<p>A podcast for women navigating the rollercoaster of midlife and menopause.  </p><p> </p><p>Each week, you can expect inspiring stories of midlife women doing amazing things and expert insights on topics covering all things midlife, peri/menopause and personal development.</p>

Thursday Thoughts - Reslience

On this week's Thursday Thoughts, Lucy and I are talking about resilience.Resilience is all about moving through the difficulties in life without allowing them to stop us in our tracks. It’s about picking ourselves up, dusting ourselves off, and continuing to move forwards.We talk about why it’s important to build resilience, and how we can go about cultivating more of it.We hope you’ll find something useful in here!Love,Polly & Lucy xSupport the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe a...


Thursday Thoughts - Follow What Feels Good

On this week’s Thursday Thoughts, Lucy and I are talking about the importance of following what feels good.The truth is that we are all 99% energy, and we’re all vibrating at different frequencies ranging from the more ‘high vibe’ states such as joy and appreciation, to the more ‘low vibe’ states such as anger and shame.Like attracts like, so when we’re feeling good, we’re going to attract people and circumstances vibrating at a similarly high frequency. And by the same token, when our genera...


Thursday Thoughts - Habits

On today's Thursday Thoughts, Lucy & I are talking all about habits.We discuss some of the ways to start cultivating a habit, such as making it easy and making it obvious.We also talk about the importance of knowing your 'why' when it comes to starting (or kicking) a habit, as well as getting back up when we inevitably fall off the wagon.Finally, we briefly touch on bad habits, and how we can start to eliminate them.We hope you'll find something useful in here!Love,Polly & Lucy xSuppo...


Thursday Thoughts - Introversion & Extroversion

Would you describe yourself as an introvert, or an extrovert?Or perhaps you're even an extroverted introvert, like Lucy and I!As extroverted introverts, albeit very different ones, we were fascinated to dive into this conversation.We discuss what it means to be either an introvert, or an extrovert, and how in western culture, introverts are often described as 'shy' or 'reserved', whereas extroverts tend to be celebrated for being 'outgoing' and 'confident' - not necessarily always the case in...


Thursday Thoughts - Friendship

On today’s Monday Motivation, Lucy and I are talking all about friendship.Friendships come and go during the course of our lifetime, and that’s ok. Some people stay with us for the duration, and others just stay for a season.The most important thing to ask yourself is this: how do your friends make you feel? Do you come away feeling uplifted, or drained?Also, do your friends celebrate your wins? It’s easy to support someone through a hard time, but do your friends also cheer on your successes...


Thursday Thoughts - Being Authentically YOU

This week on Thursday Thoughts, Lucy and I dive deep into the topic of showing up as your authentic self. We unpack what authenticity really means and explore the reasons why we often shy away from expressing our true selves.We also chat about the positive outcomes of embracing your true self and share some practical tips for helping you shed the masks you wear so that you can live more and more of life as the real you.Enjoy!Polly & Lucy xxSupport the Show.To find out more about Jus...


Why it's time to take a break

I can't believe I've been putting out weekly episodes of this podcast for the last 2 years! But now it's time to take a little break. Tune in to hear why I feel it's time.The good news is you can still listen to Lucy and I chat on a range of different topics in our weekly Thursday Thoughts!💛💛💛Support the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe and to join the Just Breathe community go to: book a FREE 15 minute discovery call with me go to...


Thursday Thoughts - Journaling

On today’s Thursday Thoughts, Lucy and I talk about journaling.We discuss our own journaling practices, some of the benefits of journaling, as well as different types of journaling.We hope you’ll find something useful in here.Love,Polly & Lucy xSupport the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe and to join the Just Breathe community go to: book a FREE 15 minute discovery call with me go to: join m...


#104 A Yes Filled Life with Brenda Winkle

Do you find you often run out of time for the things that YOU want to do?Perhaps you skip yoga because you've got to finish off that email or you're breathwork/meditation practice goes out the window because there's a pile of laundry that needs folding. Maybe you cancel that massage you've been looking forward to because your teenager has forgotten to take the dog for a walk!These things seem small in isolation but when added together, can seriously impact the quality of your life. ...


Thursday Thoughts - Growth Mindset

On today’s Thursday Thoughts, Lucy and I are talking about learning and growth mindset.Having a growth mindset means that we understand that our abilities can be developed, and that we can actually get smarter. Unlike a fixed mindset that keeps us stuck, believing that our level of intelligence and capability is set in stone from birth, and determines what we can or cannot do.More than anything, we want to keep learning and growing. Success doesn’t necessarily depend on how ‘intelligent’ some...


