MAX Afterburner

The MAX Afterburner podcast with Whiz is a long form conversation hosted by Matthew 'Whiz" Buckley with friends and guests covering a wide range of topics from veterans issues, to markets, to politics, wrapped with care for mind, body, and soul.

Ep. 101 - Solo Whiz

In this episode we get ‘Solo Whiz’ where he talks about the unfortunate state of our nation and how the rise of healing medicines may save us. He talks about the looming FDA administrative committee meeting the following week where they will vote whether to recommend the FDA press forward with approving the medicine for therapeutic use. He cautions that whenever money is involved anything can happen, but with 6,000 veterans taking their lives every year in the United States we MUST try something new. He tells listeners about an awesome new addition to the leadership of Healing Realty Trust and updates the status of the docuseries No Fallen Heroes: Extraction.


Ep. 100 - One Hundredth Episode Special: Reflecting on the Journey

The MAX Afterburner podcast hits the century mark – in this special 100th episode Whiz is joined by Daniel Carcillo, Cody Shandraw, Nicole Fox, and Suzi Buckley. The group celebrates the accomplishments since the first podcast 3 years ago, detailing the explosive growth in the healing space and with the No Fallen Heroes Foundation. Just a couple days prior to the podcast Whiz celebrated the 3 year anniversary of his first medicine experience. They share the lessons learned, good and other, and note how remarkable the journey has been. The team then makes predictions about the next 3 years in the healing space and you’ll be blown away by some of the good things coming.


Ep. 99 - Preparing for Psychedelic Healing with Deanne Adamson

Whiz is joined by Deanne Adamson, founder of Being True to You. Deanne left a career in mental health counseling to start Being True to You in 2010, the first preparation and integration coaching company for psychedelic therapies. Deanne and Being True to You have coached and trained people everywhere, including veterans and first responders. She's produced several coaching and training programs such as: Being True to You’s Transformational & Integration Coach Certification Program. She also built the Hospitality, Retreat, & Sitters Training, along with their one-year Transformational Recovery Coaching Program. Being True to You also provides preparation and integration coaching services to treatment and retreat centers using psychedelic treatments in therapeutic settings. Whiz and Deanne map out in detail the pre-trip preparation and integration required to get the most out of a medicine journey. They also talk about how to prepare loved ones as well. It turns out Deanne wrote the manual Whiz used to prepare for his first journey at the Mission Within.


Ep. 98 - The Reality Behind Psychedelic Legalization with Dr. Matthew Johnson

Dr. Matthew Johnson joins Whiz for an explosive podcast covering some of the recent controversy in the psychedelic space surrounding clinical trials and potential bias. Dr. Johnson and Whiz met a couple years ago speaking at the Psychedelic Medicine Coalition along with Tim Ferris and Rick Doblin. Dr. Johnson is one of the world's leading and most published scientists on the human effects of psychedelics and has conducted seminal research in the behavioral economics of drug use, addiction, and risk behavior. Dr. Johnson led critical research at Johns Hopkins, along with Dr. Roland Griffiths, into the healing potential of psilocybin. He and Whiz dig dip into how personal bias can creep into studies, potentially impacting the outcome, when it’s not needed to impact positive results. They also discuss how negative results can only help the cause by having an open and honest debate about data, not feelings. BYOB – bring your own Budda if you want – but don’t be steered by researchers. Whiz shares how God, religion and spirituality were not part of his ‘pre-trip’ prep, but that was the result he experienced.


Ep. 97 - Expanding Ketamine Access with Charles Patti

Whiz knocks out a GREAT brief with Charles Patti - Chief Brand Officer for psychedelic ketamine clinic MY Self Wellness located in Bonita Springs, Florida. Charles journey began over nine years ago, navigating through personal trauma and addiction, leading to a transformative experience with the therapeutic use of psychedelics. This journey underscored the power of integrating these experiences into daily life, promoting sustained healing and self-discovery. Whiz and Charles talk about the work requried both before and after any psychedelic experience. They also talk about Charles' non profit, the Warriors of Consciousness, who helps those who can't afford healing therapy.


