Mindfulness Mode

Increase your calm, focus and happiness through mindfulness & meditation. Learn from business experts and entrepreneurs like Jack Canfield, Dan Miller, Marie Diamond, and Dr. John Dimartini so you can be more relaxed, earn more money and be happy & contented. Interviews, tips and strategies to live in the moment and & be more centered. For entrepreneurs, executives, business owners, CEOs, teachers & parents. Hosted by Bruce Langford.

Elevating Indigenous Entrepreneurs; Geena Jackson

Geena Jackson is dedicated to elevating indigenous entrepreneurs. She is the Creator and Executive Producer of Bear's Lair TV and the Founder & President of Sparkly Frog Clan Productions Inc. A proud member of theshíshálh (Sechelt) Nation on the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Geena (Tsetasiya – Traditional Sechelt name) is an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and a champion for Indigenous business and procurement. With over 30 years in broadcast and media communications, Geena has been a fervent advocate for Indigenous voices, rights, and business development. Her experience spans roles with the Squamish Nation, supporting over 750 Indigenous entrepreneurs and organizations. Geena also dedicates her efforts to initiatives like the Golden Eagles Rising Society, Right to Play, and Live Different, which aim to create positive, life-changing impacts in Indigenous communities. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: GeenaJackson.com LInkedIn: Geena_Jackson Most Influential Person My 94 year-old grandma Effect On Emotions As a 54-year-old woman going through menopause, I often experience a roller coaster of emotions. To manage this, I turn to mindfulness practices like hiking and immersing myself in nature. Breathing in fresh air and stepping away from my computer boosts my productivity and helps me feel more grounded. Plus, spending quality time with my family is incredibly important to me.   Thoughts On Breathing It's interesting because I recently read about the Wim Hof Method, which involves cold plunging and learning proper breathing techniques. I realized I'm not a natural breather—I'm quite uptight in that aspect. Even when I try to sleep, I often catch myself tensing up. I got checked for sleep apnea, but it turns out I'm just so tense because I'm always thinking about what I need to do next, rather than being mindful of the present. To help myself relax before bed, I have a routine: I go through the alphabet and think of three words for each letter. By the time I reach E, I'm usually fast asleep. It's a simple exercise, but it really helps me wind down. Bullying Story As I reflect on bullying and mindfulness, I've learned that success often attracts negativity, and I've faced attempts to bring me down to a “normal” level. To manage this, I avoid reading negative social media comments, with my team promptly removing harmful posts. Growing up poor in an abusive household with a single mom, I've become reactive and emotional, so I practice mindfulness to pause and breathe before responding. I aim to prevent the cycle of poverty in Indigenous communities by promoting education, self-confidence, and economic sovereignty. We deserve ownership in projects, not just token participation, to truly uplift our people. Suggested Resources Book: Who Not How: The Formula to Achieve Bigger Goals Through Accelerating Teamwork by Dan Sullivan App: Calm Related Episodes 265 Mindfully Blend Traditional and Alternative Healing; Michelle Chalfant Naked In The Now; Marijke McCandless Soul Forward Wisdom; Heidi Hazen


Beyond Religious Boundaries; Mohamad Jebara

Mohamad Jebara is a visionary thinker, artist, entrepreneur, and public speaker. From delivering newspapers and recycling discarded items as a child to fund his Islamic education, he has journeyed through diverse fields to become a senior Islamic scholar and a best-selling author of 109 books. Completing his memorization of the Quran by age 12, he developed expertise in Semitic languages, history, Biblical studies, and Islamic jurisprudence. At 13, he founded Cordova Academy to make classical Arabic and Quranic learning accessible to a Western audience. He has served hundreds of communities globally as Chief Imam, taught over 40,000 students through various academic institutes, and been hailed as the “coolest Imam” for his charitable efforts. His work bridges cultural and religious divides, and his biography, “Muhammad the World-Changer,” has received critical acclaim. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: https://www.mohamadjebara.com What Were You Like As A 5-Year-Old? I've always been very curious. As a five-year-old, I explored the world, trying to understand rainbows and trees. One funny memory involves me spending more time with my friends' parents than with my friends, learning from their experiences. I would chat with them for hours about the world, science, and weather. Even though much of what they told me was made up, I discovered later on that my curiosity drove me to understand how things work beneath the surface. This curiosity led me to pursue a career in research and writing as I strive to uncover the deeper roots and underlying causes of various subjects. The Message of Mohamad's Teachings If there's one lesson, I would say it is the importance of forming a healthy mindset. This is a lifelong struggle because we're always working on keeping our minds balanced. Achieving this involves being open to diverse ideas, sharing, and staying flexible. Prophet Muhammad’s formula for a healthy mindset includes three stages: gathering knowledge from diverse sources, analyzing and dissecting this information, and then creating something impactful. This process of learning, analyzing, and transforming information into groundbreaking actions is central to a healthy mindset. These principles are reflected in my works, including “Muhammad, the World-Changer” and “The Life of the Qur'an.” This approach underscores the core teachings and my ongoing efforts to develop and maintain a balanced and impactful mindset. Words of Advice Be open to ideas. You will be surprised. Sometimes, we limit ourselves by our judgment, misconceptions of the world, or prejudices. It's important to keep yourself open to learn from anybody. Anyone can teach you. And I've learned so much from people that you would think don't know anything. Regular people, people cleaning the street, and children have taught me so much wisdom. You can learn from anyone Suggested Resources Book: Muhammad, the World-Changer: An Intimate Portrait by Mohamad Jebara Book: The Life of the Qur'an: From Eternal Roots to Enduring Legacy by Mohamad Jebara Related Episodes Unlock Spiritual Intelligence; Yosi Amram Bridging the Gap Between Spirituality and Science; D. Neil Elliott Learning the Language of Spirit With India Leigh


Resilient Leadership Lessons; David Brennan

David Brennan is a source of resilient leadership lessons, an innovative entrepreneur, and a dedicated advocate for female founders. Hailing from the Yukon Territories, David’s leadership qualities were honed through sports and later refined through personal and professional growth. Despite early academic challenges due to ADHD, he achieved a significant transformation by completing an online MBA with distinction, which reignited his passion for lifelong learning. As the founder of Arkeo AI, David is revolutionizing business operations with a SaaS co-pilot that integrates AI to enhance efficiency. His leadership philosophy is rooted in mindfulness, using his running practice to stay grounded and focused. David is committed to fostering diverse teams and empowering female leaders, recognizing the unique balance they bring to the business world. Connect with David on LinkedIn to follow his inspiring journey and learn from his wealth of experience. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: arkeoai.com/ LInkedIn: David Brennan Most Influential Person Stephanie, a spiritual leader and performance coach Effect On Emotions Mindfulness has allowed me to truly feel emotions. For a long time, as a man, showing emotions was frowned upon, so I just boxed them up and didn't feel them. That's not a healthy way to live. As I've become more mindful and aware of what's happening around me, I've been able to actually experience my emotions. This has been incredibly healthy and surprisingly fun because life is pretty dull without feeling it all. Thoughts On Breathing I struggle with meditation and am not very good at it, but running serves as my meditation. It helps me manage my ADHD and expend energy. However, I've discovered some amazing breathwork exercises that everyone should try. For instance, Andrew Huberman talks about the sympathetic sigh, which can help relieve a cramp while running. I also practice box breathing regularly. Just six weeks ago, I was in Zion National Park, feeling like I was about to fall off a 1,500-foot mountain. I sat down and did 10 minutes of box breathing, which centered me right into the moment. Breathwork is one of the most powerful tools anyone can use. Bullying Story Bullying is a complex issue. I remember bullying someone as a kid and having a deep conversation with a teacher afterward. That moment made me realize that wasn't the kind of person I wanted to be, and it stuck with me. In the oil and gas industry, I saw so much of this toxic behavior. The environment was so harsh that showing any emotion meant you’d be torn down. One reason I left oil and gas was because of this toxicity. In the tech world, I can create safer, more supportive teams. It's crucial to foster an environment where inappropriate behavior is addressed. Unhappy people often act out, leading to bullying and a toxic workplace. Being aware and connected with your team helps prevent these issues and promotes a healthier work culture Suggested Resources Book: The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest App: Othership Breathwork App App: Sam Harris Breathwork App Related Episodes Mind, Mountains, and Mental Health; Mike Schauch A​​n Architect’s Mindful Life Vision; Lance Cayko The 200% Life; Adam Hergenrother Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Digital and Savvy Success; Maha Abouelenein

