Made for More podcast

The Made for More podcast is full of faith filled encouragement to help you reach your full potential. Focusing on the truth and promises of God, we can do immeasurably more with Him, than we could ever do on our own. If you’re looking to renew your mind, transform your life, and get fresh perspective, this podcast is a place to a start.

20: Distraction

Todays episode is on Distraction. Listen in for some encouragement.


19: Spirit verses Flesh plus silencing shame

Over the years, I have frequently seen and heard phrases like “walk by the Spirit”, or “crucify the flesh” as a follower of Jesus. These sorts of phrases can be a little confusing, like What exactly does flesh mean? And How exactly do I crucify the flesh and walk by the Spirit? At the end of the episode is a devotional on silencing shame. Listen in to todays episode !


18: Wisdom in the garden

Season 2 Episode 2 Wisdom in the Garden from the Made for More Bible study series. Todays episode we take a look at Wisdom found in scriptures.


17: Grace in the Garden

Todays episode is about finding Grace in the Garden. This is episode 1 for season 2 of the Made for More Bible Study Series. Be sure to join the Facebook group to keep up with the series. Referenced book: Furtick, Steven. (Un)Qualified, Multnomah, 2016. Facebook group link :


23: See The Good

A short story about how God will grab your attention to help you see the good.


22: Gods love for us

A quick story from a fall in the dark to remembering how God loves and guides us as His children. Enjoy!


21: What matters

This episode is a form of story telling in a season of learning what matters the most. It’s easy to be distracted and lose focus. Here’s an episode about learning the art of rest.


5: For a season of waiting

In todays world waiting is one of the hardest things to do. This episode shares a story about learning how to trust God in a season of waiting.


16: Grace for the mistakes

In this episode you will hear a fun story that reminds us of Gods love and grace. We are not defined by what we have done or do, but by what God has done and who He is. Sermon referenced :


15: Overcoming overwhelming emotions

Todays episode is about overcoming overwhelming emotions we experience when life gets hard. Life has many difficult seasons we will face but there is a way to not be defeated by the storm. Hear about how we can walk through them and overcome. Sermons referenced during episode :


14: What does it mean to win?

Let’s talk about the concept of winning. What does it mean to win to you? Is first place what it means to win? Is first place most worthy of praise? Do you have to be first in order to win? In this episode I’m going to talk about winning. Stick around to hear about a new perspective gained while watching a bunch of marbles rolling around.


13: Sharing your gift

Todays episode is an expansion of episode 12. I go into further detail of the gifts we are given, the treasure God has given us, and how we can cultivate peace and unity by loving others well.


12: What is your gifting?

Happy Saint Patrick’s day! This episode includes an illustration that you have a hidden treasure, no need to search at the end of any rainbows! The parable of the three servants in Matthew chapter 25 tied into todays discussion as well.


11: Struggles in the Strumming

This episode is a piece of writing titled : struggles in the strumming. I’ve spent this last week asking God a lot of questions, self reflecting, reading scripture and processing. I felt God pull me to stop what I was doing in the midst of the day and write about what He has been trying to teach me in this season. I’m always amazed at how sometimes the most simple things in life bring me back to my walk with God. I hope you enjoy!


10: When you feel discouragement or disappointment

This episode is about life’s unmet expectations, disappointments, and discouragement. We’ve all been in seasons that we’ve longed for better circumstances than what we are in now. When life doesn’t look how we thought it would, when efforts bring no results, when steps of faith lead to closed doors, how do we move forward towards our purpose with hope and perseverance? Listen to find out!


9: Finding confidence in your Purpose

This episode is about finding confidence in your purpose. Last weeks episode I talked about walking towards our purpose and what it looks like learning to walk in faith. So today we will talk about what our purpose is, how to overcome hinderances keeping us from meeting our calling, and how to have confidence in God.


8: Learning to walk towards your purpose

Learning how to walk in faith is something we have to learn to do. Salvation is immediate but sanctification is a process. Emily talks about how God guides us, and what it means to walk with him along the way as we search to find purpose for our lives. Podcast episode I reference with Sadie Robertson Huff


7: Light, sight, and the fight for focus

This episode is about light, blind spots, and fixing our focus! There’s a fun little experiment involved so get out a blank paper and a black pen! Educational video link:


6: Seeking Clarity: Walking the maze of life

During a time of needing clarity, God encouraged me. Hear a voice note I made for myself after hearing a sermon at Elevation Church by pastor Jentezen Franklin. A word from God came through at a time it was needed most. inspired once again to continue Gods call on my life to “just write”. I share about what Gods doing in my life and how He does immeasurably more. I share about how Gods speaking to me in the ordinary tasks of life and include a fun story illustrating what it’s like to walk this life as a follower of Jesus.


4: What it means to be Made for more

In a culture where there are many truths, your truth, and my truth. I felt like I had to remind myself what THE TRUTH is and how to walk in it. So Todays message is called Made for More. I felt really inspired to talk about what it means to be transformed into the image of Christ which I talked about in my last episode. I wanted to expand on what it means to have an old self versus a new self and what it looks like to walk out this reality in our culture today.


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