MAX Afterburner

The MAX Afterburner podcast with Whiz is a long form conversation hosted by Matthew 'Whiz" Buckley with friends and guests covering a wide range of topics from veterans issues, to markets, to politics, wrapped with care for mind, body, and soul.

Ep. 112 - Mother Finds Healing After Loss of Son with Plant Medicine

This week, Suzi sits down with Donna Samaha to delve into her transformative psilocybin journey. Donna lost her son to an overdose and in a chance conversation with Whiz a couple years ago, she learned about potentially healing trauma with psychedelic assisted therapy. Her son was a day away from sitting with the medicine. They discuss the valuable lessons she learned and how the experience reshaped her entire outlook on life. Donna emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries and the ongoing growth and learning she embraces, even years after her experience with the medicine.


Ep. 111 - Gold Star Brother Andrew Glasscock Puts the Ladder Down to Help Other Families Heal

In this moving episode Whiz speaks with Gold Star sibling Andrew Glasscock. Andrew’s brother Chad was a naval aviator, flying helicopters in Guam, when he was lost a year ago. Andrew details the devasting loss of his brother and the process families go through. He tells of the lack of support for siblings and how he founded a nonprofit – Flags From Chad – to help other Gold Star siblings with their grief. A man of faith, Andrew speaks of wanting to sit with the medicine as part of his healing journey. The No Fallen Heroes Foundation provides healing grants to Gold Star family members – they served too and deserve to heal. 


Ep. 110 - Whiz Reflects on his 911 Experience, Current SITREP for the United States and the World

In this gripping popup podcast Whiz tells of his experience on 911. He takes you from packing that day for his first trip as a pilot for American Airlines to intercepting at supersonic speed an unknown contact that he potentially could’ve shot down. He debriefs this pivotal moment in his life, and in the history of this nation, and how he used this horrific tragedy to eventually find his mission of saving and changing the lives of our nation’s heroes. Some give lip service to the phrase – ‘we will never forget’. For Whiz, he means it.


Ep. 109 - 30 Year Police Officer Finds Healing & Peace in Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Michael “Morgs” Morgan is a 30-year veteran of law enforcement who honorably served the citizens of Atlanta, Georgia, and Suffolk County, New York. In this riveting episode Morgs shares some of the  heartbreaking trauma he experienced, starting with his first night as a trainee. As a warrior and law enforcement officer he was forced to compartmentalize and press forward, with each incident adding a layer of pain and trauma. The drowning of a 2-year-old child he ‘helped save’ caused unbelievable grief. Later in his career he is taken off the streets because of a back injury. He got hooked on the pain reliever Tramadol and ended up in rehab. A couple years ago he saw tier one operators on podcasts sharing their healing journeys with psychedelic assisted therapy and felt the call of the medicine. He sat with Ayahuasca in Florida, and it completely saved and changed his life. He was given a new mission to put the ladder down to help save and change the lives of other first responder heroes and their families. Follow Morg on Instagram team_morgs_inc


Ep. 108 Healing Heroic Family Members at Home

 Suzi hosts her second MAX Afterburner podcast with Carolina Rifenbury, who comes from an Army family. Coco was part of the first No Fallen Heroes Foundation retreat in the United States held last October in the great state of Colorado. Coco’s journey was whole – loving and comforting while also very challenging at times. She realized that many of her actions in life were driven by fear when there was no need to fear. Spirit manifested itself as a beautiful white horse she rode who guided her along her journey. She briefs how her integration is what allowed her to understand the messages given to her and how she is applying these changes to her everyday life. 


Ep. 107 FDA Decision On MDMA: Is It Good Or Bad? Maybe

The FDA decision on MDMA is out. It didn’t really matter one way or the other, the psychedelic ship has sailed, and more people will look to heal with these medicines. Now it’s time to attack in parallel by focusing fire on the healing power of plant medicines like iboga (ibogaine) and psilocybin. These medicines come from Mother Earth, not a lab, and have less of a ‘stigma’ associated with them. They are not ‘fun’ or recreational. Whiz maps out next steps in the battle to heal our heroes. Fight’s On!


