Me Seeking Me

It took nearly two decades but I finally accepted my sexual abuse. I finally see myself as a male sexual abuse survivor Everyone has their own path to healing. We are all empowered by different passions and I am now empowered to share my story. Yes, I am telling my story to educated others while also sharing insights about the experience of living with an abusive past. But, this journey is also for me. This is about stepping into the light and moving forward. I am tired of being stuck and I am tired of being weighed down by the anchor my abuser tied to me all those years ago. I am ready to live. I am ready for adventures. I am ready to finally be present in my life. This is all about me seeking me. There are so many books and podcasts from many powerful survivors. There are educational and therapy based podcasts aimed at helping abuse victims and their families. I am just one guy telling his story hoping to make space in this necessary conversation by sharing my journey towards finally finding myself.

Me Seeking Me: The First Episode

In the first episode of his new podcast venture, Jake talks about what lead him to record this podcast and what is happening In his survivor story.  He discusses his frustration with the slow wheels of justice and talks about his kitchen blunders over the holidays. 


Oliver Button is a Sissy!

In this episode, Teacher Jake will tell you a story based on Oliver Button is a Sissy, written by Tommie DePaolo.  He will then introduce his new segment "Harvey's Adventures" where he highlights his attempt to write choose your own adventure books online.  In the segment "Teacher Jake Gives It A Try" he will start his journey to play the piano. Listen to him attempt Twinkle Twinkly Little Star 


Episode 3: Those shoes are so VOGUE!

In this episode, we will discuss our recent family trip, pre-pandemic, to Carlsbad Caverns In New Mexico. We will wonder "What is spelunking? What Is caving?".  Teacher Jake will tell a story based on the amazing book "Those Shoes" This story will teach you all about generosity and empathy. Empathy will be our "Valiant Vocabulary Word" and we will try out a new rating system for our "Dance Like a Dad" segment! Please download, subscribe, and rate our podcast! We are hoping to expand our audience! 


Episode 2: Giant Beaked Gaga Woodpeckers!

In this episode, we attempt to tell you some jokes.  We also tell a story based on the amazing book "Hedgehugs" by Steve Wilson and Lucy Tapper65! We focus on the vocabulary word "adaptation" and talk all about woodpeckers during our "Wonder of the Week".  "Dance like a Dad" features Lady Gaga's song "Stupid Love".  What would Dillon and Jerry do If they woke up with a giant woodpecker beak? Would they actually eat bugs?  Would Dillon wear Lady Gaga's amazing pink warrior outfit from her music video?  I guess you will just have to listen to find out! 


Episode 1: Dazzling Zombie Worm Escapade!

Welcome to our first podcast! Teacher Jake, Dillon, and Jerry will discuss the amazing story "How to be a Lion" by Ed Vere.  They will also talk about the vocabulary word of the week "dazzling".  They will share their Wonder of the Week about zombie worm and discuss and listen to the amazing song "Escapade" by Janet Jackson In their segment "Dance Like a Dad"! 


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