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Mark Call Show

Author: Mark Call

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Mark Call is an engineer, avid private pilot, radio amateur, and long-time talk show host, covering issues from law and economics to Scripture.
125 Episodes
News, commentary, and a look at some of the most important stories for the week ending Saturday, 21 September, 2024....  ...including another predictable assassination attempt. more election fraud prep, and the a-political, but predictable, "Kamala Kick" from the Federal Reserve.
 News, commentary, and a look at some of the most important stories for the week ending Saturday, 14 September, 2024....  ...including the 'debate' that wasn't - although we all knew exactly what was coming.
News, commentary, and a look at what those 'indicators' mean, for the week ending Saturday, 7 September, 2024. 
News, commentary, and a lot of 'dot-connecting' for the week ending Saturday, 31 August, 2024.This was one of those weeks where "decades happen."   Which includes a lot of Big Lies not only revealed, but blown wide open.Which means the Deep State has a problem.And there are no limits to what THAT means.
Does anybody still believe that the next -- and the Most Important -- election in history will finally save a nation which has turned its back on YHVH and what it once meant to be a 'Constitutional Republic,' based on those long-forgotten "self-evident Truths?"Is the Whore VP really such an incredibly Strong Candidate?  Or is it just more of the same BS we've gotten used to?What makes election fraud any different THIS time?  And why would an election be allowed anyway, if it wasn't already pre-rigged?It is important not to be deceived, because --<strong>"The Fix is IN!"</strong>
 News, some commentary about it, and a look at what the insanity probably means is coming, for the week ending Saturday, 17 August, 2024. 
 News, commentary, and the expose for some of this week's Biggest Whoppers, for the week ending Saturday, 10 August, 2024. 
After that long break - the Torah teachers are finally back live, and take a deeper look at the Book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 41.
News, a whole lot of commentary, and a look at what all the insanity probably means, for the week ending Saturday, 3 August, 2024.
<strong>"Fake vs Real"</strong> So many things have been revealed as utter fakes lately.A fake 'president' installed by a fake election.  Fake 'protection' to cover a botched hit.And now a fake female boxer beating the literal snot out of a real young woman.There's a message here, and it shows the way to so many other fakes that helped get us here.
News, commentary, and some observations about the major Deep State Macinations, ' for the week ending Saturday, 20 July, 2024.  From the DEI Poster Girl to slopey roofs to patsies galore - the stench of Big Lies Gone Bad here almost exceeds that of a senile fake president who's adult pampers didn't get changed.There are still lessons, however... 
News and commentary for Monday, 22 July, 2024.And even though you won't (yet, and probably not for quite some time) hear it from the Waste-Stream Media......the Official Narrative is Dead - stick a fork in it.The Deep State ordered a hit on the man they first tried to wiretap, then discredit, then steal re-election, and then Lawfare Persecute.  And that failed, too.But now, their Woke DEI-fueled Incompetence may have become terminal.  Virtually nobody - outside of criminals in and out of Big Brother and Big Medai - is buying their BS any more.Be aware and Be WARY.
Host Mark Call welcomes back special guest, author, and former well-known HNR personality Daniel Holdings to talk about "Why there is no power in 'the Church," and what that means in a time where ever-bigger lies are being revealed - just as we have been promised.
News, commentary, and some observations about the major Deep State Macinations, ' for the week ending Saturday, 20 July, 2024.  From the DEI Poster Girl to slopey roofs to patsies galore - the stench of Big Lies Gone Bad here almost exceeds that of a senile fake president who's adult pampers didn't get changed.There are still lessons, however...
The DEI Puppet installed as "head" of the Secret Service seems to have is evidently being set up as a scapegoat for the failed attempt to kill President Trump.  She's seems to believe AmeriKans really ARE stupid enough to swallow that agents willing to risk their lives for their jobs might fall off a "slopey roof," and is essentially a poster-girl for Woke Incompetence.Don't fall for it.  "Diversity, Inclusion, und Equity" might be an exercise at destroying a national ethic of competence, but building an AmeriKan Praetorian Guard is something else entirely.
SPECIAL:  News and commentary for Monday, 15 July, 2024.As you know, there was an assassination attempt against President Trump on Saturday evening. What you have probably NOT heard, however, is what the real story actually is.
 News, commentary, and some observations about the coming "Sucker Punch" we had all better see coming, ' for the week ending Saturday, 12 July, 2024. 
Join host Mark Call on Independence Day weekend, 2024, for a special in-depth look at what he demonstrates is THE Most Important Document Ever Written ORIGINALLY in the English Language, the Declaration of Independence......and why it has NEVER been more important to understand exactly what that means.
News, commentary, and an extended summary of the implosions, revelations, and implications of events for the week ending Saturday, 29 June, 2024.  
 News, commentary, and an extended BEHIND the events for the week ending Saturday, 22 June, 2024. 