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Mind Over Markets

Author: George Papazov

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Mind over Markets is a weekly show hosted by George Papazov from TRADEPRO Academy. With over 20 years of experience trading the markets, George breaks down and dissects common psychological obstacles that all traders face in their journeys and provide actionable advice and tips to overcome these challenges in order to level up your trading performance. Whether you struggle with FOMO, recency bias or even controlling your ego while trading, the goal of this podcast is to become your go-to resource for building a bulletproof trading mindset! Learn how to take control of your trading psychology and start trading in the zone because you deserve it!
122 Episodes
In today's episode, we delve into the world of trading psychology and explore a powerful tool that can help you maintain your calm, focus, and rational thinking throughout the trading day—hypnosis. Key Topics Discussed: Recognizing Critical Moments in Trading: Have you ever found yourself on the verge of compromising your trading plan, knowing that by 4 PM, you'll regret the decisions you made? This episode is for you. The Power of a Quick Reset: Instead of drastic measures like freezing your account or locking yourself away, learn how to recenter and reset your mindset to reclaim the optimism and opportunity you felt at the start of the day. Introduction to Hypnosis: Understand what hypnosis really is—a natural state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, similar to being deeply absorbed in a book or movie. Misconceptions Cleared: Dispelling myths about hypnosis, emphasizing that it's not about losing control or performing silly acts like stage hypnosis, but rather a meditative state where you remain fully aware and in control. Hypnosis for Traders: Discover a hypnosis script specifically designed to enhance calmness, focus, and rational thinking during trading. Hypnosis Disclaimer: This hypnosis session is for personal development and relaxation purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Individual results may vary. Do not listen to this session while driving or operating machinery. If you have a medical or psychological condition, consult a healthcare professional before participating. Your participation is voluntary, and you are responsible for your own well-being. If you feel uncomfortable, you may stop at any time. Hypnosis Script Highlights: 1. Introduction and Induction: Find a comfortable, quiet place. Close your eyes and begin deep breathing to relax. 2. Deepening Relaxation: Progressive muscle relaxation from head to toe. Visualization of a peaceful, serene place. 3. Suggestion Phase: Enhancing calmness with a wave of relaxation. Improving focus with a bright light visualization. Promoting rational thinking by imagining a powerful, logical computer. 4. Anchoring Positive Feelings: Creating an anchor gesture (e.g., pressing thumb and forefinger together) to recall this state of relaxation and clarity instantly. 5. Reorientation: Gradually awakening with feelings of calmness, focus, and rational thinking. Call to Action: Download the Hypnosis Script: To reinforce these positive feelings and enhance your trading performance, download the hypnosis script from our show notes. Visit to get your free audio file. Final Thoughts: Practice Regularly: Use this script regularly to strengthen its effects and help maintain your performance state during trading. Embrace Imperfection: Sometimes, it's essential to give your subconscious mind the space to work without trying too hard. Remember, maintaining calmness, balance, and focus can significantly impact your trading success. Listen, practice, and unlock your potential with hypnosis. Checkout the ELITE All Access Subscription (Courses + Rooms) Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Episode Description: In this episode, we delve into strategies to navigate the slower summer trading season effectively. After a brief apology for missing last week's episode due to travel, we dive into how election years typically influence market behavior, with a focus on the expected drop in volatility this summer. Here's a breakdown of what we cover: Market Overview and Statistics: Election years often have choppy first quarters, but stocks tend to rise from March to August and then again from November to year-end. We expect a continuation of the bull market, but with reduced volatility, your trading frequency should decrease as well. Tips for Surviving Slower Markets: Reduce Your Trading Size: With the VIX at 12.9, hovering near 2024 lows, it's crucial to decrease your trading size. Less market movement means fewer opportunities. Focus on risk management rather than potential gains. Be Patient and Wait for High-Quality Setups: Summer markets tend to consolidate and build value without significant follow-through. Avoid chasing the market and wait for prime trading opportunities. Find Alternative Activities: Engage in hobbies or activities outside trading to avoid boredom. Whether it's playing video games, doing market research, or picking up a new hobby, staying occupied can improve your trading mindset. Explore Different Markets: Consider trying out options trading or other markets, but start small and have a strategy. Learning new markets can be both fun and beneficial for your trading skills. Set Limits and Restrictions: Moving from high to low volatility can be risky; set daily and weekly loss limits. Focus on risk management and adapt your criteria accordingly. Prepare for Future Opportunities: Use the slower season to study and prepare for the action-packed last quarter of the year. Review past election year price actions and trade those conditions live to stay sharp. Join us as we provide practical advice and tips to make the most out of the slower summer trading season while preparing for the upcoming market volatility in the final quarter of the year. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
