Melana On The Path

Melana Plains, Founder, and Spiritual Teacher for The Path: A Journey Into The Light, offers insights, guidance, and tools to support a deeper understanding of the power of Love and a path to healing from the illness of Fear. These revolutionary teachings of The Path offer a new reality of Love, from self-love to equal and unconditional Love for all people. Melana is an educator of the truth about Love. Her book, "The Path: The Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, is available on Amazon. For more information, visit

CHAKRA SPEAKS | Living In Love: A New Perspective | Chapter 4-1

In this fourth lecture of the series, Chakra invites us to examine our human perspective about who we are, how we experience our lives, and why we view things the way we do. In clear and straightforward language, he unfolds the intricate design of our legacy in Fear and its impact on everything–from what we believe about ourselves to how our injured beliefs and behaviors about money affect our choices in our healing process. Once again, Chakra shows us the clear and undeniable truth: it is time for humans to choose Love.


MELANA SPEAKS: Waging A War Against Love | They Cannot Win

Let's Talk: A Conscious Choice Waging A War Against Love | They Cannot Win Love or Fear? What is the difference in which one we choose? How does such a choice impact the daily walk of our lives? What happens when we create a battlefield between the two? Join me in exploring the relevance and importance of knowing which energy–Love or Fear–oppresses, diminishes, and derails our value, abilities, and power and which will support and uplift our health, well-being, success, and joy while teaching us how to live the most whole and highest expression of our lives.


Walking Love In 5th Dimension, Part 14, Ep.3

In this episode, we come full circle and, once again, address the issue of whether loving oneself is critical to living authentically and having healthy relationships with everyone else. Is it necessary or negotiable? Although people come from different places within themselves, do they at least have to be in the arena of self-love before you can have a self-loving relationship with them? Can you make a self-loving relationship happen with someone who is unclear about the concept? Is self-love the standard, the truth, and the starting place for all relationships without exception?


Walking Love In 5th Dimension, Part 14, Ep.2

In this episode, we explore the reality that ‘relationship’ is not only about intimate partnerships–it’s about all of our connections with other people. Relationships tap into the nature of who we are to ourselves and each other on a root and foundational level. Thus, we must begin to approach relationships from various points––not just the relationship of intimate partnering. We can no longer uphold the belief of that being ‘the one’ meaningful relationship and putting all of our eggs in that basket. Since we accepted these inherited beliefs about relationships at face value, we never bothered to seriously question why we experience the intimate one as the centerpiece of our reality, so much so that it overshadows even the need to love the self as if it is the only one that matters. Why are we driven to glom onto another person so thoroughly, seemingly instinctively? Do we seek a sense of wholeness that we believe the other person’s connection to us can provide? A need so primal that most feel that we are missing the essential element that validates who we are as a being without that pairing. And what does all of it have to do with Love and Fear These and more questions require the answers needed to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves, how to become Whole, and the more significant relationship of Oneness: the culmination and purpose of our human journey.


MONEA SPEAKS: Slavery, Service & Self-Responsibility | Chapter 2-2

MONEA reminds us to take responsibility for this human experience and informs us of our far-reaching impact on each other when we don't. She speaks of Love, Fear, and God and cautions us to let go of any notion that we deserve or should expect others' service. Instead, we, human beings, must learn how to serve ourselves if we intend to heal and move forward on our journey from Fear to Love. "You who believe in God / Goddess and speak of your understanding, embrace, and love for Them––well, this is Their work. Love is Their work. They, like Love, are within each one of you. Don't ignore the God / Goddess within that says, "It is time for you to move beyond Fear's darkness. It is time to come into a real and deep experiential understanding of the truth of who you are. It is time for you to understand what you can do and what is necessary for you to do." In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, Monea gives us a compelling and riveting look at the current state of our human condition. The Path Book: Available on Amazon: https:/


An Evening With Chakra

CHAKRA, the first entity to grace me with his presence, speaks with gentle, loving energy as he shares his wisdom and knowledge about some of the most significant issues facing human beings today and in the years ahead. He speaks candidly about why he and other entities are not just interested but very invested in our well-being and the future of our planet. Although he gave this talk in 1994, it could have been today. CHAKRA was the first entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra & The Team:


