A podcast dedicated to better understanding MS and learning to live well with MS. Together, we'll explore a wide range of medical information, lifestyle choices, therapies and other care options that can have a huge impact on our existing MS symptoms, as well as work toward healing to slow our MS progression. MS impacts everyone uniquely, but together, we can all live better with MS. Join the flock!

EPISODE 85 - Experiencing Awe & Wonder as a Pathway to Better Health

Did you know that experiencing Awe can positively impact both our physical and mental health? Join me today to explore the healing power of Awe. I’ll share information from a recent read: AWE - The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life by Dacher Keltner, and also share a bit about an Awe-inspiring experience I had this past weekend. We’ll talk about what feeling Awe is like, and the power of revisiting and sharing our past experiences of Awe. We’ll learn about the impact Awe has on both our physical and mental health, the eight different pathways we can explore to experience Awe, and several powerful ways we can intentionally create more daily and collective Awe in our lives. Take a listen!


EPISODE 84 - Timely Tested Tools To Alleviate Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis

Do you have symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis that you’d like to alleviate but you don’t know how? In this episode, we’ll look at research-based solutions to address pain, fatigue, the stress-disease connection, and powerful lifestyle medicine - as well as learn about some recent & upcoming transformative learning opportunities available to all of us on a variety of helpful topics. We’ll also explore some of my additional recent learnings about a variety of health-related topics of interest that can help us maximize our health and happiness so that we’re living a life we truly love. Living well with MS is possible!


EPISODE 83 - A Conversation with Amy Behimer, Health & Wellness Coach & Host of the Habit Hub for Autoimmune Health podcast

Living with Multiple Sclerosis or any Autoimmune condition is certainly not without challenges, yet there’s so much we can (!) do to improve our current levels of health and future happiness. Join me today, where we’ll dive into a coaching conversation with Amy Behimer, a member of our shared MS Community as well as a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach!  Amy will share some of her highly effective strategies that help her and her clients live well with MS and other Autoimmune conditions. We’ll hear about her personal MS journey, the importance of mindset and habits in healing, how she supports her clients and helps accelerate their healing journeys, her podcast, The Habit Hub for Autoimmune Health, as well as an exciting free workshop offering happening next week: The 3 Habits We Need to Feel Healthy Again! To sign up or check out her helpful free resources, visit her website link. Amy Behimer: 


EPISODE 82 - Making Friends with Your Mind - A Discussion with Creative Entrepreneur and Mindset Maestro Aaron Carey

Developing friendships is an important part of life, and sometimes we’re lucky to meet someone who lights up our world in a new and beautiful way. One such friend for me is Creative Entrepreneur and Mindset Maestro - Mr. Aaron Carey. Join us today where we’ll talk all things Multiple Sclerosis - his lived experience as someone who has lived with MS longer than not, and the many creative outlets and avenues of self discovery he’s explored along the journey. We’ll dig deep into the concept of mindset to talk about: ways we can make friends with our minds through mental fitness, how the choices we make each day determine our reality, the destructive nature of the human ego, the unexpected gifts of challenge, building resiliency through deliberate repetition, spirituality & enlightenment pathways, the concept of “woundology,” and the power and purpose of artistic expression as a healing tool. You can find all of Aaron’s art at  @Phattybe on IG          Etsy: PhattyBGallery


EPISODE 81 - The Unexpected Gifts of Hardship

Being a human can be hard. None of us are able to avoid the inevitability of hardship. Add the realities of living with Multiple Sclerosis to that, and we can easily find ourselves deep in a pit of despair that is difficult to climb out of.  But did you know that there are actually benefits to going through difficult times?  In this episode we’ll explore the unexpected gifts of adversity, and look at data and helpful resources we can use to help ourselves shorten our time in - and lessen our depth of - despair, and harness the hidden powers of our hardship to create an even brighter future.


EPISODE 80 - A Diagnosis Journey discussion with Beneath the Tracksuit’s Robert Gillet

Join me in welcoming back Robert (Robbie) Gillett - aka Beneath the Tracksuit - as we discuss his most recent book A Diagnosis Journey, and all things MS. In this episode, we talk about the major themes in the book - exploring unusual symptoms in his early life, how he bravely forged himself anew after MS broke him apart, and other concepts that have helped him along the way, such as the journey from reluctance to acceptance, learning to embrace life and letting go of the desire to control, becoming more comfortable with change, being open to utilizing helpful tools, getting the support we need (and unfortunately the support we don’t need!), and the incredible power of gratitude and giving thanks. We’ll also talk about what’s new in Robbie’s life in terms of his current MS advocacy projects and get an exciting sneak peak into what he’s working on now. Take a listen and be sure to follow Robbie on Social Media.


