Marketing firsts

From your first blog post to your first ABM campaign, marketing is full of firsts. You will join me in my journey as I talk through some things I, and my occasional guests, have learned a long the way in marketing.

Your first blog post (w/ guest Maile Waite)

What was your first blog post? Did you write for a class, about your favorite recipe, sports? In this episode I talk with Maile Waite from my team at CloudApp. I actually remembered my first post was even ealier than I would have thought. In 1997 on my GeoCities website, I posted some "pseudo" blog posts about Michael Jordan, the Utah Jazz, and probably some soccer stuff haha.  We hope you enjoy this episode and that it brings you back to your first blog post. 


What was your first marketing job (w/ Andrew Thomas intern at CloudApp)

You all heard about my first marketing experience at the age of 6 in episode 1, but lets talk your first marketing job. What did you like, dislike, what did you learn and grow from?  Andrew Thomas, a intern on my team at CloudApp, talks about his marketing experience working for a real estate company and having to learn on the job things that would help him find success.  YouTube, Google, and Thought Leaders sharing content are your friend. 


Lets talk your first marketing class. (Feat. Michael Roberts of CloudApp)

What was your first marketing class, course, YouTube video, story from a distant uncle that led you into this part of business?  For my guest Michael Roberts, Head of Automation at CloudApp, it was a simple game called Risk For me it was a brand class in grad school from the former CMO of the XFL. 


My first marketing experience. 1989 the Joe and Debbie Cafe

The first marketing I can think of is when I had a cafe with my Sister Debbie. We were maybe 7 and 9 years old at the time. Me being the youngest I pretty much let her do everything. I remember creating menus, flyers, and a banner that showed our house of 8 that the cafe was open for business. I also learned the hard way from my 12 yr old brother Steve what a tab was (basically never paying your little brother). The experience led to a great 


Welcome to Marketing Firsts

A quick intro on my thoughts for Marketing Firsts. I look forward to you all joining me on the journey to my first executive role and my first true startup in CloudApp. 


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