Maha Abouelenein is the founder and CEO of Digital and Savvy, a success story in strategic communications. The firm focuses on creating value through powerful storytelling. Meeting Maha at the Collision Conference in Toronto recently #collisionconf was an honor. Maha has more than 30 years of global communications experience. She advises corporate giants and high-net-worth individuals across the world. The company is rooted in building meaningful relationships that yield incredible results. Maha launched some of the world’s largest tech companies in the Middle East from communications, policy, and business development perspectives – from Google and Netflix to Udacity and Careem (Uber) and more. She supported the largest IPO and the largest acquisition in Egypt’s history at Orascom Telecom. She also built sports marketing programs and strategic partnerships for the Olympics, NASCAR, the NBA, ATP Tennis, Golf, and the NFL at consumer product giant General Mills. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.DigitalandSavvy.com Book: 7 Rules of Self-Reliance by Maha Abouelenein Most Influential Person My father Effect On Emotions When I feel anxious, upset, worried, or nervous, I take a deep breath and slow down. I always take a deep breath and keep that moment to myself, reminding myself that everything's going to be okay. And you know what? It usually will be okay. Thoughts On Breathing Deepak Chopra introduced me to breath work a couple of years ago. I spent a lot of time with him, and he always talks about activating your vagus nerve. He taught me to practice inhaling and exhaling one side of your nose and then the other. I believe that just doing that right now can completely change our demeanor. Bullying Story Growing up as an Egyptian brown girl in Minnesota, surrounded by blonde hair and blue eyes, I stood out as the only diverse student in my school. Throughout elementary and most of high school, I was different from my classmates. Back then, without the Internet, many people didn't understand my Arab and Egyptian background. I was often called names like “camel jockey” or “towel head,” and when the song “Walk Like an Egyptian” came out, kids would mimic the dance at me. I faced a lot of bullying because of my ethnicity. Nowadays, people embrace and celebrate my Egyptian culture, but back then, it was a source of pain. I believe that mindfulness could have made a difference, helping people realize the impact of their words and actions on others' feelings. We've learned and unlearned a lot since then, and I think mindfulness plays a crucial role in that evolution. Suggested Resources Book: 7 Rules of Self-Reliance; How to Stay Low, Keep Moving, Invest in Yourself, and Own Your Future by Maha Abouelenein App: Calm Related Episodes Deal With Depression By Using Self-Care App, MindStar; CEO Kristin Rulon Aegis Living CEO and Author, Dwayne J. Clark Employee To Entrepreneur and Collective Campus CEO, Steve Glaveski Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Atomic Habits For Transformation

Atomic Habits For Transformation – the topic of today’s episode. I’ve decided to share with you thoughts and ideas from James Clear’s book, Atomic Habits. The subtitle is, An Easy and Proven Way to Build Good Habits and Break Bad Ones. This book has been recommended by dozens of guests who have been featured on Mindfulness Mode. Do you find yourself being challenged with unproductive habits? Do you set out to cultivate positive habits that promise to transform your life, only to find them slipping away? In Atomic Habits, James Clear illuminates the profound impact the right habits can have on your life. To truly harness this power, you need to delve into the mechanics of how habits work and how to reshape them. When you read this book, you’ll realize that James deeply understands habits and how they work. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.MindfulnessMode.com Atomic Habits, the book, will help you uncover the critical importance of habits and the three mindsets essential for cultivating them. You'll also learn about the formation of habits and the four crucial strategies for altering them. Moreover, you'll find strategies to refine and enhance the habits you've already established continuously. If you read this book, you’ll learn about insights from other psychologists and experts on habit formation, exploring how Clear’s ideas resonate with or differ from theirs.   Law 1 – Make It Obvious To build and break habits effectively, awareness is crucial. Human minds respond to cues, leading to automatic behaviors. For example, museum curators can identify authentic art due to repeated exposure and subtle cues. Harness this by using habit scorecards, checklists of daily activities categorized as positive, negative, or neutral. This helps identify patterns that aid or hinder progress. By listing and rating your habits, you can understand how your behaviors impact productivity and become more aware of their triggers. This awareness is the first step to making your desired habits obvious and actionable. Law 2 – Make It Attractive In his second law, James Clear explains that habits operate on a dopamine-driven feedback loop, where increased dopamine levels enhance the urge to act due to reward anticipation. He suggests using temptation bundling, pairing a desired activity with a necessary one. For example, designate work blocks and reward yourself with a favorite podcast during breaks. Combine this with habit stacking for greater effect: after completing a current habit, follow with a necessary task, then a desired reward. Surround yourself with positive influences to boost motivation. To break bad habits, shift your mindset from “have to” to “get to,” associating difficult habits with positive experiences. Law 3 – Make It Easy “The most effective form of learning is practice, not planning.” Repeating a habit solidifies it in your brain, leading to physical changes and increased efficiency. Clear emphasizes that frequency matters more than duration in habit formation. Humans prefer the path of least effort, making environmental shifts crucial. For example, when introducing new software, ease the transition with training and support. The two-minute rule suggests starting new habits with tasks under two minutes, like reading a page daily. To break bad habits, make them impractical; use tools like app blockers to limit distractions. These strategies simplify habit formation and disruption. Law 4 – Make It Satisfying You are more likely to repeat a behavior if it is satisfying. Clear explains that humans prioritize immediate rewards over delayed ones. The key to behavior change is that “what is immediately rewarded is repeated; what is immediately punished is avoided.” To make habits stick, you must feel an immediate sense of success. Applying Clear’s laws—making habits obvious, appealing, and effortless—increases your chances of repeating them. For instance, rewarding yourself with a smoothie after exercising links the activity to a positive experience, encouraging repetition. Use a habit tracker to visualize progress and consider an accountability partner to stay motivated and committed. Summary In Atomic Habits, James Clear emphasizes the importance of creating identity-driven habits for lasting behavior change. Unlike goal-driven habits, which often lead to temporary actions, identity-driven habits align with your self-image, fostering sustainable change. Clear argues that focusing on who you want to become rather than what you want to achieve ensures continuous improvement. For example, if you study two extra hours daily to ace a test, this goal-driven habit ends once the goal is met. However, by adopting the identity of a dedicated learner, you continuously engage in study habits, leading to overall academic improvement. This shift from finite goals to ongoing identity transformation is key to developing enduring, positive habits. I hope these highlights from James Clears’ book are helpful for you and inspire you to get the book and read it. Suggested Resources Book: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way To Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear App: Insight Timer Related Episodes Lessen Your Stress Using This Super Achiever Habit; Amy Novotny Winning Habits and Routines; Mads Friis Inspire With Habit, Determination, and Confidence; Nathaniel Carroll Special Offer   Experiencing anxiety and stress? I'm Bruce Langford, a coach and hypnotist. Let me help you overcome your inner critic and regain confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session now to start your journey toward a more fulfilling life. Email bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘Coaching Session' in the subject line. Let's schedule a call to discuss your path to a better life.


