Master Your Marriage

The average couple waits 6 years to get help in their marriage. That's 6 years of pain, hurt, frustration and lost opportunity. This podcast is designed to help you NOT become a part of that statistic. Hosted by Dr. Robert and Sharla Snow — themselves married for 31 years — The Master Your Marriage show is here with straight-talking guidance on how to fill your marriage with fun, friendship and love, without it ever feeling like "hard work." No matter how long you've been struggling with your marriage, or how long it's been since you've felt that "spark," we promise you, there is hope! Your MASTERFUL marriage starts here.

Losing Relationship Strategies #7: Withdrawal

"Withdrawal can slowly destroy connection."In this episode, we discuss the concept of withdrawal in relationships, exploring how it manifests and the dangers it poses to emotional connection. We delve into the difference between withdrawal and mature acceptance, emphasizing the importance of communication and responsible distance-taking. The conversation highlights the detrimental effects of apathy and isolation and concludes with strategies for couples to recognize and address their own losing strategies in relationships.TakeawaysWithdrawal can take many forms in relationships.Apathy leads to crushing loneliness for both partners.Couples often live separate but parallel lives due to withdrawal.The opposite of love is apathy, not hate.Real acceptance is a choice, not avoidance.Responsible distance-taking requires mutual understanding.Withdrawal can escalate conflict and lead to divorce.Recognizing subtle forms of withdrawal is essential.Expressing needs constructively is crucial for relationship health.Self-assessment of losing strategies can improve relationships.Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here:💬 Follow us on IG:


Losing Relationship Strategies #6: Defensiveness

"Defense is the first act of war."Defensiveness is a corrosive behavior that goes against the purpose of marriage, which is personal growth. It is non-accountability, anti-growth, and unrepentant. Dr. John Gottman identified defensiveness as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which predicts divorce. Defensiveness prevents true intimacy and creates a barrier to growth. The antidote to defensiveness is taking responsibility and being open to feedback. By facing ourselves and making positive changes, we can have a profound impact on our relationships and personal growth.TakeawaysDefensiveness is a corrosive behavior that hinders personal growth in relationships.Dr. John Gottman identified defensiveness as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which predict divorce.Defensiveness prevents true intimacy and creates a barrier to growth.The antidote to defensiveness is taking responsibility and being open to feedback.By facing ourselves and making positive changes, we can have a profound impact on our relationships and personal growth.Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here:💬 Follow us on IG:


Losing Relationship Strategies #5 Resentful Accommodation

Is sacrifice no longer a virtue?In this episode, we discuss the concept of resentful accommodation in marriage. We explore the idea that sacrifice is often seen as a virtue in relationships, but there is a point where sacrifice can become unvirtuous and detrimental to the relationship. What's the difference between virtuous sacrifice, which benefits everyone involved, and unvirtuous sacrifice, which is done to avoid discomfort or gain approval? We share personal examples of resentful accommodation in our own marriage and discuss the costs and consequences of this losing strategy. Open communication and mutual decision-making in healthy sacrifice are key!TakeawaysSacrifice is an integral part of most intimate relationships, but there is a point where sacrifice can become unvirtuous and detrimental to the relationship.Virtuous sacrifice benefits everyone involved, while unvirtuous sacrifice is done to avoid discomfort or gain approval.Resentful accommodation, a form of unvirtuous sacrifice, leads to under-functioning and resentment in the relationship.Open communication and mutual decision-making are essential in healthy sacrifice.It is important to self-reflect and identify any resentments or unvirtuous sacrifices in the relationship in order to address and resolve them.Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here:💬 Follow us on IG:


