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Making a Difference

Author: Revs. Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz

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Positive and inspirational teachings that will make a difference in your life from Reverends Larry and Mary Ellen Swartz, ordained Unity ministers.
214 Episodes
In the book of Genesis there is a story of Moses leading the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt to a new place referred to as the promised land. Metaphysically the promised land is for each of us now. Our journey to the promised land begins when we are ready let go of the old and accept the new.Listen as Mary Ellen shares a metaphysical approach to the journey made by Moses and the Israelites to the promised land of abundance. It is symbolic of a journey that is made over and over by ea...
What does vibrational energy have to do with the commandments and metaphysical principle? What does telling an untruth with have to do with receiving the good we want? What is the metaphysical principle within telling the Truth?What does coveting and jealousy have to do with receiving the good we want? What's the metaphysical principle within our ability to receive our good?Listen as Larry shares his understanding of this and more.If you wish to share a gift of appreciation for our podca...
Thou Shall not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14) The surface level this commandment seems to deal with moral living and outer action. On deeper levels one sees there are metaphysical principles to be found which include our thoughts and beliefs and that to which we give power.Thou shall not steal. (Exodus 20:15) On a surface level this commandment seems to be about not taking anything that belongs to another. Deeper level understanding reveals that life is always in balance. Even if one t...
Legends are stories which are thought to be based on true events but have developed fictional elements that have significance to the culture from which they originate. The Bible contains many legends or stories that were orally shared for generations before they were put into written form. Often the stories had colorful aspects in order to be remembered.Listen as Larry shares the Metaphysical Principles within some well known Old Testament legends.Recommended books published by Unity: Metaphy...
Listen as Mary Ellen speaks to outer laws as Metaphysical Principles. The foundational principle of Life is One Presence, One Power, One Source. Giving power to anything other than the One Source always ends badly for us because it temporarily limits our greater good.Taking the name or nature of the One in vain or limiting ways always brings limiting effects in our life. Whatever we think and believe about the One always affects how we think and believe about ourselves and the good we deserve...
Are the Commandments old restrictive rules to keep people in line or are they timeless principles for freedom? Listen as Larry shares a powerful message based on the metaphysical meanings.If you feel guided to share a give of appreciation for the podcast please follow the link below.Support the show
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Thou hast been with us always; therefore will we not fear when the earth quakes and mountains are shaken into the heart of the sea. Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the force thereof. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of our God, the holy place of the most High." (Psalm 46, Lamsa translation)Listen as Mary Ellen shares powerful and timeless reminders of ...
Listen as Larry blends together the understanding of an omnipresent and neutral Energy we call God (God-Stuff) and how to give it shape and form within our lives - not accidentally, but on purpose with specifics as to what our mind can conceive, this is the process that is called Faith, not hope. Why forgiveness? Because unforgiveness is an energy that is a blockage to the flow of our dreams into tangible form.If you are guided to share a gift of appreciation for these podcasts pl...
"That which would annihilate us (the lions of disease, poverty, sorrow) is powerless before a consciousness superbly poised in faith." Let There Be Light by Elizabeth Sand Turner, published by UnityMuch symbolism and deep spiritual lessons can be found in the book of Daniel. Listen as Mary Ellen shares some timeless symbolism found in the 6th chapter of Daniel and a present day message that the Power within us is always greater than anything outside us. Follow the link below if you ...
"Freedom - The quality or state of being without thought or restrain, bondage, limitation or repression; having a sense of complete well-being. It is a result of regulating one's life according to Principlel, not according to what anyone else may think or say. We can never know the full meaning of freedom until we abide in the Christ consciiousness. 'If therefore the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed'." The Revealing Word, published by Unity Listen as Larry shares his und...
Listen as Mary Ellen shares her understanding of prayer and what it means to pray in the name of Jesus. Prayer is not about asking or begging God to give us what we do not have. Instead, it is saying yes to the good that has already been prepared for us but which we have yet to understand and accept.When we pray in the name (nature) of Jesus it is with the understanding that the same power within Jesus is within us. It is knowing that we are one with God and that the an...
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of justice for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when men shall reproach you and persecute you and speak against you all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Then be glad and rejoice for in this very manner they persecuted the prophets who were before you." (Matthew 5:10-12 Lamsa translation)Listen as Larry shares thoughts about the inner persecution we often experience and how understanding where this co...
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God." (Matt. 5:9) Unity defines a peacemaker as "one who has the ability to say 'peace' to the turbulent waves of thought and have them obey." Revealing Word by Unity.Listen as Mary Ellen shares some practical ways anyone can be a peacemaker, right where they are now.If you are guided to share a gift of appreciation, please follow the link below.Support the show
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)"A person whose heart is pure directs his/her whole attention to God, to good. Purity is one-pointed vision, the 'single' eye. Impurity, in a spiritual sense, implies double vision, seeing good and evil. When the consciousness is so purified that we perceive only One Presence and One Power, we are, in reality, seeing God." Your Hope of Glory by Elizabeth Sand Turner. How can we see God if God is Spirit? Listen as ...
"Blessed are the merciful for they shall have mercy." (Matthew 5:7)Mercy is often thought of as something given to an offender or someone who it is within our power to punish. What if mercy is actually a life principle that everyone can use and benefit from?Listen as Mary Ellen shares thoughts about making practical use of mercy in our everyday lives.If you are guided to share a gift of appreciation for our podcasts, please follow the link below.Support the show
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for justice for they shall be well satisfied." (Lamsa transl.)Hungering and thirsting are signs of being alive. When we are hungry or thirsty physically we want something to eat or drink however the satisfaction is temporary.Listen as Larry shares thoughts about another type of hunger and thirsting which Jesus taught that comes from being alive spiritually. That hunger and thirst comes from the deep desire of knowing our spiritual connection and ...
Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. (Matthew 5:3)Listen as Mary Ellen shares thoughts about meekness getting a "bad rap." The reason is because when meekness is viewed from human only thinking it's often equated with weakness or spinelessness. Meekness is, In fact, a powerful spiritual attitude we can cultivate. From spiritual understanding, meekness is an attitude of receptivity to the Infinite. "There is but one Source of being. That Source is the Living Fount...
"Blessed are they who mourn for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4Mourning or a sense of loss is something everyone knows well and there are many kinds of losses experienced in life. For what are you mourning? It might be the loss of a person, a relationship, a change of job or retirement, an earlier time in your life, or even an era that you considered the "good old days". Listen as Larry speaks to this and shares the reminder that when we practice looking beyond or not attem...
Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5: 3 KJV. Blessed are the humble for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:3 Lamsa transl. "The poor in spirit (humble) are persons who relinquish their human concepts that they may learn from God. The intellect of man is marvelous indeed; yet if we are to attain divine wisdom we must be humble (poor in spirit.") Your Hope of Glory by Elizabeth Sand Turner (Unity books) List...
Unity teaches that the nature of our thoughts determines the nature of the conditions in the environment of our life. How does thought become memory? How does memory become experience? Listen as Larry shares this important yet practical lesson about how you can change any memory.Friends, if you are guided to share a gift of appreciation, please follow the link below.Support the show