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Magick Works, by The Magical Egypt Documentary Series
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Magick Works, by The Magical Egypt Documentary Series

Author: Vanese Mc Neill

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Magick Works, provides a sneak peek at subjects in our upcoming Magical Egypt Series, including an exploration of the Magic of Ancient Egypt, and what has come down to us today! By Executive Producer Vanese Mc Neill. What is magic, and what is it not, and how can it help us today. Featuring the worlds leading researchers from around the world, including John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, Ruper Sheldrake, Peter Mark Adams and many more!. Visit http://www.magicalegypt.comArt: Sigil board by Robin Webley Tom, by Vanese Mc Neill
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78 Episodes
OK warning this contains gory details...might be TMI? Anyway today we answer a listener question... how do I know this stuff is even real? I speak to both my personal experience and my observations of others in ascertaining sexual energy is real!MAGICAL EGYPT SUMMITWe invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we explore new ways of thinking and being, and challenge our preconceptions about ancient Egypt and the modern world around us.Our lineup of speakers and thought leaders is unpar...
We are going full speed ahead with some very good news for us and some Traditional Chinese Medicine. Topics include:Female Orgasm: how it is not fair! The three treasures. Jing, Kidney Essence, and Semen Retention of Taoist Sexual Alchemy. Absorbing female energy and the Medicine of the Three Peaks. Women’s sexual energy cultivation via the White Tigress Manual. Longevity and extending your life span aka chuck out the face cream and have an orgasm instead hahahaha!MAGICAL EGYPT SUMMITWe invit...
In this episode we look at Feminine Sexual Energy and how there is a lot more material available for men on this topic and why that might be. Where Magick and Sexual Energy intersect. A bit about my own journey, and what we are going to cover, and we cap it off with the worlds most famous female sexual alchemist!Taoist Secrets of Love: Cultivating Male Sexual Energy
So, a friend sent me this wild video about Sex Magick in Ancient Egypt—think high-frequency orgasms blessing crops and rituals to energize pyramid stones. The podcaster goes deep into how ancient Egyptians supposedly used sex magic for everything from political power to stone quarrying. Now, I’ve skimmed through some esoteric teachings, mostly from Drunvalo Melchizedek, and his "ankhing" and sacred geometry, blending ancient wisdom with his channeled insights. Think Taoist energy practic...
There are two worlds uncomfortably coexisting, and I am blessed—or perhaps cursed—with the ability to see both sides, the red and the blue. It's enough to make anyone feel schizophrenic. This situation arises because we are being bombarded with weapons of mass destruction in the form of the most sophisticated algorithms of manipulation known to man. These algorithms are designed to exploit our deepest fears and desires, to polarize us for profit, creating a cycle of division and discord…. and...
This week's discussion delves into the intriguing realms of Sex and Money, yet amidst these captivating topics lies a mysterious force often overlooked—a hidden "superpower" of humanity. This force, despite its profound potential to catapult individuals into stardom overnight or dismantle empires with swift precision, remains shrouded in neglect, lacking the attention it rightfully deserves. As I embark once more into the territory of TMI, I cannot help but ponder if there exists a deliberate...
In this talk we look at a subject we dive deeply into in Heka Season 4 and that is our materialist paradigm, and how the ancient Egyptians had a very different perspective than us giving them a more holistic outlook....So then what are the ramifications for Science and History for example, but more importantly what if humanity had a parasite that is not material in convenient would a material paradigm be for them!
Today I delve into the intriguing world of magic, unraveling it's historical suppression, destruction, and appropriation! Addressing briefly the historical and ongoing efforts to suppress magical practices, I explore various periods, from ancient Egypt to Medieval Europe, where magic faced suppression due to political and religious reasons. I contend that those in power actively seek to control knowledge and information, even using magick against us, to maintain order and stability while keep...
CORRECTED I have some Christmas presents for you!Not everything can go into our documentary series. It is a huge topic, and there are many trajectories. So for Christmas, I wish to gift you some knowledge that could be some of the most important on the planet!Now, whether you turn that into wisdom or not is up to you, but I am gifting you knowledge of your superpowers.In this podcast, I am going to tell you all about your innate, god-given superpowers that you never imagined possessing,...