Ep. 96 - Hockey, TBI, and Alternative Medicine

NHL great Kyle Quincy joins Whiz to talk about his journey from Ontario, Canada to the NHL. Quince talks about growing up playing hockey with Daniel Carcillo and how they pushed and challenged each other. He tells of his nearly 20 concussions as a professional hockey player and the resulting issues – alcohol, depression – and when leaving the NHL, loss of mission and brotherhood. Around this time his son was hit with cancer. With all of these issues swirling around, Commodore Carcillo introduced Quince to the medicine, which saved and changed his life. Kyle now owns and operates the Do Good Ranch in Colorado and plans to begin hosting healing retreats for veterans, first responders, family members, and professional athletes as Colorado moves forward with legalization.


Ep. 95 - Red Teaming Clinical Trials & Political Hypocrisy

In this explosive Whiz solo podcast he lets loose a dual rant, starting by ‘red teaming’ a report from an ‘independent nonprofit’ and their red team of the MAPS clinical trials. Whiz reminds listeners to ‘follow the money’ and questions the use of anonymous first and secondhand sources. He also wonders if it’s possible to completely remove bias from any trial (it’s not) and asks how a placebo group cannot know they didn’t get real MDMA. The report from ICER (Institute for Clinical and Economic Review) is certainly a potential threat to rescheduling the drug for therapeutic use. Whiz shifts his fire to the Biden administrations criticism of the unfortunate drone strike that killed innocent civilians, while reminding listeners we did the exact same thing leaving Afghanistan, with no one being held accountable. He opens the podcast with an update on the No Fallen Heroes universe and the simultaneous efforts underway including docuseries, Healing Realty Trust, My Crew Doses, and NuGrowth Connections.


Ep. 94 - Coping with Combat Trauma using Entheogenic Medicine

Dr. Kristin ‘Rosie’ Barnes is back! This former F-14 Tomcat radar intercept officer turned doctor is blazing a path of healing while putting the ladder down to help others. Rosie debriefs her joint MDMA/psilocybin journey, which was basically a 1v1 dogfight with herself. MDMA is a ‘heart opener’ while psilocybin for some is more ‘internal’. She debriefs how she faced and started healing the moral injuries she incurred flying combat sorties over Afghanistan. Her incredible journey included her ‘feeling’ every armed conflict back to World War I, feeling the sheer terror of trench warfare as a young soldier. She also debriefs her ketamine experience and along with Whiz, strongly recommends this medicine as a bridge or ‘triage’ to potentially lead to deeper healing with plant medicine. Finally, Whiz and Doc agree that these healing medicines have the potential to turn warriors into peacemakers. Maybe this is a reason our government is dragging their feet to legalize these medicines for therapeutic use?


Ep. 93 - Expanding the Mind Ft. Dr. J

Whiz talks with Dr. J in the studio. Dr. Jonathan M. Fields, DAOM is a renowned integrative specialist, author, martial arts instructor, keynote speaker, artist, and plant medicine advocate. He owns multiple clinics in South Florida, where he specializes in functional medicine, acupuncture, mental health, psychedelics, and longevity. He's lectured at Universities, Fortune 500 companies, works with elite pro athletes, celebrities, hosts transformational retreats, formulated for public companies, lived with monks at the Shaolin Temple, writes for the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine, and petitioned the DEA to reschedule psilocybin. He's also the Chief Medical Officer for NeuPath Mind Wellness, a Ketamine assisted therapy and community integration center in Delray Beach, Florida.