Preschool Parenting Secrets; Danielle Lindner

Danielle Lindner is an author who has released a new book revealing preschool parenting secrets. As a distinguished educator, she is renowned for her innovative contributions to early childhood education and literature. With a Master’s in Teaching and Elementary Education from Fairleigh Dickinson University, Danielle has over 18 years of experience in both public and private educational institutions. She founded the London Day School®, a leading preschool recognized for its innovation. Danielle's books, such as “Sofia the Snail,” “Arabelle,” and “Rupert,” feature enchanting characters and rhyming narratives that address everyday challenges faced by children. Her stories, inspired by real-life issues, provide valuable social lessons in an entertaining format. Danielle’s holistic approach to education emphasizes academic, social, and emotional development.  Her new book is entitled Parent's Pocket Guide to Surviving the Preschool Years: One Challenge at a Time Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.DanielleLindner.com Book: Parent's Pocket Guide to Surviving the Preschool Years: One Challenge at a Time by Danielle Lindner How Did You Get Started? I always loved writing poetry. I actually did it. For my last three credits in college, I did an independent study on poetry, and I had to write 40 poems. And I just really enjoyed that. But I also really loved kids and working with kids. When I started having my own kids, you know, they were always afraid of the dark, and I thought about how I could explain to them in a really simple, easy, and fun way that they're safe and that the things they're seeing are not scary. So I wrote this poem, basically about Sophia, this little snail who's afraid to go into her shell because it's dark in there, so she doesn't want to go to sleep. Then, after I opened my preschool and realized that, wow, there are a lot of kids who are struggling with this, I thought, let me try and self-publish it and get a book and use it as part of a curriculum in our school. What is Socratic Questioning? I encourage kids to be divergent thinkers by asking questions without yes or no answers, opening their minds. For example, I might have a brown bag with a rubber band inside during circle time. I’ll ask the kids to suggest uses for the rubber band other than holding things together. Their creative responses, like making a fishing line, are amazing. I then ask them to explain how they would do that, prompting deeper thinking. This method helps develop their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The best innovators think outside the box, so I love fostering this in young kids. Bullying Story I believe that bullies are often kids who don't feel good about themselves. Feeling good about yourself includes feeling comfortable in your own skin and being able to self-regulate and calm down. If more schools practiced mindfulness from an early age through high school, kids would manage their feelings better, and much of the bullying would decrease. My daughter attended a public high school before switching to a private one, where meditation and mindfulness were required courses. This changed the entire school day and improved conflict resolution skills. We incorporate mindfulness into our preschool gym program starting at 18 months. Waiting until adulthood to discover mindfulness, as I did in my 40s, is a disservice. It should be part of the curriculum. Suggested Resources Book: Parent's Pocket Guide to Surviving the Preschool Years: One Challenge at a Time by Danielle Lindner App: Headspace Related Episodes Mindful School Leadership; Daniel Bauer Learn Mindfulness From Children Autism Wellbeing; Christian Yordanov Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Naked In The Now; Marijke McCandless

Marijke McCandless, author of the newly released book Naked In The Now, is a playfulness instigator and award-winning writer. She is recognized by prestigious outlets, including Spirituality and Health Magazine, Best Self, and Thrive Global. Through her dynamic online writing practice group, Write Now Mind, and a range of personal growth workshops, she empowers individuals to embrace the present moment with joy and authenticity. Her book, with the subtitle Juicy Practices for Getting Present, invites readers on an inner striptease journey towards self-discovery. With a passion for adventure, especially rock climbing, Marijke encourages others to step out of their comfort zones and live fully. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.MarijkeMcCandless.com Most Influential Person Joel Morwood (author of the book called The Way of Selflessness) Effect On Emotions Mindfulness taught me that emotions can be separated into physical sensations and stories. Once I was willing to focus on the physical sensations and allow the story to go away, I could transmute the experience of a very strong emotion into its native, more pure energy. So, for instance, more anger is actually a form of clarity, but we experience it as anger, and it's an afflicted emotion. So I would say coming back into the body and learning to uncouple the story that I had told. Like, you know, the typical thing, a racing heart, maybe means I'm scared, or maybe it means I'm excited. So, I'm really uncoupling the physical sensations from the stories. Thoughts On Breathing After 30 years of coaching, I now love breathing meditation. It took me a long time to get there. I always slightly controlled my breath. One of the tricks I used to begin uncoupling the technique was secretly matching my breath to my husband's. I didn't know what the rhythm of my breathing would be, so I had to pay close attention to another person's breath. Also, I have done this with a pet. It taught me not to be in control of my breath. Then I started doing breathing meditation as if I were that other person. I had to completely follow the breath, and I couldn't be even a tiny bit ahead of it. Bullying Story I wasn't bullied myself, but I experienced childhood abuse at a very young age. My journey of healing has been alongside my husband, who was bullied. He often says that mindfulness saved his life. Bullying can be an isolated incident, a weekly occurrence, or even a daily ordeal. The real challenge lies in how we internalize it—sometimes we take on inappropriate shame or hatred for the bully. We often replay these painful stories in our minds. While society must address bullying, it's also crucial for individuals to move beyond the victim identity. Focusing our thoughts and attention away from the negative energy—whether self-hate or hatred for others—can be liberating. My husband, bullied for years, began to hate others and himself. Mindfulness taught him to sit with his feelings, no matter how difficult, and find peace in the present moment. This practice helped him recognize that he also experienced love and kindness. By bringing his attention back to the present, he could accept his past and choose to grow from it rather than remain trapped in a victim identity. Suggested Resources Book: There Is Nothing Wrong With You: Going Beyond Self-Hate by Cheri Huber Book: The Direct Way: Thirty Practices to Evoke Awakening by Adyashanti Book: The Way of Selflessness: A Practical Guide to Enlightenment Based on the Teachings of the World's Great Mystics by Joel Morwood Book: The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Adyashanti App: Insight Timer App: Project Joy by Sheri Huber Related Episodes Improve Your Sex Life With Meditation; Dr. Cheryl Fraser Sex and Consciousness; Heather Shannon Mindfulness Through Gratitude; Frank Kilpatrick & Rayko Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Getting In The Flow; Joel Bouchard

