Loveable AF Badass

DON'T SIT DOWN. DON'T SHUT UP. This is the podcast for women committed to social justice that want to intentionally create a life that impacts the world for the better while loving the f*ck out of themselves as they do it. You stand up for diversity, inclusion and women's empowerment it's time to stand up for you! In each episode Cheri will inspire you to take action, to take back your power and create a business you love and a life you love living.

24 Year Habit That Has Been Hurting My Life & Business

Something ridiculous I have been doing for 24 years that has gotten in the way of the life and business I want. And the simple experiment I am taking on to change it. One question that will always bring you back into your aligned actions. No more needing to find the "secret." Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that wants to intentionally create a life that impacts the world for the better while loving TF out of themselves as they do it? Then you are invited to the Uprising - a safe space to be seen and supported by powerful women doing the work to show up fully in life. With networking, masterminding and genius business strategy to help you hit your next level! Go to: To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you have been looking for an easy way to promote your business, hire, support or buy from BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and women owned businesses come and join the Amplify BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & Women Owned Businesses If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


Should We Cancel Thanksgiving?

If you are a socially conscious person you have maybe thought that it's time to cancel thanksgiving. In this episode I share my perspective as a Biracial Navajo woman. I talk about the real history of thanksgiving. If after listening to this episode you are looking for indigenous owned businesses or a place to donate that benefits indigenous people links for all of that are below. Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that wants to intentionally create a life that impacts the world for the better while loving TF out of themselves as they do it? Then you are invited to the Uprising - a safe space to be seen and supported by powerful women doing the work to show up fully in life. With networking, masterminding and genius business strategy to help you hit your next level! Go to: To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you have been looking for an easy way to promote your business, hire, support or buy from BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and women owned businesses come and join the Amplify BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & Women Owned Businesses If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: Sources: Buy from indigenous businesses: DEI Consultant Clothing Story Coach Beads Artist Consulting Catering Publisher Merch Bags, Jewelry Cosmetics Gifts Clothing Donate: Education:


The Power Of Consent In Business And In Life

Consent matters and reaches all areas of our life.  Powerfully respecting our own yes and no changes the very foundation of our lives. If you have ever sold out on you this is the one for you. The benefits of consent in your business creates happy, repeat customers who are excited to work with you. Plus in this episode the benefits of teaching your children to internalize their own power through the lens of consent. Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that wants to intentionally create a life that impacts the world for the better while loving TF out of themselves as they do it? Then you are invited to the Uprising - a safe space to be seen and supported by powerful women doing the work to show up fully in life. With networking, masterminding and genius business strategy to help you hit your next level! Go to: To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you have been looking for an easy way to promote your business, hire, support or buy from BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and women owned businesses come and join the Amplify BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & Women Owned Businesses If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


Energy, Money, Love Set Points and Why They Matter?

Anyone looking for more energy, money and love without doing long exhausting morning routines or running 5 miles this is the one for you! We go over what set points are and how they are a great way to increase not only energy, money and love, but also happiness, connection in relationships and sex! I tell you how I went from Eeyore to Tigger in my energy, from unloveable to Loveable AF and more. Plus this one has a personal story I almost never share! Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that wants to intentionally create a life that impacts the world for the better while loving TF out of themselves as they do it? Then you are invited to the Uprising - a safe space to be seen and supported by powerful women doing the work to show up fully in life. With networking, masterminding and genius business strategy to help you hit your next level! Go to: To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you have been looking for an easy way to promote your business, hire, support or buy from BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and women owned businesses come and join the Amplify BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & Women Owned Businesses If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


What To Do When Sh*t Isn't Working And/Or Hits The Fan

When things aren't going right what can we do? Where do we have power to make an impact? What do we do when we are not in alignment? When it feels like we cannot tune into our intuition? If you haven't been getting what you want or have been in a breakdown in an area of your life this is the one for you! Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that wants to intentionally create a life that impacts the world for the better while loving TF out of themselves as they do it? Then you are invited to the Uprising - a safe space to be seen and supported by powerful women doing the work to show up fully in life. With networking, masterminding and genius business strategy to help you hit your next level! Go to: To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you have been looking for an easy way to promote your business, hire, support or buy from BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and women owned businesses come and join the Amplify BIPOC, LGBTQ+ & Women Owned Businesses If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri Mentioned in the episode and I recommend following them both: Parijat Deshpande Jade Connelly-Duggan


#1 No Bullshit Tip For Being A Better Spouse

My handsome husband joined me for this one. We both give our best tips for being a better spouse. We are sharing our best tips from our almost 23 year old relationship. This year is our 20th wedding anniversary!   Getting his perspective was powerful. Please let me know if you would like to hear him on the show again.   We talk about the biggest positive changes that helped our relationship. If you have been wanting to hear a husband's perspective this is the episode for you. Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that is burned out and looking for support? To find out more about the Uprising - A diverse transformation movement... Go to: To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


3 Secrets To A Happy Marriage

If you have been struggling in your relationship or if it has been going great, but still want to take off some of the pressure this episode is for you!   I get real and share the behind the scenes things that are going on in my almost 20 year marriage.   Are you a woman committed to Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion that is burned out and looking for support? To find out more about the Uprising - A diverse transformation movement... Go to: If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


How Do I Stop Being Angry All The Time?

