Midweek Metagame

Gabriel Nassif, Patrick Robertson and Piotr ’Kanister’ Glogowski catch you up on the latest of competitive Magic and share what they’ve been up to.

Pioneer UW Control, Edgar Destroys Cube Leagues and More

With the Pioneer RCs looming on the horizon, Gab and Edgar dive deep into UW Control. They also talk about Edgar's wild weekend in the Vintage Cube Feeder Leagues as well as some Modern and Timeless!


New Metas with Ixalan

Kanister and Gab go over four different constructed formats and Ixalan's impact on their respective metagame!


Modern Beans, Pioneer Rona Lukka and More

Pat, Kanister and Gab go over the current state of Modern and Pioneer sharing their experience playing Beans in Modern as well as a few variations of Lukka decks in Pioneer


A look back at Gab’s Worlds and Kanister’s Regional Champs

The gang is back as Pat, Kanister and Gab go over the World Championship as well as the European Regional Championship talking Standard, Pioneer and even a little Modern!


WOE’s impact on Pioneer and Modern

Kanister shares his Pioneer frontrunner for the upcoming Regional Champ and we take a look at the impact of the new set on Modern and Pioneer. Gab also gives the listener a quick viewer's guide to the World Championship that starts in one week!


Modern and the Preordain Unban

Kanister, Pat and Gab talk about Modern since the Preordain unban as well as some life things


Pro Tour Lord of the Rings full Recap

Pat, Kanister and Gab go over the Pro Tour results, Gab's run and playtesting for the event with a big focus on Modern


All Things Modern Two Weeks Away from the Pro Tour

Pat, Kanister and Gab talked about the Modern tournament in Bologna as well as the decks they've been playing on Magic: Online a couple weeks before Pro Tour Barcelona


Lord of the Rings impact on Modern

Pat, Kanister and Gab go over their first week of playing Modern with the new cards and their thoughts on the impact of the Lord of the Rings set on the format + a little Pioneer talk at the end


Kanister is our new co-host!

Piotr 'Kanister' Glogowski joins Pat and Gab as a new co-host while we say goodbye to Harry who has decided to focus on his YouTube channel. The three of them discuss Pioneer and the recent Regional Champ in Athens, the new Lord of the Rings set and its impact on Modern.


Bans and Unbans in Modern!

EdgarMTG and Gab go over the most recent B&R announcement with some expected bans but also some unexpected unbans and their early impressions as well as first results with the new cards!


RC Recap and Standard Overview

This week, EdgarMTG gives us a recap of his Regional Championship and him and Gab go over Standard as a whole as well as their runs in the Standard Arena Championship Qualifier


European RC Recap and EdgarMTG's choice for his RC

Gab and EdgarMTG give you a recap of the European Regional Championship where Gab was doing commentary and tell you everything you need to know about Pioneer going to the last weekend of RCs including the deck Edgar will be battling with and a full rundown of his list!


Worlds Recap and More In Depth Pioneer

EdgarMTG and Gab go over their experience watching the World Championship and all its incredible storylines as well as more Pioneer talk with the last few Regional Championships coming up!


US RC Recap and Pioneer Deep Dive

Edgar and Gab talk Pioneer, taking a look at the US Regional Championship results with a special emphasis on Phoenix and Mono Black Demon, the deck that had the most impressive showing in the RC and that Gab helped originate


Two new Modern builds and what to expect in Pioneer

Edgar and Gab talk about two new Modern builds they've had success with recently as well as what they like or don't like in Pioneer right now and the return of Life on the Line!


MidweekMetagame is Back!

Midweek Metagame is back with Gab Nassif and his new cohost (and teammate!) Edgar Magalhães. Gab introduces Edgar and his MTG Journey and they talk a bit about the Modern and Pioneer bans as well as what's been keeping them busy these past few weeks: the big Vegas Vintage Cube Live Event!


Standard Regional Champ Preview

Kanister and Gab share their thoughts on Standard before the European regional championship this weekend with a deep dive on UW Control, Gab's deck choice for the RC.


Pro Tour Seattle and Standard

Gab is back from the Pro Tour and Pat joins him for a tournament recap with a special focus on Standard and UW Control.


OTJ Spoiler Review

Kanister, Pat and Gab review the new set, Outlaw of Thunder Junction, with a special focus on Pioneer and Modern!


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