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Master Your Life
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Master Your Life

Author: VoiceAmerica

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Renowned life coach Leaha Mattinson teams up with writer and presenter Dr. Howard Rankin to provide inspiration, insight and intelligence that will help you Master Your Life. Everyone has challenges on their journey and Leaha and Howard are no exception. However, they combine their personal experiences with expertise and knowledge to provide powerful tools to help listeners regain control of their lives. They also bring a vast array of inspirational and insightful guests who add wisdom and practical advice. If you need direction in any area of your life, this entertaining and empowering show is for you.
126 Episodes
Health Coaching Now!

Health Coaching Now!


Lifestyle behaviors are the key to health.
Health Coaching Now!

Health Coaching Now!


Lifestyle behaviors are the key to health. Where people successfully manage their eating, exercise, sleep, stress and combine it with spiritual activities, the rate of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, dementia to name just three, are all significantly reduced. If behavior change is so critical, why is it effectively ignored by the medical profession? Rather than giving out ineffective fact sheets and information which we know have little impact, what would happen if more resources were given to health coaches to customize programs for individual patients and increase their adherence to the programs that could save their lives? Leaha and Howard provide their usual insight, intelligence and inspiration to this important issue.
How often do we really pay attention to what we are saying and the words we are using? What impact do they have on listeners, especially ourselves? How do words shape the context and perception of a communication? These and other critical issues about communication and self-perception are the subjects of this show in which author and expert Mary Shores, Leaha Mattinson and Dr. Howard Rankin get to the heart of words, communication, perception and meaning.
They Secret of Wisdom

They Secret of Wisdom


In a world that seems to be more and more divided, there is less interest in a serious discussion of issues, be they personal or global. Why does this trend seem to be getting worse? In this episode Leaha and Howard look at how our minds really work.
They Secret of Wisdom

They Secret of Wisdom


In a world that seems to be more and more divided, there is less interest in a serious discussion of issues, be they personal or global. Why does this trend seem to be getting worse? In this episode Leaha and Howard look at how our minds really work. They identify flaws in the system, like unreliable memory, distorted attention and a narrative that is driven by personal interest and emotion rather than facts. We are story-tellers not truth seekers and in this episode our hosts give examples of how this tendency can lead to poor choices and decisions. Leaha and Howard also consider what we can all do to recognize these flaws and minimize their influence on our lives.
Instant Miracles

Instant Miracles


Instant Miracles

Instant Miracles


Is it possible to perform instant miracles? What's the secret to really being able to suspend your ego and help others? What does it mean to be really selfless and how is that manifested? These are some of the fascinating issues that Leaha and Howard will discuss with their guest Bill McKenna, author of The Only Lesson. As usual the hosts will not only do a deep dive into the topic but provide insight, inspiration and intelligence as well as practical tools for the listeners that will enable them to provide instant miracles.
Hilton Head Health (H3) was voted #1 Wellness Destination by USA Today in 2017.
Hilton Head Health (H3) was voted #1 Wellness Destination by USA Today in 2017. What makes a place like H3 so popular and successful? Is it the fact that they educate and specifically train people in weight loss and wellness, giving them specific goals and ways of reaching them? Is it the available counseling and therapy that helps guests overcome their resistance to change? Is it the fact that H3 is in a natural, serene and beautiful environment that allows people to reconnect with themselves and with nature? Is it the professional, compassionate and passionate staff? Leaha and Howard discuss these issues and what makes a great wellness destination with Kevin Carter, CEO and owner of Hilton Head Health.
Developing self-love

Developing self-love


Self-love is not an egotistical exercise in arrogance: rather it is a necessary part of life. We live in an age where judgment and criticism are rife and where value is measured in material terms and conventional conceptions of "success.
Developing self-love

Developing self-love


Self-love is not an egotistical exercise in arrogance: rather it is a necessary part of life. We live in an age where judgment and criticism are rife and where value is measured in material terms and conventional conceptions of "success." As a result many people are guilt-ridden, anxious and spend their time trying to meet other people's expectations and sacrificing themselves in the process. In this episode Leaha and Howard explore the cultural climate that can generate many negative self-perceptions and the journey from the innocence of childhood to an adult perception that depends on external validation for self-worth. As usual they offer insight, inspiration, and intelligence on how the listener can improve his or her self-concept.
Does eating a healthy diet mean giving up all desserts? What is it about a healthy diet that makes it beneficial: is it the absence of bad foods, the presence of good ones, or a combination of both? Is there a middle ground of moderation, or do you need to eliminate all foods that are unhealthy? Internationally acclaimed health promotion and nutrition expert Dr. David Katz discuses the importance of balance and sustainability in lifestyle habits and how to achieve it.
In the last century, we have learned a lot about the mind and in particular, how to influence others. Such knowledge underpins almost all advertising and marketing.
In the last century, we have learned a lot about the mind and in particular, how to influence others. Such knowledge underpins almost all advertising and marketing. The BBC series Century of the Self, looked at how such psychological mechanisms have been hijacked by marketers. How ethical is that use of psychological principles? How does it effect communication in general? Is manipulation simply accepted as a reasonable way of communication? If so, how does that affect dialog and open-mindedness? Leaha and Howard explore all these issues with insight, inspiration and intelligence, in this episode of Master Your Life. Century of the Self on youtube at:
Australian pain and injury expert Gary Little believes that the conventional treatment of pain is misguided. He argues convincingly that emotions and stress patterns in the body create blockages that lead to pain in other parts of the system.
Australian pain and injury expert Gary Little believes that the conventional treatment of pain is misguided. He argues convincingly that emotions and stress patterns in the body create blockages that lead to pain in other parts of the system. As a result, the site of the pain is not really the problem even if it is the focus of conventional medicine. How can you accurately assess your pain? What is the value of imaging techniques? Can you heal without medications? These and other questions, will be addressed by Gary, Leaha and Howard in search for the answer to the pain myth.
Psychic Intuition

Psychic Intuition

