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Make Marketing Suck Less

Author: Dr. Michelle Mazur

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The only podcast that admits marketing is F@$!ing hard and makes it suck less for solo business owners who are juggling client delivery and sales on top of all those marketing tasks.

Unlike most marketing podcasts that share the latest marketing fads that promise “Viral Internet Fame,” Dr. Michelle Mazur, the author of the 3 Word Rebellion and founder of The Expert Up Club, knows you don’t need any of that BS to run a thriving business.

Each week, she shares unconventional strategies and ideas grounded in research, not opinion, that help you clarify your message and become way more effective with your marketing.

While she can't promise you'll ever love marketing, she can promise you’ll hate it a tiny bit less.

(Formerly Rebel Uprising Podcast)
402 Episodes
Is your business flying under the radar?  Happy clients who get great results see you as their secret weapon.  Being the best-kept secret kind of sucks, doesn't it? It means that you're losing out on clients revenue, opportunities to let your expertise shine through so that it reaches more people.  How can you stop flying under the radar? Well, it starts by letting go of this one pesky little thought that stops you from putting your work out in the world.  And then it's just about following this three-step process that will help make marketing suck less. Are you ready for that? Let's dive in. In this episode: Why no one is actually noticing what you're doing as much as you are Two big Rebel Truths about getting marketing right  The three steps to making marketing less intimidating Resources mentioned:   Brene Brown Wes Kao Spotlight Effect Don't Like Marketing?  Here’s what to do at the minimum Achilles’ Heel Assessment Minimum Viable, Meaningful Marketing Message Episode  
Your client has a lot of options when it comes to solving their problem. There's so much competition and competition for their time, energy, and financial resources. >>>How do you make sure that your business is the one they choose? >>>How do you show you're different from the web celebs with charismatic marketing? You do it by differentiating your business. So what is differentiation and why is it critical for your business? That's exactly what we're gonna talk about on today's pod.Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
“How does having a 3 Word Rebellion make marketing suck less?” That's a question I got from a listener and it's a super smart question. To truly make marketing suck less:you have to know that the work you put in will actually pay offthat it will make marketing easier and more effective to bring in your right-fit clients.Today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my own business and showing you how my 3 Word Rebellion makes marketing take half the time while being twice as effective for my business.Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
“Hey! Look at me!”“Hey! Buy my program…Read my blog…Listen to my podcast!”“Smash that subscribe button!” “Hey, I've got the only foolproof way to solve your problem!”Let's face it. It's noisy out in the marketplace. On social media, it seems like everyone is hawking their wares, talking about how much money they make and how they can teach you to do it too. It's enough to make you want to give up on marketing. I get it. And you can't because there are people out there right now searching for you and your solution. So how do you rise above the noisy marketplace? How do you get the attention of your right fit client and then create connection and conversation with them? You do it with your 3 Word Rebellion. And today on the pod, I'm going to talk about why expertise driven businesses need a 3 Word Rebellion now more than ever.  Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Do you ever find yourself reading an Instagram post or listening to a podcast, and you're absolutely horrified by the advice being given?  You shake your head and you think, “That's not how any of this works!” I know I've been there, and the reason is because experts can spot BS a mile away. I believe that's one of the reasons why marketing is so hard for you. The pseudo experts out there who are promising the quick fix, big rewards for little effort, and the easy to follow blueprints make whatever the challenge is seem so simple and easy to solve. Then an expert looks at it and thinks, “Wow. Yeah. That's not how that works. It's not that simple.  It's more nuanced.”As an expert, you look at those kinds of marketing messages and think, “is this what I really need to say to get people to want to work with me? I just can't say that. It's not right”. And you're right. That instinct is the correct one. Your honesty, your integrity is exactly why we need to get your work in front of people. So it's time. It's time to stage a rebellion with your expertise, and I'm going to give you 3 big reasons why. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Why is it so hard to claim your expertise?To own what makes you truly exceptional at your work.To own the capacity and the ability you uniquely have to guide your clients to results. Then why is it so hard to promote that? To tell people about it? And I get that marketing sucks, but it is truly time to expert up and claim your expertise for yourself. We live in a world that currently doesn’t value expertise so claiming it is an act of rebellion. Let’s define what anti-expert bias is and why we need expert now more than ever. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