CHAKRA SPEAKS | Love, Truth, And Guidance For The Times Ahead | Book Chapter 1-3

CHAKRA says we must do whatever it takes to know who we are and bring ourselves home to Love. Our human story is at the center of it all––and the only reason any of it matters. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, CHAKRA speaks of the big wake-up call we humans face on our journey from Fear to Love. The Path Book is available on Amazon: CHAKRA was the first entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra & The Team:


BATISTE SPEAKS | Women, Power & Self-Love | Chapter 3-3

BATISTE, whose expertise is the feminine principle and the healing of the female aspect of our human reality, shares her perspective on what it is like to be a woman on our planet today. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, BATISTE points out our emotionally driven, deep-rooted issues with ourselves and each other and how these Fear-based self-perceptions and behaviors prohibit us from actualizing and embracing our true, authentic, autonomous, and self-guiding power as women. **Allies In Love ~ We women must first seek and discover who we are in Love to embrace and embody the actual reality of our authentic selves. We must become, walk, and reveal our God-given power and purpose as the ones whose profound existence has given birth to every living person on Planet Earth. We must first know who we are so the world can accept who we are. GODDESS is our Spiritual Mother. MOTHER EARTH is our Planetary Mother. WE are each the Human Mother of all humanity. M ~** THE PATH BOOK: Available on Amazon: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ BATISTE was the third entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra, Monea, Batiste & The Team:⁠ ⁠⁠⁠)


BATISTE SPEAKS | Women, Power & Self-Love | Chapter 3-2

BATISTE, whose expertise is the feminine principle and the healing of the female aspect of our human reality, shares her perspective on what it is like to be a woman on our planet today. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, BATISTE tells us why we women are ready for real change within ourselves, in every aspect of our lives, and our role in the world. **Allies In Love: With our unique perspective and strength, we women have a crucial role in moving through and beyond all that we have endured in the gross misrepresentation orchestrated by Fear about who we are. Buried within our hearts are the keys to our true destiny and purpose: to heal, free ourselves from the bondage of Fear, and forge a new path in Love for healing the human race. We are the change. M ~** THE PATH BOOK: Available on Amazon: ⁠⁠ BATISTE was the third entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra, Monea, Batiste & The Team:⁠⁠)


BATISTE SPEAKS | Women, Power & Self-Love | Chapter 3-1

BATISTE SPEAKS: Are Men Women's True Oppressors? Batiste, whose expertise is the feminine principle and the healing of the female aspect of our human reality, shares her perspective on what it is like to be a woman on our planet today. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, Batiste is straightforward and open about women's 'backward' understanding of themselves and who or what their oppressors are. While directly addressing women, she warmly invites men to listen and learn, assuring them they carry neither weight nor blame in this discourse. THE PATH BOOK: Available on Amazon: BATISTE was the third entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra, Monea, Batiste & The Team:


MONEA SPEAKS | Slavery, Service & Self-Responsibility | Chapter 2-1

MONEA asks us to examine our attachment to 'being served' and where the roots of this misconception about our inability to 'take care of ourselves' lie. Although Monea never speaks directly about our racial issues, she addresses them through her reference to slavery and its longstanding impact. She also speaks of the long-term, disempowering effect slavery had on the enslavers while those who served them grew in inner strength and determination. MONEA deftly unravels layer after layer of the attitudes and behaviors that have caused us to lose sight of our power and the value of human life. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, Monea gives us a compelling and riveting look at the current state of our human condition. The Path Book: Available on Amazon: https:/ MONEA was the second entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra, Monea & The Team:


MELANA SPEAKS: The Nature Of Human Suffering | How We Recover In Love

MELANA SPEAKS, #4: In this session, I explore the nature and purpose of human suffering while offering more profound insights into the battle I fought with the dark forces of Fear. Through pain and grief, I learned to follow Love's guiding light, recover my strength, regain my power, and embrace the gift of wisdom as I understood why such events happen.


