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Mark Levin Podcast

Author: Cumulus Podcast Network

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Mark Levin is one of the hottest talk radio hosts in America. A prominent conservative commentator, best-selling author and constitutional scholar, Mark offers fresh takes on daily news headlines and dissects important events of the day. Heard weeknights on nearly 400 radio stations, Levin is loved in every corner of America. He cuts through the noise with his passion and intellect, often saying things others won’t. Or as Mark himself would declare: “That’s right. I said it!”

1975 Episodes
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris spent a week preparing for the debate with Donald Trump because she needs to be scripted in order to hide her Marxist Islamist chameleon true self. The media are ecstatic over Tuesday night’s debate and feel like Kamala Harris delivered a knockout punch to Donald Trump because to Harris this was a debate to her real constituency: the media. Harris was trained for this debate to appeal to the media that she has been avoiding and came ready with her cheap shots and 25 lies about Trump. We have no idea what Harris’s plans are for crime, immigration, or tackling inflation and reducing the prices of things like food, gasoline, vehicles, and housing – all things that affect the American people. The new debate in the media is whether there should be a second debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. All Trump talks about in his rallies and the debates are the issues, but all Kamala does is avoid talking about the issues whether it's to the media or the American voters who still do not know what she stands for. Ronald Reagan was hated by the same people who hate Trump today, including the Bushes, Cheneys, RINO Republicans, and the media. It is time for us to be selfish and vote for the person who will return our country and the world to normalcy, and that person is Donald Trump. Also, Israel is in a very difficult position in the Middle East surrounded by terrorist groups and countries that want to destroy them, and they are all aided by the Biden/Harris administration. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. Election season is well underway, and anything can happen between now and November. In 2016 the election looked all but won for Hillary Clinton after the media leaked the Access Hollywood tape of Donald Trump. As much as the media will try to put their candidate in the best light possible, they know that Kamala Harris is no layup and will take a lot of propaganda to make her look good. The debate was a sham, but it did more of a disservice to Harris who was unable to explain any of her policies and left voters with more questions than answers. The rigged debate was meant to help Harris and hurt Trump, but Trump is now polling better in swing states like Michigan. You can lie to people about policy and those who are inclined to believe you will believe you, but you can’t lie to people about what’s in their wallet and if they have a roof over their head. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, the new debate in the media is whether there should be a second debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. All Trump talks about in his rallies and the debates are the issues, but all Kamala does is avoid talking about the issues whether it's to the media or the American voters who still do not know what she stands for. Ronald Reagan was hated by the same people who hate Trump today, including the Bushes, Cheneys, RINO Republicans, and the media. It is time for us to be selfish and vote for the person who will return our country and the world to normalcy, and that person is Donald Trump. Also, Israel is in a very difficult position in the Middle East surrounded by terrorist groups and countries that want to destroy them, and they are all aided by the Biden/Harris administration. Harris is the biggest hater of Israel to ever run for president because she is an Islamist. Later, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Trump has a new economic plan that is an addition to his plans to not tax tips or social security, and that is to not tax overtime. Harris wants you to be poorer so you need to rely on the government for everything to survive. Trump is the biggest threat to the Democrat party because under his presidency we had the lowest unemployment for a number of groups who are usually overwhelming supporters of the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, the media are ecstatic over Wednesday night’s debate and feel like Kamala Harris delivered a knockout punch to Donald Trump because to Harris this was a debate to her real constituency: the media. Harris was trained for this debate to appeal to the media that she has been avoiding and came ready with her cheap shots and 25 lies about Trump. We have no idea what Harris’s plans are for crime, immigration, or tackling inflation and reducing the prices of things like food, gasoline, vehicles, and housing – all things that affect the American people. There is no reason for Trump to have a second debate against Harris and the moderators, and the real losers are undecided American voters. Also, today is the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. America is less safe today thanks to a wide-open border and failing infrastructure under the Biden/Harris administration, and we need Trump now more than ever to protect and secure our country. Later, Rich Valdes, host of America at Night, fills in for Mark. Trump has every right to decline a second debate with Kamala Harris after the debacle last night, but it would be nice to see Trump expose Kamala again to the voters. