Meet Yourself Podcast

The Meet Yourself Podcast is where Mindful Presence meets Powerful Living. Meet yourself with more clarity, connection, personal power, and peace. Hosted by Master Life Coach Coach and Mindfulness Teacher - Noah Channing. Committed to helping you transform your life from the inside out - Noah helps you get to the heart of the matter, elevate your awareness, achieve inner alignment, and design a life that you love.

Curiosity is a Master Skill

In this episode of the Meet Yourself Podcast, Noah gives insight as to the importance of cultivating the attitude of curiosity and what makes this a master skill when it comes to three really important things. Learn why the alternative has a terrible accuracy rate and yet most of us keep doing it. There are three introspective questions you should be asking yourself… what are they? Listen now and find out.“We have this skill of curiosity that we could literally deploy at any time. It's always available, it's free to use, and we never run out of it.”Get the MLD Newsletter for Free Tools and Actionable Insights you can put to work in your life right now: Free Meditations: you for listening. ✓ Please share and subscribe to support this channel.👉🏼 Join the FREE NEWSLETTER for more helpful tips, tools, and practices designed to help you transform your life from the inside out.  ★ Support this podcast ★


Aligned Action Creates Opportunity

In this episode of the Meet Yourself Podcast, you will learn how aligned action creates opportunity and how taking action helps identify the possibility that helps generate a favorable outcome. Build confidence and elevate your awareness by taking a step forward. This episode is also available to watch on YouTube.  ★ Support this podcast ★


Intention Sets The Direction

In this episode of the Meet Yourself Podcast, I talk about how Intention Sets The Direction. Intention plays a vital role in having the final say in the overall direction of your life. The clearer you are on your intention, the clearer your choices align in that direction. ★ Support this podcast ★


Make Clarity Your Goal

In this episode of the Meet Yourself Podcast, I talk about the importance of Making Clarity Your Goal. Learn three strategies to help you get clear, move toward what you want to experience, and understand why the simplest question seems to be the hardest to answer. Begin to see yourself clearly, so that you can be more productive, effective, and at ease as you proceed down a path that aligns you with the life you want to lead. These strategies can be applied to your life right now so that you can stop feeling like you’re not getting anywhere. ★ Support this podcast ★


Grasping For Time

In this episode, we look at the tip of the iceberg as it pertains to grasping for time. I invite you to look at where you seek elsewhere for what is available right here and examine if what you really want is available anywhere but here.0:00 - Welcome Back2:10 - Retreat and the noisiness of life.3:40 - Noticing what we reach for and how time magically shows up.4:35 - My story of grasping for time and rushing.5:30 - How my plate taught me a very important lesson.7:10 - Time doesn't change. Time is time. How we respond makes all the difference.8:00 - Time traveling to get what we need someplace else.8:50 - We are conditioned to grasp for time.9:30 - Orientations vs. Gasping for outcomes.10:25 - Where in your life do you begin reaching outside what is present?11:10 - Realize the true potential of the time you have now.12:05 - Is there any way to get to what you want without the present moment?12:55 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Subscribe at and get all the latest news and programming. The live show is coming!How to contact me and support this channel:Web: ★ Support this podcast ★


Making Tough Choices

In this episode, we explore a simple, yet mindful approach to making tough choices. I discuss the power of perspective always being available and what it means to be both the observer and participant in the same moment. I invite you to consider that your life is one big life altering event. Making tough choices requires mindful intention, courage, and vulnerability. A 5-second exercise to remind you of your power.0:00 - Intro0:50 - The state of an uncertain world. Big decisions.1:55 - Committing to a course of action when there is a conflict between commitments.3:05 - Take the risk or lose the change. Tiny maneuvers. We all play a part.4:05 - Leaning into the upside instead of forfeiting the joy of the opportunity.4:44 - Marking years of your calendar isn't a life.5:35 - Directing inward for the final decision. Your life as one big life altering event.6:40 - Remember what a big deal you are. Where care and power coincide.7:50 - One of the ways I teach anchoring and trusting the present moment.9:33 - How can I be an observer when I'm also the participant?11:58 - A 5 second exercise to remind you of your power.12:40 - A Powerful Question.12:50 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo)!How to contact me and support this channel: ★ Support this podcast ★


What Am I Believing About Myself?

In this episode, we discuss the question "What am I believing about myself" and explore the ways our beliefs are influencing our lives. This is a quick episode as I break down the old studio and start building out the new one. Better understand how you are relating to the world.0:00 - Studio breakdown. Taking the energy and momentum of the end of the year to create a new space.1:25 - What am I believing about myself?2:25 - Getting stuck on why we're unhappy.3:22 - How you relate to the world has the greatest impact.4:20 - We forget our contributing role when we get caught in our story.5:30 - Reflection questions and an invitation to notice what is influencing our beliefs about ourselves.7:25 - Granting our confusion permission to run our lives.9:00 - Worthiness is tied to some belief you have about yourself.11:50 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU!How to contact me and support this channel: ★ Support this podcast ★


Move Your Mountain (TAE)

In this episode, (TAE - The Audio Experience) - Go on a self-reflective musical journey designed to inspire you to Move Your Mountain and go for it in life. ★ Support this podcast ★


What Can I Do With What I Have?

