DiscoverMcGohan Brabender Side Affects: Disrupting Health Care
McGohan Brabender Side Affects: Disrupting Health Care
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McGohan Brabender Side Affects: Disrupting Health Care

Author: Employee Benefits | Health Care | Wellness | Leadership | Health Management | Innovation | Human Resources | Employee Engagement | Consumerism | Business | McGohan Brabender | Side Affects | Side Effects

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Side Affects Producer Kenzie McEvily, joined by her guest hosts, spotlights invited industry experts to discuss their best practices that disrupt the norm of health care, leadership, and business. Side Affects: A podcast that prompts you, as an employer, to think differently about the needs of your people and your company. We encourage you to take action by taking a deep look into benefit strategies that will transform your workforce engagement, i.e., diversity, compliance, mental health, and modern reporting. Kenzie and her guests bring these subjects and more to light to better health and productivity. Tune in and learn more!
141 Episodes
Join us as we dive into the world of MEWAs with Liz Schneider, MB's Executive Vice President of Emerging Markets, and Matt Appenzeller, President and CEO of the Southern Ohio Chamber Alliance (SOCA). Discover how SOCA, an alliance of 129 Chambers of Commerce, pioneered the largest MEWA in the United States. Learn how their innovative approach is transforming access to health coverage and creating peace of mind for small businesses.
Assistant Vice President at Innovative Captive Strategies, Sara Stopulos joins Digital Experience Producer Kenzie McEvily and Chief Marketing Officer Dave Homan for the third episode in this funding arrangement series. Sara has more than 18 years of experience in employee benefits and explains how to set up a captive program, covering the risks, benefits, and challenges. Tune in now to learn why captives are "better together!"
In this second episode of our series on funding arrangements, we’re joined by Liz Schneider, Executive Vice President of Emerging Markets at McGohan Brabender. Liz brings her extensive knowledge on employee benefits for small businesses to discuss the increasing shift towards Level Funded Health Plans. These plans offer a flexible and cost-effective middle ground between fully insured and self-funded insurance. Liz outlines the key advantages and disadvantages of these plans and explains their growing popularity among small businesses. Tune in to understand why this innovative approach to healthcare is making waves in the industry!
Discover the ins and outs of self-funded insurance plans in this episode of Side Affects, where co-host, Dave Homan and Producer, Kenzie McEvily are joined by seasoned McGohan Brabender Consultant, Tim Rieger. With over 22 years of experience in risk management and customer service, Tim breaks down the funding arrangement, ideal employer profiles, and the pros and cons of self-funded insurance. From highlighting the importance of intentionality and diligence in decision-making to offering practical strategies for success, this episode equips listeners with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate the complexities of self-funded insurance with confidence and expertise. Tune in now!
In today's episode of Side Affects, hosts Kenzie McEvily and Dave Homan tackle one of the most sought-after topics in pharmacy: pricing. Joined by MB's Vice President of Pharmacy Solutions, Dr. Jeff, they explore the fundamentals of drug pricing and the transformative impact of transparency on the industry, albeit with added complexity. You’ll learn the origins of generic drugs and unravel the components comprising the cost of specialty drugs, touching on patents, research, drug ingredients and beyond.
Dr. Jeff Eichholz, MB's Director of Pharmacy Solutions, reunites with producer Kenzie McEvily and co-host Dave Homan for the third chapter of our enlightening 4-part Pharmacy podcast series. In this episode, our focus turns to Pharmacy Benefit Managers, or PBMs. Dr. Jeff navigates the intricacies of selecting a PBM or vendor and provides invaluable insights into the Request for Proposal (RFP) process. From uncovering crucial details to highlighting potential pitfalls in contract review, Dr. Jeff sheds light on the nuances of managing pharmacy benefits. Join us as we explore the evolving landscape where science, technology, pharmacy, and medications converge to form one of the most utilized healthcare benefits.
In this episode of Side Affects, our mission is to set the groundwork of pharmacy basics for listeners. Our guest, MB’s Director of Pharmacy Solutions, Dr. Jeff Eichholz does just that with his diverse expertise. Together with producer, Kenzie McEvily and co-host, Dave Homan, Dr. Jeff delves into critical topics such as PBM management, drug adherence, the evolving role of pharmacists and essential clinical programs for organizations. Whether you're an HR professional or a C-suite executive, this episode provides invaluable insights to kickstart the new year on the right foot. Tune in now!
In this episode of Side Affects, Producer, Kenzie McEvily and Chief Marketing Officer, Dave Homan sit down with Dr. Jeff Eichholz, MB's Director of Pharmacy Solutions. With over two decades of pharmacy experience spanning retail, PBM, and consulting, Dr. Jeff provides invaluable insights into the complexities of our topic. Tune in as we delve into the latest buzz surrounding the diabetes and weight loss medication, Ozempic. We take a look at other notable pharmacy headlines making waves in the news and get to know Dr. Jeff as he shares his background and expertise. Join us for the first installment of our four-part Pharmacy series. Listen now!
Join Side Affects Producer Kenzie McEvily, as she returns from maternity leave and hosts the first podcast of 2024. In this episode, Kenzie discusses a topic close to her heart and relevant to many: the challenges and joys of pregnancy, navigating maternity leave, and exploring postpartum resources. She is joined by her colleagues, HR Generalist, Erin Woessner and Population Health Manager, Tiffany Kuck, who bring their insights and experiences as professionals assisting employees through their parenting journey, as well as their own experiences with motherhood. Tune in to learn more about what benefits your organization can offer pregnant employees, policies on maternity leave, and mental health resources for expecting parents.