EPISODE 79 - Speak Your Way to Wellness - Communication Skills and their Impact on Health

Did you know that our ability to speak up with authenticity and vulnerability is heavily linked to our health and wellness? In this episode, I’m joined by communications expert, Jennifer Abrams. Together, we’ll discuss a variety of communication-related skills that can help us further develop our authentic voice so that we can engage in courageous and empowered health-supporting conversations. We’ll also explore research regarding the impact of healthy and unhealthy conflict and have the opportunity to engage in a relationship audit to explore our communication opportunities in different relationships. Listen in, and learn to speak your way to better health! MyMSflock@gmail.comIG: @MyMSFlock FB: MS.UNDERSTOOD


EPISODE 78 - Building a Personal Daily Routine to Support MS Wellness

Do you want to make lifestyle changes to better support your MS health, but aren’t sure how? Do you want to make changes but don’t know which ones are the most important and will yield best results? Listen in and we’ll talk about habit change - why negative behavior loops are harder to break, and helpful tools to make this important shift! We’ll also discuss the recommended daily habits that support overall health in general by looking at what those in the world’s Blue Zones do each day — as well as the daily habits most recommended to support our health specifically as folks living with MS. Listen in and find YOUR unique opportunities for growth - and the tools to make it happen! MyMSflock@gmail.comIG: @MyMSFlock


EPISODE 77 - Using the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Framework to Identify our Wellness Goals

What is “wellness”? Did you know that there are 8 Dimensions of Wellness that overlap and are deeply connected to the overall level of health that we are able to achieve in our lives? When even one of these dimensions is neglected, it adversely impacts our health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life. Do you want to heal but don’t know where to start? OR have too many health goals so you so far have accomplished very little? Doing a personal inventory of our current health and wellness in each of the 8 Dimensions of Wellness can help illuminate our biggest personal opportunities for healing. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the 8 Dimensions of Wellness framework to see how it can help us first assess our current levels of health AND then give us clear direction in terms of how we’d like to move forward to achieve better health outcomes and holistic harmony in our lives! MyMSflock@gmail.comIG: @MyMSFlock


EPISODE 76 - A Conversation with Dr. Terry Wahls - Pioneer in MS Health Research and Solutions

Join me as I discuss all things Multiple Sclerosis with Dr. Terry Wahls, leader in MS research & MS care. Dr. Wahls shares openly about her life and the many challenges she has faced living with MS, as well as how she harnessed her personal skillset and unparalleled tenacity to regain her health, paving a path to significantly better health outcomes for herself and our shared MS community. While Dr. Wahls is most well known for her MS nutrition research & expertise, which we DO discuss - I also took this opportunity to ask her about a wide range of MS topics: brain atrophy, telomeres & biological age, trauma & chronic toxic stress, alternative care options as pathways to wellness, CBD/THC, LDN, melatonin, spasticity, meditation, the importance of community, personal purpose, and more! You’ll also learn about Dr. Wahl’s current research study (Efficacy of Diet on Quality of Life) that YOU can participate in, as well the MasterHealth App, and upcoming Multiple Sclerosis FREE Neuroimmune Summit, beginning July 5th. https:// Access Efficacy of Diet on Quality of Life eligibility survey: FB (Terry WahlsMD) Twitter & IG IG: @MyMSFlock


EPISODE 75 - Developing Strong Self- Regulation Skills to Support our MS Health

Do you feel out of control in life? Do you ever wonder what’s keeping you from achieving your goals? Do you struggle to say NO, or to find the time to do the things that are important to you? Do you want to eat better but just can’t seem to do so? Do you want to exercise or clean but can’t seem to get off the couch? You’re not alone! Many of us living with Multiple Sclerosis experience overwhelm, debilitating fatigue and mood disorders, and also struggle with apathy and the ability to implement behavior change to get ourselves to a place of better health. Today, we’ll learn about the importance of developing strong self-regulation, how to develop strong self-regulation skills, and the role self-regulation plays in our ability to live well with IG: @MyMSFlock


EPISODE 74 - Simplifying our Lives as a Healing Strategy

Many of us living with MS experience overwhelm and dissatisfaction with certain areas of our lives. This drastically limits our ability to maximize our happiness and our ability to traverse hardships in positive ways when we face the challenges that life brings our way. In this episode, we’ll explore 9 different pathways to deeply examine in our lives to discover our unique personal path to simplification. By leaning into what resonates with us most, and letting go of the rest, we can find our way to a much brighter place. Listen in and begin your journey towards a simpler and happier


EPISODE 73 - Transforming our Health through Conscientious Consumerism and the May Decluttering Challenge

