Manifest with me Rebecca G

<p>Hello Beautiful soul, welcome to Manifest with me, Rebecca G.  Join me as I dive deep into the heart of what it takes to grow your business, enrich your life, and make an impact on the world. <br><br>I'm here to guide you through an empowering journey of transformation, abundance, and success where together we will explore the powerful trifecta of mindset, money, and manifesting, uncovering the secrets to unlocking your full potential both personally and professionally. <br><br>From cultivating a mindset that attracts success to mastering the art of financial freedom, and harnessing the incredible power of manifestation, I've got you covered.</p><p><br>Whether you're already a successful entrepreneur, a seasoned business owner, or someone who's simply passionate about personal growth and financial empowerment, this podcast is for you.</p><p><br>So, are you ready to transform your dreams into reality? <br>Are you prepared to shift your<br>mindset, maximize your money, and manifest your way to a thriving business and<br>a fulfilled life? If yes, then you're in the right place.</p><p><br>Let's embark on this MAGICAL journey together. Lets Get stuck in.... </p><p><br>You can find me on Instagram @rebecca_welstead_green</p>

All things Witchy Woo and MONEY! - with Kylie Anna

Hello beautiful souls! I'm so excited to have a very special guest, Kylie Anna with us today. I have listened to this beautiful girl's podcast since day one. When she launched it I was out on a walk recording voice notes for my book that I'm writing in the future about the witch trials! I couldn't believe this girl had just landed in my ears, as it was exactly what I'm writing about. I was meant to listen to her!! I'm now part of her amazing membership, I cannot wait for you all to hear this ...


Why that pesky Witch Wound might be blocking your Biz

Hello beautiful souls, welcome back! Today I'm going to be covering more of what the witch wound is and what we can really do about it. I take so much pride in unlocking women's full potential, and I hope I do that on this podcast. That's always my mission. Many women feel uncomfortable, even just being vulnerable and part of the problem is they're afraid to stand out. They're afraid to show their face. They're afraid that they won't fit in. This stems from the witch wound. Website: www.rebec...


Millionaire Mystics - Unleashing Spiritual Wealth

Hello beautiful souls. So, today I really want to talk to you about unleashing your spiritual wealth. I want to help you explore as a woman or maybe as an entrepreneur, how we can integrate these spiritual practices into our business strategies to help you create more abundance and wealth. Enjoy!Website: me anything:Leave your anonymous questions or shout outs here on instagram:@rebeccawelsteadgreenAdd me on Instagram: @rebeccawelsteadgreen & TikTok: @rebeccawgreen


The Law of Frequency & Vibration

Hello beautiful souls. Welcome back to today's episode. I want to carry on with my little series, from the gorgeous book I'm reading right now, Diana Cooper's 'A little light on spiritual Law'. I'm going to talk about the law of frequency and vibration today. The kind of energy we hold in our body when you're afraid of stepping into your power in your business, afraid to show up online, afraid of making loads of money, is fear. That vibration of fear is really heavy, it's a low frequency. Whe...


Sexy Subliminals for Manifesting

Hello gorgeous souls! Today I want to talk about the power of subliminal messaging, specifically for manifesting and how I've been using it for different areas of my life recently. Subliminal's massively impact my sleep, my fitness, health and everything! They are such a powerful tool to have in your manifestation toolkit and the importance is to be patient and believe in the consistency of this process.Website: me anything:Leave your anonymous questions or shout ou...


Spiritual Law Series - The Law of Reflection

Hello beautiful souls. So today we will be continuing our spiritual laws series. We will be covering the law of reflection. Now, when I read Diana Cooper's 'A little light on spiritual Law' I was probably 22 going through one of the biggest heartbreak breakups of my life. It was a time where I started to do a lot of inner work, this book came into my life and really got me through. I'm going to be unpacking law of reflection with you throughout this episode. Enjoy! Website: www.rebeccawgreen....


Spiritual Law Series - The Law of Request

Hello beautiful souls! I'm really excited to bring you this mini series on the spiritual laws. So if you don't know this already and you have just started following me, then I am obsessed with Diana Cooper, she's like my spiritual grandma. Her book 'Little Light on the Spiritual Laws' is my Bible, I've got one in my car, handbag, it's everywhere with me, especially when I travel. The law of request will teach us to ask when your soul is ready, you're going to have the answers come to y...


Manifesting With the Moon

Greetings, beautiful souls! Today's discussion is on a subject very dear to my heart. Manifestation is the theme, particularly under the moon's influence that is so so potent for manifesting money , more clients and so much more abundance . For those of you running your own ventures and seeking to attract more customers, or aiming to manifest anything else, the full moon period is incredibly powerful. I've dedicated the past 18 years to moon manifesting and am excited to share a detailed guid...