In this episode of our series on self-sabotage in human psychology, we delve deeper into the subconscious and conscious behaviors that undermine our success, happiness, and well-being. Following the previous episode's discussion on fear of success or failure, low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and comfort zones, we explore four more critical aspects of self-sabotage. 5. Unresolved Trauma or Past Experiences We discuss how past traumas or negative experiences can create patterns that lead to self-sabotage. Whether it's witnessing failures in our immediate environment or experiencing personal setbacks, these experiences can instill a subconscious fear of success as a protective mechanism. We explore conscious manifestations of these traumas, such as repeated failures in personal endeavors and the impact on one's self-esteem. 6. Perfectionism Perfectionism is often not seen as self-sabotage, yet it can significantly hinder progress. We cover how high self-imposed standards and fear of imperfection can lead to procrastination and self-criticism. The subconscious roots often trace back to early life pressures from parents or guardians, emphasizing the pursuit of excellence to the point of causing anxiety and avoidance behaviors. 7. Lack of Self-Awareness This segment discusses how a lack of self-awareness can perpetuate self-sabotage. We examine how individuals may surround themselves with similar-minded people, avoid confronting differing viewpoints, and fail to recognize their destructive patterns. We also touch on the role of past trauma in diminishing self-awareness and how individuals can begin to reclaim control by addressing their subconscious beliefs. 8. Difficulty with Delayed Gratification Lastly, we explore the tendency to favor immediate gratification over long-term rewards, a significant challenge particularly highlighted in the context of trading. This part discusses how a fear of missing out and a scarcity mindset can lead to poor decision-making and ultimately, self-sabotage in both personal and professional contexts. Exercise & Resources The episode concludes with a practical exercise aimed at identifying personal self-sabotaging behaviors. Listeners are encouraged to use pen and paper to jot down immediate thoughts related to each discussed point, promoting self-reflection and awareness. Additionally, we highlight our NLP course available on our membership platform, which includes specific exercises to address the roots of self-sabotage and foster lasting change. For those looking to deepen their understanding of trading psychology, the first eight episodes of this podcast are recommended as they provide a comprehensive guide to navigating and overcoming psychological barriers in trading. Call to Action Listeners are encouraged to commit to regular self-reflection and to consider professional support, such as therapy or coaching, to effectively address and overcome the patterns of self-sabotage.   Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
In this first of a two part episode, we delve into the intricate dynamics of self-sabotage and its profound impact on individuals' lives. From the fear of success to negative self-talk and the allure of the comfort zone, we uncover the conscious and subconscious manifestations of self-sabotage that hinder personal growth and fulfillment. Host, George, takes listeners on a journey through the multifaceted layers of self-sabotage, drawing from psychological insights and real-life examples. Through a series of key points, including fear of success or failure, low self-esteem, negative self-talk, and the comfort zone, listeners gain a deeper understanding of how self-sabotage operates in various aspects of life. From examining the roots of self-sabotage in early experiences and learned behaviors to exploring practical exercises for self-awareness, this episode offers actionable strategies for breaking free from self-destructive patterns. By shedding light on the subconscious drivers of self-sabotage and empowering listeners to challenge limiting beliefs, the episode inspires a journey towards self-discovery and personal transformation. In today's episode we focus on the first 4 of those self-sabotage behaviors: Fear of Success of Failure Low Self-Esteem and Self-Worth Negative Self-Talk and Beliefs Comfort Zone and Familiarity Join us as we unravel the complexities of self-sabotage and embark on a path towards reclaiming agency, unlocking potential, and cultivating a life of authenticity and fulfillment. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Podcast Episode Summary: "Navigating the Realities of Regret in Trading" In this episode, we explore the intricate relationship between regret and human psychology within the realm of trading. Through dissecting six key realities of regret, the host offers insights and actionable solutions to mitigate negative emotions and foster a healthier trading mindset. Key Realities of Regret: Anticipatory Regret: The anticipation of regret before making trading decisions can lead to a spiral of negativity and fear. The solution lies in stopping ineffective practices, gaining fresh confidence, and committing to a new approach. Counterfactual Thinking: Dwelling on past trades and hypothetical outcomes can cloud judgment and hinder present-focused trading. Staying present and focused in the moment is crucial for avoiding regret. Loss Aversion: Regret often stems from the fear of losing valuable assets. Rather than dwelling on past losses, traders should focus on revising their trading plans to prevent future regrets. Temporal Perspective: Regret may diminish over time, but persistent dwelling can intensify negative emotions. Resetting and starting anew with a fresh system and routine is essential for breaking this cycle. Regret Aversion: Active avoidance of situations that could lead to regret indicates a deeper issue affecting both trading and personal well-being. Taking a break and reassessing one's readiness to trade again is crucial in this stage. Self-Reflection and Learning: While regret is often viewed negatively, it can prompt valuable self-reflection and drive personal growth. Embracing regret as a catalyst for improvement and better decision-making is key to evolving as a trader. Through candid exploration and practical advice, this episode empowers traders to confront and navigate the realities of regret, transforming moments of negativity into opportunities for growth and resilience. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Podcast Episode Summary: Psychology of Market Trend Changes & How to Adapt In this episode, we delve into the intricate psychology of navigating shifting market conditions and offer actionable strategies to regain profitability. Hosted by an experienced trader, the episode begins by acknowledging the challenge of transitioning from a familiar market trend to one characterized by volatility. The host emphasizes the need for adaptability in the face of changing dynamics, offering insights gleaned from collaboration with industry experts. Key Points Covered: 1. Recognizing the Shift: Acknowledging the transition from low to high volatility environments. Highlighting the increased need for decisiveness and rapid analysis. 2. Identifying the Pitfalls: Discussing the dangers of complacency in bullish markets. Exploring the impact of comfort zones on trading performance. 3. Implementing Solutions: Advocating for deliberate slowing down and seeking community support during turbulent times. Emphasizing the importance of revisiting and recommitting to trading plans. Recommending back-testing strategies to acclimatize to new market conditions without risking capital. Addressing emotional conflicts and promoting trade reviews for continuous improvement. Advising on adjusting position sizes to mitigate risk while maximizing potential gains. Encouraging traders to embrace the benefits of mastering diverse market conditions. The episode concludes with a message from Damien, underscoring the significance of resilience and adaptability in achieving sustained success amidst market fluctuations. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Podcast Episode Summary: "Navigating Psychology of the 6 Stages of Full-Time Trading" In this episode, we delve deep into the unspoken realities of full-time trading, moving through various stages of a trader's career. The conversation begins with a humorous yet poignant clip from Family Guy, highlighting the allure of trading futures and the perception of unlimited wealth. The host shares personal insights and experiences, guiding listeners through the stages of a trader's journey, each accompanied by valuable advice: Stage 1: The Decision to Pursue Full-Time Trading Motivation stems from a desire to escape a disliked job or pursue a dream. Emphasizes the importance of channeling motivation into productivity and perseverance during challenging times. Stage 2: Transitioning to Full-Time Trading A rollercoaster of emotions characterizes this phase, marked by excitement, fear, and self-doubt. Warns against overtrading and stresses the need for focus and growth during this critical period. Stage 3: Achieving Consistent Profits Enjoyment of newfound freedom and success, but with occasional feelings of emptiness. Advocates for continued personal development and growth, despite initial success. Stage 4: Confronting the Dark Side of Success Realization that financial success comes at a cost, including social isolation and health issues. Encourages embracing personal growth and surrounding oneself with positive influences. Stage 5: Seeking Purpose Beyond Trading Recognition that trading alone may not fulfill one's life purpose. Encourages volunteering and reconnecting with personal passions to find fulfillment beyond financial success. Stage 6: Finding Balance and Fulfillment Ultimately reaching a stage of balance between career, purpose, and personal life. Highlights the importance of continuous growth and connection to a greater source. The episode concludes with a reminder that the journey of trading is multifaceted, encompassing both highs and lows. It emphasizes the importance of community and connection among traders, providing support and empowerment along the way. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Episode Summary: Riding the Bull: Strategies for Trading at Market Peaks In today's episode, we tackle the exhilarating yet challenging environment of bull markets and how day traders can adapt to capitalize on markets at all-time highs. While bull markets are often viewed as periods of universal profit, the reality for traders can be far more nuanced and demanding. Key Insights: Misconceptions in Bull Markets: We discuss the common fallacies traders encounter during bull markets, including the illusion that "it can't go any higher" and the disconnect between stock market performance and the broader economy. These misconceptions can lead traders to make poorly timed decisions, such as attempting to short the market during its upward trajectory. Challenges of Bull Markets: One of the main hurdles in a bull market is overcoming the sentiment that it's too late to join the trend, which often results in missing out on gains or incurring losses by betting against the momentum. The episode emphasizes the psychological and strategic struggles of staying on the right side of the market. Understanding Market Dynamics: We clarify that the stock market's movement is not always indicative of the underlying economy's health and that factors like dealer gamma can influence aggressive buying. The focus for traders should be on profitability, not on being right about market direction. Strategies for Trading Bull Markets: Accept Imperfect Entries: Recognize that textbook entries are rare in bull markets. Be prepared to enter trades that may feel riskier due to their timing. Adjust Risk and Position Size: Mitigate the discomfort of "buying high" by reducing your risk capital and trading size accordingly. Follow the Trend: Resist the urge to predict a peak and short the market too early. Instead, align your trades with the prevailing upward trend. Discipline Over Impulse: Avoid the temptation to seek a short position as your initial move. Stay disciplined and rational, focusing on the market's current behavior rather than on speculative reversals. Know When to Step Back: If you miss multiple opportunities to capitalize on trend extensions, it may be a sign to call it a day. Recognizing that markets trend only 30% of the time can help set realistic expectations. Emotional Management: For those who find bull markets particularly stressful, we suggest finding alternative activities to trading on those days. Preserving your psychological well-being and maintaining discipline are crucial for long-term success. This episode serves as a comprehensive guide for day traders navigating the high seas of bull markets. By adjusting expectations, strategies, and mindset, traders can position themselves to take advantage of the opportunities these market conditions offer, while also safeguarding against common pitfalls. Remember, success in trading comes from disciplined execution and the ability to adapt to the market's rhythm, especially during its most exuberant phases.