In this episode, we explore the question "What can I do with what I have?" and move beyond the idea that we must be someplace other than where we are with what we have in order to move forward. Being at war between now and the time you reach your goal.0:00 - Intro0:46 - The idea that we need to be someplace other than where we are with what we have to move forward.1:30 - Goals are a place of reference and inspiration.2:00 - Goal-Setting vs. Goal-Getting3:00 - "At all cost" attitude. Limiting potential through our choices.4:45 - Being at war between now and the time you reach your goal.5:14 - Goals are like lamp posts.7:07 - Whatever you're doing, you're doing with what you have.7:50 - Catch yourself.8:20 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU!How to contact me and support this channel: ★ Support this podcast ★


What Is My Involvement?

In this episode, we explore the question "What Is My Involvement?" and discuss how nothing happens without our involvement. A reminder that pain tells us what needs to be loved. Shifting from opposition back to connection.1:10 - Social media becoming a place of social brutality which I do not support.2:15 - Anger needs to be loved.3:01 - Taking responsibility for how we communicate and the messages we send and receive.4:50 - Peace requires all of us to own our involvement. No one is exempt.5:40 - Examine what you label a problem. Perception of the cause.6:55 - How we ourselves are contributing to the experience.7:44 - Feelings aren't a definitive source of information.8:21 - Pain shows us what needs to be loved. Shift from opposition back to connection.9:10 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo)!How to contact me and support this channel: ★ Support this podcast ★


Who Do I Need To Be? - Part 2

In this episode, we explore part 2 of the question "Who Do I Need To Be?" and use the guiding thought "How will I be with my experience?" Exploring the concept of interplay and the availability of choice in every moment. How you show up, how you respond, how you interact and relate to the world, to yourself and to your circumstances. Being is the inner game that expresses itself outward.0:00 - Intro1:00 - Observe and orient by taking Massive Ownership. Interact with life through the lens of possibility, potential, and creation.2:00 - How will I interact with my experience?3:00 - Interplay is the ongoing act of relating and influencing.4:00 - "Living With." Nothing happens in exclusivity.6:00 - Moving through uncertainty by looking at how we interact with it.7:13 - Hard does not mean impossible.8:12 - Where possibility resides. Take a seat with uncertainty.9:11 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU!How to contact me and support this channel: ★ Support this podcast ★


Who Do I Need To Be? - Part 1

In this episode, we explore Being Possibility with the question "Who Do I Need To Be?" as we are on a nationwide lockdown during the Covid-19 pandemic. We uncover Breakthrough Points and make shifts in how we relate to our circumstances by looking at what we are creating, what potentials are available, and who we choose to be in our given circumstances. A call for commitment when the circumstances are less than ideal.0:47 - None of us could have seen this coming.2:12 - Who Do I Need To Be? It's the one thing you have control over.2:58 - How you think, what you believe, how you allow yourself to feel influence how you interact with life's circumstances.5:00 - Finding a Breakthrough Point.6:20 - Being unable to provide consistency, yet staying committed to connection.7:53 - Finding ways to uncover what you CAN do.8:42 - A call for commitment to fill the space created by the question "What would it take?"9:12 - How we interact with our circumstances is up to us.9:25 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU!How to contact me and support this channel:Head over to Apple  Podcasts and once you're inside the show's details page, scroll down to the Ratings & Review section. I'd love to hear from you. ★ Support this podcast ★


Move The Inch | Micro Movements Over Time (TAE)

An audio-inspired self-Inquiry session (TAE) on moving the inch, energetic commitments, and micro-movements over time. Close your eyes and trust what shows up. | The Audio Experience - we take a mind-body stroll, moving the inch, through making micro movements that lead us toward creating what we really want in life. Inviting you to back into the moment, past your excuses, through your limiting beliefs, and straight toward your energetic commitments. Contemplation and a reflection to reclaim your personal power. Close your eyes and trust what shows up. Permission granted...Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one... Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU!How to contact me and support this channel: ★ Support this podcast ★


What Are You Being Most Committed To?

In this episode, we continue The Alignment Series and look at the question, "What Are You Being Most Committed To?" We take a look at the discrepancy between what you say you want and what you're experiencing, the role of uncovering subconscious beliefs so that we can move joyfully in a new direction and live an aligned and congruent life.0:00 - What Are You Being Most Committed To?1:30 - Subconscious beliefs that were created out of survival. Underlying Commitments and the discrepancy between what we say we want and what we’re experiencing.2:51 - Negotiating, Rationalizing, and our true commitments.3:45 - Investigating how we make our choices. Vastly different reasons for the same choice.4:40 - Allow yourself to move joyfully in a new direction. Are you choosing from a place of trust or fear?5:27 - Self-sabotaging behaviors and the feeling of confusion.6:29 - Write an “All Talk” list. See where your commitments truly are.8:02 - Bring a new level of awareness to how you’re operating.9:00 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


What Is This Costing Me?

