Loud Murmurs 小声喧哗

Loud Murmurs is a Mandarin-Chinese podcast about American pop culture, brought to you by four bilingual and bi-cultural women in the U.S. and their friends. We discuss movies, TV, documentaries, and the social, political issues reflected on by a piece of pop culture work. Too often, race, gender and other political and cultural issues are the subtext in pop culture. We seek to make the subtext explicit, question it and challenge it. The show is now in its third season, updated biweekly. We have interviewed guests ranging from science fiction writers, comedians, to scholars and journalists. Our goal is to make the most thought-provoking Chinese podcast about American pop culture. 小声喧哗是一档以女性视角来观察和批判影视文本如何塑造世界的播客。《小声喧哗》Loud Murmurs, 是一档以女性视角来观察和批判影视文本如何塑造世界的播客。文化和审美的自觉认同从来都是隐含在创造者对世界的想象中,而这样的想象催生出许多充满偏见的创造动机。这样的创造动机渗透在我们日复一日热爱的欧美电影中,美剧里,渗透在我们对于事物的认知中。今天,我们想要去挑战它。紧跟影视热点和时事的同时,保持了双周频率的持续输出。在制作节目时,小声喧哗经常邀请学者和影评人参与我们的节目,使节目的观点更加多元化和专业。小声喧哗致力在中文世界,做最好的流行文化播客。


羸瘦瘸腿襄樊麒麟遭遇邋遢黝黯噘嘴醴陵饕餮;邋遢黝黯噘嘴醴陵饕餮聚餐羸瘦瘸腿襄樊麒麟。以上非繁體字,大陸人也能正常學習,如果廢除少數的簡化異體字,恢復繁體字,重新融入正統中文體系,就趨完美了。 簡化字是異類 https://youtu.be/PefVM97W9K4 甲骨文是遠古時代用的先進文字,繁體字是現代社會用的先進文字。簡化字是集合不同時代的殘次品和淘汰品加上竄改簡化的不倫不類的偽劣文字。簡化字不是現代字,簡化字的流行如同病毒的肆掠,終究是要被消滅的。

03-28 Reply



03-28 Reply

x z

shout out to you girls. great content and perspectives

08-30 Reply

imam elyar


05-18 Reply



05-15 Reply


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