Matt D’Elia Is Confused

With guests that range from icons to outliers, host Matt D’Elia talks to anyone who can help him understand things that confuse him, make him laugh, or just plain trouble him. If you ever look out at the world and think “what the hell is happening?” then this podcast is for you.

Sunday Service™ | Pride Month In God’s Country

Happy Pride Month to all— even the asshead Christians who are extremely mad about the existence of Pride Month! Listen in as Pastor M. Diesel tackles homophobic pastors, breaks down the illogical anticipation Christians have for the always-coming but never-actually-arriving ‘rapture’, and illustrates the absurdity of those who claim to communicate with god.


Sunday Service™ | Prayers & Praying

In today’s Sunday Service, Pastor M. Diesel examines the practice of praying— and finds that it does not require a rigorous examination to come to the conclusion that praying does not work at all ever under any circumstance! Listen now as Pastor M. breaks down all the ways in which praying is complete and utter bullshit! In the name of the father, the son, and the holy podcast— (K)A(Y)MEN!


Disagreements & Dumbness

In today’s episode Matt does his best to convince you that disagreeing is not only fun— but also life-affirming. Other topics include but are not limited to: the age of nonsense we are currently living through, some of the more nonsensical news stories and developments over the course of the past week (including the single most nonsensical thing that has happened in recent memory)— and the fine line between acceptable and unacceptable levels of dumbness.


Sunday Service™ | Civil Wars & Rods of Iron

Don’t pray— just hit play! ⛪️🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿⛪️


Sex Tapes & Lab Leaks

In today’s episode Matt covers a wide variety of topics, from Scott Stapp’s sex tape (and the implications thereof) to the possibility that COVID escaped from a lab (and the implications thereof). Enjoy!


Sunday Service™ | Bad Metaphors & The Bicameral Mind

It’s that time again! ⛪️🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿🛐


Gross Advertising & The Age Of Insecurity

In today’s episode Matt touches on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: the ‘me rn’ mugs that are FINALLY for sale at the MDIC merch store (weeeeeee!), his experience getting Vax Shot #2, some truly fucking disgusting advertising campaigns for ‘male grooming’ products— and in the second half of the episode he breaks down an extremely thought-provoking article written by former (and hopefully soon-to-return) MDIC guest Freddie deBoer, about the underlying causes of what Freddie calls ‘The Age Of Insecurity’.


Sunday Service™ | Mean Christians & The Name ‘Todd’

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy podcast— AMEN! Rejoice, for this week’s Sunday Service™ with Pastor M. Diesel is upon us! 🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾🙏🏿


Vaccine Skepticism & Eric Clapton

This week’s MDIC, comin’ at ya— just in time for the weekend! As the title suggests, Matt covers what the conspiratorial anti-vax crowd is up to lately, Eric Clapton’s new shitty anti-lockdown song— and much more!


Sunday Service™ | Prophecies & Meth

A particularly ungodly Sunday Service™ with Pastor M. Diesel!


Old Movies & Anti-Vaxxers

In this episode Matt touches on a wide array of topics, including but not limited to: what it’s really like being M. Diesel, the importance of catchphrases, the genius of Little Richard, why Hollywood insists on remaking and rebooting movies instead of coming up with new ideas, why couples in old movies sleep in separate beds, the hypocrisy of the anti-vax crowd, why Tucker Carlson still sucks a whole lot, and more!


Sunday Service™ | Blood Of Jesus!

Another Sunday Service™ with Pastor M. Diesel! Praise be! ⛪️🙏🏼🛐


Algorithms & Virtue Signaling

Matt outlines a handful of things that have been confusing and / or upsetting him lately, including but not limited to: how / why the Apple News app is so terrible, how / why many major corporations could have (but did not) help us get through the pandemic faster and safer, how / why social media & search engine algorithms are ruining our lives instead of making our lives better, how / why people who virtue-signal about the COVID-19 vaccine AND those who constantly rail against people who virtue-signal about the COVID-19 vaccine are equally annoying— and how / why no one watched the Oscars last weekend. As an added bonus, at the end of the episode Matt finds and reads aloud the single worst article ever written in the history of journalism. It’s fun!


Sunday Service™ | Baby Jesus & The Academy Awards

Another fresh Sunday Service™ for you! Full of insane prophets making insane prophecies, a literal breakdown of the supposed ‘immaculate conception’ of baby Jesus, and of course some bangin’ ass church music. Plus, at the end of the episode Matt covers the Oscars, why he didn’t see any of the nominated movies, and lets us in on the sick ass shit he HAS been watching over the course of the last year.


Sunday Service™ | Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine!

Another Sunday Service™! “The best Sunday Service™ yet!” — Matt D’Elia (aka Pastor M. Diesel)


DMX & Khloe Kardashian

In this episode Matt touches on a wide range of topics, including but not limited to: DMX’s untimely passing, Khloe Kardashian’s run-in with the impossible beauty standards she has helped create, why all dogs should be at least a little fat, Yelp reviews and what they say about our immense loneliness, superhero movies and why everyone still watches them even though they’re the same thing over and over and over again— and Jordan Peterson’s ‘rules for life’ (which upon closer inspection are not ‘rules’ as much as they are things your parents tells you to do when you are 8 years old).


Sunday Service™ | Easter Edition

HE IS RISEN! Matt’s back with his second consecutive Sunday Service™, right on time for Easter. Celebrate this extremely holy day the right way... fuck church, listen now! 🙏🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼


Sunday Service™ | The Return

HALLELUJAH, Sunday Service™ is back! 🙌🏼👼🏼🙌🏼


Marijuana & Bruce Springsteen

In this episode Matt discusses the horrifying domestic terrorist attack that took place in Georgia earlier this week, and breaks down one of the major reasons there’s been such a massive uptick in hate crimes against Asian-Americans over the course of the last year. (Hint: the guy who coined the race-baiting term ‘China Virus’ has something to do with it.) Other topics Matt covers in today’s episode: what happens to our brains as we get older, what it really means to be ‘middle aged’, the exact age at which we technically become ‘old’, all the ways the world is trying to make Matt hate Bruce Springsteen even though he has always loved Bruce Springsteen, the Biden administration’s absurd firing of several staff members for smoking marijuana (even if it was legal when and where they did it!), why it’s ok and in fact necessary to make fun of / criticize Joe Biden now that he’s the president— and, lastly, Matt expresses confusion about why there are so many 90s songs about homeless people, and wonders whether these songs were exploitative or just a strange trend he will never understand. (He also sings some of the songs.)


Guilty Pleasures & The Royal Family

In this episode Matt examines the term ‘guilty pleasure’ and what people really mean when they say it, solves the age-old problem of two people faced with a decision that both people insist the other person should make, questions why anyone admires (or even cares about) the British monarchy anymore— and on the subject of The Royal Family, Matt also spends a good amount of time covering the global response to the news of their racism towards Meghan Markle, which was put on full blast by Meghan herself in an explosive new interview with her husband Harry (who is a Prince) and Oprah Winfrey (who is the Queen Of America).




10-06 Reply

David Henson

s' boring

04-11 Reply

Submarine Jack

It's strange how Chris and Matt's pods are 100% on opposite ends of the nonsense spectrum, yet both are entirely necessary to form a solid culture.

01-20 Reply

Submarine Jack

She has a good cause and I'm sure she does great work but she seems way too impressed with herself.

01-13 Reply

Lloyd Tucker

Great podcast! Better than Marc Maron and others I listen to. Thanks to Ron & Don for recommending it.

01-03 Reply









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