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Malti Johari's Podcast
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Malti Johari's Podcast

Author: Malti Johari

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जीवनशैली क्या हो? हम शान्त, आनन्दित कैसे रहें? ये प्रश्न सदा से मानव मन मेंं उठते रहे हैंं। विचारकों ने विचार करके, तरीक़े निकाले, उस तरह जीये। उनका जीवन शान्त, आनन्दित हो गया तो उन्होंने वे तरीके लिख दिये।भारत मेंं उन्हें शास्त्र नाम दे दिया गया। वेद, उपनिषद, गीता आदि।पूरे संसार में अनेकों व्यक्तियों ने इसके बारे मेंं लिखा। रुमी, लाओत्सू, आदि। पर, समय के बदलने के साथ-साथ उन शास्त्रों के मतलब भी बदल दिये गये। उसका परिणाम हम आज कर्मकांड, अंधविश्वास आदि के रूप मेंं देख रहे हैं।मुझे लगा उन पुस्तकों के सही रूप को हिन्दी भाषा मेंं लिख दूं तो मैंने कुछ पुस्तकों का अनुवाद कर दिया।
86 Episodes
Mannan ke Kshan

Mannan ke Kshan


In this Episode the book of the author, Malti Johari, that contains thought provoking one liners.
This Episode contains two books of the author Malti Johari. Kavya Veethiyan are poems relating to nature, mind, God, politics, karma, and dharma.Antardhwaniyan also has some poems that reflect the inner voice of the author. Some poems relate to different emotions and also on death.
This Episode contains some thoughts of the Author, Malti Johari, in prose.These are thoughts relating to nature, behaviour of people, thoughts on characters in mythology and Indian epics like the Mahabharata and some small and big events in life.
In this Episode the Zen Haikus of Soko, Soriyu, Takuchi, Sunaw, Sukoku, Tanko, Tambo, Wakiyu, and Yaohiko have been narrated.The Zen saints say that once our work in this life is completed we move on to another life. The Master says that each person has to learn on their own, so at the time of death the Master is in peace. When death comes as a guest to my house, I am ready to welcome it with open arms. Life is a mirror and we should learn from the reflection. There are many Ha...
In this Episode the Zen Haikus of Rayshi, Retsu Zan, Ryokan, Saikaku, Senryu, Setsudo, Sharyu, Shei, Shokai, Shizan, Shogetsu, And Shogo have been narrated. The Zen saints at the time of death have expressed their deep understanding of life and death. They say that just as a frog hibernates and comes back, or as we change our old clothes for new, similarly in death we leave our this body and come back in another. Life is a constant change, and death is also a change. They say ...
In this Episode the Zen Haikus of Toko, Ta Hui, Kasho, Koho Kenichi, Ikieu Sojun, Hoshin, Dokyo Etan, Ani Benon, Basui Tokuso, Derin Soto, Kenju, Kibai, Koha, Kyokusai, Kozan, Kyoshu, Masahyde, and Mokuku have been narrated.They state that there are no rules or compulsions in Zen philosophy, and even the writing of the Haikus at the time of death is not necessary. They state we have led our lives, and the student can learn from our lives while we are alive and learn by her/his own experience&...
In this Episode the Zen Haikus of Hanari, Hakun, Hakurin, Fusen, Fuwa, Gimaye, Daibi, Ensai, Enshee, Chaien, Choree, Barseiki, Basho, Baika, Shunoku Soan, Bainen, and Tosui Ankai have been narrated. The Zen saints at the time of death through their Haikus have provided the wisdom of the circle of life and death. They believe in the concept of re-birth and state that in every birth we receive the fruits of our karma of the previous births. The Haikus also provide an insight int...
In this Episode Haikus written by Zen saints at the time of death has been narrated. It is a tradition in Zen philosophy to write a Haiku at the time of death. The Haikus of Hakuro, Hakusai, Hakuto, Hamai, Hemon, Hankai, Hokusai, Mumon Gensen, Songai Gibbon, Seagun Sai, Shumpo Soaki, Goshu, and Gozan have been translated in Hindi. The Zen saints emphasize that there is no need to follow any words said by the saints, one needs to find one's own path. They state that life goes even af...
6. Zen Haikus

6. Zen Haikus


In this Episode the Haikus of Soseki, Gido, Isho, and Ryushu have been narrated. One needs to be an Observer to reach in a Zen state of being. True wisdom comes from being a mere observer or witness, without the chatter of the mind.To walk on spiritual path, we need to know ourselves - who am I? To understand who we are, we need to first forget ourselves, that is, forget our ego, our separate entity, and know that we are all one. We should not discriminate against anyone. We realise that...
5. Zen Haikus

5. Zen Haikus


In this Episode the Haikus of Tetsuan, Ryushu, Isho, Su Tung Po, and Sekiso, have been narrated.The Haikus explain that each person is unique and the way of living is also unique. The Zen Masters guide their students in their own unique ways as per their own experience. They do not teach from any scriptures or books, but teach through their experiences and their living styles. The student has to find his own path.
4. Zen Haikus

