Manko Gold Podcast: Plugged In Under 10

Hi and welcome to Manko Gold Katcher & Fox’s “Plugged In” podcast.  I’m Kate Campbell, a partner at Manko Gold, where I spend most of my days practicing environmental litigation and learning from my tremendously talented colleagues who deal with just about every aspect of environmental law.  For anyone who touches environmental legal issues, you know they are complex, dense, and rarely, if ever, short and to the point.  This podcast is our attempt to break through this complexity and provide you with key insights and a basic understanding of current developments in our field, in ten minutes or less.  So, grab your coffee, your dog leash, your running shoes, or your car keys, and join us to get “Plugged In” to what’s new in the world of environmental law.

The Pros and Cons of Alternative Dispute Resolution

MGKF Senior Counsel Rich Williams joins podcast host Kate Campbell to discuss ADR or Alternative Dispute Resolution—a means of non-judicial dispute resolution that uses a third party to decide the matter (arbitration) or facilitate resolution of the matter (mediation). Williams explains where ADR can play a role in environmental disputes as well as the pros and cons of taking this approach in our latest podcast segment.


The Impact and Changing Regulatory Landscape of TSCA

MGKF partner Todd Kantorczyk joins podcast host Kate Campbell to discuss recent and anticipated developments in the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). Kantorczyk outlines where things currently stand with TSCA and the future regulatory landscape and its anticipated impact on businesses.


Climate Matters: Exploring New York's Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act

Climate change is in the news every day. The New York State Legislature is particularly ambitious in addressing this and greenhouse gas emissions with its Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA). Lead New York MGKF partner Steve Daly joins podcast host Kate Campbell to discuss the CLCPA, the impact of its Scoping Plan and future regulations.


Leading the Way: Governor Shapiro’s Environmental Agenda

Podcast host Kate Campbell sits down with MGKF named partner Robb Fox who served on the Transition Personnel Committee for the then Pennsylvania Governor-Elect Josh Shapiro’s transition team. Fox provides his personal insights on the Shapiro’s administration approach to environmental issues in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.


Environmental Insurance Policies --Are You Covered for PFAS?

Podcast host and MGKF Partner Kate Campbell interviews colleague Jonathan Spergel about insurance coverage for pollution incidents. With the focus on PFAS on the rise, it is important to see whether your old policies may have included PFAS coverage. Tune in to learn what to look for and if you may be covered.


Change is in the Air in PA: RACT III Finalized and Impending Deadlines

Podcast host and MGKF Partner Kate Campbell interviews colleague Kate Vaccaro, co-chair of Manko Gold's Air Practice Group. They discuss the new PA air regulation RACT III (Reasonably Available Control Technology) that was finalized November 12. The rule took effect immediately with the first deadline at year-end. This leaves very little time for affected facilities to prepare their initial submissions to the PADEP. What will these next few weeks and beyond look like?


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