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris spent a week preparing for the debate with Donald Trump because she needs to be scripted in order to hide her Marxist Islamist chameleon true self. There are 3 levels of spin to this debate: the pre-debate spin, the actual debate, and the post-debate spin where the Democrat media talking heads already know what they are going to say about her and Trump. Kamala stood by President Biden every step of the way, lying to us about his condition and his policies, and now she lies about her involvement to distance herself from this disastrous administration. Also, a CNN report exposed Harris for supporting taxpayer-funded gender transition surgeries in a 2019 poll. Harris is a radical ideologue and these are her true beliefs, but the media and her press team are hiding it all to get her elected. Later, WJNO radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. No matter how weird Harris, Tim Walz, and the entire 20204 election cycle are, it is go-time for Trump starting with tonight’s debate. Trump is undefeated in this political season, 3-0 with 8 weeks to go, and he has been through every political obstacle imaginable from the Russian collusion hoax to the Biden lawfare campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Among the radical agenda items from Kamala Harris is a blank check written by the taxpayers for gender transition surgeries for detained migrants, which we all know is not free but taken out of our paychecks. Gender transition surgery has been normalized by the radical left so doctors and therapists can make hundreds of thousands of dollars by creating a lifetime patient. Also, Haitian immigrants that have been shipped into America by the Biden-Harris administration are eating pets, which is exactly what happens when you import people from every corner of the world with different values. Later, tomorrow night is the first debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, and it will be on a network that has given Kamala 100% positive coverage while always attacking Trump. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, WREC radio host Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Former VP Dick Cheney has endorsed Kamala Harris and says Donald Trump is a threat that can never be trusted with power again. Cheney is still mad about Liz Cheney losing her spot in Congress and her relevancy because of Trump and has joined the never-Trumpers and fake Republicans like Adam Kinzinger. If you care about our country, you don’t put a Marxist in office. Also, when Trump won in 2016 the political elites and the establishment hated him because he disrupted their world. There was a line or a pecking order in politics and they waited their turn. Trump disrupted the establishment and the Republican party by using his fame and notoriety to jump the line and become president. The Obamas, the Clintons, the Cheneys, etc were furious. Later, the open border under the Biden-Harris administration, combined with anti-police policies and mentality, has led to gangs taking over entire cities in America like Aurora, CO. The communist Marxist Democrats have put us all in danger and now American citizens are hostage to cartels. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Rich Valdes, host of America at Night, fills in for Mark. We are 60 days from the 2024 presidential election and have a choice between two Americas. Do we want an America under Donald Trump that will allow the American dream to continue, or an America under Kamala Harris and Tim Walz that will destroy it? Do we want a safe American or an American with a wide-open border? Also, we had a horrific school shooting and Democrats immediately used it to promote Harris and blame guns, when the real problem is deeper and caused by the Biden administration. Trump is correct when he says the United States under Biden and Harris have turned into a banana republic, and their unrelenting and extreme use of force against political opponents is what you see in places like Venezuela. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Brian Mudd fills in for Mark. AG Merrick Garland outlined actions that will be taken against people who threaten our election, yet his Department of Justice and the Biden Administration have opened our elections to illegal aliens. The DOJ’s announcement of foreign interference focused on Russia again but missed the real story, which is non-citizens voting in our own elections. Every state should have a mandatory process in place to ensure that only legal citizens can vote, but that also requires state administrators to enforce the laws which radical Democrats will not do. Donald Trump is the true unifying candidate because his policies are unifying, unlike Kamala Harris who needs to lie about her true intentions. We are officially in election season, and the first ballots will be available in North Carolina this week and Pennsylvania next week. Trump has changed his campaign strategy from 2020 and is now telling supporters to vote early in a “swamp the vote” campaign. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, Ben Ferguson fills in for Mark. Did you know grocery prices have come down under the Biden-Harris administration? Let’s fact-check that – under the Biden-Harris administration groceries are up 22%, gas is up 51%, rent is up 22% and car insurance is up 54% since President Trump left office. If grocery prices are down why does Kamala Harris want her Communist-style price controls? Also, there’s no doubt the Democrats had a strategy meeting on how to attack Trump. They decided to make up a controversy that Trump broke protocol at Arlington National Cemetery and then they had the media sell it to Americans. Democrats were looking for a way to undermine Trump so they told people he is an angry man who would walk over graves to win an election, which is a lie. Trump was invited by the Gold Star families to remember and honor those who were killed in the Biden-Harris exit from Afghanistan. Afterward, Democrats are defending Harris’s flip flops on the border, going even as far as to blame Trump for the Biden-Harris open border. Everything she has done has shown she wants to get rid of a secure border. Finally, Sen Ted Cruz calls in to explain that Hamas is responsible for the murder of the hostages, not Israel. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin this Labor Day. The media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator - a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history. She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school. Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party? Later, Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is facing the media, answering tough questions, and campaigning all across the country to groups of voters that don’t always vote Republican because he has a successful record to campaign on. We don’t need to be talked down to by people like Bernie Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, who have made a fortune from Capitalism but call it evil, or lied to by the Democrat media covering for Kamala. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. President Donald Trump gave a fantastic speech today calling out Kamala Harris and her disastrous record on the border and the economy, but the Democrat media could not care less. Instead, they focus on the CNN softball interview with Harris, working as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Special Labor Day Edition of the Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence has to be shredded for Democrats to achieve what they want, which is where Kamala Harris comes in. She will destroy this country, traditional notion of liberty, and free market capitalism while centralizing more and more power with the federal government. Later, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, Donald Trump can win the election on character because Kamala Harris’ biggest problem is her character. She flip-flops, lies, and hides from the American people, but mostly because she is a chameleon for election purposes. She does not care if people go hungry or cannot pay their bills and is immune to the crime and destruction as a result of the open border. Harris has true beliefs that are more radical than Bernie Sanders, but she does not want Americans to know about them, making her the most dishonest candidate for president ever. Harris will enshrine the Democrat border bill on day 1, which will reinstate catch and release, mandate work permits and taxpayer-funded lawyers for illegal aliens, and allow 5,000 illegal aliens to come every day. Also, Israel has had enough of being attacked by Iran through Hamas and Hezbollah and is firing back at their missile sites instead of just sitting around. Israel has the capacity to do enormous damage to these countries and does not have to restrict itself to urban warfare like it is with Hamas. Later, the reintroduction of January 6th charges by Jack Smith against Donald Trump at this stage of the election is just another disgusting, disgraceful effort to smear Trump. The Biden Department of Justice will not stop their lawfare against Trump and are still using Smith to do their bidding. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, President Donald Trump gave a fantastic speech today calling out Kamala Harris and her disastrous record on the border and the economy, but the Democrat media could not care less. Instead, they focus on the CNN softball interview with Harris, working as the propaganda arm of the Democrat party. Harris is surrounded by American haters and Islamists and will not be challenged by the media like Trump or J.D. Vance are. The Democrat Party's Marxist Islamist base is led by people like Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, who know Kamala has to say what she’s saying about Israel to get elected, but afterward, she’ll revert to her true form. Later, Mark speaks with actor Dennis Quaid about his new movie, Reagan, in which he plays the role of Ronald Reagan, and his visit to the Reagan Library to research the role. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor fills in for Mark. January 6 charges have been re-submitted to the court because nothing is stopping Jack Smith from going after Donald Trump, who is acting on the behalf of Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. What Smith filed today will not go anywhere until after the election, so there is no reason for this to be filed now except to interfere in the election. Trump has not been charged with insurrection because January 6 was not an insurrection and he would not be found guilty of insurrection. Also, Mark Zuckerberg is speaking out about the pressure put on him by the Biden Administration to censor information on Facebook and Twitter. The 2020 election was forever changed when the Hunter Biden laptop information was blocked and deemed Russian disinformation by the FBI, who knew it was real and sat on the evidence. