Matchmaker LIVE: Dating Right Now 101

You're tired of boring dates, bad dates, or NO dates. You're lonely & it royally sucks. You're wondering why is everyone in a relationship but you? What's sooo different about you?Good news: It's an easier fix than you think. Join's Alisa Purifico as she interviews world experts on your dating blocks and how to overcome you're looking for better ways to date & not feel like a loser while doing it - this show is for you. If you're serious about dropping the single label and finding someone AMAZING to spend your life with... this show is REALLY for you. You think I'm joking... go download the first episode. Let's get at it.

S2:E5 Comic Joe DeVito & I Explain Dating Over 40

You're in the right place if...A) You're over 40 & single B) you're frustrated with all your dating attempts C) You're looking for a "grown-up" solution to datingLT: Alisa Purifico, Editor In Chief, MatchmakerReview.comPOLLWhat's the most common way you've been "let down" by a date?A) Your date pretends to be busy forever so to never see you againB) Your date ghosts you (aka the silent treatment)C) Your date was honest with you PART I: PERCEIVED & CORE PROBLEMQ: Why are you HERE?Q: What's your experience like dating right now?Q: Do your friends try and "set you up?" What's your experience been like?it's like if your friends became ur personal trainer....and they weren't a personal trainer for a living. Q: What's the most common trait your dates "fib" about?MEN:height?old photos?WOMEN:age?too many filters?PART II: MIND SHIFTQ: Overall, would you say you are most content or frustrated with your dating life? Why?do you want to be on more dates? do you want to go on fewer dates? What's the goal? spillQ: How could dating online be ...better? What would you do to improve it? naked holding a bank statement 'cathphising vs kitten phishing Snapchat filtersQ: What should the dating protocol be today on first dates? Who pays, when?this question gets so messy - fair game to go halfsies on first dates - unless u really like them then it can become a baller move. PART III: SOLUTION + WEEKLY LESSONQ:  How do I go about picking a proper dating site? lesson on how to pick a proper dating site over 40---match---our time-----elite singles---tinder--bumble--hinge How can I tell if I’m talking to a romance scammerAvoidanceIf the person you’re talking to online is reluctant to talk on the phone or meet up in real life, it’s possible that they’re not who they’re pretending to be.Asking you to move your chat off the dating siteA common tactic of dating scammers is to ask you to talk on email, text or Whatsapp, in case the dating site or app gets wise to their scam.They seem to be in another countryOne of the scenarios that romance scammers often use is that they’re stuck abroad on a business trip and don’t have access to their bank accounts. Scam victims frequently report being asked to send money internationally to pay for an alleged visa, only never to hear from them again.Their profile is too good to be trueDoes the person you’re talking to, look like a model? Or do they make it clear that they have a great job, are very wealthy or charitable? These are common tactics of dating scammers.They ask you too many questionsSome romance scammers are trying to gain enough information about you to be able to steal your identity, it’s not all about getting you to send them money.It gets serious, too soonIs the person you’re talking to professing their love for you without meeting up in real life? They could be attempting to gain your trust so you’ll be more willing to send them money.They’re experiencing a tragedyIt sounds cynical, but scammers will often tell you that they are recently bereaved or that they or someone they are close to is seriously ill to make you feel sorry for them. It’s a red flag that victims often describe in their accounts of being scammed.


S2:E4 Comic Jen Kirkman & I Explain Dating After Divorce

You're in the right place if...A) You're divorced, and looking to date again B) You're exhausted from other dating methods C) Ready to find something real, and looking for guidance LT: Alisa Purifico, Editor In Chief, MatchmakerReview.comPOLLYou're divorced and dating, what is priority number #1 for you in your next relationship?A) Your kidsB) Your finances C) Your health PART I: PERCEIVED & CORE PROBLEMQ: Why are you HERE?Q: You're divorced...are you ready to date? Q: Why did you get divorced?PART II: MIND SHIFTQ: What steps could your EX have taken to change the situation? If anything?Q: What are you seeking in your new relationship...compared to your previous? Q: How are you FEELING in your future relationship...compared to your previous? Q: Why is visualizing what you desire... important? PART IV: SOLUTION + WEEKLY LESSONLESSON: DATING AFTER DIVORCE - ACTIVITY 1 How to "get back out there" - Answer these questions & follow these steps: 1 - How quickly do you imagine getting out there?2 - How many hours a week are you willing to set aside to make this happen?3 - Join 5 dating communities, and lean into them4 - Have 3 people check your dating profiles 5- Need help with finding someone to give you feedback? Book a call with us @