Losing Relationship Strategies #4: Retaliation or Punishment

"Retaliation is trying to cause the same emotion in the other person that you're feeling."In this episode, we discuss the destructive pattern of retaliation and punishment in relationships. We explore the different forms of retaliation, including direct and indirect, and how it can harm the connection between partners. We know the importance of recognizing and confronting the urge to retaliate, as it often stems from feeling justified and victimized. We encourage listeners to commit to non-violent and non-retaliatory behaviors in their relationships and provide journaling questions for self-reflection.TakeawaysRetaliation and punishment are common destructive patterns in relationships that can harm the connection between partners.Retaliation can take various forms, including direct (overt) and indirect (covert) behaviors.The urge to retaliate often stems from feeling justified and victimized, but it ultimately leads to a loss of agency and connection.Committing to non-violent and non-retaliatory behaviors can bring more peace and harmony to relationships.Self-reflection and confronting the ego are essential in breaking the cycle of retaliation and creating healthier relationships.Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here:💬 Follow us on IG:


Losing Relationship Strategies #3: Unbridled Self Expression

"Contempt is the most destructive of all negative behaviors in relationships."In this episode of the Master Your Marriage podcast, we discuss destructive pattern number three: unbridled expression. We explore the negative impact of expressing every thought and emotion without restraint, and how it can lead to hurtful and damaging behavior in relationships. We also delve into the concept of contempt as a form of unbridled expression, highlighting its corrosive effects on a marriage. The episode concludes with journaling prompts and suggestions for overcoming unbridled expression.TakeawaysUnbridled expression, or expressing every thought and emotion without restraint, can be damaging to relationships.Contempt, a form of unbridled expression, is the most destructive of all negative behaviors in relationships and is a predictor of divorce.Self-awareness is key to overcoming unbridled expression and focusing on personal growth.Empathy is essential in building healthy and loving relationships.Interrupting old behaviors and practicing new ones is crucial for personal and relational growth.


Losing Relationship Strategies #2: Controlling Our Spouse

"Control isn't real. It's an illusion... Each of us has this fundamental need for autonomy."In this episode, we discuss the destructive pattern of controlling others in relationships. Controlling behavior is often a result of managing our own anxieties and insecurities. They provide examples of overt and covert control tactics, such as criticism, blame, guilt-tripping, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation. The hosts emphasize that control is an illusion and that it damages trust, intimacy, and autonomy in relationships. They encourage self-reflection and open communication with partners to address and overcome controlling behaviors.TakeawaysControlling behavior in relationships is often a result of managing our own anxieties and insecurities.Examples of controlling behavior include criticism, blame, guilt tripping, gaslighting, and emotional manipulation.Control is an illusion and damages trust, intimacy, and autonomy in relationships.Self-reflection and open communication with partners are essential to address and overcome controlling behaviors.Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here:💬 Follow us on IG:


Losing Relationship Strategies #1: The Need To Be Right

In this episode of Master Your Marriage, we discuss the destructive pattern of needing to be right in relationships. They explain that this pattern can lead to disconnection and alienation from others. The hosts explore how the need to be right shows up in sneaky ways, such as collecting evidence to prove one's perspective, acting morally superior, and convincing oneself that it's for the greater good. We emphasize the importance of looking within and examining our own behaviors, as well as the need to let go of the ego's desire to be right. The episode ends with reflection questions for listeners to consider.Takeaways:The need to be right can lead to disconnection and alienation in relationships.The need to be right shows up in sneaky ways, such as collecting evidence to prove one's perspective and acting morally superior.It's important to look within and examine our own behaviors, as well as let go of the ego's desire to be right.Curiosity and equal dialogue are more important than the need to be right in relationships.#destructive #pattern #right , #relationships , #disconnection #alienation #ego #marriage #podcast


The Courage to Look Within: Healing Our Marriage

The quality of relationships is the best predictor of overall life satisfaction. Happiness in marriage is not about luck or finding a soulmate, but about seeking wisdom and personal growth. Marriage exposes our limitations and immaturities, providing an opportunity for development and maturity. Psychological maturity requires developing a sense of self and living according to our values. As children, we borrow our sense of self from our parents, but as adults, we need to grow ourselves up. Immaturity in relationships leads to control or feeling controlled. People-pleasers seek validation, while controllers seek power. Change requires a fruitful reason, truthfulness, and accountability.TakeawaysThe quality of relationships is the best predictor of overall life satisfactionHappiness in marriage comes from seeking wisdom and personal growthMarriage exposes our limitations and immaturities, providing an opportunity for development and maturityPsychological maturity requires developing a sense of self and living according to our valuesChange requires fruitful reason, truthfulness, and accountabilityValues Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here:💬 Follow us on IG:


