Megabuyte CEOBarometer podcast with Ian Spence

A must-listen for any UK tech sector CEO, investor or adviser. Each month, we aim to identify key forward-looking trends based on our expert interpretation of recent UK tech sector M&A, capital markets, private equity, and venture capital activity. Our podcast is powered by proprietary data and insight from Megabuyte’s industry-leading financial analysts. Learn more at or follow us on

Megabuyte CEOBarometer - May 2024 update

In April, some familiar trends became more pronounced in the UK tech sector - the most striking of which was the increasing juxtaposition of confidence levels between private equity and the capital markets. There were no fewer than four billion-dollar private equity deals announced - the Darktrace P2P and SBOs from Focus, Rimes, and Zellis – with only three small follow-on offerings in reply from the stock market. Soggy share prices once again only served to underline the stock market gloom, even if we did outperform NASDAQ for a change. Venture capital continues to bump along the bottom with another very quiet month for deals, as does M&A with another sub-50 transaction month, although both of those areas are actually showing underlying improvement if you look hard enough. Meanwhile, trading news from UK tech companies continued to be mixed, but, here again, the trend is gradually improving. Skip to: Spotlight Get involved in our AI Research Project 04m 18s Your Monthly CEOBarometer News Analysis 06m 06s Capital Markets 14m 42s Private Equity 18m 08s Venture & Growth Capital 23m 08s M&A 25m 26s    


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - April 2024 update

March was a busy month for public company results, painting a solid picture overall.  Nonetheless, there were notable exceptions as share prices and public company valuations remained stagnant. Looking at deal flow, a superficial analysis of the data suggests that activity levels in March mirrored those of January and February – and were notably lower than the levels achieved in Q1 2023. While this observation holds true, it overlooks some crucial underlying trends, the most striking of which is the significant surge in private equity activity, with deals up 2.5 times from March 2023. Similarly, although M&A deal statistics were generally lacklustre, this masks some really interesting M&A activity in the software sector, particularly in fintech. Venture capital fundraising rebounded after an exceptionally poor February, with fintech deals also playing a significant role. Skip to: News Analysis 04m 55s Capital Markets 12m 47s Private Equity 15m 07s Venture & Growth Capital 20m 25s M&A 23m 59s


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - March 2024 update

February in the UK tech sector continued to prove the notion that downturns are sudden and universal whereas recoveries are slow and patchy. While some companies report improved trading, others are still finding it hard going, especially those focused on the financial services sector. Share prices were weak in the UK but much stronger in the US, evidencing an emerging (and worrying) trend that the UK is not benefiting from the AI bounce. Deal volumes remain subdued, with similar trends to the previous month with solid private equity numbers, ongoing weakness in M&A volumes, especially in ICT services, and essentially no fundraising activity in the capital markets. Meanwhile, February was a record low month for VC fundraising as later-stage deals completely evaporated but there is increasing evidence of an underlying recovery giving confidence for improved deal flow as we move through the year. Skip to: News Analysis 05m 05s Capital Markets 11m 44s Private Equity 17m 49s Venture & Growth Capital 21m 56s M&A 24m 26s


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - February 2024 update

It has been a rather subdued start to the year in most parts of the UK tech sector, but the overall picture does seem to be improving. Trading news, of which there has been plenty, is broadly positive with the emphasis very much on utilising operational leverage to build back to the Rule of 40. Share prices on both sides of the Atlantic consolidated recent gains, but UK stock market corporate activity is still at rock-bottom. Once again, private equity activity was robust with SBOs leading the way, while VC and M&A activity continued the stable trends established in the last few months of 2023. While it remains a bumpy ride, the recovery does seem slowly to be gathering momentum. Skip to: News Analysis 04m 54s Capital Markets 09m 47s Private Equity 13m 41s Venture & Growth Capital 19m 41s M&A 23m 56s


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - January 2024 update

As we kick off 2024, this month’s Megabuyte CEOBarometer follows a slightly different format. In addition to reviewing all of the key share price and corporate activity trends for 2023, this month’s show is all about looking forward to the coming year and beyond. We present on our 10 key predictions for 2024, exploring tech demand trends, valuation dynamics, and the outlook for corporate activity. Focused on actionable insights, we also share five key recommendations for tech company Boards looking to capitalise on these trends. So what of 2023? While the recovery was slower than expected to get going, the signs were there towards the end of the year, with stronger share prices and increased secondary buyout activity coming through.  As we look forward to 2024, we expect those signs of recovery to gather momentum, but there will undoubtedly still be bumps along the way given a patchy macro-economic recovery, ongoing geo-political uncertainly and continuing high interest rates. So what will equip UK tech companies to successfully navigate those choppy waters as we head into the second half of the decade?  Our view is that it is those companies with progressive Chapter 2 and AI strategies that stand to take the lion’s share of the growth and attract premium valuations. Skip to: 2023 Year in Review 01m 53s      - Share Prices 01m 53s      - Deal Activity 05m 18s 2024 Key Trends 12m 40s 5 Key Recommendations for Boards 28m 46s