Today we talk about the new Film Heka! And I gift it to my top 21 fans!! AND we talk about Heka in action! And how you can do it too xxxGet Heka here.... us a textGet the latest updates on our link tree Connect Own Magical Egypt Get Heka Become a Patron
My reaction to a video I just saw on Twitter....I refuse to call it X hahaha us a textGet the latest updates on our link tree Connect Own Magical Egypt Get Heka Become a Patron
Sorry for the bad audio on this one...A revelation from Tony Wright talk at the Summit. Sorry for the audio but the mic was not on!Tony's book us a textGet the latest updates on our link tree Connect Own Magical Egypt Get Heka Become a Patron
A Memo from the Magical Egypt Summit on the talk by Thomas Joseph BrownOh and testing AI me hahahah I think it lost me in translation : )If you would like to know more you can grab the Summit Video Replays for only $49, and there are a few sessions still to attend live : )Get Summit Video Replays Hereor here…. to Thomas here keep abreast of the upcoming workshop and other incredible insights.Chronicl...
In the tapestry of existence, there are threads that connect the physical realm with the metaphysical, the mundane with the transcendent. A contemplation upon the sacred geometry associated with venerable structures such as temples, henges, and pyramids evokes a recognition that these architectural wonders serve as conduits between the human spirit and the enigmatic forces that shape our world. Yet, in the symphony of human knowledge, there is a lesser-known refrain that resonates softly thro...
Step into a world of intrigue as Clif High presents a groundbreaking revelation about Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Beyond the conventional understanding, these ancient scriptures are seen through a fresh lens - as a guide to an otherworldly mind-to-machine interface technology that has influenced civilizations for millennia. Prepare to challenge your perceptions and embark on a transformative journey into the hidden depths of Yoga's timeless wisdom.The full discussion by Clifhttps://clifhigh.subs...
In the depths of my study, a book called "The Science of the Initiates" emerged from the shadows. Its existence had remained a mystery for over two decades, much like its elusive author, A. Server. Yet, as I embarked on this unexpected journey, the profound wisdom concealed within its pages began to unravel, captivating my every thought.Now, at long last, and for me anyway, the wisdom contained within this ancient tome holds a newfound clarity. It reveals a timeless wisdom, waiting to b...
In this episode, we delve into Mark Stavish's words on the pyramid of reincarnation, a topic that has a strong connection to our recent discussions. The universe presented it to me, as well as Thomas Joseph Brown's new substack, which expands on the notion of soul progression and clairvoyant powers through Steiner. Good thing the Universe is doing all the heavy lifting! Mark Stavish Joseph Brownhttps://www.fa...
We go on a journey this week, exploring the intricacies of incarnation with Ingo Swann. A series of revelations unfold, shedding light on the inner workings of the process, and the sway of lust and desire in shaping our present lives. It's a journey of discovery, of self-realization, and of coming to terms with the enigmatic forces that guide us along the way.MAGICAL EGYPT SUMMITWe invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we explore new ways of thinking and being, and challenge...
This is the second in the series on Reincarnation discussed in Ingo Swanns fabulous Resurrecting the Mysterious and this week we look at the after life journey of the more conscious soul, including the interesting link between reincarnation and fame!Resurrecting the Mysterious EGYPT SUMMITWe invite you to join us on this exciting journey as we explore new ways of thinking and being, and challenge our preconce...
In Peter Marks Adams' book "The Game of Saturn," he talks about the elites utilizing reverse theology to reincarnate themselves back into their bloodline, wealth line, and power line. Today, however, we have such little understanding and such undeveloped transphysical psychic awareness systems that we will more than likely get pulled into the closest humping puppy fertilization frenzy! WHOA, right? Thankfully, there's hope. Of course, Ingo Swann turned me onto this, so we are going to read so...