If everyone is saying the same thing to market their business, how do you— as an expert—stand out? How can you say something different that catches the attention of your right-fit clients so they pay attention to you and hire you and not your competition? Today we're doing something a little bit different.  We’re diving into Marketing Message Makeovers so you can stop using overused marketing cliches that make you blend in. Instead, you can stand out by asking yourself two very simple questions. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Confession. I'm a bit of a control freak. Control is something we are socialized to do. We are told that we are the masters of our destiny!  the captains of our ship! and we can pull ourselves up by our bootstraps!And in reality - in a business - there are so many things that are out of our control, like whether:A prospective client says yesYou  land a podcast interview or a TEDx talk,People open our emails The algorithm shows people a social media post you spent an hour writing. Even though so much is out of our control, we do control the moments when the ball is still in our proverbial courts: >>What we say during sales conversation>>The content of a pitch we send>>The subject line for our emailsFor the overlooked experts among us, what you and I control is the key to creating demand for your offers and expertise. It's critical to become known by the right people so your work is valued and people want to hire you. So what do we control?  That’s what we’re talking about today. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
You are the business owner who gets results for your clients. You're masterful at what you do and yet so many times you are passed over and overlooked for someone with half the expertise and experience. What is the deal with that? I wish we lived in a world where the people who are best at what they do are the ones who are consistently known and hired instead of the charismatic few who did it for themselves and now they are shouting it from the rooftops that they can do it for you too!>>>How do we overcome being overlooked?>>>How do we go from seemingly invisible to in-demand? That path is unconventional and we can't follow what the successful few do. We need to go our own way. On the podcast today, we’ll talk about how to carve out your unconventional path from overlooked expert to in-demand expert! Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Do you feel like an overlooked expert? Have you ever thought, “I am great at what I do!  So, why don't more people know about me?” I'll be honest. I have asked myself this question and I've become a little obsessed with figuring out the answer to it. In my business, I am so lucky that I get to work with amazing, talented people who are experts in their field. Years of experience, finely honed skills, and the work they do with their clients is incredible. It gets results.They are the type of people who are so damn easy to refer to because their work is so good, and they're the kind of people that I want to make sure more people know. But that brings me back to the question “If they are so good, so talented, so skilled, and get their clients results, why aren't they more widely known?” And I believe I found part of this answer, and I'm calling this the overlooked expert phenomenon.  Let's talk about it and the three reasons why it exists. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Can we talk about how batshit bananas the current economic climate is? Online business is undergoing a major correction right now. Sales cycles take longer. Trust is at an all time low. And all of those business owners who were touting their “Big Teams!” and “7 Figure Success!” are now talking about descaling and degrowth. The bottom line is people aren't buying like they used to. I felt it, and I'm sure you have too. But now that our economy has a big case of the weirds, how do you adjust your marketing and your message to stay relevant to your clients during this strange time?That's what we're talking about today on the pod. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
“I don't know if I'm expert enough.”“Oh, really?” As soon as I hear this phrase, I always ask, “So tell me about your experience.”  And then I am regaled by a list of certifications, education, experience on the job, transferable skills, developing their own frameworks and working with clients and getting results.Yes, you're definitely expert enough, but I understand why people feel like they aren’t. Why you doubt your expertise and think that you're not expert enough. And some people think they're not expert enough to even listen to this podcast. Well, it may be a good old-fashioned imposter complex getting in the way. It might also be a fundamental misunderstanding about expertise. So let's unpack that and talk about how to know if you're expert enough. And spoiler alert, if you're thinking that you're more than expert enough.Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Have you ever thought that one of the reasons that you're hesitant to market and put your expertise out there is because of the way we're taught to market in the online space. Because what we're taught is not for you, especially if you are an expertise-based business that's been doing it for a while. What works for the masses doesn't work for you. On this podcast, we're diving into 3 big messaging tropes that you commonly hear in online business that don't work for expert-based businesses like yours and what you should do instead. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if people recognized your expertise and hired you on the spot?Unfortunately, good work doesn’t speak for itself, and getting great results for your clients is not enough. Rebel Truth: Good work is never enough.You’ve got to advocate for your work. You’ve got to speak up and be seen for that good work. You’ve got to showcase why you’re the expert who can get the job done.Your right-fit client is out there right now looking for you, and if you’re not marketing, they will hire someone else. Marketing is a necessity. It’s the only way your clients know your business exists. And marketing how can you do it in a way that takes less time and gets you better results? You come to The Expert Up Club open house that's happening on Wednesday, March 20th at 10 am PT.Sign up for the Open House by clicking here or go to