In this episode, we continue The Alignment Series and explore the question “What Is This Costing Me?” Join me as I explore the true cost of our choices, assessing both internal and external components in a personal inventory, and understanding valuation vs validation. Seeking validation through the story that we tell ourselves and getting clear on your most treasured investments - time, energy, and attention.0:00 - Leading question: “What Is This Costing Me?” The true cost of living out of alignment.1:22 - Validation through the story that we tell ourselves. Evidence seeking.2:35 - We’ve already paid the price, so we go seeking validation.3:10 - The implications in our sense of being. Moving toward pleasure and away from pain.5:10 - The more we know the true cost of our choices - The more we know ourselves.6:04 - The impact and implications of our choices.7:05 - Get clear on your most treasured investment. 8:11  - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


What Am I Making Matter?

In this episode, we kickoff 2020 with The Alignment Series and explore the question “What Am I Making Matter?” We discuss how our choices are reflected in our habits and behaviors and how to Align Your Life, by getting clear on what you’re making most important. We look at how we assign meaning to everything in our lives and how we can connect more fully through ownership and authorship - assigning meaning in a way that supports a bigger vision for the year you want to have. How your personal power is your energetic creation mechanism - Who You Are underneath it all.0:00 - Leading question, Starting 2020 with: “What Am I Making Matter?”1:08 - Whatever you make most important is exactly how your year will go. Every choice is saying “This Matters Most.”2:26 - Recognizing that it’s up to us - all of it.3:37 - An exercise to uncover what you’re making matter. How commitment and dedication play a part.4:53 - A personal example on how I got out of alignment and made what mattered to other people more important. Resentment and knowing deep down who is responsible - which is us.7:36 - Ownership and Authorship. Understanding your decisions. Aligning Your Life. Assign meaning to support your bigger vision.8:22 - Your energetic creation mechanism and owning your personal power.9:25 - Closing…Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


What Am I Willing To Leave Behind?

In this episode, we close The Surrender Series for 2019 and discuss leaving behind habits, behaviors, beliefs, and emotions that don't serve our vision for 2020. We dive into the question: "What Am I Willing To Leave Behind?“ We explore carrying less and being more, the importance of mentally decluttering and offloading as we carry forward our vision for the new year.0:00 - Leading question, Ending the year strong, “What Am I Willing To Leave Behind?”2:08 - Surrender your belief to experience real change.3:32 - Leaving something behind doesn’t have to mean losing something.4:25 - Clear intention, less mental clutter, and soulful clarity.5:13 - Mentally offload what isn’t working.5:55 - Empowering Vision and Freeing Surrender.6:18 - A quick episode to support "Carrying Less and Being More" in 2020. Closing.Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


What Here Can I Be Grateful For?

In this episode, we continue The Surrender Series and explore the question, “What Here Can I Be Grateful For?” We take a look at what we often overlook and center back into gratitude within the moment. We also explore a few “What If?” perspective shifts on failure. Connect with your life and your heart and what's always available to you.1:20  - We lose sight of the fundenmental things that drive us - like Connection.1:47 - Being out of practice of finding what we value in the moment.2:04 -  Surrender allows us to recognize and acknowledge without rejecting our experience.3:06 - You always have a choice.3:40 - How we can choose how to show up to failure. Being grateful for the discovery through an empowering mindset.5:22 - Finding something in the most obvious place to be grateful for. Taking a deep and deliberate breath to become more aware. Shifting our energy and attention.7:12 - How willing are you?7:50 - Be present. Connect with your life and your heart and what you always have access to.Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


How Can I Love What's Here?

In this episode, we continue The Surrender Series and explore the question, "How Can I Love What's Here?" An invitation to explore the moment of influence and learning to love what is. Becoming a "Receptive Creator" and come to a resolve within the moment.0:00 - In this episode, we kick things off exploring question, "How Can I Love What's Here?"1:12 - Embrace what’s happening, even if it’s something that you don’t want or like.2:16 - Accept that it happened.3:26 - The moment of influence.4:36 - When we learn to love what is.5:26 - Return to the role of “Receptive Creator.”6:30 - Come to resolve within the moment without pushing away.9:00 - Closing. Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


What Am I Avoiding?

In this episode of, we continue The Surrender Series and explore Avoidance and what it's costing you. I invite you to discover the small ways that avoidance inhibits growth, happiness, and joy. Diving into the question "What Am I Avoiding?"0:00 - In this episode, we kick things off exploring question, "What am I avoiding?"0:58 - Where in your life are you stopping yourself from fully engaging and really showing up?1:33 - Avoidance - It can be subtle.2:02 - Are you trading your growth for stagnation?2:47 - Avoiding minor discomfort - The Easy Habit.3:33 - Understand why we avoid in the first place. Unwanted or negative emotions.4:51 - Find pleasure in the process of becoming.6:13 - One inch of courage can completely alter your entire experience. Shifting your lens.9:14 - Resistance and Avoidance disappear in the face of acceptance. The Law of Polarity. Breaking the habit of Avoidance.11:33 - Closing. Hit Subscribe and I'll see you on the next one...How to contact me and support this channel. Mad Love (xoxo) and THANK YOU! ★ Support this podcast ★


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