The Power of Choice in Relationships

Why are you choosing to stay in your current relationship or marriage?Today, we’re diving deep into a topic that can truly transform your relationship: The Power of Choice. We’ll explore how making conscious decisions can strengthen your bond and bring out the best in both you and your partner. So, get ready to discover why choosing into your relationship every day is the key to its success.Key Takeaways:The Importance of Choice in Relationships;Understanding Autonomy and Its Impact;Daily Choices and Their Long-term Impact;Remember that choosing your relationship every day is a powerful act that can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful partnership. Reflect on why you’re choosing to stay in your relationship and what you’re willing to do to make it better.Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast if you haven’t already, so you never miss an episode. If you found value in today’s discussion, please leave us a five-star review and a comment. Your support helps us continue bringing you free coaching sessions every week.


Why Treating Your Marriage Like a Business Could Save It

Welcome back to another transformative episode of Master Your Marriage! This week, we're thrilled to have fellow marriage mentors, Kevin and Michelle Davis. They bring a wealth of experience and wisdom, particularly from their unique backgrounds in dealing with the challenges of coming from divorced families. Kevin hosts the popular podcast, "Maxed Out Man," where he empowers men to excel in all aspects of life, starting with their relationships. Join us as we dive deep into the crucial topics of emotional intelligence, effective communication, and the relentless pursuit of growth in marriage.The idea that couples should treat their relationship with the same intentionality and strategy as a business might be controversial, but we argue it can lead to a significantly more successful marriage.📅 Connect with Kevin and Michelle here:💬 Follow us on IG:


Sex Hormones, Emotional Resilience & Love Potions with Thomas Seager

What do sex hormones and emotional regulation have to do with ice bathing? As research suggests, both may be modulated by deliberate cold exposure, and therefore a possible strategy for couples to improve intimacy Thomas Seager, a PhD in civil and environmental engineering, shares his journey into researching deliberate cold exposure and its impact on health. He discusses the importance of individual health and the need for people to take charge of their own well-being. Thomas also shares personal experiences with cold exposure and how it has positively affected his health, including increasing testosterone levels. He emphasizes the importance of listening to individual experiences and conducting N equals one experiments to explore the benefits of cold exposure. The conversation also touches on topics such as brown fat and its relationship to hormones. Cold exposure stimulates brown fat, which has multiple functions in the body. It helps regulate metabolism, modulate thyroid function, and secrete neuroprotective factors and hormones that keep the brain in good shape. Cold exposure can also improve cognitive function and aid in recovery from brain injuries. It is important to be a little bit cold some of the time to maintain optimal health and prevent age-related diseases. Cold exposure can also enhance resilience and emotional intelligence in relationships. Deliberate cold exposure can have various benefits for both physical and mental health. It can help recruit brown fat, improve metabolic health, release stress, and promote psychological resilience. However, there are some contraindications to be aware of, such as hypertension and transient global amnesia. It's important to approach cold exposure with caution and listen to your body's response. Thomas Seager's book, Uncommon Cold, explores the science and experiences behind deliberate cold exposure. His website, Morozco Forge, provides resources and articles on the topic.TakeawaysIndividuals should take charge of their own health and not solely rely on medical experts or institutions.Personal experiences and N equals one experiments can provide valuable insights into the benefits of cold exposure.Cold exposure, such as ice baths, can have positive effects on hormone levels, including testosterone.Brown fat, which can be activated through cold exposure, has been linked to various health benefits.The scientific community should be open to exploring and studying the experiences and anecdotes of individuals to develop new hypotheses and treatments. Brown fat is not just for cold thermogenesis, it also has essential secretory functions in the body.Cold exposure can improve brain function and aid in recovery from brain injuries.Regular cold exposure can stimulate mitogenesis and rejuvenate mitochondria, leading to improved metabolism.Cold exposure can enhance resilience and emotional intelligence in relationships. Deliberate cold exposure can recruit brown fat and improve metabolic health.Cold exposure can release stress and promote psychological resilience.Hypertension and transient global amnesia are contraindications to be aware of.Approach cold exposure with caution and listen to your body's response.Thomas Seager's book, Uncommon Cold, explores the science and experiences of deliberate cold exposure.The website Morozco Forge provides resources and articles on the topic.Visit Morozco Forge for more on Thomas Seager's work. 🌐📖Follow Thomas on Instagram: @SeagerTP 📸


