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Marketing For The Rest Of Us

Author: Chris Angell

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Marketing advice for those of us who don't like SEO, Algorithms, ever-changing social platforms and technology. If you're a human who wants to make a transformative impact with other humans and have no patience for the technology of it all, this show is for you. You don't have to have big teams, big budgets or tech savvy to compete. You can have an advantage others don't in your emotional intelligence. This show will share how to use your gifts to create connection and engagement in your marketing.
489 Episodes



DIVISION OR WHOLENESS? Most in our tribe don’t want to create division but are afraid to share their truth in a way that brings wholeness. So what we get is im-potent posts that mean nothing and change nothing... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 399] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast



MY VISION SCARED ME. It was too big. I didn’t know how to do it. So I pulled back. But something new is emerging. A new way I’m understanding how I fit in my own vision. It’s fresh and exciting and I haven’t felt that in a long time. If you have been scared by the size of your vision or confused by how you fit into it, here are some thoughts that might encourage you... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 398] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
WHY DO WE MAKE THINGS SO HARD? We hear things like "just take the next step" or "Trust the process" but if you’re like me that’s anything but easy. In business (and life) we’re so impatient and want things yesterday. I think this just compounds our angst and is at the root of why we make things harder than they need to be. Here are some thoughts for how to reframe your journey to feel a little lighter and easier... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 397] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
MARKETING IS CONFUSING! And I teach marketing!! 😱🤣 Part of what makes it work for me is just find a place to “stand”. Here’s what I mean... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 396] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
MY FEELINGS GET HURT EASILY. (The Social Dilemma - Part 2) ...or at least they used to. Then I became a chameleon. (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 395] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #TheSocialDilemma #deck #health #hurt #focus
THE SOCIAL DILEMMA (Part 1) “They don’t have a proxy for truth that’s better than a click” - Cathy O’Neil. I just watched The Social Dilema. So many thoughts. So many questions. Let’s just start here, at truth. (Thank you to the producers and guests interviewed for bringing this “question” to light). (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 394] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #TheSocialDilemma #algorithms



START WITH YOU. You’re stuck in marketing because you keep starting with “them”. What do “they” want to hear? Do you even know who “they” are? This creates an impossible moving target. Here’s what’s under the surface of this approach and how to get out of it... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 393] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #deck #work #shame #clear
ARE YOU CHASING TRENDS OR LEADING CHANGE? In marketing it’s easy to feel like you don’t know what to do, or... Others know better than you. And so... This causes you to chase trends rather than lead the change you’re here to lead. Here’s the mindset that’s stopping you and the mindset you need to step into your important work and lead... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 392] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #deck #work #worried #grow
BEING IN BUSINESS CAN BE LONELY. Especially when you feel like an outsider... Different than everyone else. As much as we seek answers in life and business, typical advice doesn’t seem to work for us. And not for lack of trying. We work really hard because we know our work is important. But lost for answers and feeling like an outsider is a recipe for loneliness. I’m not perfect at this, and... I have found some things that help me feel connected rather than alone. (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 391] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #deck #work #lonely #truth



TRUST IN YOUR CALLING. Business is full of doubts and sabotage. But one of the best lessons I’ve learned is to trust in my calling... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 390] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #deck #work #worry #trust
I WOULD NEVER SET YOU UP TO FAIL. This was the feeling I received at a time in life when I had a big decision to make and logic wasn’t getting me to an answer... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 389] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast #deck #spirit #anxious #love
WANT TO CREATE A STRATEGIC PLAN? This is popular in corporations and helpful to align team members in the same direction. But strategic planning is often boring and starchy filled with lots of text and word-smithy language. Whether you’re in a corporation or on your own, here’s what’s crucial to creating a plan that actually provides direction and empowers your team... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 388] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast



