Mary our Queen

This podcast is for all Catholics, but is especially dedicated to those who have consecrated themselves as the slaves of Jesus through the hands of Mary!

Is Lourdes still relevant in our days?

Is Lourdes something of the past? Ought today's Catholics pay attention to this invocation of Mary? Is it only about miracles? In this podcast, you will understand the impressive significance of this miraculous apparition.


Mary's Role among the first Christians

Have you wondered, what was it like to be an early christian in the nascent church, to know Our Lady in person. Imagine what an honor it must have been… But also sometimes we tend to think that Our Lady was not so important then as she is now. What do you think? Well, it is this that we will talk about in this podcast, the role of Our Lady in the early Church, the church of the apostles, soon after the resurrection, until Her assumption into Heaven. What a mystery, yet how intriguing it all is? Wouldn’t you want to learn about this? Dont hesitate... Join us!


Fr. Michael Carlson revealed

Responsible for the consecration of thousands to Our Lady, Fr. Michael, a man difficult to get - and to find - is finally on our podcast! Hopefully, we'll learn something about his life, and who knows? Mark another podcast with him, perhaps!


Which is the Best CATHOLIC Saint?

Ever wondered why there are so many devotions to saints? Why do people choose their devotions? Aren't all the saints equal? Do saints compete among themselves? If questions like this bother you, then you must watch this podcast! If questions like this don't bother you, well, they SHOULD, so watch this podcast anyway!


Asking God for forgiveness

So we will continue to answer the doubts and questions about confession, that have come to us. This time we got them all!


Confession, the path to forgiveness

Here we will address some of the doubts and questions about confession, that have come to us. Hopefully we will able to answer them all.


Why is penance important in lent?

What penance should I choose? Do I have to do penance? Isn't penance a thing of the past? Do I have to scourge myself? Does penace have meaning? These questions and more will be answered here.


Why is St. Joseph so important?

How well do we know St. Joseph? Was St. Joseph a pauper or a nobleman? Do you know about St. Joseph's Oratory? What could be a good book about St. Joseph? Curious? Then this podcast is for you!


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