Content Warning: Mention of Suicide and Assault This is not love and light, pretending you are not angry.   There are things to be angry about, but staying stuck in anger hurts our relationships, family and our self image.   If you are here to fight for social justice, and you want to love your life this is the episode for you!  Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


How Loving Yourself Will Strengthen Your Relationship

This episode is all about the quality of life change that happens when you love yourself.   What happens in your relationships, what happens in your friendships and what happens in your family.   I totally lost my shit this week and I tell you all about it because we are all here living the human experience and anyone pretending to be above it all is doing exactly that, pretending.   Which is something I am not down to do.   If you are looking to strengthen your relationship then let's look to the place you actually have power, YOU. The love you desire can be yours and you don't need your partner to do x, y and z for you to get that love and security!   Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


How To Have Badass Relationships

This is not the traditional relationship advice. This is not worrying about what your partner is or isn't doing.   This is about you and your standards and beliefs.   If you want a wildly connected, passionate, fun relationship - one that supports you being fully authentically you - aka a badass relationship...   Then don't miss this episode of the momcast!!   Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more women who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube or to watch the Become Bulletproof training I mentioned subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram:


Stop Tolerating Bullshit In Your Relationships

Have you ever wondered why we tolerate bullshit in our relationships? I am not sure about you, but I used to live terrified my husband would leave me. I obsessed about my looks, my weight, other women. I did all of my part of the relationship and his part too. I resented him and I was exhausted trying so hard to get the love and security I craved. I didn’t realize it then, but my fear of abandonment set me up for this entire miserable pattern. And I wasn’t just scared Mat would leave me I was terrified that when my son grew up he wouldn’t want anything to do with me. My beliefs that everyone would always leave me, that I was not worthwhile enough, that I was not loveable were fucking up my most important relationships. And frankly making me miserable. As I started to get healthier I could see that my fear of abandonment and the miserable patterns I was playing out were the very things that were going to drive the people I loved most away. In one moment I decided that I was going to find a way to change... Go to:  For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size! To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


F*ck Burnout - Battling Burnout for Badass Women

In the first episode of Season 3 we talk all about Burnout and how to stop adding to the Burnout pile.   We explore a simple way to stop burnout and dive into the energetics to really heal the underlying beliefs that cause burnout.   Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at   If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


You Don't Need To Lose Weight To Be Happy

If you are ready to say fuck off to the patriarchy, diet culture and body shame this is the episode for you. What if you could remove negatively charged emotions like shame, guilt or worry from your life permanently without a change in circumstances? I used to feel ashamed of my body, guilty about what I ate or didn’t eat and worry all the time that my husband would want a thinner, prettier woman. Now I don’t. Period. No swinging back into crazy obsessing when the shit hits the fan and the only thing I changed were my beliefs. Come find out how I did it! Go to:  For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size! To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


The White Lie In Law of Attraction

Normalize Normal Bodies and how they are connected. If you have struggled to love you body as it is or felt like success for you has so many obstacles this is the episode for you. Shifting either is not as hard as you think. SERIOUSLY! Why it matters who you listen to, who you learn from and the voices you respect. Go to:  For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size! To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


4 Tips for Staying Happy During Hard Times

As moms, women, women of color us functioning and thriving in the face of all of the shit happening in the world is a revolutionary act.   So how do we not only hold on to our sanity, but actually find a way to show up love our lives?   Come find out how I do it. Sometimes the world is fucking disappointing. Sometimes shit is hard.    And if you are like me you want to keep fighting for a world you want your children to live in. Now is not the time to get bogged down in unending stress, anger and fear.   Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


Badass Gratitude Affirmation Practice

This is not buying a gratitude journal and writing in it a few times.   This is not some fluffy high vibe only thing. This is real actual in the world transformation with the simplest, scientifically backed mindset hack.  Learning how to be grateful and how doing it over time will turn you into a scientifically proven success searching mom!   Imagine your family, relationships and career all being setup to show you more to be grateful for every day in each of those areas.   Go to:​   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at  If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


Top 3 Habits of a Happy Mom (Not Just For Moms!)

Are you ready to ditch the mom guilt and be the happy mom that you want to be?   Tune in for habits to not only stop being the angry mom, but to be the calm mom. This is not your practice life. Now is the time to start enjoying it! Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


Cancel Culture Designed To Silence Moms, Minorities & Marginalized People

Let's get real its actually consequences culture.  If you are shouting racist sh*t from the rooftops and people don't want to hear it or support you in doing it...That is a consequence.   What perspective do you value? Who are you listening to? How are you standing up for the world you want your children to grow up living in?  Let's get in to it...   Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at   If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


Unlock Your Inner Badass

4 Things To Do To Live A Happier Life Are you a bad b*tch here to live your life loud and unapologetic?   What if you unleashed? Unlocked? And took off all of the constraints? What would your life look like?   Go to:   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at   If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


How To Boost Your Energy If You Are Always Tired...Without Crack or Caffeine

Seriously as a mom I get this! And yet I have found unending energy without crack or caffeine.   3 Ways to boost your energy and tell fatigue and tiredness to f*ck off. You have shit to do here in the world!   Go to:​   For more on how to unfuck yourself, love yourself and be happy no matter your size!   To send me your questions/stories, email me at If you loved the show please leave a review and subscribe to help me get this show in front of more womxn who need to know that they are Loveable AF just as they are! If you want to watch over on YouTube subscribe here: Be sure to follow me on Instagram: @grateful.cheri


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