Ep. 106 - Combat Corpsman Finds Healing With Plant Medicine, Puts The Ladder Down To Help Others Heal

Jerod Napier is a retired United States Navy Senior Chief Petty Officer who served honorably as a corpsman on 4 combat deployments to both Iraq and Afghanistan, including 50 days in Fallujah as the ‘Doc’ to a Marine unit. Suffering from combat wounds – seen and unseen – he sought to numb his pain with alcohol, drugs, and women. He experienced a dark night of the soul where he sat in his truck with his Sig 229 on his lap with tears streaming onto it. A call from a brother pulled him back from the edge. He began his healing journey by exploring psychedelics intentionally with Plant Medicine and found a path to health and healing. On the medicine he was able to find healing with those he killed. He owns and operates Rising Ridge, a 508 c1a Faith Based Organization focused on healing the collective through value driven behavior and the intentional use of plant medicine. Located in Tulsa Oklahoma, Rising Ridge focuses on raising the Vibration of the collective, as well as providing a safe and sacred space for Veterans to explore alternative modalities to find their health and happiness.


Ep. 105 - Breaking 30 Years of Sexual Trauma with Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

In this very special edition of MAX Afterburner Suzi "Mrs. Whiz” Buckley sits down with Jamie Flemming. Jamie is married to Brian Flemming, a seriously wounded 10th Mountain Division solider who debriefed his healing journey in episode 104. Jamie bravely shares her medically monitored psychedelic assisted therapy journey and explains how she healed 30 years of childhood sexual trauma, breaking a cycle of sexual family abuse. She also tells how she got off addictive pain pills she was taking due to a car accident – after just 8 hours after sitting with ibogaine. Jamie is the personification of how these medicines can heal and change a life - a life being truly transformed. Her story will also help others see how healing is possible, no matter how deep the scars are you can be healed. Check out


Ep. 104 - Love, Healing, and the Journey Through Hell

Former 10th Mountain Division team leader, author, and motivational keynote speaker Brian Flemming joins Whiz in the studio. Brian was involved in 2 IED attacks in Afghanistan, the second one resulting in serious injuries, burns, and PTS. He was medically discharged from the Army after 14 months in the hospital. Brian briefs Whiz how he healed significant trauma with ibogaine and 5 meo dmt along with Ponch and Slider. Make sure you listen to episode 41 where “Slider Shoots Love All Over The Room”. Brian says Bufo showed him that “everything made sense” and “it’s all so stupidly simple.” They both agree that “love is all there is, it’s our default state, and that this ‘journey’ on Earth is hell.” Brian also shares that his wife healed decades of childhood sexual assault trauma as well and that his mom also sat and healed with the medicine. Check out Follow on IG And look out for his new podcast Dear God WTF


Ep. 103 - Breaking the Chains - a Path to Recovery with Psychedelics

Former United States Marine aircrewman Jonathan Hipp joins Whiz to debrief his journey from Marine aviation to healing with psychedelic assisted therapy. Jonathan injured his back on active duty and transitioned to the civilian world, first becoming a pharma rep and then joining the Wall Street crowd. Neither of those jobs aligned with his old life and the core values he held dear. His back problems worsened resulting in surgeries, pain, and an opioid addiction. He started to spiral the drain and at a low moment considered taking his life – he held a gun to his hand wondering what it would feel like…and fired. His wife tried to pull him out of his hole, but he hit the bottle. When all hope was lost, the medicine called to him. You will be blown away as he describes his ibogaine journey and the expert care he received at Ambio with Trevor and his team. Listeners will hear as he experienced ego death, walked through the threshold and entered Heaven on 5 MEO DMT. Jonathan felt the presence of God, who reached down, touched his back, and he was healed. Pain drove his life for 12 years, now after sitting with the medicine, he is driving. Check out


