Mayim Chayim

Mayim Chayim is a Messianic Jewish synagogue in Daphne, AL, right on the beautiful Gulf Coast. This podcast feed is our weekly Shabbat sermons.

CMC Parasha Bechukotai 5784

We are made kedoshim by our faith in Yeshua, in turn our faith in Yeshua makes our lives kadosh, not the other way around. Listen to Rabbi David's Shabbat sermon based out of Parasha B'chukotai at CMC.


CMC Parasha Bhar 5784

Principle: We must not become so comfortable in our blessings that we become complacent and forget to be faithful to the One who blesses us. Listen to Rabbi David's Shabbat sermon at CMC based out of Parasha B'har.


CMC Parasha Emor 5784

The way we live our lives will either draw people closer to G-d or drive them further away… Listen to Rabbi David's Shabbat sermon from CMC based out of Parasha Emor.


CMC Parasha Kedoshim 5784

For us, a life of holiness is not sinless perfection, but a continual practice of clinging to G-D. Listen to Rabbi Toby's Shabbat sermon based out of Parasha Kedoshim.


CMC Parasha Acharei Mot 5784

A biblically holy culture should be our priority, which by its very nature is antithetical to the culture of the world around us. The truth is, the Body of Messiah is the ultimate counter-cultural reality, the ultimate counter-cultural revolution… Look at all these college and university campuses over run with people simply wanting to be counter-cultural, and the Body of Messiah, the Gospel of Yeshua has the ultimate answer to that yearning… Listen to Rabbi David's sermon based out of Parasha Acharei Mot from this Shabbat at CMC.


CMC Parasha Metzora 5784

Walking in humility is not just important, but a requirement in order to have an intimate relationship with G-D. Listen to Rabbi Toby's Shabbat sermon based off of Parasha Metzora this week at CMC.


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