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Author: Scott Douglas and Darren Van Beek

Subscribed: 122Played: 1,474


We promote the positive side and positive people of Maoridom! This podcast's aim is to provide everyone, Maori and non-Maori alike to experience our beautiful culture and people as it is, not as it has been stigmatised to be in the past. Hosted by Scott and Daz, we're bringing you onboard with us to listen to some amazing Maori people absolutely crushing it in modern society and challenging all of the norms. Fuuuee Whanau - lets get our ears excited!
35 Episodes
Stefan 1 of 12000

Stefan 1 of 12000


In this episode we chat with the bro Stefan about his experiences shifting through te ao Māori and te ao Pakeha spaces.  A self proclaimed father first, husband second and police officer after that, Stefan traces his whakapapa to the Bay of Plenty and chats to us about being a cop in this ever changing environment.  As true as the saying 6 degrees of separation goes - Scott and Stefan actually crossed paths way back in the rā about 15 years ago at Glenfield College. Crossing paths again on Maranga, we're  celebrating yet another one of our positive Māori role models!  Anei tētahi o ētahi rangatira o tatou!
Kia ora e te whanau!  In this ep we test our ability to kōrero solely in te reo Māori about our experience in our extended lockdown in 2021.  With both of us learning our reo as a second language later in life we know we this is a journey that will extend through our lifetime and we're going to make mistakes left, right and centre!  Step back a few years ago and both of us knew next to nothing, but we also know if we don't use it, we lose it.  Nā reira, bear with us as we expose the heck out of ourselves and speak about our whakaaro of our lockdown experiences solely in the reo of the Rangatira. Nau mai te hapa; ma te hapa, ka ako!
If you've listened to our earlier podcasts you'll know this name well.  To define Chels by her job, her title or her achievements would not give nearly enough mana to her. In fact who are we to define her at all?!   While recording this ep Chels was in a full immersion reo course at Te Wananga Takiura, actively involved in her law firm, keeping up with her business up in the far North, just purchasing a property, organising a marriage and somehow still managing to keep fit, happy, healthy and balanced.  We catch up and find out how this epic woman stays on top of everything and how her reo journey is shaping not only her mahi but her identity.  Chelsea Terei - the mana is all yours!
A lot of us would have heard the saying 'Harden up bro', a common throw away comment to make light of a situation or someones emotions and directed mainly towards males. John Kingi, one of the founders of Soften Up Bro plays on the old outdated saying above.  Flipping the antiquated and defunct dialogue on how being tough means being emotionless John and his partner Heemi  have created safe space for Māori tane to embrace their vulnerability and change the narrative of what it is to be a 'strong' male. Whakangāwari ōu taringa - Ko John Kingi, Soften up Bro tēnei
After a wee bit of a hiatus, juggling whanau, study and well... life, we've made it back to continue on with our kaupapa!  In this ep we find our feet over zoom (Locked down again) and give a bit of insight into what brought us back and why we both agree this needs to continue.  We're looking forward to climbing the maunga with you guys again!  Kua hoki mai māua, this is Maranga.
Jhan Gavala - Episode 20