Episode Summary: Understanding How Personality Types Can Impact Your Trading In episode #113, we delve into a topic that has been on our radar since the inception of the show - the fascinating interplay between personality types and trading success. Acknowledging the complexity of the subject, we decide to narrow our focus to how specific personality traits, particularly those identified by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), impact trading behaviors and strategies. Our host shares a personal journey of transformation, from being an EJTP to evolving into an ENTP personality type after undergoing an NLP parts integration. This transition underscores the fluidity of our personalities and their influence on our trading approach. Key Highlights: - **ENTP Personality in Trading**: Representing just 3.6% of the population, ENTPs are known for their creativity, flexibility, and charisma. These traits contribute to their natural aptitude for trading, allowing them to navigate the markets with innovative strategies and a quick-witted approach to problem-solving. - **Strengths of ENTPs**: The episode explores the entrepreneurial spirit, friendliness, resourcefulness, independence, and goal-oriented nature of ENTP traders. These strengths position them well for roles that demand foresight, negotiation skills, and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing environments. - **Addressing ENTP Weaknesses**: Despite their strengths, ENTP traders also face challenges, such as being perceived as egocentric or rebellious, struggling with organization, appearing argumentative, and sometimes lacking focus. The discussion offers insights into leveraging these traits positively, especially in leadership roles and self-guided jobs. - **Ideal Careers for ENTPs**: Stock trading is highlighted as a fitting career for ENTPs, thanks to their ability to think on their feet and engage in strategic negotiation. Engineering is another recommended path, aligning with their problem-solving skills and innovative thinking. - **Potential Challenges for Traders Based on Personality**: The episode also touches on traits that might pose challenges in trading, such as emotional decision-making, risk aversion, impulsivity, and overanalysis. These characteristics are linked to specific MBTI preferences and could impact trading efficiency. - **Personal Growth and Trading**: The episode closes with a powerful message on self-awareness and personal growth. Understanding one's current personality type is crucial, but it's also important to recognize the potential for change. By becoming more aware of their traits, traders can identify triggers leading to negative outcomes and adopt strategies to mitigate these risks. Listeners are encouraged to explore their own MBTI personality types and reflect on how their unique traits influence their trading behaviors. This self-exploration is not about restricting oneself to a box but about leveraging personal insights to enhance trading strategies and overall market performance. This episode is not just a deep dive into the relationship between personality and trading but also a call to action for traders to engage in self-discovery, aiming for a deeper understanding of how their personal traits can shape their path to trading success. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Episode Summary: 5 Signs You Should Stop Trading for the Day (How I Lost $50K) In today's episode, we tackle a topic that many traders shy away from - the bad days, those sessions filled with regret and what we wish we could forget. However, our focus isn't on the negativity but on the invaluable lessons learned from these challenging experiences. We aim to equip you with the knowledge and signs to recognize when it's time to step back and halt trading for the day, preventing a bad day from spiraling out of control. We start by identifying 5 critical signs that it's time to stop trading for the day: Feeling a Compulsion to Make Money: The moment trading becomes a necessity rather than a calculated decision, it's a signal to pause. Frustration with Market Inactivity: Impatience for market movement or force-fitting trades can lead to poor decision-making. Chasing Losses: Trading with the sole aim of recovering losses often leads to more significant setbacks. Reliance on External Decisions: Looking to others for trading decisions indicates a loss of confidence in your own trading plan. Consistent Directional Trading or Flip-Flopping: Repeatedly trading in one direction or frequently changing opinions signals emotional rather than rational trading. Through a personal anecdote, our host shares the story of their worst trading day ever, highlighting how quickly a seemingly good day can turn disastrous. Beginning with an overleveraged position and culminating in a staggering $45K loss plus significant commissions, this story serves as a powerful reminder of the dangers of rule-breaking and emotional trading. The aftermath of this day wasn't just financial but deeply psychological, taking a year to overcome the mental toll and reshape a healthier trading mindset. This episode is a stark reminder that no trader is immune to bad days. However, it's not the setbacks that define us but how we respond to them. Recognizing the signs to stop trading and understanding the importance of discipline and mental health in trading are crucial steps toward recovery and future success. Key takeaways include the importance of adhering to your trading plan, the necessity of recognizing when to step back, and the understanding that stopping is not a sign of weakness but a strategic decision to protect both your capital and mental well-being. Remember, the market will be there tomorrow, but the opportunity to trade wisely depends on the decisions you make today. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Leave me a message or your question on Speakpipe here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Episode Summary: Why Holding Winning Trades is So Difficult (10 Steps to Fix) In this insightful episode, we delve into the complex psychology behind one of the trading industry's most echoed mantras: "Run your winners and cut your losses." While this advice may seem straightforward, the reality of implementing it is anything but simple, especially for those new to trading or struggling to turn a profit. Our discussion kicks off by exploring why holding onto trades is inherently challenging, even for professional traders, who focus on the present rather than predicting the future with zero certainty. We uncover the primal psychology driving our difficulty in letting go of trades, linking it to our instinctual need for security and survival. This subconscious directive, honed over thousands of years, significantly influences our trading decisions, often leading to stress and irrational choices when faced with the perceived risk of a trade. The episode then shifts towards practical strategies to overcome this primal fear. We emphasize the importance of maintaining an active source of income outside trading to alleviate survival pressures. By breaking the association of trading with survival risk, traders can approach the market more rationally. We recommend starting with the smallest position sizes, focusing on modest wins, and gradually extending the duration of profitable trades as confidence and experience grow. Moreover, we discuss the value of backtesting and creating mental reset anchors, such as meditation or engaging in relaxing activities, to help manage emotional responses during trading. Building a long-term investment strategy is also highlighted as a way to mitigate survival fears over time. Acknowledging the inconvenient truth that the market's next move is inherently unpredictable, we encourage traders to embrace this uncertainty as a normal part of trading. Personal development and expanding one’s mindset are underscored as crucial for growing wealth consciousness and achieving trading success. Concluding the episode, we reiterate that while the concept of running winners and cutting losses may sound simple, the emotional and psychological hurdles make it a complex skill to master. However, with determination, patience, and the right strategies, traders can learn to navigate these challenges, transforming their trading journey from a battle for survival into a path towards financial freedom. Get out there and hunt!   Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Episode Summary: When to Trust Your Intuition in Trading (How to Develop It) In this special episode #111, a number often associated with guidance and enlightenment, we dive into the intriguing intersection of intuition and trading. This episode explores the concept of angel number 111, highlighting its message of seeking guidance to fulfill one's life purpose and the promise of happiness, abundance, and success it brings. It's a fitting backdrop as we delve into the nuanced art of using intuition to make better decisions, surpassing the capabilities of the analytical mind. However, the journey to effectively harnessing intuition in trading is not without its challenges. We emphasize the critical need for experience and training before relying on intuition. Initially, intuition might lead you astray, especially in fields where you lack expertise, such as trading. This is because intuition operates as a rapid decision-making tool based on your accumulated experiences and knowledge. For newcomers, intuition may offer advice opposite of what is beneficial, reflecting the risk-averse decision-making patterns ingrained by societal norms. To navigate this, we lay out a roadmap for integrating intuition into your trading strategy. Starting without intuition is advised for beginners, focusing instead on developing a solid strategy, practicing on simulations or with microtransactions. A checklist or trading plan becomes essential during this phase, acting as a tangible guide to discipline and patience in your trading endeavors. The shift towards trusting your intuition comes with time and experience. It's a moment marked by your ability to execute trades and analyze markets without heavily relying on your checklist, indicating that your intuition has been honed by hours of conscious practice and experience. This transition signifies that intuition is now informed by a rich database of trading experiences, making it a valuable ally rather than a gamble. In the episode, we also share personal insights into the transformation that occurs when intuition, shaped by thousands of trades and extensive market experience, begins to lead decision-making. The culmination of this journey is a trading approach that may seem unstructured to outsiders but is deeply rooted in a vast reservoir of strategies and experiences, from market cycles to geopolitical events. In essence, this episode not only demystifies the role of intuition in trading but also provides a practical guide for developing and trusting your intuitive sense. It underscores the message that with patience, practice, and the right approach, intuition can evolve to be a powerful tool in a trader's arsenal, leading to informed and inspired trading decisions. Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Mind Over Markets Podcast Show Notes Summary: Episode - "The Hard Realization that Once You’re a Trader, You’re a Trader Forever” CLICK TO SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK HERE Host: George Papazov. Trading experience: 24 years. Founder of TRADEPRO Academy. Highlights the global community of traders at TRADEPRO Academy.   Podcast Is Back: Explanation for the 2-year hiatus. Recognition of the podcast's top 1% ranking in Spotify's yearly wrapped numbers. Emotional reaction to podcast success. Humorous denial of tears due to traders being "emotionless robots." Announcement: "I'M BACK!"   Future Plans: Return to a weekly schedule, every Thursday at 3 AM EST. Focus on trading psychology, order flow technicals, performance, and wholesome content. Initial solo-style episodes for audience feedback.   Engagement and Interaction: Audience encouraged to give the podcast a chance and provide feedback. Introduction of a platform for questions and feedback: Host's Journey:   Insight into the host's last two years. Pursuit of childhood dream in music. Pause in music career after a friend's tragic accident in 2003. Mid-life crisis decision to try music after 20 years of trading. Creation of a studio and production of songs with significant streaming success (400,000+ streams).   