MTB in Review

A podcast not about stuff, but about the people that make mountain biking so cool.

Matthew Fairbrother: Up Next, Mountain Biking Up Olympus Mons

Matt Fairbrother had never left his home country of New Zealand prior to qualifying for the 2022 Enduro World Series. It was a dream come true, but he didn't have a great way of getting from race to race... so he decided to ride his bike. Matt's insane feats of endurance underlie a character that is just stoked to be on his bike, constantly looking to see where the next turn in the trail takes him.


Chelsea "SendsIt" Kimball: Self Made and Doing it For the Fun

Chelsea "Sends It" Kimball has been forging her own path (in her Astrovan!) for eleven years, and her passion and drive don't seem to be diminishing down in the slightest. I had the opportunity to sit down and chat with her at the 2022 Red Bull Formation, and learned how she got into mountain biking, what she thinks of her career as a professional athlete, and some potential goals for the future.


Eric Olsen: Enduro Racer, Entrepreneur, Community Builder

I met Eric Olsen when Tom Morgan, one of the owners of Ibis Cycles, emailed me out of the blue and said "hey, this kid Eric is racing and is a neat guy and we want to help him with equipment, but through your shop." Well, you can't really say no to that, and it proved to be a prudent decision on Tom's part. Listen to our conversation about mountain bike racing, his business start-up Jank Components, our upcoming Tour De EWS trip, and more.Eric and Logan Patrick Nelson's community mountain bik...


Gavi Perl: New to Bellingham, New to Mountain Biking

Moving to a new place can be scary. Entering a new sport can be scarier, especially when everyone you're doing it with is already quite good at it.I talk with my friend, roommate, and sister, Gavi P, about how she was introduced to mountain biking, how she came to live in Bellingham, and what it's like to be a woman in a male dominated sport.


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