dream To Actualization

Today, many will be celebrating the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. spoke of and gave his life for. His contribution to reducing the problem of racism in America was immense. However, I don't believe that political action, or activism, alone can ultimately eliminate this disease. It will require something radically deeper than what has been previously tried... #consciousness #spirituality #derekfletcher


When Ego Met Truth

When we're born we often have labels and identities heaped upon us. Then, unless we wake up, we spend a lifetime defending and managing these temporary states and experiences. This compounds our suffering. It's time to start letting Truth challenge these illusions. Over many years, I finally dismantled each identity with real irrefutable responses like these... #consciousness #spirituality #derekfletcher


How To Start Speaking Truth Pt-1

So if you are on board with beginning to live divinely (i.e. as a god or goddess) then this is the first step in that direction. It's not "getting in shape", buying a new gadget or any other external action. It has to do with your voice! #consciousness #spirituality #derekfletcher


Living As A god or goddess!

It's the end of the year but could be the beginning of your life if you choose to do something unprecedented in your life! I know what that is and am going to help you do it. Are you ready? Let's go!


To The Unsung Heroes

Wisdom may be discovered among a variety of people. We often heed the advice and opinions of someone simply because they have a "public presence." But, you may be standing next to, or passing by, a wise individual today....how would you know? #consciousness #spirituality #community


Fresh Flowers Stinky Fish

What's familiar to us may be preferred even though that preference may be unhealthy. When given the choice between fresh flowers or stinky fish most people choose the stinky fish! Here's why... 🙏🏾☸️📿 #consciousness #spirituality #community


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