DiscoverMarriage Sucks
Marriage Sucks
Claim Ownership

Marriage Sucks

Author: Andy and Abby Call

Subscribed: 44Played: 306


Anyone married, dating and or single hoping to one day be married, tune in! Through this podcast, we hope to encourage you that marriage is beautiful and rewarding, even though at times it can really suck. Here we will share and unfold some of the most difficult obstacles we've faced together and the freedom God has brought through them. We believe in the impact of vulnerability therefore, each episode will give you an honest look into our lives and our marriage. With God's word as our foundation, we will do our best to share tools and resources that have helped us overcome and even now currently helping us to overcome difficult obstacles. God is our sustainer and hope, we pray that is the biggest takeaway for everyone listening.
15 Episodes
Dating Pt.2

Dating Pt.2


This episode wraps up our talk with our good friends Carmen and Brock where they share a few dating tips that were taken from their experiences in dating.
Dating Pt.1

Dating Pt.1


Join us with our good friends Brock and Carmen, as they share their journey through dating and a few hiccups they experienced along the way.
Finding Community

Finding Community


The community we surround ourselves with says a lot about who we are. We hope this episode challenges you to evaluate your community and the people you are allowing to influence you and speak into your life and marriage.
In this episode we share our experiences and thoughts on counseling and how our marriage has benefited from it. We've put in time and money to learn that counseling can help people get through some of the toughest situations in life. Finding a professional that can help you process your feelings and issues can be one of the best decisions you could ever make. Trust us, counseling doesn't suck.
Marriage Meetings

Marriage Meetings


This episode teaches a practical tool for relationships to stay connected, by intentionally carving out time to communicate. We have two kids, both work full-time and are involved in extra curricular activities. Marriage meetings help us stay connected and communicating on a daily/weekly basis.
Building our nest

Building our nest


Join us to hear the outcome of our last episode, "Leaving the Nest." Learn how the act of selfishness can create division in marriage, but Jesus' saving grace can bring redemption and freedom.
Leaving The Nest

Leaving The Nest


Though leaving the nest may bring freedom to start your own life and that's exciting, but our journey in that "freedom" did not feel that exciting. Take a look on the inside of one of the hardest beginning pieces of our story and see how surrendering our plans to God has brought so much freedom in our marriage.
This episode picks up where the last one left off, literally. We continue talking about our struggle with pornography and the messy process of rebuilding trust. These conversations aren't easy, but when a godly healthy marriage is your goal, they are must haves. Trust us, this struggle and brokenness can be overcome. There is freedom to be found!
This episode will look at how anxiety and depression threw some serious wrenches into our marriage. This has been by far, one of the biggest challenges we've faced as a married couple. Our hope for this episode is that you can learn from what we didn't do well and avoid some of the many pitfalls on the path to healing.
Episode 5.5 continues our discussion on anxiety and depression. In this episode you will learn some of the tools we put in place to help us navigate through it all. Listen in to how God has given us so much hope in something that could be so destructive.
Junk in the Trunk

Junk in the Trunk


We've all got junk. This can be stuff that happened to us or bad decisions we made before saying "I Do." This episode looks at some of the baggage we brought into our marriage and shares a piece of our journey in finding healing together.
In this episode we talk about our journey with Pornography and the way it can kill relationships. The struggle with pornography is real and we are happy to give you a real look into our struggles and path of reconciliation together. Building back trust that has been broken is no joke. Listen in and find hope, because even this difficult subject can be conquered together!
Fighting Fair

Fighting Fair


This episode will cover some of our greatest fights. Throughout our marriage we have had some good ones. This episode is dedicated to helping you avoid the pitfalls that we've fallen into, over and over again. Setting boundaries for fighting can help you avoid starting world war III. Join us and learn from our mistakes.
Welcome to the Family

Welcome to the Family


After tying the knot, we quickly realized, although each of us may be wonderful, neither of us came alone. Extended family definitely creates a unique complexity for marriage. Join us this episode as we talk about boundaries and our goal to always put our marriage first.
This is the beginning of "Marriage Sucks Podcast." In this episode we talk about who we are and why we are here. In our time together, we'll share episode ideas and what to expect in the future. We will discuss things like, our greatest fights, struggle through anxiety, depression, difficulties with intimacy, parenting and so much more. Journey with us and know that you are not alone.