DiscoverMessages by Desiring God (Video)
Messages by Desiring God (Video)
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Messages by Desiring God (Video)

Author: Desiring God

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Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
867 Episodes
David Mathis | The safest soul in all the universe is the one that rejoices in the risen Christ. God will never destroy those who delight in his Son.
Marshall Segal | How can we make Jesus look good in life and in death? By enjoying him as better than anything life could ever give — and better than anything death could ever take.
David Mathis | Why do so many Christians love the book of Philippians? Among other reasons, because the letter is brief, accessible, memorable, and teeming with joy.
David Mathis | The Father prioritizes the church by choosing her, the Son prioritizes her by purchasing and purifying her, and the Spirit prioritizes her in his power. So, how do we prioritize the church?
John Piper | Does church leadership seem endlessly complicated? Take heart. Christian leaders guide God’s people from where they are to where God wants them to go, using God’s methods.
David Mathis | How did Jesus know Scripture so well? The same way we can today: through patient, prayerful meditation on the word of God.
John Piper | God is sovereign, and he has purposed his gospel to spread to the ends of the earth. Those who give themselves to that purpose are invincible, even through suffering.
David Mathis | Jesus had a full and fruitful ministry, but unlike us, he never seemed hurried or frantic. What can we learn by observing his holy habits during his earthly life?
John Piper | God will have worshipers from every nation on earth. He will win them, and do so through us. We have only to tell them.
David Mathis | What does it look like to walk in a way that is pleasing to God — to live so that God delights in the aroma of our lives?
John Piper | When Christ calls us to the mission field with him, he calls us to deny shallow pleasures, die to ourselves, and enjoy greater and greater delight in him.
David Mathis | How do you need God’s help this Advent? What need seems most pressing? Press into the message of Christmas, and you’ll find hope and help in time of need.
John Piper | The birth of John the Baptist was great, but the birth of Jesus Christ was infinitely greater. John prepared for salvation, but Jesus purchased it.
David Mathis | Some may not think of David, the shepherd king, as particularly masculine, but Scripture paints him in a far more manly and glorious light.
John Piper | Are biblical warnings about false prophets still relevant? Yes, the threat looms as large today as in the first century.
David Mathis | Good pastors are not naive: ministry comes with many costs. Even so, Christ has not called us to an impossible, joyless task. The cross proves otherwise.
David Mathis | What is Christian faith? Hebrews 11 not only answers the question but tells us what faith feels like, and how it leads to obedience, and living as exiles in this world.
John Piper | When Jesus asks the Pharisees how David calls the Messiah “Lord,” they refuse to answer. What made that seemingly simple question so incendiary?
John Piper | God is. No reality is more mind-boggling, more valuable, more life-altering, more electrifying than the absolute being of God.
John Piper | What is sovereign, sustaining grace? It is not grace that spares us pain, but grace that orders our pain — and then sustains us through the pain.
Comments (1)

San Win

The powerful preaching is his presence is with you just like He was with His servants Moses and Joshua. John 14:20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

Sep 6th
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