Connecting Couples By Aligning Values

Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here: Episode’s Highlights:Robert’s Career Revelation: Robert shares his journey from contractor to CEO and how a simple mirror exercise revealed his true values. 🪞✨Living Pono: Discover the Hawaiian concept of living in alignment with your deepest values and how it can transform your life. 🌺🌿Creating Rituals: Learn how to establish daily and annual rituals that support your values and strengthen your relationship. 🔄💖Quick Action Steps:1. Find Your Values: Reflect on what truly matters to you in life and relationships. 🧠💭2. Set Rituals: Create simple, meaningful rituals to honor those values. 📅✨3. Align Together**: Share and align your values with your partner for a stronger bond. 💑💕Timestamps:0:00 - Introduction and Welcome 🎉1:20 - Robert’s Career Revelation 🏗️➡️👔3:00 - The Mirror Exercise 🪞5:00 - Living in Alignment: The Concept of Pono 🌺6:40 - Creating Meaningful Rituals 🔄10:00 - Annual Marriage Retreat: Realigning Values 🏔️❤️11:45 - Applying Alignment to Relationships 💑13:00 - Understanding and Discovering Your Values 🧭17:00 - The Power of Shared Values in Marriage 💖19:20 - Final Thoughts and Takeaways 🌟20:30 - Call to Action: Subscribe, Review, and Share 📣Follow us on IG:


Understanding Male Hormones and Aging with Dr. Allen Holmes

Dr. Allen Holmes of Biosymmetry ( discusses male hormones and the effects of aging on testosterone levels. He explains that as men age, testosterone levels naturally decline, leading to symptoms such as fatigue, low energy, decreased libido, and reduced motivation. However, he emphasizes that low testosterone is not just a normal part of aging and can be treated. Dr. Holmes discusses the different methods of testosterone supplementation, including pellets, injections, and creams, and highlights the importance of individualized treatment based on symptoms and lab results. He also addresses common concerns and misconceptions about testosterone, such as its impact on prostate health and the risk of side effects.TakeawaysLow testosterone is not just a normal part of aging and can be treated.Testosterone supplementation can help improve symptoms such as fatigue, low energy, decreased libido, and reduced motivation.Treatment options include pellets, injections, and creams, and the choice depends on individual needs and preferences.Monitoring testosterone levels and adjusting treatment based on symptoms and lab results is important for optimal results.Concerns about testosterone's impact on prostate health and the risk of side effects are often based on outdated or incomplete information.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Dr. Allen Holmes' Background02:10 Understanding Male Hormones and Aging06:19 Different Terms for Male Hormone Changes09:02 Recognizing Symptoms of Low Testosterone14:44 Debunking Myths: Testosterone and Prostate Health22:58 Treatment Options for Erectile Dysfunction36:26 Natural Ways to Increase Testosterone41:17 Conclusion and Contact Information


Owning Our Sexual Desire Part 4 (Psychological Maturity)

The episode discusses the importance of a strong sense of self in maintaining sexual desire in relationships. It emphasizes the need to focus on oneself rather than relying on others for validation and approval. The hosts share a story of a couple who experienced sexual desire problems due to their underdeveloped sense of self. They provide steps for strengthening one's sense of self, including observing, evaluating, and interrupting automatic behaviors. The hosts recommend the book 'Everything Isn't Terrible' by Dr. Kathleen Smith as a resource for further exploration.Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” is now available! Get registered here: strong sense of self is crucial for maintaining sexual desire in relationships.Focusing on oneself rather than relying on others for validation and approval is important.Observing, evaluating, and interrupting automatic behaviors can help strengthen one's sense of self.The book 'Everything Isn't Terrible' by Dr. Kathleen Smith is a recommended resource for further exploration.Chapters00:00 Introduction: The Role of Sense of Self in Sexual Desire18:32 The Impact of an Underdeveloped Sense of Self on Sexual Desire29:19 Steps for Strengthening Sense of Self37:22 Conclusion: Observing, Evaluating, and InterruptingFollow us on IG: #relationship #marriage #validation #mature #emotionalintelligence #desire