Marching into Abundance

Hello beautiful souls! So much has been happening in my little world. It's really emotional to actually come here and say this, but my business is taking a a different swerve and a different direction, and that's good! We have to move with the flow. But first of all, please don't worry, the podcast is going nowhere, this is here to stay! Website: me anything:Leave your anonymous questions or shout outs here: me on I...


Gratitude to take your Manifesting NEXT LEVEL

Welcome back beautiful souls!! I want to talk to you today about gratitude. So manifesting, whether it's love, money, a new house, new partner, whatever. We want to be focusing on our top thing in the spiritual toolkit, which is gratitude. When you're grateful, when you're in a state of receptivity, you're open to opportunities, you're willing to take risks, and you're more likely to recognise that abundance is already all around you. Website: souls App & mem...


Creating Space to MANIFEST

Hello beautiful souls, welcome back! Today I'm going to be talking all about HOW to create space to have abundance in every area of your fricking LIFE!! Website: souls App & membership: me anything:Leave your anonymous questions or shout outs here: Crystals & sage: me on Instagram: @rebeccawelsteadgreen...


F*** Your Goals!!

Good morning beautiful souls! In today's episode I'm going to be sharing with you all about saying F off to your goals, not literally... I was really down this week, really down on myself and on my goals and I had the biggest download (f you follow me on TikTok, you always get my downloads in real time). I came to remind myself that this part of January, you're not supposed to be manifesting goals. You're not supposed to be setting big intentions and manifesting for the year ahead, that comes...



Hey gorgeous souls, welcome back! Today's episode is all about the secrets to manifesting love. If you already are in a relationship, then keep listening too because there's lots of tips I'm going to give you about how to be in your relationship as well.Join my FREE Manifest your Man Masterclass on the 11th February 11.11am (GMT): Website: souls App & membership:



Hey gorgeous souls, welcome back! Today I'm going to be taking you through the six most common love blocks and how you can clear them. There's a reason why you've been stuck in this single pringle loop, meeting the same people, not being able to date or being unlucky in love!Maybe you feel like you've been single for the longest time our of any of your friends. That's how I definitely felt and I was always attracting the wrong type of guy, so I totally get it and trust me, I know what it's li...


Intention Setting & Spells!

Hey gorgeous souls! Today we're talking about creating intentions and spells! What happens when we get really clear with our intentions, that clarity of your vision will begin when you start to strengthen your spiritual side. When you strengthen that side of yourself and you nourish your feminine energy, you find the strength in your intentions as well. I'm going to give you some methods that can offer a really valuable insight in how to do this! Enjoy xxIf you found value from this epi...


Stepping into alignment - With Manifestation Coach Kate Okoro

Hello, everybody and welcome to my beautiful podcast Manifest with Me Rebecca G. I'm joined today by the beautiful Kate from Ireland, also known as Koko online. Kate is a mindset and manifestation coach like myself and someone who speaks truth. She is all about teaching us these in the real way and I LOVE it! Website: souls App & membership: me anything:Leave your anonymous questions or shout outs her...


REMOVE the pressure to manifest deeper

Hello beautiful soul. Welcome to Manifest with me, Rebecca G! If you're someone who's not really able to manifest at the moment, maybe you're stuck in that wheel of feeling like you're doing the same thing over and over again. If you're feeling a bit frozen, then you're definitely in the right place. In today's episode I'm going to go through maybe why you might be trying to force your manifestations and how we can get into flow a little bit more! Enjoy xxIf you found value from this ep...


Ego or Intuition

Hello beautiful souls! Today's episode is all about intuition and ego. How can we decide between the two and how we can really decipher making these higher self decisions? Once you start doing things like meditation or you start working with energy and you have that deep connection with the earth and the universe, your intuition is this part of you. That is the knowing part. It's supposed to feel good. If you found value from this episode please leave a review it massively helps.Website: www....


Let's set your January Vision Board on FIRE!!!

Happy New Year gorgeous souls!! Today we're talking about the power of a vision board. I think it's such a powerful way when you make a vision board, especially this time of the year, to say yes please to the universe and to the abundance that you want to receive and that you deserve in your life.If you found value from this episode please leave a review it massively helps.Website: souls App & membership:


Manifesting with Colour - with Kerry Hussain

Hey gorgeous souls, welcome back! Today I am joined by intuitive artist, Kerry Hussain. Kerry creates 'paintings with purpose' that are intended to be used as a tool for mindfulness, meditation and manifesting practices. Art For The Soul was founded in 2020 and born out of her own healing journey from depression and childhood trauma. It has become synonymous with mindful interiors that promote a sense of peace and tranquility. Her latest project, Chromagik, focusses on helping peop...


Emma Marie Randall- Bennett

Holy moly! I'm so glad I listen to this...every single symptoms I've been experiencing. Not feeling so crazy and alone after listening. Thank you 🙏 ❤

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