Comparison of Trading and Music: Acknowledgment of the challenges in the music business. Recognition that trading offers faster and more consistent income compared to music. Lifestyle impact of the music industry, affecting family life and health.   The Pull of Trading: Financial aspects and the devaluation of money after successful trading. Lifestyle comparison with the studio life, its impact on sleep patterns, and overall well-being. Missed connection with the trading community and the challenges of the markets. Return to Trading:   Acknowledgment of trading's difficulty. The unique aspect of trading where once profitable, the skill remains. Reflection on the limitless opportunities trading provides, contrasting with other professions. Personal realization: "Once a trader, always a trader." Closing and Future Podcasts:   Acknowledgment of trading enabling the pursuit of a childhood dream in music. Comfort provided by trading as a safety blanket for exploring other interests. Acknowledgment of discomfort when straying from trading and the commitment to never lose touch again. Upcoming deep dives into trading and psychology topics. Call to action for audience participation: send voice notes on experiences and topic requests.     Expression of gratitude and love to the audience. Promise to continue creating content for and with the audience. Call to action: Leave a review on iTunes. Invitation to join the TRADEPRO Academy community at Closing Signature: "Sending you love, joy, health, and happiness, until next time." "Love you."   Checkout the TRADEPRO FREE Futures Trading Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Want to learn how to find out what traders are doing?  This is called following the smart money, and order flow is a key analysis tool to help you gain an edge on the market. In today’s episode Leo and I discuss our trading into the end of the year, and openly share some of our personal struggles with our trading.  More importantly, we go into details on finding the problem and helping each other fix the issues. We then move into the topic of using the DOM (or price ladder).  This is a tool that allows you to see EVERY order that trades through the book.  This is a big advantage to find continuation or turning points in the stock market, and to trade with the momentum. We get down into the nitty gritty details of how to use this tool, and discuss the following in this episode: What is the Order Book Visible Liquidity Big Inventory as a Magnet / Target Why is a big sell order above a bullish thing? Why is a big buy order below a bearish thing? Hidden Liquidity This was an incredibly fun episode to record with Leo, an amazing trader and all round great person to talk trading with. We look forward to seeing you at our third installment of Between the Spread series on our podcast.  Just a reminder, new episodes of the series are released on the first Thursday of each month. Thank you so much for listening and have a wonderful day. Resources Follow LEO on Twitter here LEO's DOM here. Checkout the TRADEPRO Futures & Order Flow Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
A trading strategy is critical to your success, but do you know the process to create one? Every day we hear someone telling us that WE NEED a trading strategy.  So much emphasis is put on this topic, that new traders rush the process and are doomed from the beginning. In today’s episode, we really dive deep into the process you should follow to refine your idea into a professional trading strategy.  It isn’t just about having an idea and then going to SIM to start “testing”.   In this episode, I give you the complete steps to ensure that you create a strategy that works, because it is battle-tested and aligned TO YOU as the operator. Here is an overview of the strategy creation process: Start with an idea. Create a one-pager.  Back-test with software. A/RS - Analyze then Reiterate or Scrap  Live test in SIM. A/RS - Analyze then Reiterate or Scrap Live test with real money, small scale. Review and create a scaling plan. Trade, Review & Adjust If you follow this process, along with the notes in the podcast episode, you will find the flaws in the strategy long before you commit real money to it. This means that you will have all the confidence in the system and yourself by the time it passes the stringent quality control in the process above.   You WILL FINALLY find your edge and yourself as a trader - and that should be extremely exciting to you. Lastly, as promised, here is the “idea one-pager” I started with this holiday season to back test the 30-second opening range.  I have since made MANY changes in qualifiers and avoided the infamous chop that comes with this age old strategy. The point is, you get an idea for a starting ground FOR YOUR next trading idea. Thank you for listening, and have an amazing rest of your day. Resources Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Today we talk about the art of building and sustaining performance like a top athlete.  I discuss 10 TIPS to get you to step into the mindset of a top performer.   Think of the greatest things in life you have ever accomplished so far?  What are you most proud of?  Was it easy to get?  Was it any easier after you accomplished that thing? Now here’s the real question, if you’re gonna achieve more amazing things, do you REALLY believe it’s gonna get easier? NO! The truth is peak performance requires constant effort and energy to sustain.  You are never really at the top, even when OTHERS think you are.  You need constant work, internal motivation, and an obsessive desire for success. Here are 10 tips to help you channel that high-performance energy into your trading: It never gets easier, you only get stronger.  You don’t deserve to coast. You can’t just get back to peak performance, you have to work hard to STAY THERE!  Your body is your vehicle, it’s your temple, it’s a miracle - treat it well.   Your mind is a miracle.  Have an offseason, use it wisely.  Know when it’s game time, and go hard.   Look back and see how far you’ve come.  The past will never be, the future may never come as you expect it. Live in the moment. Learn to receive.  Whether you like it or not, as a trader, you are in the business of extreme performance.  You need to constantly work on yourself to maintain a high level of success, because your competition is doing that and more.   The EDGE in your trading that YOU are looking for IS YOU! Happy trading everyone. Resources Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