Ep. 92 - Revolutionizing Veteran Mental Health Care with Lauren “Lolo” Feringa

Whiz talks with Lauren “Lolo” Feringa, a true Renaissance woman on a mission to revolutionize veteran care. As an Army medic and combat veteran, Lolo understands the struggles of transitioning back to civilian life, especially for those grappling with PTSD. Lolo Deployed to Iraq between April 2009 – June 2010 as a Clinic Medic, Emergency Room Medic, and Line Medic in charge of daily healthcare and emergency trauma situations for a platoon while conducting patrols for base security. Motivated by her experiences, Lolo co-founded the Hippie and a Veteran Foundation, a 501c3 non-profit dedicated to providing access to alternative PTSD treatments. At the heart of this work lies a commitment to decriminalization and expanding VA access and coverage for these life-changing therapies. Lolo's tireless advocacy extends beyond the confines of their organization, as she uses her voice to influence legislation that directly impacts veterans' well-being. Lolo's dedication doesn't stop there - Balancing the roles of motherhood and legislative influencer, she embodies the spirit of a modern-day Renaissance woman. Whether she's lobbying for policy change or educating veterans on cultivating their own medicinal resources, Lolo is a beacon of hope and empowerment for her fellow comrades in service.


Ep. 91 - Surviving and Thriving After Military Trauma

In this special episode Whiz speaks with a bad ass F-14 Tomcat aircrew turned doctor, Kristin ‘Rosie’ Barnes. Dr. Barnes is the Chief Medical Officer of the No Fallen Heroes Foundation. Rosie is a heroic trailblazer, entering naval aviation at a pivotal moment in the early 90s when females were finally allowed to serve in combat roles in the United States military. But the beginning of her career was marked by a senior leader telling her to hide any issues she was having. Over decades of service marred by compartmentalizing loss, trauma, and her sexuality, Rosie decided to ‘put the mask on herself’ and heal. She briefs listeners on her incredible experience with the sacred medicine Iboga which allowed her to see who she truly was – a perfect soul deserving of love. She talks about the preparation and the integration upon returning home to her partner. Dr. Barnes also discusses her current practice and how she helps others heal with a range of non-traditional modalities. She is coming back for another episode to debrief her psilocybin and ketamine experiences.


Ep. 90 - What you NEED to know about Psychedelic Assisted Therapy

Whiz finishes debriefing his ketamine experience, highlighting that this medicine is potentially a great ‘triage’ to stabilize those in need of immediate healing. In the second half Whiz gives his ‘medicine checklist’. Just as a fighter pilot never gets airborne on a mission without going through detailed preflight planning, intelligence gathering, and checklists, those seeking to sit with the medicine should follow a similar approach. Whiz briefs how he prepared his body, mind, and soul for the medicine work and shares his lessons learned, along with lessons learned from many No Fallen Heroes Foundation grant recipients. Finally, he tells listeners about the Maverick Mind line of microdosing supplements from My Crew Doses. Listeners can discount code ALWAYS30 for a 30% discount. These supplements can help prepare the body, mind, and soul for a healing journey, as well as sustain the growth through the integration phase.


Ep. 89 - Healing as a Couple with Psychedelics

Suzi joins whiz on this special episode to discuss how important integration is after a psychedelic experience. They share personal details of the highs and lows as they've navigated their healing journeys on their own and as a couple. They also talk about "holding space" for loved ones and how No Fallen Heroes will launch a family support program this year. In the end "it's fine, it's always fine."


Ep. 88 - Legal Psychedelic Therapy with Ketamine

Whiz breaks this episode up in half. He debriefs what’s currently going on in the world including Biden still waiting to respond to 3 dead Army soldiers. Later in the podcast he starts debriefing his experience sitting with ketamine in Malibu with Zappy Zapolin.


Ep. 87 - The TRUTH behind Psychedelic Integration

Whiz and No Fallen Heroes Director of Medicine Operations Nicole Fox debrief the ‘goods’ and ‘others’ from 2023 and preview what’s ahead for 2024. Whiz also shares how the medicine reveals truth, and that truth isn’t good or bad, it just is. He shares some recent personal struggles, wanting to show that the medicine requires ‘work’ and integration in order for there to be significant healing. Nicole and Whiz tease some big things on the radar for the No Fallen Heroes Foundation and other healing projects.


