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MAX Health and Fitness Recordings

Author: Max International College for Fitness Professionals

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Podcast by Max International College for Fitness Professionals
1827 Episodes
Do you Eat the Foods you Love…Without Guilt? What makes a food BAD? Who decides and why do we listen to them?
Achieving or Making Excuses? We can’t do both!! What do achievers do differently to the excuse-makers, and can we change/ choose to be an achiever? Yes/no/why?
Are You Thinking Clearly? How do you clean out your head? Where do you need to be, and who with, to get your headspace clean and clear?
Promises to Yourself…Broke or Kept? How do they feel and how do they affect your self-esteem and success?
Bad Habits…How to drop them? Can we? If yes - How?
Happy EVERY Day…Ridiculous or Possible? If possible how? If ridiculous why?
Where you live and Work, are they places that inspire you to achieve? Do you love being in both places because they represent who you are? If not, is it time to make changes?
Bodies…Should we eat the same as the Athletes and Celebrities we admire? Will we look the same? Will we be healthy OR could it screw up body and brain?
Keep or Break your Promises…to yourself and other people. How does that make you feel? What happens to your reputation? Can we choose to keep ALL the promises we make? If YES- HOW?
Food and Exercise…What Works? What if it is all simple, easy, fast, and safe? Would you do it to be S.E.L.F…Strong…Energetic…Lean…Fit?
Judgement…Have you ever been judged wrongly? Have you ever judged someone else wrongly? Why and HOW do we judge people and could we be wrong?
Nutrition and Exercise…What if the ‘EXPERTS’ are wrong? How would we know? Should we ask more questions and learn more about how to keep the body we live in healthy, fit, and strong - for ourselves?
The expectations and standards you have set for yourself…Why would you ever lower or change them to suit other people?
ENERGY…Where can you get it fastest and keep it? If there was a fool-proof plan for getting and having all the energy you need every day, I wonder if people would use it and apply it.
What do you want and how will you get it? Are you on track to fail or succeed? What do the goal-achievers do differently from the failures?
Why wait for a Monday, New Year's Day or Birthday …If life sucks, if changes are required to be healthier, leaner, or happier what will happen if you keep waiting?
What Makes a Personal Trainer the BEST person to help YOU? What do they need to know? What do they need to do for YOU?
What is YOUR definition of a TRUE Friend? How many do you have?
… PROTEIN…Can it Make me FAT? Does it give me Energy? How much do I need? What is the best kind of protein?
Scared of Failing? How to Stop? Is there a foolproof plan to prevent failure? If YES - How?