Joel Bouchard will discuss the topic of getting in the flow with me today. Joel Bouchard is a doctoral student in psychology at Liberty University in Virginia, a multi-instrumentalist record producer, author, painter, Army veteran, business leader, local government official, and host of the philosophy podcast From Nowhere to Nothing. His podcast explores complex themes such as the messy, misapplied, and contradictive nature of tribalism, commitment as a concept through ontological and ethical paradigms, and the life-encompassing yet nuanced concept of work. Joel’s diverse background includes discussions on shadow from the perspectives of physics, mythology, psychology, and cultural tradition, as well as debates on substantivalism and relationalism in defining locations. His intellectual curiosity extends to examining Donald Hoffman's ideas on reality and consciousness from “The Case Against Reality,” and exploring metaphysical, epistemological, and ontological aspects of consciousness through documentary scenes. Joel also engages in abstract discussions on the ontological impact of the present and delves into the past from both metaphysical and historical perspectives. His multifaceted experiences and deep philosophical inquiries make him a dynamic and insightful voice in contemporary philosophical discourse. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: https://jbouchard.podbean.com/ Most Influential Person My mom Effect On Emotions I would say that I've become better at expressing my emotions. My friends refer to me as the robot because I generally tend to be pretty unemotional. And, you know, that's good. It's good to be even-keeled, but it can also be negative if you freeze or shut down when in negative circumstances. So, the biggest impact for me is that it's helped me express happiness and joy and also to be able to identify with emotions without getting caught up in them without being angry. I can identify that this is an angry emotion and a justified emotion. Then I can decide how I should act with this information. Thoughts On Breathing As someone who's pretty new to meditation, breathing is something that I still struggle with a little bit. They tell you that you're not supposed to breathe loud, but I always find myself breathing loud because I'm using that to focus my attention. In Zen meditation, this is a subject of controversy. Some Zen masters say you can count your breaths, while others say don't. So I mix the two. You know, for the first 10, I count the in-breath and the out-breath, one, two, and then for the next 10, I only count the out-breath. So in one in two, then after that, I go to not counting. But I find myself still breathing very deeply. I think it helps with relaxation and focus. Sometimes, it can steal attention away from the internal focus on what's happening in the mind. Bullying Story I believe bullying is a problem rooted in a lack of mindfulness on the bully’s part. I have a story about being mindful from the other side. During my time in the army, we had an exercise in basic training where we used pugil sticks, like on American Gladiators, to fight each other. The drill sergeant insisted everyone participate, but I didn't volunteer because I didn't want to fight. At the end, the drill sergeant singled me out to fight the biggest guy, nicknamed the Widowmaker, who was six foot five and 280 pounds. Though I didn’t want to fight, I had been mindful and observed the fights closely. When it was my turn, I pretended to cower, turned to the side, and ducked down. As he came close, I jammed the end of my stick into his helmet, causing him to fall. I won the fight. This experience taught me that mindfulness can help you navigate difficult situations, even when facing a bigger, more imposing opponent. Suggested Resources Book: The Three Pillars of Zen by Roshi Philip Kapleau App: Headspace Related Episodes An End To Upside Down Thinking; Mark Gober Emotional Intelligence Insights; Harvey Deutschendorf Dream and Visualize For Authenticity; Mary Rechkemmer-Meyer Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Unlearning Silence; Elaine Lin Hering

Elaine Lin Hering is the author of Unlearning Silence: How to Speak Your Mind, Unleash Talent, and Live More Fully. A facilitator, author, and speaker, Elaine helps organizations and individuals develop communication, collaboration, and conflict management skills. Her global experience spans six continents, and she has facilitated executive education at prestigious institutions such as Harvard, Dartmouth, Tufts, UC Berkeley, and UCLA. Formerly the Advanced Training Director for the Harvard Mediation Program and a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School, Elaine has worked with diverse groups, from BHP Billiton coal miners to senior leaders at the US Department of Commerce. Her clients include American Express, Chevron, Google, Nike, Novartis, PayPal, Pixar, and the Red Cross. Her upcoming book is set for release by Penguin in 2024.[show-notes-bio] Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.ElaineLinHering.com [show-notes-contact] Most Influential Person Sora Kim (Mindfulness Coach) [show-notes-influence] Effect On Emotions I learned a very expensive lesson at Harvard Law School: Emotions are valid. I did not know this from my family of origin. Mindfulness is the awareness of how I am feeling. What emotions are coming up? Can I give them names? Can I label them? Can I interact with them? But any of that action first requires awareness. [show-notes-emotions] Thoughts On Breathing We should breathe regularly. Yeah. And deeply. And intentionally, right, the breathing exercises I've learned from my own therapist have helped me. It's nothing novel; four counts in, four counts out. As a singer, we always talked about breathing from the diaphragm rather than the shallow breath. And that's really similar to mindfulness breathing exercises. Again, the question to me is, why don't we do this more often, even if we know it is good for us? Even if we have experienced the positive impacts of the habit of breathing right, according to the pace around us. And that's the opportunity for each of us to choose. Bullying Story As a parent, I've had conversations about whether my kindergartener is being bullied or is the bully. Bullying is all about impact, regardless of intention. Take the kid who took a pencil to my son's head; the narrative was he wanted to play but didn't know how to approach safely. Bullying fascinates me because it's a disconnect between intention and impact. We often focus on our good intentions, saying, "That's not what I meant." But that doesn't absolve the negative impact or damage done to the recipient. Mindfulness, to me, is aligning good intentions with awareness of their impact on others. Are you receptive to feedback, whether it’s someone saying "I'm hurt" or being silent? How do you reconcile your intentions with the actual impact? This intentionality is deeply interconnected with mindfulness. [show-notes-breathing] Suggested Resources Book: Unlearning Silence: How to Speak Your Mind, Unleash Talent, and Live More Fully Book: Micro Activism: How You Can Make a Difference in the World without a Bullhorn by Omkari L. Williams and Layla F. Saad App: The note-taking app on my phone [show-notes-resources] Related Episodes Nourishing Your Truth and Finding Your Voice; Shauna Reiter Intuition, Spirituality, and Our Inner Voice; Mary Ann Bohrer Exploring AI-Enhanced Storytelling; Richard Rosser Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with 'I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Financial Playbook For Change