Jhan Gavala - Episode 20


Sports Psychology is a common fixture in modern day sport however having a Māori male working within that space is not.  When some of us hear 'Psychology' we may default to words such as mental illness, shrinks and issues.  While this may be true Jhan fills us in on how sports psychology helps to refine the minds of the modern athlete and help them tap into their inner calm and extra 1%. He also explains his journey that landed him in this space and some of the benefits connecting Māori athletes with Māori thinking.
We're still here and chances are we'll be here for a good while longer!  This is our take on our personal experience of being in Lockdown for the second week.  In Aotearoa we're incredibly privileged to have our borders shut and to be put down into lockdown early preventing a further spread of the Corona virus.  For us this has been an amazing time to be able to watch the taiao replenish, for us to take stock of what's important to us and for our minds to settle. This of course comes from a space where we're privileged to have a safe home and a good support network.  We can't deny that we're incredibly lucky to say this.  In this ep we korero on what it's like for us and also go into what it might be like for others who aren't in the same position as us.
The Corona virus has affected the world in a massive way and as we write this we're still in the midst of it all.  This lockdown is something none of us in Aotearoa have seen within our lifetime and it can be pretty scary but also have some strange positives to it.  Daz and Scott get together over the internet to record a Korero Session on what they've noticed in week 1.  Set aside some time (you're in lockdown - you've probably got a ton of it!) and settle into 'The Korero Session - Lockdown'
DK is the ultimate waterman, not just from the perspective of being a champion surfer but because he is in tune with our waters.  If you're a kid you may have taken surfing lessons with him, if you're a surfer you'll know him as a force to be reckoned with. If you're a Raglan local you've no doubt heard of the Kereopa whanau and if you haven't heard of him, you're about to in a way that not many have.   In this episode we thought we were going to talk about DK's surfing career and accolades but where this interview went was mind blowing and an absolute privilege for us to experience, to the point that we were both speechless at regular intervals.  As always, put some well deserved time aside and sink into the korero with Daniel Kereopa.
It's been a hectic few months for both of us at Maranga, with Daz locking into family life and Scott starting full immersion te reo Maori.  In this episode we fill you in on our recent radio silence,  don't worry - we're still on the waka e te whanau! 
As we see in 2020 we welcome the episode with Hohepa Thompson aka 'The Hori'. Like a lot of us, Hohepa grew up around whanau at home here in Aotearoa and then bailed off overseas in search of new adventures.  It was his calling back home that would make way for a new path, directing his energy towards art that provokes thought, conversation and sometimes controversy when it comes to our Maori culture and how we're perceived.  From Fashion Week to colab's with Tame Iti, he's pushing boundaries that are making an impact. See in the New Year right and take the time to listen to 'The Hori'!
On this episode we go lay down some answers of the questions you've asked us: - Who were our mentors growing up - Which 3 books/ podcasts would we recommend  - What does success look like to us
Tupuria's whanau are well recognised waka paddlers so it was a given that he would end up in the same position.  What he has done with this though is where the magic is, utilising his skill, knowledge and achievement to give back to local communities (especially to rangatahi) by showing them how waka can help them achieve greatness, purpose and potential. For Tupuria, waka is more than a sport, it's a connection back to our roots as sea voyagers.  While it sounds simple in it's form the power this has to connect kids with the past is gold.  Take the time to listen to our brother from Te Tai Tokerau making change via waka ama!
On this episode we go lay down some answers of the questions you've asked us: - How did we meet and how did we realise we had a shared passion for this kaupapa - What are our nerves like sharing ourselves on social media - What 3 power words would we tell our 15 year old selves
On this episode we go lay down some answers of the questions you've asked us: - How do we decide who we korero with on the podcast - How we put the podcast together along with our 'do's and don'ts' - Our biggest learning experiences
Genevieve Mora Recap

Genevieve Mora Recap


Our key take away from our kōrero with Genevieve Mora!
Gen Mora is making change in the mental health space with an initiative she co-founded with her good mate Jazz Thornton named Voices of Hope.  Growing up with mental illness and disorders, being female and also Maori, Gen brings a new energy and face as she leads the charge towards assisting others on their mental health journey through Voices of Hope.  Being recognised in Aotearoa and also abroad by the royal family just goes to show how much impact this initiative is having.  As always, set some time aside and lock into another epic podcast with more of our amazing people!  
Rush Wepiha Recap

Rush Wepiha Recap


Our key take aways from our kōrero with Rush Wepiha!
When you hear 'Hip Hop Culture' it can be easy to default to it's  surface level association with rap, drugs, gangs and political movements.  Like most things 'different' this isn't the case at all and once you dive down into it deeper you get a better understanding about what it's actually all about.  Rush Wepiha uses this culture among other things to connect with rangatahi in a way that modern schools, applications and activities don't.  For over 16 years he has had a passion to help indigenous youth become powerful, confident people - proud to know who they are, where they're from and who they can be.   In this episode we get a walk through of how the brother is making change with kids here in Aotearoa and abroad in Australia.  
In this episode we have a little wananga on Maoridom in 2019 through our eyes.  While we've always been and always will be Maori, the more we have delved into our culture, the more exposed and enlightened we've both become.  This is our view on what we see  happening with our culture in the modern era.  This is The Korero Session!