Owning Our Sexual Desire Part 3 (Hormone Replacement) with Dr. Jenn Simmons

Hey everyone! It's Sharla Snow here, and welcome back to another episode of "Master Your Marriage." Today, we're diving into an important topic with our special guest, Dr. Jenn Simmons. Dr. Jenn is an integrative oncologist, author, and the founder of Real Health MD. She's here to talk about perimenopause, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and the truth about their connection to breast cancer. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one!Dr. Jenn shares her journey from being a top breast cancer surgeon to starting Real Health MD. We discuss the often-overlooked symptoms of perimenopause and the impact of hormone deficiencies on our health. I also share my personal experience with these symptoms and how HRT transformed my life. Dr. Jenn debunks the myths around HRT and breast cancer and explains how to find a hormone-literate physician.This episode is packed with valuable insights and practical advice for anyone dealing with hormonal changes. Dr. Jenn explains the benefits of HRT and the importance of addressing hormone deficiencies early. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation!Chapters:00:00 - Introduction00:20 - Meet Dr. Jenn Simmons01:00 - Dr. Jenn’s Journey03:00 - Perimenopause Symptoms06:20 - Estrogen and HRT10:00 - Sharla’s Personal Experience13:40 - Debunking HRT Myths16:00 - Finding a Hormone-Literate Doctor18:20 - Safe Practices for HRT21:00 - Long-Term Health Impact25:00 - Closing and How to ConnectLinks Mentioned:Real Health MD ( Abreast with Dr. Jenn Podcast ( Jenn Simmons on LinkedIn ( Smart Woman's Guide to Breast Cancer - Book ( #menopause #hormonehealth #breastcancer #womenshealth #holistichealth


Owning Our Sexual Desire Part 2 (Changing Hormones)

Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” now available! Get registered here: this conversation, I explore the impacts of hormones on sexuality, focusing on the changes that occur in women's bodies during perimenopause and menopause. We delve into the physical and mental health challenges, as well as the implications for sexual function. Be ready to receive insights and strategies for maintaining sexual health and desire as women age, emphasizing the importance of open communication and empowerment through knowledge.TakeawaysHormonal changes during perimenopause and menopause can have significant impacts on a woman's physical and mental health, as well as her sexual function.Open communication about sexual needs and changes in the body is crucial for maintaining a healthy and fulfilling sex life as women age.Empowerment through knowledge and access to resources, such as hormone therapy and sexual wellness products, can support women in maintaining sexual health and desire as they age.#sexualempowerment #healthyaging #menopause #hormonehealth #empowerment #ageless #menopausesymptoms


Owning Our Sexual Desire Part 1 (Taking Responsibility)

In this episode of "Master Your Marriage," Robert and I dive into how our feelings in relationships evolve over time and how to keep that spark alive. You know, those butterflies and the exhilarating rush of falling in love might not last forever, but that doesn't mean passion has to disappear. Instead, it can grow into a more mature love. We believe it’s absolutely possible to maintain and deepen our passion and intimacy for decades, and today we’re going to share how we can make that happen.We talked about how sexual desire can change, especially for women in long-term relationships. Research shows that women’s desire often decreases more rapidly after marriage, which was surprising to us at first. But it's not that women care less about sex; it’s that we want sex that's worth having—full of romance, seduction, and connection. Robert and I discussed how important it is to take responsibility for our own desires. We shared tips like engaging in activities that make us feel alive and confident, because when we feel our best, it positively impacts our relationship.To wrap things up, we gave you an exercise to help you understand your own turn-ons and turn-offs. We can’t always rely on our partners to fulfill every need; it’s up to us to take charge of our desires. By creating intentional rituals of connection and self-care, we can keep the passion burning. We’d love to hear your thoughts on this, so come join the conversation on social media. And if you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review and share it with someone who might benefit from it. Remember, it’s the small things done often that make the biggest impact. Until next time, take care and be kind to each other.