Colin Sanburg helps business owners discover an effective financial playbook for change in their business. Colin is a multi-business owner and Founder of FinElevate, a strategic finance firm that transforms numbers into profitable insights rather than mere expense categorization. As CEO and owner of manufacturing, distribution, and service businesses, Colin developed a passion for simplifying small business finance and empowering fellow entrepreneurs to achieve their dreams. He launched several mastermind groups, dedicating countless hours to providing advice and support. Over time, Colin became the trusted advisor for financial strategy within his network. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.finelevate.com Most Influential Person My CPA (A Mentor) Effect On Emotions I can be an intense and critical person. The best thing about mindfulness, for me, is similar to when a speaker doesn't hear themselves say “um.” The first step is to hear yourself say it, so you can eventually remove it from your vocabulary. Mindfulness works the same way with emotions. The first step is recognizing in the moment that you're being intense. Once you master that, you can hopefully catch it right before it happens. The real breakthrough comes when you start to experience the emotion and recognize that it doesn't have to be that way. I'm not there all the time, but when I am, it changes my life. I can decide not to get worked up, accept things as they are, and move on without wasting energy on it. Thoughts On Breathing I don't know if you're familiar with it, but my favorite breathing technique is the four-sided box breathing. It might have been developed by the military or popularized through their use, but I find it really impactful. When I go on stage, I feel this overwhelming burst of energy. If I don't express it physically, I can't calm down, which is strange because I'm an introvert and don't usually feel this way. It's the best way I can describe the nerves of getting up there. What I found is that using the four-sided box breathing helps. You count a set number of seconds—four, three, five, whatever you're comfortable with—for each part of the breath. You take that time to inhale, hold the breath in, exhale, and then hold the breath out. If you take the same amount of time for each of those four sides and go through a number of cycles, it really helps. It gets tough when you have to hold the breath with your lungs empty. If you can't do that, it's a sign you're breathing too shallow and not getting good enough breaths. For me, it's both a diagnostic tool and a way to force myself to slow down and calm my breathing. Bullying Story The best example of bullying I've experienced is with a former business partner, a family member whose business I bought into and ultimately bought out. This happened later in my career when I had mindfulness, but I could have handled it better. It was a controlling situation. I ran the business for several years but wasn't the majority owner at the time. Everyone knew it was time for me to buy the company, which both sides believed. However, there was this element of bullying because they knew how much I had invested in making the company successful and how much progress I'd made. The approach was bizarre and unprofessional, with talks about me buying the company but them still controlling it. Mindfulness has taught me a lot. Now, thanks to Chris Voss's book “Never Split the Difference,” I understand things better and don't get upset as easily. The biggest shift would have been to anticipate such situations, not let them visibly upset me, and instead process, plan, and work my way out of it calmly. Suggested Resources Book: Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It by Chris Voss Book: The Obstacle Is the Way: The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph by Ryan Holiday App: Calm / Headspace Related Episodes Embrace Money Mindfulness; Spencer Sherman Reboot Your Mind So Money Will Flow; Nana Jokura Become Money Fit With Mindfulness; Todd Christensen Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Core Value Leadership; Andrea Johnson

Andrea Johnson believes in core value leadership rather than cookie-cutter leadership solutions. She collaborates with ambitious female leaders, founders, community leaders, and public officials who feel stifled and are unsatisfied with their current level of impact. As a certified Maxwell Leadership Speaker, Trainer, Coach, and DISC Behavioral Analysis Consultant, Andrea enhances communication and corporate culture in women-owned or operated teams. Andrea empowers executives and founders to lead authentically with conviction and confidence. By uncovering their core values, she enables clients to become impactful leaders. Her passion lies in equipping female leaders to define a new culture by trusting their ability to think critically, create imaginatively, and lead effectively. A Core Values Digital Course and Hybrid Coaching program are offered by Andrea, along with an affiliate program for both. Additionally, she provides a free downloadable Core Values exercise that can be easily completed. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.TheIntentionalOptimist.com Most Influential Person Allegra Stein (A Former Coach) Effect On Emotions I am an enneagram 6. I am on my head, and emotions scare me to death. I have big ones because I'm also an empath. I learned from a counselor that my emotions are like a screen door. Allow the wind to blow through, and don't try to close the door; just let it blow through. If you don't, the door will come off its hinges, and you will have problems. I see my emotions as waves. Sometimes, the waves are big, but the easiest way to survive a big wave is to stand there and let it hit you and then come back up. Thoughts On Breathing Box breathing is very helpful. I also get heart palpitations. One of the first YouTube videos I put out there is about how to manage the anxiety that I've had for years. I often lie down and breathe. Box breathing is helpful, but I can also hyperventilate easily. So I lay down, breathe straight from my belly, think about it, and count my numbers. It is amazing how quickly that calms my nervous system. Bullying Story I was the chubby kid. I grew up overseas, and my parents were missionaries. So, I went to an international School in Seoul, Korea. In the 1970s, obesity was not what it is now. We didn't understand it or have as much of it. Being the chubby kid, I was always picked on. I was not bullied the way we see it happen in severe cases. A kid came behind me in 5th grade and stomped his feet as if I was shaking the ground as I walked. He was much smaller than me, so I turned around and leveled him. In a situation like that, it would have been nice to have had some mindfulness and to be able to say this is his issue, not mine. But at 10 years old, you don't have that. Suggested Resources Book: The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D. Book: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear App: Microsoft ToDo App Related Episodes Living A Mindful Desert Island Life; Jason Barnard Be The Leader They Want To Follow; Tressa Yonekawa Bundren Evolving Your Leadership and Work-Life Harmony; Andre Young Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Accountability, Purpose, and Community; Nelson Paredez-Parks

Nelson Paredez-Parks sets an example of accountability, purpose, and community. He is a dynamic individual, renowned for expertly transforming the youth in the entertainment industry. He is known for his leadership of The ESI Network, a premier talent management company with over thirty years in the entertainment world. He’s an expert in getting kids into show business as well as navigating the entertainment business with healthy boundaries. Nelson's multifaceted career includes roles as an actor, commercial casting session director, and a sought-after acting coach. He has guided hundreds of actors through innovative classes and workshops. His industry expertise has been showcased on “Access Hollywood,” “E! Entertainment,” and “Channel 5 News,” as well as in major newspapers and radio shows, cementing his reputation as a leading figure in entertainment. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.helpandanswers.com Most Influential Person T. Harv Eker Effect On Emotions Since I've coached so many people, I feel like I've learned the skills to be able to automatically go there. Obviously, when it comes to personal relationships like marriage, everything's a little bit heightened. With friends, you can operate in one world. With parents, siblings, your wife, your husband, you're needing to set a different skill set and have boundaries. In business I can handle emotions very calmly. Thoughts On Breathing When I was teaching acting, breathing was definitely an element of it. Many times I will find myself not breathing enough. I will say to even clients when they're going in. Let's say they're auditioning for a big series when they're actors. It is important that you actually shift the other person's breathing. I found that if you're intentional about going into any meeting, if you can shift the other person's breathing within the meeting, you've connected on a whole different level. Bullying Story I've seen a lot of kids that have been bullied in the process. I had one actor whose friends at school did not appreciate his acting and they would gang up on him and make fun of him because he was not playing sports. We had to come up with a plan. He ultimately had to be removed from the school he was attending and move to another school where he could be in a creative arts program. Suggested Resources Book: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear App: Calm Related Episodes Unlocking Infinite Abundance; Brandon Beachum 2 Words To Redirect Your Life Deep, Confident Peace; Dr. Tara Perry Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Drop Guilt?

