In this cast, we share the First Rule For New Managers: the most important recommendation for someone taking over a team.
This cast describes the origins of the Management Trinity: why we preach it, and how it came to be.
In this cast, we continue our conversation on the origins of the Management Trinity, focusing on One on Ones and Feedback.
In this cast, we conclude our conversation on the origins of the Management Trinity, focusing on Coaching and Delegation.
RoadMap is the revolutionary new interactive app to help you become an effective manager. Here's what it is and how to use it.
Our guidance on the information you need to gather on your bosses.
Our guidance on the information you need to develop relationships.
This cast tells you what to take notes on in your first week in a new job.
This cast recommends a simple approach to speed up your fitting in to a new organization and role.
This guidance continues our recommendations about topics to cover with new directs, encouraging them to be on time with themselves, their work, and their commitments.
New Directs need guidance on how to start on the right foot. We recommend a series of meetings in their first weeks, one of which makes clear: you have to create and maintain trusting relationships within the organization to succeed.
We recommend spending time with each new member of your team encouraging them to tell the truth, and not be afraid of not knowing how to do something or the standard way of doing something in their new role.
We recommend spending time with each new member of your team encouraging them to tell the truth, and not be afraid of not knowing how to do something or the standard way of doing something in their new role.
This guidance continues our recommendations about topics to cover with new directs, encouraging them to ask questions about everything they don't understand.
When someone new joins your team, we recommend you communicate early about your key priorities.
Part 1 of our updated guidance on how to gradually implement The Manager Tools Management Trinity (One on Ones, Feedback, Coaching, and Delegation). When managers try to implement all the tools all at once it can end in disaster. Most of us can only learn one new significant skill at a time. And that goes for our directs, too: they're learning along with us. This process for implementation will ensure success in your roll out.