S2:E3 Comic Casey James Salengo & I Explain Dating for Men

POLLHow long have you been dating online or via an app?A) Less than 1 yearB) Between 1-5 yearsC 5+ years PART I: PERCEIVED & CORE PROBLEMQ: Why are you HERE?Q: What's your experience like dating online right now?Q: What's your experience like meeting new people right now?PART II: MIND SHIFTQ: Overall, would you say you are mostly content or frustrated with your dating life? Why?Remember back when we had dr christie on the show - we subconsciously rate dating as a loss unless it ends up being the one - thats crazy odds and it will not end up well in your favor. Q: How do you imagine meeting "the one", now?Have you even thought about it? Q:  What does your ideal relationship or dating scenario look & feel like?you are reaching for this... yes? if you can't describe it - it won't come to fruition PART III: SOLUTION + WEEKLY LESSONQ:  What personal info is essential to list on your profile? Q:  What personal info is NOT essential to list on your profile? Q:  Are there any other dating options other than online and by chance? Q: WHAT is your NEXT STEP? SO LETS RECAP: DOsbe sincere - be you, not the PR version of you be selective - you do not need to educate the world on you, they dont care, what do u want to know about someone else? paint a picture of what you're seeking open to - it makes for creativity DONTSAs Lisa, Professional Matchmaker from Amador Matchmaking say what you don't want - ew - no one cares QUESTIONS FROM AUDIENCE 


S2:E2 Comic Iliza Shlesinger & I Explain Dating for Women

PART I: PERCEIVED & CORE PROBLEMQ: Why are you HERE?Q: How did you imagine you would meet "the one", when you were young?Q: How do you imagine meeting "the one", now?PART II: MIND SHIFTQ: Do you feel your dating life has panned out the way you hoped it would? Why or why not?Q:  Do men find strong women, attractive? Q:  What is the formula for attraction? Q: Men, do you feel like you can tell women what you really want on dates? in a relationship?  Q: Women, do you feel like you can tell women what you really want on dates? in a relationship?  PART III: SOLUTION + WEEKLY LESSONTIP - LESSON how to nail the first date o Now, I happen to think the very beginning of a new relationship is the most exciting part of the relationship. The beginning of a relationship is exciting because it’s brand new. You’re both on your best behavior, it’s still electric, you’re not totally sure about the history of mental illness in each family. It’s fun. And there’s an art, by the way, to the outfit you wear the first time a boy comes over to your place at night. You don’t want to wear… what you wore during the day. Don’t want work clothes. You don’t want to wear your daytime clothes, ’cause… ’cause it’s nighttime. So the question is, if I can’t wear work clothes, I can’t wear nipple tassels, what’s a girl to do? There’s an entire, sort of intermediary, post-dinner, pre-bedtime apparel world. There’s a whole category of clothing that you, as women, have mastered without even realizing it. The category is called athleisure wear. Sometimes we’ll do, like, a push-up bra under the tank. Show the strap off. PART IV: SOCIAL PROOFWHAT "FINDING THE ONE" IS LIKE FOR WOMEN 


S2:E1 Comedian Aziz Ansari & I Explain Virtual Dating

You're in the right place if...You wish weird dates on the Internet would creep WAY LESSYou're who we're talking about! But you're not intentionally being didn't know!You seek more relatable, single stories so you can survive out there in the dating wildPOLLHow many times have you been REJECTED, romantically?A) 0-10 timesB) 10-100 timesC) This is a mean question ... but over 100PART I: PERCEIVED & CORE PROBLEMQ: What's the scariest moment you've had on a date? Q: What's your WORST NIGHTMARE situation on a date?Q: Is there a "dating double standard" right now? PART II: MIND SHIFTQ: What does "being single"...right NOW, mean? Q: Would it be helpful to see more relatable dating stories?Q: What do you think your next relationship will look + feel like?PART III: SOLUTION Q: Would you appreciate lessons on how to deal with virtual dating?  Q: Would you appreciate meeting other singles who are going through exactly what you're going through?PART IV: SOCIAL PROOf AZIZ ANSARI NETFLIX CLIP - AUDIENCE POLLALISAS REACTIONQ: WHAT is your NEXT STEP? SO LETS RECAP: QUESTIONS FROM AUDIENCE 