Do you believe you need to drop guilt? Do you feel guilty often, and do you think those feelings of guilt might be holding you back? Let’s talk about guilt. Guilt is defined as feelings of deserving blame, especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy: self-reproach. Guilt may also be a feeling of deserving blame for offenses. We can feel guilty for various reasons, including sleeping too much, not providing, not being successful enough, feeling inadequate, or not earning enough money. Stay tuned for a conversation about guilt. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.MindfulnessMode.com Suggestions about how to deal with guilt are discussed in this episode. Do you feel your life would be better if you could drop guilt? Do you find yourself feeling guilty much of the time? Could those feelings of guilt be holding you back? Let’s talk about guilt. 1/ A Genuine Mistake When you've made a mistake, you may feel guilty.In this case, you have to think about what it means to be human. Do you expect yourself to be superhuman? Do you believe when you make a mistake, it is not excusable? Thinking about it this way, you will realize that making mistakes is part of being human. Consider how you can move forward and not make the same mistake again. Think briefly about what led to the mistake, but don’t overthink it. When you have worked through the thought process, move on to the point where you can consciously decide to let go of the guilt and not entertain feelings of guilt about this issue anymore. 2/ When You've Done Nothing Wrong If you determine that your guilt is unjustified, make a conscious, active effort to let go of it. Avoid taking on other people’s guilt for them. It enables them to repeat their mistakes and causes you to suffer unnecessarily. Conflict resolution skills can help you if you’re having trouble letting go. Keep listening to this episode, but remember to seek a knowledgeable conflict resolution coach. This can help you avoid internalizing guilt that isn’t yours. When you meet with conflict, be more assertive and stand up for yourself. Don’t apologize when you don’t need to to end the conflict. Like I said earlier, make a conscious effort to let go of your guilt. Remember that letting go of the guilt is the way to move forward. In this episode, I will talk about the Sedona Method as a way to let go of the guilt if you’re having trouble. Back in 2019, I interviewed Aaron Hunnel. The episode was about using mindfulness to let go of guilt and shame. You can listen by going to www.MindfulnessMode.com/191 3/ Guilt For Others Some people feel guilty over the actions of others. If you’ve figured out that your guilt is not justified, you can go ahead and do what you need to do to let go of that guilt. Some people take on other people’s guilt. Doing this will keep you from feeling calm and relaxed because you have little or no control over other people's actions. Make up your mind to stop feeling guilty for others. You're in the right place if you’re wondering exactly how to do that. You’ve identified this issue, so now you're much closer to letting it go. Hold a pencil in your hand out in front of you. Look at the pencil. Decide to let it go. Decide to drop it. Then, drop it. Did the pencil fall, or are you still holding on to it? We can decide in an instant to drop the pencil. That is the same with guilt. You can decide to let go of it or to continue to grip onto it. That is the basis of the Sedona Method. Summary Today, I’ve touched on some aspects of guilt and how it can hold you back without realizing what’s happening. You can learn a lot more about how guilt holds you back. The best way to do this is to study your own thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. As I mentioned, journaling is one way to do this. Meditation is another way. I strongly recommend meditation if you don’t already have a meditation practice. Get started by making a commitment and spending just two minutes a day. I’ve devoted entire episodes to meditation so I won’t go into more detail here, but I can tell you this simple practice has helped many people. I’ve interviewed a lot who will tell you this very fact. I hope this insight into guilt has been meaningful for you Suggested Resources Book: Upwards: Maximize Life With Positivity, Passion, and Purpose by Aaron Hunneli Book: The Sedona Method by  Hale Dwoskin App: Insight Timer Related Episodes Guilt and Shame Can Be Countered by Mindfulness Says Aaron Hunnel Mindfulness in Motion; Nita Sweeney Calmness, Certainty and Unshakable Inner Security Now; Hale Dwoskin Special Offer   Experiencing anxiety and stress? I'm Bruce Langford, a coach and hypnotist. Let me help you overcome your inner critic and regain confidence. Book a Free Coaching Session now to start your journey toward a more fulfilling life. Email bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘Coaching Session' in the subject line. Let's schedule a call to discuss your path to a better life.


Life and Death Love Story; Sarah Cart

Sarah Cart, an author celebrated for her captivating life and death love story, intricately weaves a narrative laden with the tumultuous journey of her husband's debilitating illness. Her latest book, “On My Way Back To You,” offers insights into navigating unforeseen challenges with the help of mindfulness and meditation. Hailing from New York and New England, Sarah honed her craft while contributing to various local publications, all while raising four sons alongside her beloved husband, Ben, in northeastern Ohio. Transitioning into empty nesters, the couple embarked on a new chapter in the Florida Keys, punctuated by summers spent reconnecting with family in Pennsylvania. Amidst the upheaval of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sarah and Ben confronted added complexities in managing his health, striving to safeguard their marriage and sanity amidst adversity. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.onmywaybacktoyou.com Book: On My Way Back to You: One Couple's Journey through Catastrophic Illness to Healing and Hope by Sarah Cart and Glenn Plaskin Most Influential Person Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra Emotions and Breathing Mindfulness helps me remember to breathe. I breathe out all the bad stuff, squeeze it out of my lungs as if my lungs are a sponge. All the bad stuff like the grief, anger, frustration, and overwhelm. I try to remember to do it now when I'm awake in the middle of the night and something's bothering me. I try to inhale all the good stuff like joy, comfort, grace, and grit, if that's what's needed. I inhale determination, strength, and confidence. Then I breathe out again whatever bad stuff is there, like fear and insecurity. Get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it. Mindfulness To Succeed  You just have to take things one piece at a time. You need to break things down and say what needs to happen today. If that's going to happen today, what's going to happen before lunch. And if that's going to happen before lunch, what do I need to be doing right now. Pay attention to immediate details. A lot of fire fighting. Focus comes with the size of the fire, I guess. Suggested Resources Book: Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience by Brene Brown Book: On My Way Back to You: One Couple's Journey through Catastrophic Illness to Healing and Hope by Sarah Cart and Glenn Plaskin App: Oprah and Deepak Meditation App Related Episodes Fear Less To Cross The Bridge To Bliss; Colin Kingsmill You Are Deathless; Nicole Angelique Kerr Behind Death’s Door With Dr. Sebastian Sepulveda Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Explore The Other Side; Laura Hoorweg

Laura Hoorweg guides followers to explore the other side as an international Spiritual Counsellor and Clairvoyant Medium. With laser-like precision, she illuminates relevant details in all life areas, offering perceptive insights akin to inner knowing. Her compassionate, no-nonsense approach outlines positive paths forward, blending seer and counselor roles. Clients undergo transformative shifts, discovering authenticity and new perspectives on life, relationships, and purpose. Laura's profound ability to tune in and offer clarity and compassion extends to connecting with loved ones beyond, reaffirming love's eternal nature. She empowers individuals to embrace authenticity, align with divine missions, and nurture spiritual gifts. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.spiritspeaks2.me Contact Laura: laurahoorweg@gmail.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/SpiritSpeaksToMe Most Influential Person My meditation teachers Effect On Emotions Being mindful of emotions is crucial—it's an inside-out process. Staying present is key; mindfulness helps me do that. Many people avoid emotions, but staying present lets me truly feel and understand them. Mindfulness reveals nuances; what seemed like one emotion may be another. By leaning into emotions, I gain deeper self-awareness and empathy for others. It's about feeling and understanding, which mindfulness facilitates beautifully. Thoughts On Breathing Breathing is a powerful tool—it triggers the sympathetic nervous system, helping us calm down, a technique I often employ as a yoga instructor. Lengthening the exhale is key; it shifts us into the calming parasympathetic system naturally. Breath work offers versatile solutions; a few deep breaths anywhere can work wonders unnoticed. In tense situations, like confronting a bullying boss, breathing can center and calm us, improving our ability to handle adversity. True peace isn't about a peaceful environment but finding calm within chaos. Even amidst turmoil, maintaining inner peace is possible through centeredness and groundedness, a skill accessible to all through mindful breathing techniques. Bullying Story Growing up, I faced bullying from adults because of my intuitive nature. They accused me of plagiarism when I used my intuition to complete homework. Despite doing my best, I was always in trouble at school. Over time, I realized that bullies were often in pain and disconnected from their true selves. Mindfulness taught me to respond with compassion and transparency, guided by intuition. Remembering our divine essence makes it harder to be bullied or to bully others. Though it's not easy to turn the other cheek, mindfulness helps me refrain from reacting impulsively, denying bullies the reaction they seek. It's about understanding my emotions and responses, even in the face of adversity. Suggested Resources Book: Surfing the Himalayas by Frederick Lenz Book: The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav App: Calm / Headspace / Balance Related Episodes Manifesting Through Flowdreaming; Summer McStravick Leading with Grace Under Pressure; John Baldoni Mindfulness, Quantum Physics and Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can confidently thrive. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Be A Visionary Superpower; Simone Wright