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, our government exists to protect the civil society and the social contract, not to obtain more power and control the citizenry. The Democrat party has constructed a political environment based on putting people into groups and group identity and do not care about individual liberty or the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence has to be shredded for Democrats to achieve what they want, which is where Kamala Harris comes in. She will destroy this country, traditional notion of liberty, and free market capitalism while centralizing more and more power with the federal government. Also, Kamala Harris is a radical Islamist as much as she is a radical Marxist and does not care about the safety and security of Israel at all. Kamala wants Israel to surrender Judea and Samaria to the Palestinians, who as a group voted for Hamas and support the October 7 terror attacks. The Democrat party does not support the state of Israel, and both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have blood on their hands from what is happening in the Middle East. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
This week on the Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are pretending to be regular Americans instead of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas Democrats they are. Harris met in secret with the radical Hamas-supporting mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in which she tried to justify the mass murders of Israelis by Hamas. Other Marxists like Bernie Sanders love what Harris-Walz has done and will do to America, which is why he is paraded around by the Democrat media. Since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself. Kamala Harris did not receive a single vote but that has not stopped the Democrat party from installing her as the nominee for president because they are the most fascistic party in the history of our country. Kamala Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Robert F Kennedy Jr. has ended his run for president and has endorsed Donald Trump because he knows that we cannot lose this election and this country to Kamala Harris. For the Democrat Marxists it is about party first and party over everything, which is how we get people like Jake Tapper and Joe Scarborough who push propaganda for Harris. The last Democrat President to cut taxes on the middle class was John F Kennedy, and the Marxist Islamist Democrats of today are nothing like JFK. Trump has united Reaganites and now Kennedys and is bringing the country together while Kamala is dividing Americans, destroying American values, and turning our country into a Marxist utopia. Later, Trump speaks live in Arizona with RFK Jr. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris is hiding from the voters behind a corrupt media and campaign surrogates and expects to be handed the Presidency without having to campaign for it. Harris has been nominated in the most un-Democratic process in American history that is spitting in the face of the civil rights movement, women’s rights, and representative government. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is facing the media, answering tough questions, and campaigning all across the country to groups of voters that don’t always vote Republican because he has a successful record to campaign on. We don’t need to be talked down to by people like Bernie Sanders and Oprah Winfrey, who have made a fortune from Capitalism but call it evil, or lied to by the Democrat media covering for Kamala. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (711)

Claudia Smith

I agree. Which America do you want or need? On billboards everywhere. Good or evil.

Sep 6th


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Sep 4th

Jason Sink

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Aug 31st


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Aug 30th

Claudia Smith

We've been to bunkers and shelters. Lost everything many times. Hurricanes.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Texans pay for our Roads..

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Love Perry Mason. I know you do. Agape.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Share. Tell it on the highest mountains.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Eat vegetable potluck soup. My recipe.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Keep your wheels greased.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

FrontPage News. We Win.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

you will get nothing...okay. so what.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Daniel 2 Ten Nations. Ten Kings.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

We've been through this before. Reality. We are Tough Love. Agape.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

No coincidences come from God.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Three Dog Night.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

My Story. pray for us.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

The radio does not take my call. My Anne Oakley accent. Southern drawl. It's okay. We have many beautiful women here. Protect yourselves. Never go anywhere by yourselves after dark.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Yes. I'm tight. I save twist ties.

Aug 29th

Claudia Smith

Broken as a church mouse. laugh. Psalms 1-2. two step waltz across Texas.

Aug 29th