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Marriage Counselor's Corner: Marriage Advice From a Real Marriage Counselor

Marriage Counselor's Corner: Marriage Advice From a Real Marriage Counselor

Author: Dr. David Taylor: Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Relationship Coach, Husband

Subscribed: 9,450Played: 32,576


Welcome to the Marriage Counselor’s Corner Podcast, a place where you get credible and tangible marriage related information from a licensed mental health counselor. Over my past 19 years of clinical experience, I have discovered the things that work to make your marriage healthy. So, see these episodes as a master class in marriage, where I take a psychological and practical approach to marriage education and enrichment. My goal is to break the back of divorce. If you enjoy these episodes, subscribe...share and implement what you learn. See you on the couch at the Marriage Counselor's Corner! 

94 Episodes
Send us a text This is episode number 28 and in today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that may be more popular with husbands than it will be with wives. To be more specific, this session will focus more on wives than it will husbands. Today’s session will focus on how most wives are married to the fantasy. Wives, this episode is going to trigger you. I am not going to hide that fact. This episode will highlight something that I see 95% of the time. Meaning, the overwhelming majo...
Send us a text This is episode number 27 and in today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that is often the point of contention for many husbands but desired by most wives. I will be settling this hotly disputed topic of “Happy wife, happy life.” But, I will be coming at this from the vantage point of a seasoned professional, an expert in the field of marriage and relationship management. That way, I am not just giving you an opinion. But rather a marriage principle or further yet, a phil...
Send us a text This is episode number 26 and in today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that I have referenced in previous episodes but have not spent an episode exclusively discussing. Today I will be discussing childhood trauma and marriage. More specifically, I will be discussing the implications of how unresolved trauma negatively impacts your marriage. But this episode will be more of a conversation between you and I. That way I can get somethings off of my chest. Don’t worry...
Send us a text This is episode number 25 and in today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that many of you probably have heard me mention before but have probably not heard me speak in depth about. Today I will be discussing the differences between why men marry and why women marry. That’s right, in this session, I will be breaking down what your husband was expecting to get from you when he married you or what your wife has longed to receive from you when she accepted your hand in marria...
Send us a text This is episode number 24 and in today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that many of you probably haven’t heard about before. I am going to be discussing the importance of turning towards your spouse. If you have my book (The 37 Laws To Mastering Marriage), this information can be found in chapter 36 where I cover the Law of the Right Turn. This research is gleaned from Dr. Gottman’s bestselling book, The 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work. Remember, healthy mar...
Send us a textThis is episode number 23 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic that every spouse will want to know about. This information comes from chapter 3 of my book: The 37 Laws To Mastering Marriage. This episode will focus on the importance of becoming a student of your spouse (or the Law of the Pupil). Make sure to tune in as I dive even deeper into this often overlooked topic. So hang tight and take good notes as I discuss this during this podcast episode....
Send us a text This is episode number 22 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic specifically for the husbands. I have been working with a lot of husbands lately and many of them are fighting. Many of them are struggling…so I am going to repurpose a message that I put out way back in 2016 when many of you never knew me. Today’s episode will be slightly different as I will be talking specifically to husbands about the battles that we face. See this as more of a coach...
Send us a text This is episode number 21 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic related to effective conflict resolution skills that I have found most marriages often struggle with. In this episode, I discuss what it means to "Chase 2 Rabbits" during a conflict. This bad habit has tremendous implications on the communication habits that both you and your spouse share. It is extremely hard to change because both parties are usually so entrenched into doing this that ...
Send us a text This is episode number 20 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic that is often overlooked in marriages. I will be discussing the fundamental differences between how men and women communicate and why understanding this one concept can tremendously alter the course of your marriage. Trust me, you will want to listen to this episode…especially if you are finding that the communication is off between you and your spouse. Come prepared to take notes. Also...
Send us a text In today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that is so important that is it specifically for all of the husbands out there! I will be discussing the 6 Healthy Husband Habits. Throughout this journey, I have discovered that there are actually 6 things that if husbands do daily, your marriage will succeed. You can also look at these 6 habits or life principles. Principles that, if you incorporate them into your life, you will success in the areas of your greatest failures…b...
Send us a text In today’s session, I will be discussing a topic that is crucial to the way that you and your spouse manages conflict inside of your marriage. I will be discussing the Biggest Difference Between Happy and Unhappy Couples! Research has demonstrated that simply tweaking this one thing while having a conflict with your spouse will drastically impact the long-term health and happiness of your marriage. If there is an episode to listen to, this is the one. Please enjoy this episode...
Send us a text In today’s session, I will be shifting my approach slightly to asking you 10 very important questions that every spouse needs to answer. As a matter of fact, the heath of your marriage can be measured based on how many of these questions you have answers for. You may have to pause this episode periodically so that you can write down each of these questions. Then I want you to answer them. I would even recommend that both you and your spouse answer these questions individ...
Send us a text In today’s session, I will be teaching on the last 3 stages of the 6 Stages of Marriage. This information will be extremely helpful for your marriage is you are struggling with dealing with unmet expectations, stagnation, unresolved conflicts, reluctance and a decrease in intimacy. Make sure to take good notes so that you can refer back to this information when necessary. Remember to like, comment and share this information with other marriages that need it. See you on t...
Send us a text In today’s session, I will be teaching on the first 3 stages of the 6 Stages of Marriage. This information will be extremely helpful for your marriage is you are struggling with dealing with unmet expectations, stagnation, unresolved conflicts, reluctance and a decrease in intimacy. Make sure to take good notes so that you can refer back to this information when necessary. Remember to like, comment and share this information with other marriages that need it. See you on the co...
Send us a text In today’s session, I will be sharing with you 5 rules for better communication with your spouse. These tools, if used correctly will definitely take your communication with your spouse to the next level. Remember, effective communication is one of the 10 pillars of marriage…also remember that the main reason for failed marriages is ignorance. It that is the case, it would behoove you to constantly be looking for ways to improve how you communicate with your spouse. These...
Send us a text This is episode number 13 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing the number 1 marriage killer. This subject is so important that if it is not taken into consideration, it will destroy your marriage. As a matter of fact, most couples come to me dealing with this and they don’t even know it. Once I do some digging, I inevitably discover that they have broken this law of master marriage. That language should sound familiar because this information can be found i...
Send us a text Today’s topic is one that on the surface may seem like it has nothing to do with your marriage but don’t be fooled. This subject is something that I have been intimately studying since about 2006 and I feel that I still barely have it figured out. This episode is part 2 and the conclusion to last weeks very important episode. Today, I will be wrapping up the discussion on the importance of finding your purpose in life while being married. This episode will go even deeper into t...
Send us a text Today’s topic is one that on the surface may seem like it has nothing to do with your marriage but don’t be fooled. This subject is something that I have been intimately studying since about 2006 and I feel that I still barely have it figured out. So, I will share with you a taste of what I have discovered. As a matter of fact, this episode will be split up into 2 parts so that I can let the information breath with out cramming it all into one episode. Today, I will be discussi...
Send us a text This is episode number 10 and in today’s session, I am going to be discussing a topic that can be controversial yet very relevant, especially in today’s day and age. Today’s episode will be on understanding the psychology of your reluctant spouse. What I am about to share may not resonate with some and it may offend others. If it does offend you, that just means you may not be ready to receive it…revisit it what you are ready. This episode will be beneficial in helping you to u...
Send us a textToday’s topic is over another very interesting topic that is often not associated with marriage…attachment theory and how your attachment style impacts how you show up inside of your marriage. One word of caution though, both you and your spouse will most likely show up as having one of these attachment styles. Try to be honest about yourself and resist the temptation to see yourself as perfect. We all want to be spotless and without blemish but the truth is that none of us is. ...
Comments (24)

