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Author: Davor, Rahul, Bec and Scott

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Join the conversation with physicians in training as they explain the fundamentals of medicine. All the knowledge you need to survive and thrive on the wards. We create digestible, delectable, bite-sized knowledge bits suitable for medical students and junior physicians aged 6 and up.
85 Episodes



Whether you are working in suburban Melbourne or a refugee camp in Bangladesh, bacterial meningitis is a diagnosis that sends shivers up doctor’s spines and makes lumbar puncture needles suddenly impossible to find. Join us as we demystify that most … Continue reading →
Antimicrobial Stewardship

Antimicrobial Stewardship


Tired of getting yellow cards from the infectious diseases team for prescribing meropenem for 3 months? Sick of Scott appearing behind you with a cat o’ nine tails to administer the requisite antibiotic punishment? Well this episode has it all … Continue reading →



2023 got you feeling out of rhythm? Finding yourself a bit behind the beat when it comes to pacemakers? Pour yourself a frosty, frothy, fibre-filled glass of your favourite plum juice and strap on your electric earmuffs. We’re going charging … Continue reading →



You know that feeling when you find a surprise $100 note in a coat pocket you haven’t worn for a while? Yeah, we don’t either. But we can imagine it feels kind of like discovering we have a MedConversations episode … Continue reading →
Febrile neutropenia

Febrile neutropenia


Intimidated about caring for immunosuppressed patients full of mibs, mabs or stem cell jabs? Here is the infection protection guide to investigate and manage your patient’s neutropenic slump – without resorting to well-evidenced super foods like goji berries or sheep … Continue reading →
Psychiatry registrar Dr Dean Whitty is back on the MedConversational airwaves again to talk with Bec about taming the black dog in our final ep of the three-part depression series. Dean’s soothing voice takes us on a nice guided tour … Continue reading →
The MedConversations crew may not fly the surgical flag very much but we love flying into the melee of perioperative management. So get peri with Bec and Scott as we dance around and about* the drug chart of the pre-op … Continue reading →
Weary traveller, let Rahul, Bec and Jupiter’s 79 moons be your guides as we haul you up the third and final segment of the hypertension series. At the summit we take you on a high pressure hike through the assessment … Continue reading →
This episode is for everyone who is sick of COVID-19 but needs to finally learn how to diagnosis and manage it, rather than how to out-argue your uncle about whether the plan-demic will end democracy. We go through diagnosis, testing, … Continue reading →
Nasty Bugs. You gotta treat ‘em! In this, truly, tremendous second antibiotic episode, Sleepy Scott, Deranged Davor, Crooked Bec (and Obama Zala) cover all the gram negative bacteria – from microbiology to antibiotics and resistance. Believe me, you’ll be tired … Continue reading →
This is part 2 of our series on depression. Davor and Dean chat about how to evaluate someone you think might have depression. As fascinating as part 1 was, this is much more clinically relevant. Filled with Dean’s wisdom and … Continue reading →
This episode is a bit of new thing we’re trying – interviews with our friends! As we’ve progressed in our careers, we’ve all started specializing and become increasingly unqualified to talk about large swathes of medicine. On the flipside, our … Continue reading →
Gram Positive Bacteria

Gram Positive Bacteria


Welcome seeker. All the bacteria. All the antibiotics. Join us on our ambitious multi-episode trek to summarise all bacteria and their treatment starting this episode with gram positives. Your journey will teach the ancient wisdom that tazocin does not fix … Continue reading →
Curious about what all those party drugs you’ve been taking with your grandma down at the local aged care facility are? Wondering why you always need to cough after you’ve taken your morning ramipril? Jump on board the high pressure … Continue reading →



Episode on radiculopathy! Davor, Bec and Scott sit down and chat about nerve roots. Well, to be honest, it’s more like Davor relentlessly interrogates Bec and Rahul about radiculopathy for an hour. Although ethically questionable, it appears to have worked … Continue reading →
Hypertension Part 1

Hypertension Part 1


We’re back with a mammoth topic. Often consigned to a 1-liner in the past history – it’s time to find out just how little you know about the silent killer. Much like the mounds of hair that accumulate in your … Continue reading →
Low back pain

Low back pain


Low back pain! Rahul and Davor discuss one of the most common presentations in medicine. What are the most common causes? What are the most serious causes? Who do you image? What on earth does Rahul mean when he says … Continue reading →
Functional Neurology

Functional Neurology


There’s been a lot of demand for off in the weeds neurology podcasts. Luckily we have our arcane neurology specialist Davor ‘The Slovenian Sledgehammer’ Pavlin-Premrl ready and waiting. Rahul and Davor discuss cartesian dualism and hysteria, and then after about … Continue reading →
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea


We’re back in the COVID era all the way from dirty Melbourne to breathe around your masks and cough on your food. Have you been fighting with your bed-partner about excessive nocturnal noise emissions? Struggling to stay alert whilst reviewing … Continue reading →
Infective Endocarditis

Infective Endocarditis


Drugs. Death. Hidden infections. Bad mix tapes.No, you’re not tripping out on LSD at your uncle’s mail-order bride wedding, you’re just listening to MedConversations’ latest educational podcast packed full of infective endocarditis wisdom and copyright infringing references to one of … Continue reading →
Comments (2)

kapil busawah

Love these episodes man! I reckon even those not in the medical industry can get a giggle or two

Sep 8th


Can you share the "5 questions that even med students could ask" history that you mentioned?

Jul 21st