Ep. 102 - Miracles at the Do Good Ranch

Just when Whiz thought he had seen a lot of healing miracles in the past several years, NOTHING could have prepared him for what he experienced at the most recent No Fallen Heroes Foundation retreat at the Do Good Ranch in Colorado. A 9/11 survivor who narrowly escaped tower 1 had suffered from a debilitating laryngeal voice disorder since that day. No doctors could explain why or treat him. Prepared to be blown away when Whiz tells you what happened with John on the medicine. And what this man purged for over an hour to heal will make you cry. 17 brave souls sat with the medicine including a man whose 21-year-old son was murdered and several female veterans who experienced MST (military sexual trauma). This podcast is NOT to be missed and will prove to listeners that these medicines have incredibly powerful healing powers.


Ep. 101 - Solo Whiz

In this episode we get ‘Solo Whiz’ where he talks about the unfortunate state of our nation and how the rise of healing medicines may save us. He talks about the looming FDA administrative committee meeting the following week where they will vote whether to recommend the FDA press forward with approving the medicine for therapeutic use. He cautions that whenever money is involved anything can happen, but with 6,000 veterans taking their lives every year in the United States we MUST try something new. He tells listeners about an awesome new addition to the leadership of Healing Realty Trust and updates the status of the docuseries No Fallen Heroes: Extraction.


Ep. 100 - One Hundredth Episode Special: Reflecting on the Journey

The MAX Afterburner podcast hits the century mark – in this special 100th episode Whiz is joined by Daniel Carcillo, Cody Shandraw, Nicole Fox, and Suzi Buckley. The group celebrates the accomplishments since the first podcast 3 years ago, detailing the explosive growth in the healing space and with the No Fallen Heroes Foundation. Just a couple days prior to the podcast Whiz celebrated the 3 year anniversary of his first medicine experience. They share the lessons learned, good and other, and note how remarkable the journey has been. The team then makes predictions about the next 3 years in the healing space and you’ll be blown away by some of the good things coming.


Ep. 99 - Preparing for Psychedelic Healing with Deanne Adamson

Whiz is joined by Deanne Adamson, founder of Being True to You. Deanne left a career in mental health counseling to start Being True to You in 2010, the first preparation and integration coaching company for psychedelic therapies. Deanne and Being True to You have coached and trained people everywhere, including veterans and first responders. She's produced several coaching and training programs such as: Being True to You’s Transformational & Integration Coach Certification Program. She also built the Hospitality, Retreat, & Sitters Training, along with their one-year Transformational Recovery Coaching Program. Being True to You also provides preparation and integration coaching services to treatment and retreat centers using psychedelic treatments in therapeutic settings. Whiz and Deanne map out in detail the pre-trip preparation and integration required to get the most out of a medicine journey. They also talk about how to prepare loved ones as well. It turns out Deanne wrote the manual Whiz used to prepare for his first journey at the Mission Within.


Ep. 98 - The Reality Behind Psychedelic Legalization with Dr. Matthew Johnson

Dr. Matthew Johnson joins Whiz for an explosive podcast covering some of the recent controversy in the psychedelic space surrounding clinical trials and potential bias. Dr. Johnson and Whiz met a couple years ago speaking at the Psychedelic Medicine Coalition along with Tim Ferris and Rick Doblin. Dr. Johnson is one of the world's leading and most published scientists on the human effects of psychedelics and has conducted seminal research in the behavioral economics of drug use, addiction, and risk behavior. Dr. Johnson led critical research at Johns Hopkins, along with Dr. Roland Griffiths, into the healing potential of psilocybin. He and Whiz dig dip into how personal bias can creep into studies, potentially impacting the outcome, when it’s not needed to impact positive results. They also discuss how negative results can only help the cause by having an open and honest debate about data, not feelings. BYOB – bring your own Budda if you want – but don’t be steered by researchers. Whiz shares how God, religion and spirituality were not part of his ‘pre-trip’ prep, but that was the result he experienced.