Zahra Mahjoob


Mar 14th

Karen D

I am 45 never married but will be marrying soon. We moved in together, which is a 1st for me as well. I thought "this would we easy" but I found myself despising the love of my life really quickly after spending all day, every day and night with one another. I want to thank you so much for this Podcast because it has helped me to stop, look and listen. I didn't realize that I am such a horrible active listener. You have been such a blessing along my journey. Normally I am a runner but not now!

Feb 23rd
Reply (1)

By Dianne

Amazing Message! thank you!

Feb 18th

Priscilla Richardson

Thank you so much for that information on how men and women listen differently. My husband and I are having those exact communication issues right now and we just celebrated 30 yrs. I see that you are still Podcasting please keep going I will definitely continue to listen.

Sep 8th

Elham Etedali

Thank you. It was helpful for me. 💗

Mar 27th

aYiGbE vAnDaMe🎭🎭🎭

good day David and Amanda something has been bugging my mind and I need your help in that regard. so I met a lady a year and we've been binding very well and very much, I feel at peace anytime wa re together and very free with her as well and we've grown find of each other and loving each other. But there's one problem that's she has given birth with someone else about a couple of years ago. But anytime we talk about marriage I feel so uncomfortable and am afraid to go ahead with her since he's not my son. what should I do thank you

Feb 7th

Christie McHenry

purchased the audio book! i have been a listener since the beginning!!

May 19th

Leah Lott

thank you thank you! so helpful.

Mar 10th

Marvin Brooks


Dec 10th

Belinda Ann Pitts

David & Amanda, I share your podcast with my adult children so we can pass on a Legacy of Hope and Love💞🙏✨ Thank you all your work!!

Nov 8th

Belinda Ann Pitts

Love this conversation on the quality of talking points with your spouse! Who knew there was an art form to marriage conversation💞✨🙏

Nov 7th

Belinda Ann Pitts

God Bless you for breaking the cycle of divorce 🙏✨

Oct 22nd

Belinda Ann Pitts

Open yourself up to the truth and your journey together can begin and never give up!🙏 Thnx for the truth!

Oct 21st

Belinda Ann Pitts

The best way to expand your ability communicate effectively is to know yourself better🙏 never give up, keep growing✨ Thnx for this!!

Oct 19th

Belinda Ann Pitts

How refreshing to hear how men measure their place in life through all the material objects they collect. They can be set free by just being in the moment.🙏

Sep 26th

Chris Ising -The Falcon-

God truly led me to this podcast. I dont believe in mistakes. If I ever needed to hear a message today this is the one.

Sep 17th

D Marie Fasig

my husband is an alcoholic, and I feel it is destroying my marriage, also he isolate his self from family and friends.

Sep 11th
Reply (1)

Belinda Ann Pitts

We need more podcast shows, 🙏 please💗!!

Aug 30th

Belinda Ann Pitts

Your show is so informational and helpful to keep marriage at its very best! Knowledge is power!

Aug 29th

Belinda Ann Pitts

What a beautiful thing to hear such inspiration and hope for our journey together in life! We can never learn enough when it comes to growing Marriage & Friendship!

Aug 28th