#103 How Pilates Changed My Life with Caroline Copp

This week I chat to Caroline Kopp, a master Pilates trainer and health coach, about her personal story of overcoming chronic fatigue and pain through Pilates. Pilates literally changed Caroline’s life as it allowed her to move in a way that maintained and and even increased her energy levels without the burnout associated with high-intensity workouts. It also helped her to become pain free.In this episode, Caroline shares how pilates is a sustainable approach to health that c...


Thursday Thoughts - Strength Training

On today’s Monday Motivation, Lucy and I are talking about strength training.It’s important as we age that we’re incorporating some strength training into our exercise routines, not least to protect ourselves against osteoporosis.Polly and I talk about our own strength training routines, and Polly shares some useful tips on how we can add it into our every day lives.We hope you’ll find this helpful!Love,Polly & Lucy xSupport the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe and to join the Jus...


#102 Four Simple Techniques For Efficient Breathing

Have you ever considered how something as automatic as breathing can hold the key to a healthier, happier you? In this episode, we'll continue to dive deep into the world of optimal and efficient breathing, revealing the secrets to transforming your relationship with your breath.I unveil 4 simple techniques you can easily integrate into your daily routine. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with practical tools and actionable strategies to harness the power of your brea...


Thursday Thoughts - Investing In Yourself

On this week’s Monday Motivation, Lucy and I are talking about why investing both time and money in yourself is so powerful.We also discuss how often the transformation is in the transaction, and how investing in ourselves has created amazing new friendships.Enjoy!Love Polly & Lucy xxSupport the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe and to join the Just Breathe community go to: book a FREE 15 minute discovery call with me go to: https://calendl...


#101 Do You Breathe Like You Should? Learn How to Assess Your Breathing

Have you ever stopped to think about how you breathe? It's something we do unconsciously, around 23,000 times a day! But what if you're not doing it right?It's thought that over 50% of us are breathing dysfunctionally and studies suggest that up to 75% of people with anxiety also have dysfunctional breathing patterns. And the truth is, even without a diagnosis, most of us could breathe better so that we can feel better.This week's episode dives deep into dysfunctional breathing, uncover...


Thursday Thoughts - Complaining

On today’s Thursday Thoughts, Lucy & I are talking about complaining.We all love a good moan, but there’s a difference between getting something off your chest, and constantly complaining.We all have a choice as to whether we want to be a ‘drain’ or a ‘radiator’; whether we set the thermostat in the room, or shift our state of being to the temperature of those around us.We also have a choice about who we allow access to us. Are we surrounding ourselves with people who lift us up, or drag ...


#100 Why And How You Should Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

We all have those things we want to do, but fear often holds us back. Maybe it's a trip you've always dreamed of taking alone, a new skill you've been wanting to learn, or simply striking up a conversation with someone new.In this episode, I explore the idea of stepping outside your comfort zone and taking on challenges even when they feel scary. You'll hear about the fear I experienced recently when I took my first ever solo trip abroad, but also about the excitement, and the powe...


Thursday Thoughts - Social Media

On today’s Thursday Thoughts, Lucy and I are talking about social media.We discuss how it influences our lives (both positively and negatively), how much time we spend on it, and how to prevent it from taking over our lives.We hope you’ll find something useful in here!Love,Polly & Lucy xSupport the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe and to join the Just Breathe community go to: book a FREE 15 minute discovery call with me go to: https://cale...


#99 How To Take Control Of Your Heart Health at Menopause with Michelle Routhenstein

Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death globally with more women being affected than men? In the UK, one in eight men and one in 14 women die from coronary heart disease, with more women dying from it than breast cancer. Falling estrogen levels at menopause, weight gain, high cholesterol, and increased blood pressure can all affect our heart health but the good news is that 80% of cases are preventable through lifestyle changes.And this is somethin...


Thursday Thoughts - Healthy Eating

Today, Lucy and I talk about healthy eating.We discuss our own experiences of eating healthily, both good and bad and talk about some of the things we eat and try and include in our daily diets.Enjoy!Polly & Lucy xxSupport the Show.To find out more about Just Breathe and to join the Just Breathe community go to: book a FREE 15 minute discovery call with me go to: join my FB group go to: https:...


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