Simone Wright teaches each of her followers to be a visionary superpower. She is an internationally respected authority on Intuition, Evolutionary Creativity, and Entrepreneurship. She started her first business at the age of 9 and has used her understanding of Intuition, Creativity, and entrepreneurial focus to build a globally respected coaching and education business. Simone developed her Intuition ‘street cred’ by using her skills to successfully assist law enforcement in missing children’s cases and other criminal investigations. Her groundbreaking Intuition training program and book, First Intelligence, help people from all walks of life, including established and emerging entrepreneurs and multi-million-dollar CEOs. The program teaches how to develop profound Intuitive clarity to set the trends in life and business. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: https://www.simonewright.com Book: First Intelligence: Using The Science and Spirit of Intuition by Simone Wright Most Influential Person Jesus The Christ Effect On Emotions Mindfulness has trained me to recognize that my emotions are just like clouds. I don't have to let them hook me. I don't have to let them pull me into the mire. If I just watch them, they will pass. I don't allow them to take me under. They'll move. And that ability allows me to stay in that steady position of peace that's essential to the intuitive process. This skill helps me teach people how to be a visionary superpower. Thoughts On Breathing Breathing holds importance. We must actively engage in breathing. As a swimmer during my formative years, the ability to breathe was essential. Breathing in swimming is characterized by order and regulation. It's deep and deliberate. I observe that when I'm mindful, my breathing follows a harmonic, coherent, and ordered pattern. Conversely, when I'm not mindful, I cease to breathe consciously. Thus, I often find that to enhance my intuition, I must regulate my breathing. It resembles the rhythmic pattern of swimming: inhale, exhale. I visualize myself swimming, which aligns me with an ordered coherence, granting access to intuition. Bullying Story Growing up, I faced bullying from adults because of my intuitive nature. They accused me of plagiarism when I used my intuition to complete homework. Despite doing my best, I was always in trouble at school. Over time, I realized that bullies were often in pain and disconnected from their true selves. Mindfulness taught me to respond with compassion and transparency, guided by intuition. Remembering our divine essence makes it harder to be bullied or to bully others. Though it's not easy to turn the other cheek, mindfulness helps me refrain from reacting impulsively, denying bullies the reaction they seek. It's about understanding my emotions and responses, even in the face of adversity. Suggested Resources Book: The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer Book: First Intelligence: Using The Science and Spirit of Intuition by Simone Wright App: n/a Related Episodes Intuition, Spirituality, and Our Inner Voice; Mary Ann Bohrer Be Reconnected To Your Forgotten Intuition; Marci Moberg The Best Way Out Is Always Through; Joze Piranian Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic so you can thrive with confidence. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Women's Meditation Network; Katie Krimitsos

Katie Krimitsos is the Creator of the Women’s Meditation Network, a collection of 20 podcasts that bring special guided meditations to women all over the world. Katie is a testament to the transformative power of meditation and entrepreneurial spirit. Her journey began at Arizona State University, where a simple yoga class sparked her lifelong passion for meditation. From there, she embarked on a quest to explore various meditation practices, weaving them into her adult life with dedication and mindfulness. In 2014, Katie transitioned into podcasting, founding “Biz Women Rock” to uplift and support women entrepreneurs. However, a pivotal moment in 2018 led her to transition towards her true calling. Embracing motherhood and inspired by her husband's suggestion, she birthed the idea of the “Meditations for Women” podcast. With a keen eye for market needs and a heart full of love, Katie's podcast swiftly gained traction, evolving into a network of 20 shows. Today, as the CEO of a thriving media company, Katie continues to blend her passion for meditation with her entrepreneurial flair, crafting transformative content that touches the lives of countless women worldwide. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: https://womensmeditationnetwork.com Meditation Themes In crafting my meditation podcasts, I often tailor themes to meet specific needs within my audience. Through careful observation of what resonates most, I've developed niche shows that cater to distinct groups. One standout is “Meditation for Moms,” a collection designed to support mothers through the unique challenges they face. I've also honed in on another vital area with “Panic Attack Meditations.” Recognizing the demand for guidance during moments of intense anxiety, I created a dedicated space for these meditations. It's incredibly rewarding to hear from listeners who found solace and support precisely when they needed it most. These niche themes allow me to make a meaningful impact and connect with individuals on a deeply personal level. What's Next? As our established network celebrates its sixth year and 140 million downloads, I'm driven to expand our impact further. With gratitude for our 4 million monthly downloads, I'm committed to reaching even more women. Marketing efforts continue to broaden our listenership, ensuring accessibility to our content. I'm also deeply invested in a significant project: creating monthly physical journals. These journals will feature themed prompts and complement meditations and poetry, facilitating self-reflection and growth. Meditation and journaling are equally powerful tools for self-awareness, and I'm excited to offer this resource to our audience. By empowering women to delve into self-inquiry, I aim to support them in crafting lives aligned with their true desires. Words of Advice My advice centers on mindfulness and self-awareness. When we truly listen to ourselves and honor our needs, the noise of expectations and opinions fades away. Embracing courageous action aligned with our true desires leads to fulfillment. Prioritizing mindfulness allows everything to fall into place. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share this wisdom, knowing it resonates with our shared passion for helping others become more mindful.     Related Episodes Use Meditation to Master Yourself; Ashley Williams Peace and Calm Meditation Your Life IS Meditation; Mark Van Buren Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic and confidently move forward. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Rewire Your Mind; Lucie Ptasznik

Lucie Ptasznik can help you rewire your mind. She is a speaker, coach & entrepreneur who quit corporate America to pursue her passion of horses. She went on to create a 7 figure business buying, training & selling horses all over the country. Today she teaches people specific tools & techniques to rewire your subconscious mind, transform your identity and take massive action towards your goals. She challenges you to step outside of your comfort zone & become the best version of yourself mentally, physically, financially & spiritually. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: ultimatesuccessblueprint.com Most Influential Person Wayne Dyer Effect On Emotions Mindfulness is the starting point for emotional intelligence. Life is 10% about what happens and 90% about how you respond. Once you become aware of how you're feeling, you can control how you respond. Thoughts On Breathing Some of my favorite meditations are breathwork meditations. I feel like it's very calming and relaxing to do this breathwork. It centers you and brings you back to the present moment. It's really a gift. It makes me feel so grateful for this breath. I'm grateful for every single breath that I get to experience. Bullying Story In reference to bullying, kids can be very harsh and cut-throat. I was bullied quite a bit as a kid. I think more education and awareness around the fact that we all struggle with feelings of worthiness is necessary. A lot of times, bullying comes from the simple fact that we can tear someone else down to feel better about ourselves. Suggested Resources Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle App: Youtube Related Episodes The Horsemanship Journey; Shane Jacob How Horses and Mindfulness Lead to Trust and Communication; Debbie Roberts-Loucks Grow your Business, Health, and Happiness; Sheena Cantar Offer From Bruce Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic and stride ahead with confidence. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Raging Fire of Love; Kelly James Clark