CHAKRA SPEAKS | Love, Truth, And Guidance For The Times Ahead | Chapter 1-2

CHAKRA asks us to examine what is happening to us in Fear and why we must become involved in changing it. He also reveals new details about The Path's 'backstory' and how its future focus will impact the seeding of Love on our planet. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, he speaks of the big wake-up call we humans face on our journey from Fear to Love. The Path Book is available on Amazon: CHAKRA was the first entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves (For more about Chakra & The Team:


CHAKRA SPEAKS | Love, Truth, And Guidance For The Times Ahead | Chapter 1-1

CHAKRA asks us to step back and examine ourselves more closely, from the missed opportunity of our first awakening in adolescence to the 'managed reality' of Fear that works continually to keep us asleep. In this audio excerpt from my book, The Path: A Journey Into The Light: The Journey From Fear To Love, Chakra speaks of the big wake-up call we humans face on our journey from Fear to Love. The Path Book: CHAKRA was the first entity to come through as a representative of 'The Team.' an entity group that introduced The Path: A Journey Into The Light to share the reality of Love with human beings and teach us how to love ourselves. (For more about Chakra & The Team:


Melana Speaks: Psychic Attacks, Gangstalking, And Spellwork | How Loving Myself Saved My Life

Melana Speaks #3 As evidenced by my vocal congestion, this third session addresses a subject I found challenging to speak on because of its devasting and personal nature. I later understood that the primary reason God allowed me to suffer through such a horrific attack was so that I could survive it, share what happened to me, and do my job to remain steadfast on my path and assist others who have or are experiencing the same or similar invasive abuse. It was the realization–though it would have been hard to imagine at the time—that I was ‘on the job’ and undergoing yet another experience that would accelerate my personal growth and ability to support others whose path of the light makes them a target that broke through my resistance to share my experience. M ~


Let's Get Inspired! #5 ~ Say 'Yes' To Love

SAY 'YES' TO LOVE #5 There's one person we often neglect or forget who's been waiting every day to hear us say, "I love you!" 'LET' GET INSPIRED!' I created this video for my spoken word podcast series, 'Let's Get Inspired,' in which we explore the deeper meaning of love and the possibilities that arise when we learn to love ourselves. Listen, Learn, Love! M ~


Let's Get Inspired! #4 ~ Dancing On The Path Of Love

DANCING ON THE PATH OF LOVE #4 Love is the song of our dreams. 
We must now open our hearts
 and move our feet
 to its rhythm and beat. 'LET' GET INSPIRED!' I created this video for my spoken word podcast series, 'Let's Get Inspired,' in which we explore the deeper meaning of love and the possibilities that arise when we learn to love ourselves. Listen, Learn, Love! M ~


Let's Get Inspired! #3 ~ Healing A Legacy Of Pain

HEALING A LEGACY OF LOVE #3 Find out why our ‘pain gene’ injures every aspect of our being––body, mind, and spirit––and why Love is the only medicine that can heal it. ‘LET’S GET INSPIRED!’ Inspirational and healing spoken word reflections explore the deeper meaning of Love, our relationship to it, and the unlimited possibilities to heal, live, and express our full potential as we learn to love ourselves. Listen, Learn, Enjoy!


Let's Get Inspired! #2 ~ Achieving Success In Love

ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN LOVE #2 What exactly is success? What is its meaning and value as I walk the path of Love? How do I succeed in Love? Seeking the answers to these questions inspired me to record this LGI episode. 'LET'S GET INSPIRED!' Inspirational and healing spoken word reflections that explore the deeper meaning of Love, our relationship to it, and the unlimited possibilities open to us to heal, live, and express our full potential as we learn to love ourselves. Listen, Learn, and Enjoy! M ~


Walking Love In 5th Dimension, Part 14, Ep.1

Walking Love In 5th Dimension, Part 14. Ep.1 Can the coming together of two self-loving beings unveil a profound purpose for relationships in the 5th Dimension? Our stark walk-through in Part 13, Ep.2, of the old love relationships based on Fear made it imperative that we must first heal the injury of Fear that separates us from the truth of our connection to ourselves and each other and create authentic, self-loving, mutually respectful, and honoring relationships based on Love. In Part 14, we begin to explore the question: do the unique and fulfilling encounters we have had learning to love ourselves open up the possibility that loving another being with the same intention has the potential to create an equally satisfying and dynamic experience when the two are brought together? Beyond the recreational and practical designs of the relationship reality we have experienced thus far, there is a greater expression of Love when self-love encounters self-love in a relationship and multiplies the fields of potential and possibilities we can share.


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