Join #SideAffects Producer, Kenzie McEvily and co-host, Chief Marketing Officer, Dave Homan as they continue the series about Re-Imagining Open Enrollment Meetings and Communication. Dave’s job is to find simple solutions to complex benefits problems. With over 30 years as a thought leader, he is considered a subject matter expert on employee engagement and communication. In this episode, listeners will learn how to create and present a 15 minute open enrollment meeting that still includes all of the necessary pieces of information, doesn’t overwhelm your employees and perhaps changes the way they view them entirely. Be ready to listen with an open mind – because if Dave and Kenzie do their jobs right – your job during open enrollment season will be 100 times easier. Click this link to watch the presentation Dave references in the podcast:
Welcome to our newest series on #SideAffects: Re-Imagining Open Enrollment Meetings & Communication. Our goal: make OE meetings fun! Okay, maybe fun isn’t the right word… let’s say informational, stress-free and perhaps, enjoyable. MB Chief Marketing Officer, Dave Homan has been in the health benefits world for over 25 years with intense research in the past few about employee benefit communication strategies. Sadly, open enrollment meetings haven’t changed much when our technology and innovation has. Dave and Side Affects Producer, Kenzie are going to share how employees feel about open enrollment meetings, why they need to be re-imagined and solutions on how to turn them from a “stressor” to a “delighter.” Click this link to watch the presentation Dave references in the podcast:
Join #SideAffects Producer, Kenzie McEvily and co-host, Chief Marketing Officer, Dave Homan as they discuss artificial intelligence and how HR professionals can use it to save time, improve efficiency and enhance a job candidate's interview experience. It’s 2023 and personalization is key! From your tennis-shoes to your food order to your job offer letter, personalization can create a competitive advantage for organizations. Technology guru, Dave Homan is going to introduce us to the basics of ChatGPT and why we need to embrace this innovation. Tune in! Click this link to watch the presentation Dave references in the podcast:
Side Affects Producer, Kenzie McEvily and Chief Marketing Officer, Dave Homan welcome Director of Account Management and 100+ Segment Lead of All Markets for MB, Beth Bailey to the show to discuss an emerging HR topic, Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Accounts, also known as ICHRAs. Between 2020 and 2022, ICHRA adoption doubled across all 50 states. In this episode, you'll learn the basics of this health plan, what organizations it works best for and the potential drawbacks. Tune in now!
Join Side Affects Producer, Kenzie McEvily and Chief Marketing Officer, Dave Homan as they discuss how recruiting has changed in the past five years. HR professionals are navigating new waters of virtual interviews, advanced technology, artificial intelligence and ghosting. How can they make sure they’re targeting the right candidates and guaranteeing that they will actually show up for their interview? In this episode, HR and benefit communications expert, Dave will share why applicants are ghosting their potential employers, how to avoid that and explain how to target the right generations in the hiring process.
Co-hosts, Kenzie McEvily and Dave Homan welcome McGohan Brabender Shareholder and Consultant, Matt McAlpine to touch on a specialized industry - military contractors. In this episode, we unveil the world of defense contractors and the extraordinary employee benefits they offer. From top-tier healthcare plans to generous retirement packages, these employers have created a work environment that goes above and beyond. Join us as we dive into the reasons behind these special benefits, the impact they have on attracting and retaining talent, and the challenges they face. Tune in to gain insights into the perks that make these positions truly exceptional.
Join co-hosts, Kenzie McEvily and Dave Homan as they take on part three of the Adulting and Insurance series with special guest, University of Cincinnati junior, Maura Homan. In this episode, you will get inside the brain of a college student when managing the task of filling a prescription from start to finish. Learn how Maura does it and what decisions have led her to knowing the perfect formula to get the right meds at the right time and the right price. Let’s get started…
Are you ready to take your healthcare journey to the next level? Join us on this episode of Side Affects as we explore four "choose your own adventure" scenarios that will help you become more active in your healthcare decisions. From researching health issues to finding a doctor who meets your needs, this episode will help you empower yourself to prioritize your health. Don't miss this opportunity to learn how to take control of your health journey and revolutionize the way you think about healthcare.
It’s time to rethink the future of recruiting. Join us as we discuss the unique challenges and opportunities that come from attracting and retaining talent from different generations in the workforce, including Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. Our hosts, Dave, and Kenzie, share their insight into building a diverse workplace that appeals to the younger generation of employees. This is a must-listen episode if you are an HR professional, manager, or anyone looking to improve their workforce.
Adulting and Insurance - Part II | If you are 26, coming off your parent's health plan, or a first-time enrollee, LISTEN UP. This episode of “Side Affects” dives into the health insurance world and provides insight into what options are available when choosing your health plan.
Adulting and Insurance - Part I | Healthcare management has changed significantly, and what used to work for one generation may not be working for another. College students, listen up! This episode of “Side Affects” discusses how to navigate the healthcare process during those “adulting” years of life. Join hosts Dave Homan and Kenzie McEvily as they cover what you need to know when it comes time to use your health insurance and what healthcare decisions you need to make while you're away at college.