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Medieval German Studies

Author: Oxford University

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Medieval German Studies in Oxford cover the full range of the literary, cultural and linguistic heritage of the German speaking lands from 800 to 1600. Special areas of interests are the transmission of text in manuscript and early print, mysticism and devotional writing and courtly literature. We work in close collaboration with the Bodleian Libraries, Oxford Medieval Studies and the wider Humanities context of TORCH.
11 Episodes
Medingen Manuscripts

Medingen Manuscripts


For the launch of the Polonsky Foundation funded digitisation project of Manuscripts from the German Speaking Lands, Henrike Lähnemann (Oxford) talks about manuscripts from the Cistercian Abbey of Medingen (Lower Saxony). The manuscripts are now in Oxford, Hildesheim and Wolfenbüttel. More information
Masterclass for the Leverhulme Doctoral Students with Henrike Lähnemann, filmed by Natascha Domeisen. All the manuscripts featured are available via digital.bodleian search 'Medingen' on for more details) O1 Oxford Easter Prayer-Book (c. 1500): Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. f. 4 Community: fol. 174v (nuns and lay-people); fol. 28v (prayer for Lüneburg and the Abbess) Printing: fol. 141v (Glued-in maiden); fol. 217v (Glued-in lions); Musical Notation: fol. 90r / 283v-284r / 36v-37r Binding: Early 16th cent. roll with Venus, Prudentius and Lucretia O2 Manual for the Provost (1470s): Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Lat. liturg. e. 18 Community: fol. 1r (ownership mark of Medingen); Reworking: fol. 2/2* (added in songs with lay-participation) Musical Notation: 81v-83r / 49v-50r Binding: Late 15th cent. stamps with 19th cent. ownership plaque O4 Oxford Medingen Psalter (1510s-1530s): Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Don. e. 248 Community: fol. 7v (Obiit entry for Abbess Margarete Puffen), 20v-21r (punctus flexus) Reworking: fol. 18 (Low German replacement prayer), plaque in its 19th century setting Musical Notation: fol. 103r / 277v
A film of a class for 'Publication Beyond Print', the Leverhulme Doctoral Training Centre. Filmed at the Weston Library, Bodleian Libraries, University of Oxford, by Natascha Domeisen. Featured manuscripts: MS Add. E. 6; MS Laud. misc. 683; MS Douce 302; MS Lat. liturg. f. 4; MS Lat. liturg. e. 18; MS Don. e. 248. With thanks to Matthew Holford, Curator of Medieval Manuscripts, and the Bodleian Library
Multiple presentations from the German Studies Staff Part 6 of 6: On the 22nd January 2016 the Bodleian hosted a masterclass from Professor Henrike Lähnemann, Chair of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics. The class examined manuscripts made in the Cistercian convent of Medingen during the late 15th century.
Presentations about the Medingen Manuscripts Part 5 of 6: On the 22nd January 2016 the Bodleian hosted a masterclass from Professor Henrike Lähnemann, Chair of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics. The class examined manuscripts made in the Cistercian convent of Medingen during the late 15th century.
Presentations about the Medingen Manuscripts Part 4 of 6: On the 22nd January 2016 the Bodleian hosted a masterclass from Professor Henrike Lähnemann, Chair of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics. The class examined manuscripts made in the Cistercian convent of Medingen during the late 15th century.
Presentations about the Medingen Manuscripts Part 3 of 6: On the 22nd January 2016 the Bodleian hosted a masterclass from Professor Henrike Lähnemann, Chair of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics. The class examined manuscripts made in the Cistercian convent of Medingen during the late 15th century.
Presentations about the Medingen Manuscripts Part 2 of 6: On the 22nd January 2016 the Bodleian hosted a masterclass from Professor Henrike Lähnemann, Chair of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics. The class examined manuscripts made in the Cistercian convent of Medingen during the late 15th century.
Presentations about the Medingen Manuscripts Part 1 of 6: Masterclass on the occasion of the Inaugural Lecture of Henrike Lähnemann, held on Friday 22 January 2016 in the Lecture Theatre Weston Library. Website:
Round Table on the occasion of the Inaugural Lecture of Henrike Lähnemann Discussion, held on Friday 22 January 2016 in the Taylor Institution. With contributions by Prof. Dr. Hans-Jochen Schiewer (University of Freiburg), Dr Wilhelm Krull (VolkswagenStiftung), Dr Dorothea Rüland (DAAD), Prof. Katrin Kohl (Oxford German Network), Dr Carsten Dose (FRIAS), Chair: Prof. Ritchie Robertson (Taylor Chair of German Studies).
Henrike Lähnemann’s Inaugural Lecture for the Chair in German Medieval Literature and Linguistics. Lecture delivered on Thursday 21 January 2016 in the Taylorian Institute. The subject of the lecture is a new acquisition by the Bodleian Library in Oxford, a psalter written ca. 1500 by the nun Margaret Hopes in the Cistercian convent of Medingen near Lüneburg, MS. Don. e. 248. The hypothesis advanced is that the nuns use the materiality of their prayer-book as the embodiment of their devotion.