Kelly James Clark is the author of Raging Fire of Love. He is an American philosopher noted for his work in the philosophy of religion, science, and the cognitive science of religion. Kelly James Clark, Ph.D. (University of Notre Dame), is a Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Ibn Haldun University in Istanbul. Kelly has held previous positions at Grand Valley State University, Calvin University, and Gordon College and visiting appointments at Oxford University, the University of St. Andrews, Peking University, and the University of Notre Dame. He is the author, editor, or co-author of more than thirty books including Raging Fire of Love: What I’ve Learned from Jesus, the Jews, and the Prophet, Strangers, Neighbors, Friends: Muslim-Christian-Jewish Reflections on Compassion and Peace. He writes broadly and speaks widely on compassion, tolerance, and peace. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: www.kellyjamesclark.wixsite.com/kellyjamesclark Book: Raging Fire of Love: what I've learned from Jesus, the Jews, and the Prophet by Kelly James Clark Most Influential Person My Muslim friend Enis Oko Effect On Emotions My mindfulness practices have transformed my thoughts in my heart mind. That includes thoughts and emotions. This is the raging fire of love thing. I think we need to cultivate love for people who are different from us. That means moving our emotions in a favorable way towards people who are different. And it means giving up our fear and learning to overcome our fear with love. Thoughts On Breathing I do not have any thoughts to share on breathing. I am too ADD. I have tried it. I know it's good for me, and I do it for a while, but then I'm off into something else. Bullying Story One of my first good friends in the Islamic community is a well-known philosopher who is on television a lot. In Turkey, religion gets on television a lot. It's involved in a lot of conversations that they have. Sometimes it's just religion, or sometimes it's on other topics, and they want a religious perspective on it. He has become a major media figure and has millions of followers. I thought it was opportune for me to become acquainted with him as I was trying to build bridges between Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Then I went to a conference one time. I flew a long way to get there to give a talk. He didn't come to my talk. He had given a talk the previous day and got mad at some people. He came at the end, and he gave a speech at the end that had nothing to do with my talk. He just denounced all the people he was mad at from the day before. I turned to my best Muslim friend there and asked what he was doing. He said he was getting back at people from the day before then. I just looked around, and there were hundreds of people there. I was probably the only non-Muslim, the only non-Turk. There were hundreds of people there. I could see people rolling their eyes. I talked to a few more people, and I just figured out, because there were other clues, that he was a bully. Suggested Resources Book: Raging Fire of Love: what I've learned from Jesus, the Jews, and the Prophet by Kelly James Clark   Book: Strangers, Neighbors, Friends: Muslim-Christian-Jewish Reflections on Compassion and Peace by Kelly James Clark App: n/a Related Episodes Tao Te Ching Philosophy; Jessie Kanzer Pathways Of The Shaman; Rodolfo De AngeliMindfulness Insight From Successful Entrepreneur, Johnathan Grzybowski Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic and stride ahead with confidence. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


Get Over Yourself; Brandon Davis

Brandon Davis operates Get Over Yourself LLC, a podcast platform dedicated to helping young adults destroy their self-limitations and grow outside their comfort zone in business and life. He is also the CEO of Interval, a virtual AI receptionist for automotive businesses. In his free time, Brandon enjoys spending time with his wife, watching Dodgers baseball, and working out. Listen & Subscribe on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify Contact Info Website: https://linktr.ee/getoveryourself_podcast Most Influential Person Matthew from the Bible Effect On Emotions My mindfulness goes back to prayer. When I sit down and I meditate or pray, I am struggling for the most part. When I take the time to sit down, close my eyes and pray, that's where I feel my stress alleviated and I can start getting everything under control. Thoughts On Breathing Getting into the cold shower is still uncomfortable, but I'm a little bit more used to it now. When I first got in, with the cold in the dead of winter here in Utah, the water was really cold. It was long, deep breaths, very frantic at the beginning. I recognized that I was getting better. Those frantic breaths gradually became a little bit slower, slower, slower. Bullying Story I was blessed growing up. I got along with pretty much everyone as a kid, didn't matter your race, your religion, or your orientation. I can get along with pretty much anyone. I do want to share a story with someone I call my brother these days. His name is Dawson. We went to middle school together. I met him in my 6th-grade year. Dawson was a weird kid. His dad was a lot older than the rest of our parents. Dawson grew up just like his dad. He grew up fishing and going boating, doing outdoorsy activities. I like all those things, but he took them to an extreme. That's all he could talk about. He would run around during recess and act like he was driving a boat. Dawson was an interesting guy. Dawson was the odd one out. He sometimes felt like he didn't have anyone to turn to. At the time, in Middle School, you do not want to be best friends with the guy everyone thinks is weird. I was always nice to him. But I was never, like Dawson eat lunch with us or hang out with us. Then one day I saw Dawson and his dad sitting right behind me at my church. Today he's one of my best friends. He lives in Idaho now, but I talk to him every single week.     Suggested Resources Book: Living With A Seal by Jesse Itzler Book: All the David Goggins books Podcast: Get Over Yourself App: Sanvello App Related Episodes Build Your Relationships; Jonathan Pritchard Mindful Money Abundance with Morgana Rae Mindfulness Insight From Successful Entrepreneur, Johnathan Grzybowski Seeking relief from stress and anxiety? As a coach and hypnotist, I'm here to help you conquer your inner critic and stride ahead with confidence. Email me at bruce@mindfulnessmode.com with ‘I Am Determined' for a free coaching session. Let me help you pave the way to a fulfilling life.


William Edwards

Please stop talking. You are everything wrong with the world and self accountability. You're a soft, Western useless consumer selling her nonsense garbage self help malarkey to other useless people sedated by consumerism. There are more pressing problems such as endless growth and a finite planet. I came here thinking thats what mindfulness would be. Turns out mindfulness is being mindful that the world revolves around yourself.

08-09 Reply

William Edwards

What a load of shit. Some of the guests are great, as is reasonably expected. Some are not. But I don't believe my personal version applauds people for 7 figure mindfulness empires, or being told that your meditation program absolutely will help me for 4.99. If you're really mindful, look inside. Not to this garbage. If you were actually mindful, there might be a connection to others or the planet. This is self serving garbage. Yes, quit your job selling consumer products no one needs on a finite planet for economic growth. Then sell your realisation... to other consumers. Fucking worthless.

08-09 Reply

L. E. M.

huh. I appreciate and respect this topic, but this guy completely stressed me out! his tone and attitude were harsh, and it seems moreso that his definition of being "conscious" and claimed living without expectation or judgment, is more about rationalizing his obvious lack of humility or empathy for others. But obviously, that was just my take.

06-26 Reply

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