CONSUMED BY “HOW?” I recently did a series on anger and how it was the kid on my results. Today I got a glimpse of how I’ve used anger to hold my feet to the fire of figuring things out. Let’s pick up where we left off in last night’s episode... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 387] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
I UNDERESTIMATED THE JOURNEY OF BUSINESS. 19 years in, I still find myself wondering if I have what it takes. That’s not popular to say. Most people want to appear like they have it all figured out. But if you’re r in the game of personal growth, there’s always a next phase you haven’t figured out. So consider that much of your fatigued or frustration is simply part of the journey and not a reflection of how behind you are... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 386] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
EMBARRASSED AND PROUD AT THE SAME TIME. It takes something to go the distance in business. Today I was listening to a book I wrote in 2014. I was both embarrassed at how I sounded and proud of what I saw back then and that I put words to it in a book. As you find your voice in marketing, you might only feel the embarrassing part... But as you get older and look back, you’ll feel proud of the path you chose and the truth you uncovered. The important part is that you begin putting words to your truth now... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 385] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast



MECHANICS ARE EASY. You can have a microphone, a Facebook page, a Libsyn account (podcast hosting) and a host of other “assets” up by tomorrow. But if what you want is change... If what you want is to inspire people to action... That takes time and skill. (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 384] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
MARKETERS MAKE THINGS BETTER. There’s a saying that "marketers ruin everything"... And historically I’d say that’s true. They ruined email marketing. They ruined webinars. They ruined phone calls (thus if I don’t recognize your phone number you go to voicemail). But why does it have to be that way?!? If you’re in this tribe, you don’t want to ruin things, you want to make things better. And this idea of ruining things is what has kept you from showing up in the world through marketing. And good for you! EXCEPT... It’s made you invisible. Listen, you don’t have to to ruin things as a marketer. What if you made things better? Life has taught you many valuable lessons and if you paid those forward through your marketing, you would make things better. And that’s the conversation I’m leading! If you’d like to learn more... go to (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 383] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
YOU FEEL INAUTHENTIC IN MARKETING. And that’s because you’ve confused marketing with selling (or any other intention that doesn’t feel like supporting or helping). But what if marketing was actually helping people? Would that feel more congruent? This isn’t word play. You have to come from a different place in order for marketing to make the world a better place. A place that isn’t about selling something but about helping someone. I’ve spent a year proving this style of marketing with 7 cohorts of healers and coaches just like you. People who felt less than confident when it came to marketing. The amazing part is that in just 6 short weeks in our program, they went from confused to inspired. You keep trying to "do marketing" and that doesn’t feel in alignment with your soul. In our program we don’t "do marketing". We lead a conversation for those we seek to serve. This changes how you show up when you post, what you say and how you feel. Imagine feeling strong and confident when you post, knowing that it will resonate and impact someone today. That’s what we teach you do. You can learn more at (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 382] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
STOP CHASING INFLUENCERS. Marketing has become this sensationalized thing where we need lists of 100,000’s of people and big ad campaigns to make it rain. Anything less feels too small... like we haven’t “made it” yet. But everyday there are what I describe in this video as “tribal leaders” who show up and lead their conversation consistently. They may not have 1000’s of fans, but they have 100’s. And what if you took the money you’ve spent in ads and training and invested it in supporting those tribal leaders who show up and do the work every day? You have abundant connections in your proximity if you could just take your eyes off the influencers and look to those doing the real work of transformation every day. Here are a few more thoughts about that for your business and marketing... (Watch Video) (Shout out to Kimanzi Constable, co-author of Stop Chasing Infuencers) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 381] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast
ANGER MAKES ME FEEL STRONGER. This is why I felt reluctant to let it go. It has served me for years in producing results and protecting my interests. It’s the energy I’ve turned to when I needed to create a landing page or figure out Facebook Ads. Marketing leads us down many roads that feel risky and unsafe and we adopt energies that aren’t who we really are. And THIS is the lid of your results... that you’re not fully being who you really are. You have adopted an enery to protect yourself and do the work you’ve needed to do. But that energy no longer serves your intention and you are being called back to your essence... (Watch Video) ..... *If you are on a mission to making the world a better place through your business... I invite you to apply for my 6 week intensive program led by me. To apply, watch the free videos at the link below and then apply on the last page. You can view the videos here: ..... [Marketing for the Rest of Us - Episode 380] Prefer to listen as a podcast? Listen here: --> #marketingfortherestofuspodcast