S1:E10 How To: Get Out of Your Single Rut

GUEST: N/AQ: What's your biggest relationship struggle right now?SO YOU'RE SINGLE ...(all is everyone else)You're not crazy, most people weren't going out and meeting anyone last year either. People are not looking up at the room and who they can go and talk to; they're looking down at their phones. This time has only sped up a trend of people rushing to the easiest way to flirt with someone without risking getting rejected.Q: Is dating easier dating now? Or was it easier before the internet?Last year, over 30 million people were online dating in the US alone. Tinder messages got 30% longer over quarantine. So people are getting a little bit deeper with their conversations.On Bumble, messages sent saw a 20% increase in San Francisco, Seattle, and New York. Over on Hinge, there was a 30% increase in messages sent. Q:  What will your love life look like this year?Q: Should I be dating right now?Be careful not to go to extremes. You know, "My dating life is on hold until further notice." If you continue to meet people and put yourself out there, in safe and responsible ways, your love life can still change in an instant.Q: What can you do to attract who you really want?Conversation is a powerful attraction tool. We know that visually being able to see someone, which, just like we are right now, we still have the benefit of. These things are all massive attraction triggers.Q: What are tips for getting clarity early on in the connection?It's a very good time to date. Money and sex are off the table, people have time to talk, and there's something to talk about. We're seeing a new stage in the dating process. So it's an opportunity to really get to know somebody before you have the first date. And so by the time you do have the first date, it's more more meaningful.Q: What are tips for getting their attention but still giving off the RIGHT impression?Make unique pairings = sexy in one moment, and then very goofy in next = that's a very attractive pairing. The more unique pairings you can demonstrate quickly, the more attraction you're gonna get at the outset in what is a very crowded marketplace.


S1:E9 How To Attract...Who You Seek

GUEST: Stuart B MeyersNY Decorated Art Fellow & Community Performance Activist Q: What have you learned about humans' connection with one another? Q: Why do some people naturally find themselves in more shallow relationships, while others excel in deeper dynamics? Q: What can you do to attract who you really want?Q:  What is The Shabbos Queen?Q:  What is "Be Your Own Yenta?"Q: Why did you create these pieces?Q:  What do you hope people learn from your work? Q: What advice do you have for lonely souls about finding a real counterpart? Q:  Where can we find more info on your performances and events?


S1:E7 How To: Know If Your Dating Moves are Working

GUEST: Bobby Rio Date Coach for Men Q: What's the LIE culture tells men about falling in love?Q: Why does dating FEEL (keyword feel) even HARDER now for guys than ever before? (& why is this?)Q: What are the top mistakes guys make when pursuing dates online?Q: What are the top mistakes guys make when pursuing dates IN GENERAL?Q: Why does this happen?!Q: How should guys approach dating in today's climate? (& what will happen if they don't start doing that?)Q: How do guys know if what they're saying/ right? (how can they check themselves?)Q: What can men do today, right now, to instantly improve their dating life if they don't know where to start? Any tips? Q: Where can they go to find more tools? (your programs) 


S1:E8 How To: Get the Date Even When You're Shy & Nervous

GUEST: Janet Trent The Geek Whisperergeekwhispererconfidence.comQ: What is the modern-day definition of "Geek?"Q: What are the daily hurdles shy/nervous daters experience over everyone else? Q: Why does this happen to them? Q: What mistakes do they make when dating someone new? Q: How should shy-types approach dating right now?Q: What do they want their future relationship to be like?Q: What are ways for them to achieve this? 


S1:E6 How To: Know if Your Date is Worth The Time or Effort

GUEST: Nationally Renowned Psychologist & LMFTDr. Christie Kederian Q: Why does dating, in general, FEEL so difficult these days?Q: How should singles approach dating right now?Q: How can I organically advance a new relationship?Q: How do I know if someone I'm talking to is INTO me?Q: What should we EXPECT from someone new we're talking to?Q: What types of FEELINGS do we have with someone new?Q: What should singles KEEP IN MIND when getting to know someone?Q:  How do you know if what you're saying/ right?Q: What mistakes do singles make when choosing HOW THEY DATE?Q: What tips do you have for singles when choosing a platform or dating method? 


S1:E5 How To: Date Someone 'Normal' on the Internet

GUEST:  Elisa Del Castillo Senior Matchmaker, Three Day Rule Q: Why does online dating/dating in general FEEL so difficult?Q: What should singles EXPECT from online dating?(that it is a ton of work! and no one prepped them that...) Q: What INFO is essential to know about your DATE before you meet? Q: What INFO is NOT essential to know about your DATE before you meet? Q: Where can I find essential info on my date's profile? (how you screen a match on your favorite sites right now) Q: What mistakes do singles make when choosing HOW THEY DATE?(why should they choose, vs tinder, vs the league, matchmaking)Q: What tips do you have for them when choosing a platform or outsource? 


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