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - December 2023 update

In this month's podcast: Finally, there's some positive news to discuss regarding UK tech share prices, as they surged by 11% in November, hinting at the first signs that investors anticipate brighter prospects ahead. Let's hope that this upturn proves to be sustainable this time. Unfortunately, that's where the positive developments for this month largely conclude. Trading conditions remain challenging, and indications from FDM and Kainos updates suggest a continued deterioration. Moreover, activity in capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, as well as venture capital, was notably feeble in November, with only private equity activity remaining robust. This was particularly evident in secondary buyouts, most notably observed in the case of Civica, which have been scarce lately as investors await confirmation of the new norms for valuations. Looking ahead to 2024, the data suggests that the year will be a mirror image of 2023, starting off poorly but gradually improving. For a comprehensive overview of our annual predictions, make sure you tune in to January’s CEOBarometer podcast.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - November 2023 update

In this month's podcast: After a brief summer uptick, the UK tech sector faced a Q4 setback, grappling with tough trading conditions, escalating costs, and, in some cases, excessive leverage. October's 5% drop in tech sector share prices pushed valuations to a decade low, dimming the optimism sparked earlier in the year. Capital investments from venture capitalists hit a five-year low, and apart from public takeovers, M&A activities stagnated. While the private equity market offered some relief, deal flow remained below last year's levels. Despite the prevailing gloom, history reminds us that in moments of despair, recovery often begins to take shape, hinting at brighter prospects ahead.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - October 2023 update

In this month’s podcast: The market adapts to the 'new norm' of higher interest rates and lower valuations, witnessing a thaw in the SBO market and a resurgence in VC funding in September. However, persistent weakness in M&A volumes, burdened by increased debt servicing costs, prevails. Tech share prices, especially in software, hit a 5-year low, hindering the revival of capital markets deal activity.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - September 2023 update

In this month’s podcast: The summer got off to a roaring start with strong share prices and enhanced corporate activity, but August rolled back much of the gains. Overall, UK tech sector share prices were broadly flat across July and August, modestly underperforming the wider market, and the picture was similar in the US. Public company valuations have largely stabilised at their lower levels but there is still some price discovery going on in the private equity world. Kerridge’s buyout by CapVest was a particularly interesting case in point. Indeed, it was surprising strong period for PE transactions, especially MBOs, and we also saw the return of the P2P after a few months’ absence. After a torrid few quarters, VC also looks like it’s over the worst but M&A activity remains somewhat subdued. Overall, the outlook feels a lot stronger than it did in June and evidence is growing to support a meaningful recovery next year.  


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - July 2023 update

In this month’s podcast: While UK tech sector share prices were stronger in June, valuations remain stubbornly low, especially in ICT Services. Meanwhile, the US tech sector continues its rapid recovery with a 33% jump in the tech-heavy NASDAQ so far this year compared to just 7% in the UK. Nevertheless, confidence in capital markets does seem to be recovering, albeit from rock bottom levels, with more fundraising and M&A activity amongst listed businesses. Likewise, AI-driven green shoots continue in the UK tech VC market where deal numbers were better than they have been all year. Conversely, the private equity outlook is less positive, with activity remaining slow, especially in secondaries, and M&A volumes were also weak, albeit better than a very quiet May. So, as we head into the second half of the year, it will be fascinating to see if this changing of the guard continues and confidence builds in UK tech capital markets and UK tech VC.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - June 2023 update

June: It's quiet out there people! Weakening confidence finally spills over into M&A and private equity.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - May 2023 update

May: Reasonable deal stats hide underlying disquiet while medium-term clouds are gathering for private equity investors.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - April 2023 update

April: What a difference a month makes: the UK tech sector marks time as the mini banking crisis weighs heavily on sentiment while the quoted markets are rocked by the WANdisco sh*t show.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - March 2023 update

March: Growth rates continue to revert to the mean; the toughest of comps for VC fundraising; while PE remains rock solid


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - February 2023 update

February: Stronger share prices belie continuing caution in many parts of the tech sector, as anecdotal evidence of tougher trading slowly grows. 


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - January 2023 update

January: Our 12 key predictions for the UK tech sector this year


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - December 2022 update

December: Share prices move from stability to recovery as PE activity slows and it’s a bumper month of ICT Services M&A activity. 


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - November 2022 update

November: Despite clear signs of a trading slowdown in enterprise tech spending, Trans-Atlantic share prices hold steady. And in news that will surprise no-one, private equity deals continue apace.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - October 2022 update

October: The share price rout returns after a brief summer lull as we wait to see how the coming recession impacts trading.


Megabuyte CEOBarometer - September 2022 update

September: A lacklustre summer rally belies a continuation for first half trends. But no-one seems to be talking about the trading outlook?


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