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Make It So - A Star Trek Podcast
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Make It So - A Star Trek Podcast

Author: Simply Syndicated

Subscribed: 108Played: 709


No Star Trek show? Are you serious? Let’s make one! If ever a show was inevitable, Make It So is it. We all love Star Trek here at Simply Syndicated, and this show was something we needed to do. It was time to show our hands and reveal our geek credentials. We needed to talk about it in depth, ask questions, pose theories and lovingly both worship and pick apart the Trek universe’s vast canon of episodes and movies.

Acknowledging that whilst we love it, there are flaws, and feeling ultimately secure in the belief that watching Star Trek will make you a better person.
50 Episodes
50. Star Trek Fans

50. Star Trek Fans


This one is about us, and you.
49. What Happens Next

49. What Happens Next


I think we'll try to predict what might happen next in Star Trek, based on what we knew in 2009.
48. Next Generation

48. Next Generation


Your guess is as good as mine.
47. Pop Culture

47. Pop Culture


It's all about the popular culture in Star Trek innit.
46. What If Actors

46. What If Actors


What if actors? Indeed.
45. Internal Politics

45. Internal Politics


It's all about the politics, which is internal. I don't know, we recorded this ten years ago.
44. Internal Politics

44. Internal Politics


It's not real politics, it's just the telly.
43. Next Gen Season 4

43. Next Gen Season 4


We pick the best episode of Star Trek The Next Generation Season 4.
We couldn't think of what to talk about, so we decided to ruin an episode of our favourite show.
41. The Best Battle

41. The Best Battle


Here's another of those in depth, well researched, intelligent, discussions about Star Trek.
40. Merchandising

40. Merchandising


I can't not hear that word in Mel Brooks' voice.
39. William Shatner

39. William Shatner


Get ready for one of the laziest, worst researched, podcasts ever attempted.
38. Gul Dukat

38. Gul Dukat


In this episode of Make It So, we talk about the character Gul Dukat. He's on DS9. That's all I have to say about that.
37. Most Attractive

37. Most Attractive


It's entirely possible that this episode is a bit sexist.
36. Rivalries

36. Rivalries


I don't know. Riker vs Worf or something.
35. Spin Offs

35. Spin Offs


I think this is the Risa Nights episode. Also I left off the warning about it being an old show.
34. Politics

34. Politics


It's about the politics in Star Trek. Obviously!
33. The Look of Trek

33. The Look of Trek


We talk about what Star Trek looks like. It looks very nice.
32. Star Trek 11

32. Star Trek 11


Of course, this has happened now. We know how it turns out. Don't we J.J.
31. Deep Space 9, Season 2

31. Deep Space 9, Season 2


We pick the best episode, of the second season, of Deep Space 9.