Masters of ECE

In this podcast, Stephen, Sherry, Tutu, Cassie and Amanda (five early childhood professionals) come together to share their experiences, expertise, and exuberant personalities. They cover various early childhood education topics in a conversational format that is easy to listen to, and have laughs along the way. Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>

S2 Ep.4 Visual and Performing Arts

On this episode of Master of ECE, Sherry, Stephen, Tutu, and Cassie tackle the topic of visual and performing arts. The cohosts explained through their personal experiences how the visual and performing arts have a massive impact on children’s development and how it allows for freedom of expression. The arts are a reflection of how children are experiencing the world, and giving them the freedom to allow others a glimpse into their world. Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.10 Gender Identity in ECE (feat. Cathi Miller, M.A.)

This episode, cohosts Amanda, Sherry, and Stephen are joined by Cathi Miller, M.A., a professor from Santa Monica Community College. This discussion surrounds the topic of gender identity in early childhood education. What does gender inclusion look like? How can we be gender neutral when working with children? And what is a practical approach? Find out! --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.8 Mental Health Care for Early Childhood Educators

Caring for others as a full time job can become overwhelming, and we can lose ourselves in the very noble work we perform day in and day out. We think about how wonderful the work we do is, but what about educators? What are educators doing to also care for themselves or each other. Amanda, Stephen, and Cassie all come together to reflect on their own experiences and their life lessons, and impart some practices that educators and parents can put into effect right away. Take a listen and find out more on how early childhood professional can care for their mental health! ** Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.7 Dolls, Puppets, and Personal Expression

Using dolls and puppets can be so engaging for children, and we know how important it is for children. Truly, what is the scope of its importance. Our resident puppeteer (Sherry Layne), along with Stephen, Amanda, and Cassie, explains the other facets of using dolls and puppets. While we know children use dolls and puppets in their regular daily play, Sherry enlightens us on how it actually impacts social/emotional literacy and development. There is an entire hidden benefit to using dolls and puppets in early childhood. Listen to this episode to find out more! *** Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.6 Physical Development in Preschool (feat. Megan Switzler, M.A.)

Stephen and Amanda are joined by Megan Switzler, M.A. where they discuss different benefits of physical activity for physical development. They discuss how motor development occurs, and also what it looks like in practice (specifically in preschool aged children). The discussion starts off with how integral physical growth is for children and teachers alike, and segways into the the different ways teachers can encourage movement outside as well as finding different opportunities to engage in big body movement inside as well. Listen to this episode to hear all the juicy details! *** Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:



One major buzz acronym in the field of early childhood is STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics). The cohosts Stephen, Sherry, Cassie and Amanda explain their initial anxieties surrounding the concepts, but also explore different ways to incorporate them into their daily practice and classroom environments. Often times people view all of these concepts as disjointed, but the truth is that they are all tightly interconnected. The relationships between them all are so seamless it takes a MASTER to truly spot them. Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.2 Identifying Gifted Children (feat. Joy Ritter)

Cohosts Amanda and Stephen come together to reveal their first and second hand experiences on gifted individuals. Amanda shared her experience on being a sibling of a child who was identified as gifted, and having to follow after with a possible learning disability and how teachers perceived both of them at different times. The guest speaker, Joy Ritter, shared her experience on having her son identified as gifted and the process she experienced from the parent perspective. Joy explained how her son's school participated in a process to discover children's abilities, and the events that followed.  Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also support us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.1 Educators Continuing Education

Returning for season 2 of the Podcast, Stephen, Sherry, Amanda, Tutu, and Cassie all come back to discuss the importance of educators continuing their education. The cohosts expose from experience what role a knowledgeable educator plays in the classroom versus an educator with the bare minimum for licensing standards. Also, the discussion explores different avenues educators can expand their knowledge and skills through resources in the community, and the ideas social media can provide. Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S1 Ep.5 Early Intervention

Tutu, Stephen, Amanda, Sherry, and Cassie all come together to continue the conversation from last week's episode. They discuss the topic of early intervention, and what that generally entails. Find out more by listening to the episode. Subscribe to our podcast, and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S1 Ep.4 Parent Expectations in Child Care

Amanda, Cassie, Tutu, and Stephen all tackle the big topic of parent expectations in early childhood education. There are times where it can be difficult to navigate the balance between what early childhood education dictates as appropriate for young children and what the parents know is best for their child. Find out where this discussion led to.  Subscribe to our podcast, and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S1 Ep.3 Play vs. Academics

This episode, Tutu, Sherry, Cassie and Stephen explore the differences between child care centers that emphasize play as the learning vehicle versus academics. What are the benefits of each, and what does each cohost prefer? Find out! Subscribe to our podcast, and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S1 Ep.2 The Importance of Play

The cohosts talk about the central concept of learning in Early Childhood Education, PLAY! Play is the proven and best way for children to learn, and provides children with opportunities to explore their world and create their own understanding of it. During this episode, Tutu, Stephen, Sherry, and Cassie all provide their insight on play, and what it means to let a child play.  Subscribe to our podcast, and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


S1 Ep.1 Meet the Cohosts

On this very first episode of Master of ECE, the cohosts take the time to peel back the veil and introduce themselves. Amanda, Cassie, Sherry, Stephen, and Tutu all have experience working with young children spanning the ages of 0 to 8 years old.  Subscribe to our podcast, and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:



Welcome to the Masters of ECE Podcast! Are you working with or for children? This is the perfect podcast for you! The five co-hosts (Amanda, Cassie, Sherry, Stephen, and Tutu) are all professionals currently in the field, and are eager to share their experiences with you!  Subscribe to our podcast, and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also consider supporting us by making a donation at  --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.9 Language and Literacy

Stephen. Sherry, Cassie. and Amanda come together to discussed a very pertinent topic, especially relevant to working with young children during the pandemic where people are wearing masks--Language and Literacy. Stephen and Sherry worked on research during their time in the masters program, and they share some of the major findings from their respective topics related to language and literacy. Amanda presented her perspective on how to facilitate this into infant/toddler programs. Tune in to learn more! --- Support this podcast:


S2 Ep.3 Trials of Leadership (feat. Kristine Manley)

Cohosts Stephen and Amanda invited Kristine Manley, a director Stephen has worked with at two different centers. She shared her perspective on what a quality leader should be, and what experiences shaped her philosophy and leadership styles. Kristine took the time to explain how pertinent it was for leaders to be able to fully comprehend situations, be willing to be transparent, and take opportunities to reflect on their experiences to improve for the future moving forward.  Please consider subscribing to our podcast, giving us a five-star rating. and follow us on Instagram @mastersofece_official. Also support us by making a donation at --- Support this podcast:


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