In this episode Leo and myself talk about the most foundational concept of order flow trading in futures - the time and sales.  This is also called “reading the tape”.  This is a brand new segment we will be co-hosting and airing together the first Thursday of every month, where we will discuss a new order flow topic each month. For the first ever episode of our Between the Spread order flow series, we went in depth on these topics and much more: Market Receipts or (fills) - why it is important to follow these transactions and what information they reveal about large position traders Order Types - breaking down the types of orders retail and professional traders use and how they impact the time and sales and order flow At Ask - a market buyer matches with a limit seller At Bid - a market sellers matches with a limit buyer Above Ask - a big market buyer purchases all available limits and flips to next level to trade with more inventory Below Bid - a big market seller eats all the best bids and flips down to next level to trade with more inventory Above/Below = Sweeps/Aggression/MarketOrders - learning the foundational importance of what sweep orders are and how they indicate an important market sentiment - this will shock you and is opposite of what you think it means.  This is why traders often use it so wrong. Aggression (responsive) - the concept of how to see aggression in the time and sales and what it means for the current trend and sentiment Absorption (passive) -  how to find market absorption and when it can mean the trend will continue, or when it is expected to reverse Speed (how fast orders are coming through) - Gives idea or sense of potential velocity of the upcoming move. How to spot? Aggression / Absorption / Speed - applicable examples of how Leo and George use this information to form an edge in their trading strategies. How to respond once you’ve spotted? This could really be a full on lesson in any order flow day trading course, but we are here to provide information to you so you can get started with reading the time and sales. It was a blast to record with Leo, and be sure to check him out on Twitter (link below).  We are extremely excited to keep this series going and the future episodes we have planned are gonna blow your mind. We need your help though, please leave us a rating and review on iTunes if you love the show so we can bring you more great content. Thank you for listening, we’ll see you next time. Resources Follow LEO on Twitter here Checkout the TRADEPRO Futures & Order Flow Course here Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
In today’s episode I’ll be talking about an exciting topic - what happens when you start making money in the markets?  What ways can you generate income streams outside of trading with your profits?  We’ll dive into principles of income generation, active and passive source ideas, and I reveal all my income streams on this show.   Let’s start out by the only two ways you can use to earn income, and it’s important to understand which one will work with your lifestyle at the moment. There are also only two real ways to actively earn income Trade your time for money  This is where most people make their “income” These are salary jobs that pay you fixed annual income In exchange you offer your time, your health You exchange what ELSE you would rather be doing The perception here is that “risk is low” Financially, there is a low risk BUT you are also giving up all and any opportunity to make MORE NOT ALWAYS - look at Bezos, as CEO he traded his time, for LOTS OF MONEY But his net worth DID NOT grow from his salary, but his equity stake - which is an investment in Amazon stock  Trade your money for the opportunity to make more money  This is how generational wealth is created We will all need to become investors at some point Especially if we become great day traders (make lots of money with small money) In the graphic below, courtesy of, you can see a comparison of how the wealthy spend their time and money, compared to those people without the money mindset habits.  I don’t like the word “poor”, but I think the graphic really helps you compare the mindset of each type of individual. SOURCE: In the episode, we also discussed some active and passive sources of income.  These are just ideas, and by no means an exhaustive or complete list. This should just get your gears turning and get you thinking.  The most important thing to consider is what type of income source will work for you RIGHT NOW.  It takes time and grinding with active sources until you can accumulate some savings to put the money to work.  However, we are always working actively - at any stage of our career and life. ACTIVE SOURCES Affiliate marketing Flip retail products Start a drop shipping business Create an app / business Create a blog or YouTube channel Rent out your home short-term Rent out useful household items Provide work on freelancing website Monetize your hobbies - photography, video editing, etc PASSIVE SOURCES Rental income Peer-to-peer lending Dividend stocks REITs Purchase private company ownership stake Advertise on your car And lastly, here is my personal list of income streams at the moment. I talked about each in detail, and how I plan to expand the streams in the upcoming year. My Personal Income Streams Rental properties Shareholder in private businesses - capital gain and royalty streams Shareholder of TRADEPRO Academy - active income stream Crypto node ownership Stock market portfolio - outsourced Affiliate partnerships for products I SUPPORT! Never those I don’t. That is all for this episode, I hope you enjoy the listen and learn a ton. No matter what stage of life you are in, there is always the opportunity to earn more income, and plan your next big ideas and investments. Thank you for supporting our podcast; I wish you health, happiness and great trading! Resources Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Day trading with hotkeys is an amazing way to increase your speed advantage and to get a better handle on your execution.  