From 'I' to 'We': Avoiding Power Struggles in Relationships

Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” now available! Get registered here:"Power struggles in relationships usually result in either a breaking point or a turning point for growth."In this episode of Master Your Marriage, we discuss the importance of accepting influence in a relationship and how it can lead to a happier and healthier partnership. We explain that accepting influence means taking your partner's opinion into account and being open to using their input to make decisions as a couple. We also address the challenges of accepting influence, such as cultural conditioning and the fear of losing power. We share some tips on how to mentally prepare for disagreements, including seeing the other person's perspective, assuming good intent, and focusing on the underlying values behind the disagreement. We emphasize the importance of finding win-win solutions and incorporating both partners' needs in the decision-making process.TakeawaysAccepting influence is crucial for a healthy and happy relationship.Power struggles in relationships can lead to deterioration or growth.Accepting influence does not mean giving away power, but rather finding a balance.Mentally preparing for disagreements can help improve communication and find win-win solutions.Disagreements often stem from differences in values, and understanding each other's perspectives is key to resolving conflicts.Chapters00:00 Intro04:17 Finding a Balance08:06 Amygdala Hijack: The Fight, Flight, or Freeze Response15:35 Acquiring Respect, Power, and Influence through Accepting Influence24:18 Understanding Values27:35 Small Acts of Kindness


Prioritizing Physical Affection: Creating Rituals of Touch

Values Course “Sync Up: Aligning Values & Vision For Lasting Love” now available! Get registered here:"Physical touch is a language of its own."Physical touch is a vital language of connection in relationships. It fosters trust, teamwork, and overall well-being. Touch is a powerful way to communicate emotions and messages without words. Research shows that touch improves performance and cooperation in teams, including NBA players. Touch starvation, or the lack of physical affection, can lead to loneliness, depression, and health issues. To prioritize physical affection in long-term relationships, create daily rituals of touch, such as a six-second kiss, a 20-second hug, holding hands, giving back rubs, and creating a bedtime ritual that includes touch. It's important to respond to your partner's touch bids and avoid making touch conditional on sex. If touch has not felt safe in the past, start slowly and seek healing.TakeawaysPhysical touch is a vital language of connection in relationships.Creating daily rituals of touch can prioritize physical affection in long-term relationships.Responding to your partner's touch bids strengthens connection and intimacy.Avoid making touch conditional on sex and prioritize non-sexual touch.If touch has not felt safe in the past, start slowly and seek healing.Chapters00:00 Introduction06:11 Improving Performance and Cooperation15:13 Touch Starvation: The Impact of a Lack of Physical Affection23:27 Responding to Touch Bids: Strengthening Connection and Intimacy26:23 Creating a Safe Space: Healing Past Trauma and Building Trust28:13 Conclusion


Relationship Growth is a Journey of Learning

"Learning isn't a straight line. It's really more like a roller coaster with ups and downs."This episode discusses the four stages of learning and how they apply to relationships. The stages are: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence. The hosts emphasize that learning new skills in relationships can be frustrating and challenging, but it's important to give yourself grace and keep practicing. They also discuss the importance of personalizing the skills and teaching them to others. The episode concludes by reminding listeners that relationships are a lifelong journey of growth and that it's important to have love and compassion for oneself and one's partner.Takeaways:Learning new skills in relationships can be frustrating and challenging, but it's important to give yourself grace and keep practicing.The four stages of learning are: unconscious incompetence, conscious incompetence, conscious competence, and unconscious competence.Personalizing the skills and teaching them to others can help solidify your understanding and mastery of the skills.Relationships are a lifelong journey of growth, and it's important to have love and compassion for oneself and one's partner.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Connection with Listeners06:35 The Four Stages of Learning15:01 Conscious Competence and Effortless Mastery23:38 Emotional Struggles and Grace in Learning25:29 Relationships as a Journey of Growth


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