Ep. 97 - Expanding Ketamine Access with Charles Patti

Whiz knocks out a GREAT brief with Charles Patti - Chief Brand Officer for psychedelic ketamine clinic MY Self Wellness located in Bonita Springs, Florida. Charles journey began over nine years ago, navigating through personal trauma and addiction, leading to a transformative experience with the therapeutic use of psychedelics. This journey underscored the power of integrating these experiences into daily life, promoting sustained healing and self-discovery. Whiz and Charles talk about the work requried both before and after any psychedelic experience. They also talk about Charles' non profit, the Warriors of Consciousness, who helps those who can't afford healing therapy.


Ep. 96 - Hockey, TBI, and Alternative Medicine

NHL great Kyle Quincy joins Whiz to talk about his journey from Ontario, Canada to the NHL. Quince talks about growing up playing hockey with Daniel Carcillo and how they pushed and challenged each other. He tells of his nearly 20 concussions as a professional hockey player and the resulting issues – alcohol, depression – and when leaving the NHL, loss of mission and brotherhood. Around this time his son was hit with cancer. With all of these issues swirling around, Commodore Carcillo introduced Quince to the medicine, which saved and changed his life. Kyle now owns and operates the Do Good Ranch in Colorado and plans to begin hosting healing retreats for veterans, first responders, family members, and professional athletes as Colorado moves forward with legalization.


Ep. 95 - Red Teaming Clinical Trials & Political Hypocrisy

In this explosive Whiz solo podcast he lets loose a dual rant, starting by ‘red teaming’ a report from an ‘independent nonprofit’ and their red team of the MAPS clinical trials. Whiz reminds listeners to ‘follow the money’ and questions the use of anonymous first and secondhand sources. He also wonders if it’s possible to completely remove bias from any trial (it’s not) and asks how a placebo group cannot know they didn’t get real MDMA. The report from ICER (Institute for Clinical and Economic Review) is certainly a potential threat to rescheduling the drug for therapeutic use. Whiz shifts his fire to the Biden administrations criticism of the unfortunate drone strike that killed innocent civilians, while reminding listeners we did the exact same thing leaving Afghanistan, with no one being held accountable. He opens the podcast with an update on the No Fallen Heroes universe and the simultaneous efforts underway including docuseries, Healing Realty Trust, My Crew Doses, and NuGrowth Connections.


Ep. 94 - Coping with Combat Trauma using Entheogenic Medicine

Dr. Kristin ‘Rosie’ Barnes is back! This former F-14 Tomcat radar intercept officer turned doctor is blazing a path of healing while putting the ladder down to help others. Rosie debriefs her joint MDMA/psilocybin journey, which was basically a 1v1 dogfight with herself. MDMA is a ‘heart opener’ while psilocybin for some is more ‘internal’. She debriefs how she faced and started healing the moral injuries she incurred flying combat sorties over Afghanistan. Her incredible journey included her ‘feeling’ every armed conflict back to World War I, feeling the sheer terror of trench warfare as a young soldier. She also debriefs her ketamine experience and along with Whiz, strongly recommends this medicine as a bridge or ‘triage’ to potentially lead to deeper healing with plant medicine. Finally, Whiz and Doc agree that these healing medicines have the potential to turn warriors into peacemakers. Maybe this is a reason our government is dragging their feet to legalize these medicines for therapeutic use?


Ep. 93 - Expanding the Mind Ft. Dr. J

Whiz talks with Dr. J in the studio. Dr. Jonathan M. Fields, DAOM is a renowned integrative specialist, author, martial arts instructor, keynote speaker, artist, and plant medicine advocate. He owns multiple clinics in South Florida, where he specializes in functional medicine, acupuncture, mental health, psychedelics, and longevity. He's lectured at Universities, Fortune 500 companies, works with elite pro athletes, celebrities, hosts transformational retreats, formulated for public companies, lived with monks at the Shaolin Temple, writes for the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine, and petitioned the DEA to reschedule psilocybin. He's also the Chief Medical Officer for NeuPath Mind Wellness, a Ketamine assisted therapy and community integration center in Delray Beach, Florida.


Kanwal Bawa

Such a riveting tale about 9/11. Thank you for your service.

10-19 Reply

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