I personally don't day trade without them anymore. However, hotkeys are often used the wrong way and at the wrong time of a trader’s development journey.   In this episode, I cover these topics and more on hotkeys for day trading: Who should NOT be using hotkeys yet Questions to ask yourself to determine if you can benefit from a faster workflow Hotkeys I use for daytrading, explained one by one The software and hotkey hardware I use for super quick trading Step by step process on how to setup hotkeys for any trading platform One of the most important things to know from the very beginning, is that hotkey trading WILL CHANGE YOUR TRADING, and it could be for better or worse.  It is very important you are only using them when you are ready, and when you have a solid trading plan with a definable edge.   I would strongly NOT recommend hotkeys for any traders who are dealing with: Traders working on their impulsive and emotional trades Someone who doesn’t have a trading plan yet Swing and longer time frame traders - don’t need the speed edge New traders - it’s important to do the actions and steps yourself at first If you aren’t profitable WITHOUT hotkeys, they won’t be the holy grail - they are just assistive technology If you’ve decided you are ready to take this leap and setup your hotkeys, I’ve included some great questions to ask yourself to identify areas where you can implement hotkeys. Questions to Help You Uncover Trading Hotkey Opportunities Do you ever find that you are missing trades because you cannot get in fast enough? If so - you need trade entry hot keys - either markets or limits Is it hard for you to move your stop loss as you scramble around the price ladder or chart to find where it is and drag it up / down?  If so - stop trailing hotkeys - trail to BE is one I use. Do you find it hard to move multiple contract stops to one price level, or take profits? If so - move stop and move target hotkeys are great. Do you sometimes get into trades because you couldn’t cancel your order fast enough? If so - cancel limits Do you ever wish you could get out of trades quicker?  If so - market exit. Do you ever wish you can switch between chart drawing tools on your platform? Do you find yourself doing any repetitive, time consuming tasks overall? And as promised on the episode, here is a look at my hotkey mapping on my StreamDeck device.   Remember, this is for Sierra Charts, and your trading platform may not provide some of this functionality.  It is important to check with your platform first, and identify what can be created into a shortcut, and ultimately mapped to a hotkey. I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did recording it. Happy hotkey day trading, and I’d love to hear from you - how has this process helped you make your trading more efficient?  Are you planning to use hotkeys, which ones did you decide to go with? Happy trading - and remember, manage that risk and trade like a TRADEPRO. Resources Purchase the 15 key Elgato Stream Deck mentioned in the podcast HERE Purchase the 30 key Elgato Stream Deck XL mentioned in the podcast HERE Checkout this gaming mouse with 20 programmable hot keys built in HERE Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Do you blow out accounts in one day after days, weeks or even months of success?  This is a very common problem for the new trader. I know, because I have been there, and certainly done that.  The good news is, that it is fixable, if you are daring to get to the actual ROOT cause of the issue. The reality of this situation is, that it really only comes down to only 2 possible reasons this is happening: There is a lack of discipline in you as the operator - often this is a mindset issue (more later) -  There is no strategy (or you’re not following it) and you got lucky - it isn’t that YOU MADE THE MONEY, it’s that it was borrowed and with a long  enough timeline it was destined to go back to the market Now the second one is very easy to fix, but ONLY after you have addressed the root cause for your lack of discipline in trading.   Lack of discipline is often blamed as the cause of losing money in the market.  However, lack of discipline is actually THE SYMPTOM.  The actual cause is deeper than that. Often times, the “lack of discipline” is a physical manifestation of one of these deeper rooted issues: Conflicting wealth values / money mindset Lack mindset - self worth Fear of of losing, risk avoidance Fear of failing Fear of succeeding Doing it for wrong reasons The hard part about either of these, is having to admit this to yourself and accepting the responsibility to change it. In this episode I share some key questions you can ask yourself to uncover what is the real cause that’s causing you to blowout your account after stringing together some success. I really hope you enjoy listening to this episode as much as I did recording it. As traders we are always working on ourselves, and this is a great opportunity to take your development to the next level. As always, manage that risk and trade like a TRADEPRO. Resources Enjoying this podcast? We’d appreciate it if you can drop us a rating and review on iTunes here Connect with our community online: Trade Pro Academy Catch up with our earlier episodes: Mind Over Markets Podcast Join our FREE trading room here Follow me on Instagram here and on Twitter here
Comments (5)

Sabrina Fritz

You guys are awesome! I had a coaching session with Victorio a few weeks ago and it was super helpful. I'm so grateful that you offer a service like this! I love listening to your podcast 👌☺️

Jun 4th

Sabrina Fritz

You guys are awesome! This is a great episode! I can't wait till one day when I'm a full-time trader! Thank you for all your support. I love joining the tradepro academy!

May 1st

Evan Funk

Finally a trading podcast that deals with the psychology of trading! great information being presented here by George and Mark, not only for trading but for life in general. You can trust these guys because we see success every day in the trading room. Congratulations on this exciting content!

Dec 16th

Eric Rieman

A great podcast for those looking to develope a traders mindset. I would strongly suggest anyone looking to become a consistent trader to understand the principles described here by George and Mark.

Dec 10th
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