Ep. 86 - Spirituality and Holding Space for Love

After more recent ‘attacks’ from so-called religious people, Whiz digs in again to share his thoughts on being religious versus spiritual, taking issue with someone who recently said he didn’t experience God, his father, or sister Monica – but ‘demons’. He questions how religious people can be so intolerant and judgmental, believing they alone know the true way to experience God. He digs into the Gnostic Gospels and the reasons behind their exclusion from the Bible (power and money) and how the use of psychedelics predates Christianity. Whiz explores why the Gospel of Thomas for example was not included in the Bible: specifically, the gnostic themes of knowledge and self-reflection over sacraments such as baptism and Holy Communion. According to this Gospel Jesus said the kingdom of God is within and spread all around us. The focus on inner work in the Gospel of Thomas leads one to believe that the kingdom of God is not a final destination but a state of self-discovery. He reminds listeners of his love for ALL no matter their religious beliefs or what they think of him.


Ep. 85 - Healing Trauma From Columbine (Pt. 2)

In part 2 with Whiz and Chicken the guys take a dive deep into the importance of integration after sitting with the medicine. Without proper integration it may only be an experience, or in some cases a negative experience. As Whiz often says – “5% is the medicine, 95% is the integration”. Chicken also briefs the importance of informing a partner or loved one prior to a journey. The change over a short period of time can be radical and those at home need to be prepared. In his leadership position and with these medicines being legal in Colorado, Chris is working to put the ladder down for the first responders he cares for. Chicken plans on being part of the No Fallen Heroes team as they look to do more healing retreats in the Rocky Mountain state.


Ep. 84 - Healing Trauma from Columbine

Whiz sits with Chris ‘Chicken’ Macklin, a Colorado first responder for over 30 years who recently took part in the No Fallen Heroes Foundation’s first healing retreat in the United Staes. Chris responded to the Columbine High School massacre in 1999. He thought he compartmentalized this horror and many of the other tragedies he experienced but his trauma surfaced in several unproductive ways. By the grace of God Chris attended the Veteran and First Responder dinner over the summer in Denver where Whiz gave the keynote. Chris was deeply moved by Whiz’s healing journey and immediately called his wife – ‘I’m going to do this.’ Chicken tells listeners of the nervousness he endured pulling up to the ranch…but he pulled down the driveway and his healing journey began. Learn about his incredible healing journey with psilocybin and 5 MEO DMT.


Ep. 83 - Sitting down with Jack Maxwell

Star of the show ‘Booze Traveler’ Jack Maxwell, and Tracy Trost, direct of American Homecoming, joined Whiz in the studio. They were in town for the No Fallen Heroes Christmas party, along with many other donors and supporters. Jack briefs about his battle with (and beating) cancer, along with his new project ‘Spirit Qwest’. He’s also agreed to sit with the medicine next year on a retreat with our heroes. Tracy briefs listeners on what is sure to be a hit show about remodeling and building homes for our nations disabled veterans.


Ep. 82 - No Fallen Heroes Year in Review

Whiz debriefs an EPIC week in Aspen raising money for the No Fallen Heroes Foundation and Colorado Extreme, a non-profit that provides grants to underprivileged kids who want to play hockey. From Southwest Airlines, to a helicopter, to the No Fallen Heroes fighter jet, Whiz and his soon Matthew Jr flew across the country to Colorado. Whiz flew hall of famer Henrik Lundqvist of the New York Rangers, and NHL great Scottie Upshall, from the Missin Curfew podcast. The NHL alumni game was a sight to behold, and his buddy Dustin Lynch was also on hand for the weekend. Whiz also looks back at an incredible year for No Fallen Heroes and looks forward to an even better 2024.


Kanwal Bawa

Such a riveting tale about 9/11. Thank you for your service.

10-19 Reply

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