In honor of Earth Day this week, I’m joined by Dr. Susan Payrovi to discuss the connection between our health - both physical & mental - and clutter! We’ll share about our recent February Clear experience, important ways our health and the health of our planet are deeply connected, how to claim and reclaim items we already have, yet aren’t really using, how to clear the excess items that we really don’t need, and how to cut down on all extraneous consumerism through our upcoming May Decluttering & Buy Nothing challenge. You’ll also learn some fascinating statistics around clutter, and why we, as a society, struggle with it so much! Listen in - and join us starting Monday, April 24th at 9amPT/noonET on Instagram (and hopefully FaceBook too!) as we kick off our May challenge alongside others in our shared MS community. Together, we will declutter our way to better health! MyMSflock@gmail.comConnect with us on InstaGram: @TrueMedicineMS @simplelife.healthcoach @lalik_health_wellness podcast @myMSflock Connect with us on Facebook: True Medicine MS, Lalik Health Coach, Simple Life - Health Coach, MS.Understood Podcast


EPISODE 72 - Together We Go - the Collaborative Genius of Atom & Robbie - and the Healing Power of Artistic Expression

In this episode, I'm joined by two phenomenal members of our shared MS Community: artist extraordinaire Atom St George and prolific poet Robbie Gillett, to celebrate their recent collaborative masterpieces. Both Robbie and Atom are talented artists on their own, yet today we’ll learn about the magic they are weaving by joining forces to share their collective MS stories through their art. Learn about their artistic processes and how their art helps each of them transmute their MS related pain and angst into manifesting something positive, that helps them, and others in our community - and beyond! - live full and fruitful lives. MyMSflock@gmail.comConnect with Robbie & Atom on FB: IG: Spotify: YouTube: featured in LA Weekly:


EPISODE 71 - Understanding the Metaphysical Manifestation of MS

As I traverse further into my lived experience with MS, some surprising aspects of healing have emerged that have been truly unexpected. In this episode, we’ll explore what a variety of experts in the field believe is the Metaphysical manifestation of Multiple Sclerosis. As we address each expert’s take behind why we develop MS, we’ll simultaneously investigate two case studies to look for overlap with our personal stories in the hopes that this deeply reflective practice may illuminate future healing avenues for ourselves. Grab a notebook - and listen in for some deep self-reflection.


EPISODE 70 - February Clear - Finding Peace of Mind Through Decluttering

In this episode, I'm joined by DR Susan Payrovi of to talk about the common mental health challenges in the MS community of overwhelm, anxiety, and depression - and their connection to having an excess of clutter in our homes. You’ll be introduced to the concept of a monthly clear, which is something I do every February - and this year, you are invited to participate alongside others in the MS community this month! Take a listen - and join in the fun!


EPISODE 69 - Positive Intelligence - Your Opportunity to Finally Master Your Mindset

In this episode, we’ll learn just how much our thoughts impact our lives and the importance of developing strong mental fitness and a growth mindset as a tool to live well with MS. We’ll look specifically at the powerful Positive Intelligence (PQ) 8-week App-based mental fitness program created by Mindset Master, Shirzad Chamine. You’ll hear from two guests - Aaron & Stephanie - who recently completed the program AND be invited to an upcoming informational session and opportunity to participate in the PQ Mental Fitness program with others in our shared MS Community. Listen in to discover more about this powerful healing tool!


EPISODE 68 - Tis the Season for Wintering and SAD

Winter is more than a static season we experience each year. In this episode, we’ll explore the concept of what it means to be in a personal state of Wintering. We’ll learn about SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder, why it’s so prominent in the MS community, and what we can do about it to support ourselves through it and even prevent it. We’ll also dive into the learnings from the brilliant Katherine May, author of Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times. Listen in to discover more about these powerful healing tools!


EPISODE 67 - All About Oils - Oil Pulling and the Pechoti Method for Detox Support and Healing

In this episode, we’ll explore the ancient Ayurvedic practices of oil pulling and the Pechoti application method to learn how these approaches can assist in our detoxification, healing and ongoing wellness as people living with MS. We’ll discuss how our oral health impacts our gut permeability, as well as Vagus nerve health functionality. We’ll address the compelling reasons why these methods work, how to do them, as well as share the positive impacts they have on our bodies. Listen in to discover more about these powerful healing tools!


EPISODE 66 - Revealing our Unique Pathways to Healing Through Brain Type Analysis

In this episode, we’ll examine several helpful resources addressing brain health. We’ll learn how to identify our unique brain type and what that means in terms of our current — and future (!) ability to be healthy and happy. We’ll discuss a resource that helps us break the fear-pain thought cycle to help reduce our physical pain, and another that helps us identify our unique opportunities to further build our mental fitness and choose happiness more often. Much like the unknown future, we cannot control the wind or waves - yet these important brain-health resources can help us learn to sail so that we can navigate whatever challenges we may face with grace, optimism, and perseverance.


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