Meet The Giants : Get to know everything about world.

Meet The Giants Get to know everything about the world. We Invite people who are at the heights of their industry and discuss their insights. If you love our pods, then stay tuned!

Balancing start-up, life and world | Insights from Pavlo Shlapak | Meet the Giants

Hey Listeners, In this episode, Pavlo Shlapak will tell us about his startup called Phygit(a software company), and insights into his hiring process, taking criticism and tips regarding work-life balance. Who is Pavlo? Pavlo Shlapak is currently the CEO of Phygit and has been an innovator and IT professional. 15+ years of professional experience in IT top-level management. As a CIO in a corporation with $2B+ revenue, country manager in an IT outsourcing company with 300+ people, and key positions in several startups (, Bitrent, Silença Tech). As an entrepreneur, I founded and sold two companies. And all these dots lead me to the launch of my startup, Phygit. Meet Pavlo here: Know more about Phygit here:


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