4. Zen Haikus


In this Episode Zen Haikus by Ryokan, Shiki, Hokushi, Issa, Choshu, Ryota, and Hoitsu have been narrated. Some words used in Zen Haikus have become a depiction of a certain meaning. For example, "ice" is a depiction of transparency and cleanliness, "water" is a depiction of peace and tranquility, the "moon" is a depiction of coolness and acceptance, "white flowers" are used for peace and "red flowers" for happiness, the "firefly" and the "morning glory" depicts the shortness of life, etc...
3. Zen Haikus

3. Zen Haikus


In this Episode Haikus by different Zen Masters has been narrated. The Zen Masters whose Haikus have been narrated are: Nangaku, Chi Hsien, Kanzan, Takuan, Ikkyu, Soseki, Ryokan, and Daio. They all have said that the Zen Master is there just to help the student remain conscious and in a state of no mind. For that the Zen Master uses different methods to help the student back on track. The student has to suddenly stop, to remove his mind, and remain in that state of being.
2. Zen Haikus

2. Zen Haikus


In this Episode Haikus by Basho have been narrated. Basho was from Japan. Though he never became a Zen Master, his lifestyle was that of the Zen Masters. His poems, that is Haikus, are a reflection of his deep understanding of Zen philosophy.It is interesting to note that Zen philosophy is similar to Shiv Sutra or Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, in which Lord Shiva explains to Parvati, 112 methods of remaining alert and conscious all the time in our daily lives.
1. Zen Haiku

1. Zen Haiku


Zen philosophy is a part Buddhism. Buddha's follower, Mahakshyap's disciple, Bodhidharma, went to China to spread Buddhism. However, the Tao philosophy was already prevalent in China. So, the Zen philosophy is a mix of Taoism and Buddhism. Zen philosophy believes that the world is perfect the way it is, and we don't need to change it. We should be grateful and compassionate, and lead life playfully. Zen philosophy is about living in the present moment, to be an observer, and not to bring...
10. Upanishad Sangrha

10. Upanishad Sangrha


This is the concluding Episode of the Kathopnishad, the dialogue between Nachiket and Yamraj.Yamraj explains to Nachiket that we need use our senses and mind to look within to know our soul. Once we understand the soul, we know that God and the soul are one and the same thing, like light and shadow, that cannot be separated. Yamraj then explains that in this life, whatever work we have done and the knowldege we have gained, through our body and mind, according to that karma, the soul nee...
9. Upanishad Sangrha

9. Upanishad Sangrha


In this second part of the Kathopnishad, the story of Nachiket and Yamraj continues.Yama tells Nachiket that even the deities (devtas) cannot understand what happens after death. He begs Nachiket to ask for something else. However, Nachiket does not agree. So, Yama offers other things to him, including all the wealth, comforts, etc. of the world, and even offers to allow him to live in Heaven for ever. But, Nachiket is not interested in any of those. He tells Yama, that he being the God of De...
8. Upanishad Sangrha

8. Upanishad Sangrha


The Kathopnishad has been been narrated over three Episodes. It is the most beautiful story of the dialogue between a young boy, Nachiket and the God of Death, Yamraj (Yama).In this Episode Nachiket goes to meet Yamraj. However, Yama was away and came back after three days. Nachiket did not eat for three days, as he could not meet Yamraj. Yama felt bad about the boy sitting outside his house without food and water. So, he grants the boy three wishes, as a penance for himself (Yama).Nach...
7. Upanishad Sangrha

7. Upanishad Sangrha


In this Episode the Mandookya Upanishad has been narrated. In this Upanishad the importance of the syllable "om" has been explained. It is the cosmic sound and an affirmation of the divine force. In all the Upanishads meditation by reciting "om" has been given the primary method of knowing the divine. All philosophers have used different words, such as the world and Creator of the world, birth and death, living and nonliving, etc. to explain the mysteries of the world and it's Crea...
6. Upanishad Sangrha

6. Upanishad Sangrha


In this Episode the Taittiriya Upanishad has been narrated. In this the student asks the Master to give him all types of knowledge and education. The Master teaches him all kinds of skills to earn money and to be able to live comfortably in the world. The student then asks him about the philosophical knowledge of getting to know God and obtaining peace and satisfaction. The Master explains to him that he needs look within, and explains the different paths to know the self. He gives...
5. Upanishad Sangrha

5. Upanishad Sangrha


In this Episode, the Kain Upanishad has been narrated. The student asks the Master from where do the senses get their power or energy (like sight (from fire), touch (from wind), mind (from Indra)? The Master narrates a beautiful story in which Brahm (God) takes the form of a Yaksh (benevolent spirit) to humble the pride of the Devas (forces of natural energies). He defeats them and shows that it is Brahm who gives them their power and energies. However, the student did not understand the...