“I wish I didn't have to market. Why can't people just see I'm an expert and hire me on the spot?” I can't tell you how many times I've heard this very thing and I get why.Experts think because we are damn good at what we do, that people should just recognize that and give us their money.  I wish it was that way but it’s not.I also understand how much it hurts to watch someone who has half the experience and expertise that you possess, get the clients and the opportunities that you know in your heart of heart that you should have, or at least be in the running for. The rebel truth: It’s time to market your expertise.That's why I wanted to make a case for why experts like you need to market your business. Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
This is gonna get awkward. There's always a time in marketing when you reach this awkward transition point. Where you go from empathizing, providing value, and giving your potential clients an “ah-ha” that makes them think to asking them to work with you. And let's face it. It's a tricky, weird transition to navigate in your marketing. So, how do you transition from marketing into asking for the sale?  That's exactly what we’re talking about.Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
This anniversary really snuck up on me.I realized the other morning that it has been five years since I first published the 3 Word Rebellion. Then when I sat down and added up the numbers, I realized that I had now sold over 5,000 copies of the book, which blew me away. I can't even begin to describe that to you. Today, I want to take you behind the scenes and tell you the completely unglamorous story of what it took to sell that many books in 5 years.In this episode, we discussed:The mindset shift and ongoing marketing efforts needed to achieve long-term book sales.The exact strategies I used to promote the book  - then & nowThe continued relevance and promotion of the 3 Word Rebellion, as well as its expansion into the Expert Up Club.Want to hear more about The Expert Up Club? Book Your Private Tour HereFull show notes and transcript are here.
Your marketing message is a bit like a puzzle.  There are multiple pieces that come together in a unique way that form a compelling and persuasive story about why your right-fit clients would choose to work with you.  But too many times, business owners are missing a piece of the puzzle and, no, their cat didn't steal it.  Once you've helped your client diagnose their problem and dispel any misconceptions that they might have about the work you do, you think they are ready for your offer, but they're not.  So what is this piece of the puzzle?  I’m here to tell you! In this episode we discuss: The importance of a complete marketing message puzzle and the common missing piece in business owner's messaging. Nurturing and engaging potential clients through the messaging process, including diagnosing problems and dispelling misconceptions. Advocating for the business's unique solution to a client's problem without jumping straight into the offer. Examples of bridging the gap between a client's problem and the business's unique solution.  
No one understands your work quite like you do.  What you consider common knowledge, your potential clients don't even know about - it is not on their radar.  And this is part of the curse of expertise.  What we think as experts is universally understood - it's not.  And what your potential clients don't understand, keep them from taking the next step from working with you.  In this episode, we talk about misconceptions and dispelling misconceptions as a core piece of your minimum viable marketing message. We also discuss: The curse of expertise and the barriers it creates in effectively communicating with potential clients The 2 types of misconceptions and their impact on potential clients. Examples of misconceptions in different businesses, including messaging, email automation, and coaching. The challenge of identifying misconceptions and the role of feedback from others in understanding them.  
Do you hate the idea of pressing on people's pain points?   Agitating the pain so that the only solution to make it stop is by giving you money?  I do too. It's gross. It's icky, and, unfortunately, it works.  But there's another way to talk about your clients' struggles and challenges without feeling like a big old sleazeball.  It's key to creating your minimum viable marketing message and ensuring your potential clients feel seen, heard, and valued.  So what is this alternative?  You'll just have to listen in to find out. In this episode, we  review what the hell messaging is and the voice of customer research  work to understand the pain your client is experiencing learn the three parts of the Problem Statement, including how to stop the “snake from eating its tail” problem  